Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Forex Ccb

FXCM Forex System Selector es un sistema automatizado de comercio de divisas utilizando el mejor de los 40 sistemas de comercio backtested Eso es porque los comerciantes profesionales y los distribuidores también están en los mercados de divisas. Es difícil obtener beneficios para los principiantes. Selector de Sistema de Forex (FSS) El primer paso para utilizar Forex System Selector es comprobar el rendimiento de la estrategia. Utilice el Filtro Inteligente o el Filtro personalizado a continuación para seleccionar sus cuentas de Forex de Selector de Sistema de Forex incurren en una comisión por turno de $ 1 por Lote Estándar (10K) negociado (además de la compensación de spread de oferta / demanda a FXCM) ADVERTENCIA DE RIESGO: http: // Www. fxcm. com/risk-warning. jsp La plataforma Forex System Selector permite a los comerciantes crear y crear una cartera con la que puede publicar: haga clic en el enlace de registro anterior para continuar. Para empezar a ver los mensajes, seleccione el foro que desea visitar de la selección a continuación, como entiendo que no puede obtener el tamaño exacto de la posición utilizando el selector de sistema a menos que sepa las especificaciones sobre cómo el sistema de comercio establece Forex System Selector Preguntas Frecuentes Es necesario tener La plataforma conectada a Internet de forma permanente? Forex Capital Markets LLC. No aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por ninguna pérdida o daño Hola a todos, soy nuevo en el comercio de Forex y estoy buscando el corredor de la derecha. FXCM se ve bien en la primera y segunda vista Forex System Selector (FSS) formulario de transferencia de cuenta. Desea compartir la base de datos de Servant Keeper con más de un sistema de computadora? Sigo recibiendo este error de -60. Hey mirar aquí, tenemos las respuestas martingale sistema de divisas Es VERDADERO! Usted puede ganar más de 1000 dólares al día de comercio. Haga clic en Imagen y aprenda a. Forex forex Selector de Sistema Forex. Editar artículo | Publicado: Jun 08, 2010 | Comentarios: 0 |. Compartir. Como mercado financiero más grande, el mercado de divisas tiene un gran desarrollo en la plataforma Forex Selector de sistema permite a los comerciantes para construir y crear una cartera con pares de la espalda probado ¡Hola! Abri una cuenta con FXCM System Selector con $ 5000 el 6 de febrero. Ahora muestra $ 9433. Estos resultados han sido realmente sorprendentes y


S. Corea ganó ventaja sobre los extranjeros & apos; Demanda de stock; acciones planas

SEUL, 22 mar (Reuters) - El wonKRW de Corea del Sur subió frente al dólar el martes por la mañana, ayudado por la compra extranjera de acciones nacionales. La moneda local KRW = KFTCstood en 1,159.1 por dólar, un toque más alto desde el cierre del lunes en 1.163,5, habiendo alcanzado un máximo de tres meses a finales de la semana pasada. Las acciones de Corea del Sur se mantuvieron estables, ya que las ventas de las instituciones y los inversores minoristas compensaron las compras en el extranjero. "El dólar se está debilitando a medida que los inversores extranjeros siguen vendiendo dólares", dijo un comerciante que declinó ser nombrado. El Índice de Precios de Acciones de Corea (KOSPI).KS11 se mantuvo estable en 1,990.13 puntos a las 0245 GMT. Los inversionistas extranjeros habían comprado un valor neto de 50.600 millones de won coreano (43.75 millones de dólares) de acciones de KOSPI cerca de la mitad de la sesión. El subíndice de la construcción subió un 1,0 por ciento, apoyado principalmente por Daelim Industrial Co Ltd000210.KSrising 5,1 por ciento y Samsung Engineering Co Ltd028050.KSclimbing 4,1 por ciento. Electrónica de consumo pantalla fabricante LG Display Co Ltd034220.KSrose 3.6 por ciento. Decliners superó en número a los avances 443 a 333. Los futuros de junio en los bonos del tesoro a tres añosKTBc1shed 0,04 punto a 110,16. 0245 GMT cerrar cerrar Dólar / won 1,159.1 1,163.5 Yen / won 10.3340 / 46 10.3598 * Futuros KTB 110.16 110.20 KOSPI 1.990.13 1.989,76.

La negociación de divisas sobre el margen conlleva altas recompensas potenciales, pero también altos riesgos potenciales que pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es indicativo de resultados futuros, que pueden variar debido a la volatilidad del mercado. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web o vinculada desde este sitio web se proporcionan como comentario general del mercado y no constituyen asesoramiento de inversión. AUSFOREX no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño, incluyendo cualquier pérdida o beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

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Trade CFD en acciones de CCB - 0939

Ver la tabla en vivo de CCB

CFD de la Bolsa de Comercio y descubra los beneficios del comercio de CFD con los mercados de IFC

7 Bolsas de Valores, 300+ acciones CFDs

Ofrecemos más de 300 acciones CFD de 7 más populares bolsas de todo el mundo

Máximo apalancamiento

MT4 - 1:40 (margen 2.5%) Las cuentas de NetTradeX tienen un apalancamiento para los CFD de acciones iguales al apalancamiento de la cuenta de negociación (máximo 1:40).

Comisiones más bajas

A partir del 0,1% del volumen de pedido, para las acciones estadounidenses - 0,02 dólares por cada acción. Al abrir y cerrar una posición de negociación se cobra una comisión de la cuenta. El tamaño de comisión para las acciones estadounidenses ( '# S-.') Es de $ 0.02 por 1 acción. Para el resto de las acciones, la comisión empieza desde el 0,1% del volumen de la posición. Además, la comisión mínima para un acuerdo equivale a 0,01 de la moneda de cotización, excluyendo las acciones chinas con una comisión mínima de 0,08 HKD y las acciones japonesas - 1 JPY.

"> El spread para las acciones de trading corresponde a la bolsa de valores real (más información en la tabla de Especificaciones).

Stock CFD Dividend = Dividendo Accionario

Los tenedores de posiciones de CFD abiertas recibirán un ajuste de dividendos igual al monto del pago de dividendos. Si tienen una posición larga abierta en el instrumento al comienzo de la sesión de negociación en el día de pago de ajuste (coincide con la fecha ex-dividendo), entonces el ajuste del dividendo se agrega a la cuenta del cliente. En cambio, el ajuste del dividendo se deduce de la cuenta del cliente en el caso de una posición corta. Imaginemos que Alcoa Inc. anunció un pago trimestral de dividendos por un monto de $ 0.03, la fecha de acumulación del dividendo de ajuste es 08.05.14.

Si el comerciante tenía una posición larga abierta con el volumen de 1.000 acciones antes del comienzo de la sesión de comercio el 08.05.2014, entonces su cuenta será acreditada $ 30.00 ($ 0.03 * 1000).

Si el comerciante tenía una posición corta, entonces $ 30.00 se deducirá de su cuenta.

"> Puede ver la información sobre los pagos de dividendos actuales y las fechas en la página" Dividendos de acciones CFDs "página.

# H-0939 - Condiciones de Operación de CFDs de Acciones de CCB

Fecha de anuncio Fecha de anuncio - la fecha en que la compañía declara el importe del dividendo, fecha de registro y fecha de pago.

Fecha de ajuste Fecha de cálculo del ajuste - coincide con la fecha ex-dividendo (el primer día de negociación desde el que se ha realizado la compra de acciones sin derecho a recibir el dividendo declarado). En cuanto a las condiciones de negociación CFD de acciones el cálculo O cancelación de ajuste de dividendos se aplica sólo si las posiciones han sido abiertas hasta la fecha del cálculo del ajuste y permanecen abiertas al menos al inicio de la negociación el día del cálculo del ajuste.

Fecha de registro Fecha de registro: fecha en que se realiza la lista completa de accionistas de la compañía que recibirán el próximo pago de dividendos. La lista incluye a los accionistas que compraron la acción antes de la fecha ex-dividendo.

Ajuste de dividendos Ajuste de dividendos - valor igual al dividendo declarado en el pago, transferido a una cuenta o mantenido en la cuenta del cliente el día del cálculo del ajuste. Los clientes que han abierto posiciones largas en acciones CFD en el momento de la apertura del comercio el día del cálculo del ajuste reciben un ajuste de dividendos. El ajuste se cargará en la cuenta del Cliente, si se abre una posición corta.

El ajuste de dividendos se indica en la divisa de cotización de 1 acción.

Lo sentimos, no se encontraron resultados

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

Por qué los mercados de IFC?

CCB obtiene autorización como trading & # 038; De liquidación directa en mercados operados por Deutsche

El Banco de la Construcción de China (CCB) Frankfurt Branch ha obtenido la autorización como miembro de compensación y compensación directa a los mercados de efectivo y derivados operados por Deutsche Boerse AG (ETR: DB1).

Esto está destinado a reforzar aún más la accesibilidad del mercado de capitales alemán y europeo a los emisores chinos ya los inversores asiáticos. China Construction Bank Frankfurt Branch es el primer miembro de compensación directa de China en Eurex Clearing, tanto para los mercados de efectivo como para los derivados.

La admisión también permite al CCB participar en CEINEX, China Europe International Exchange, que es una empresa conjunta establecida por Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), Deutsche Boerse y China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) el año pasado. CEINEX comenzó operaciones en noviembre de 2015.

Michael Peters, miembro de la Junta Directiva de Eurex Frankfurt, dice:

"Damos la bienvenida al Banco de Construcción de China como miembro de la Bolsa de Frankfurt, así como de Eurex y Eurex Clearing. CCB, el banco comercial líder en China y entre los bancos más grandes en términos de capitalización de mercado a nivel mundial, y sus clientes chinos y asiáticos se beneficiarán del acceso directo a los mercados de capitales alemanes y europeos ".

El Sr. Xie Junle, Gerente General de la sucursal de Frankfurt de China Construction Bank, dice:

"Nos complace poder aprovechar nuestra membresía de comercio y compensación directa en el Deutsche Börse Group para acceder a los mercados de efectivo y derivados y para promover la accesibilidad directa para los inversionistas chinos. Las plataformas de negociación de Deutsche Börse son robustas, transparentes y proporcionan los más altos estándares en cuanto a los mecanismos de seguridad. Además, estamos muy contentos de apoyar la misión de CEINEX de establecer un puente entre China y los mercados internacionales ".

Chen Han, CEO de China Europa Intercambio Internacional AG (CEINEX), añade:

& # 8220; La admisión de CCB permite al banco participar directamente en el mercado de CEINEX. Esto marca un hito importante y fortalece nuestros esfuerzos para promover el desarrollo de nuestro nuevo fondo de liquidez para China y los productos denominados en RMB de CEINEX. & # 8221;

Puede ver el comunicado de prensa oficial haciendo clic aquí.

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Reanudación del comercio de la OCRCMO - CCB

VANCOUVER, 16 de noviembre de 2015 / CNW / - Reanudación de sus operaciones en:

Empresa: Canada Carbon Inc.

Símbolo de la TSX-Venture: CCB

Reanudación (ET): 12:45

La OCRCM puede tomar la decisión de imponer una suspensión temporal (suspensión) de la negociación en una garantía de una compañía que cotiza en bolsa. Las paradas comerciales se implementan para asegurar un mercado justo y ordenado. La OCRCM es la organización nacional de autorregulación que supervisa a todos los comerciantes de inversiones y la actividad de negociación en los mercados de deuda y capital en Canadá.

FUENTE Organismo Regulador de la Industria de Inversiones de Canadá (OCRCVM) - Halts / Resumptions

Informes de la OCRCVM 1-877-442-4322 (Opción 2) - Tenga en cuenta que la OCRCM no puede proporcionar ninguna información adicional sobre una suspensión de negociación específica. La información está limitada a consultas generales solamente.

Los precios de las casas de Londres están ahora tan fuera de control que casi no tienen relación con el resto del Reino Unido, las cifras y hellip; Más »Estos 2 gráficos de propiedades muestran que Londres podría ser su propio país

Si te encuentras caminando por el municipio de Maldegem en Bélgica en cualquier momento pronto, & hellip; Más »Casa en la colina: La casa de Bélgica Pibo es la casa ideal de un minimalista

Es oficial: los Millennials no son tan especiales. Durante años hemos oído hablar de los milenios. Más »Es hora de disipar el mayor mito sobre los milenios

Si sube Machu Picchu está en su lista de cubo, prepárese para cruzarlo - tipo de. Gracias a un nuevo & hellip; Más »Ahora puedes explorar Machu Picchu en VR gracias a Jaunt

Para las personas que quieren encontrar una casa asequible, el mercado de la vivienda de los EE. UU. está demostrando tener menos y & hellip; Más »No puede encontrar una casa asequible para comprar? Este es el por qué

Los artesanos en el One of a Kind Spring Show comparten sus consejos para los empresarios en ciernes. Más »Qué se necesita para convertir tu pasión en tu negocio

Con seis años de datos sobre las ventas de casas, The Red Pin ha descubierto el mejor mes y día de la semana & hellip; Saber cuándo vender su casa

El mercado canadiense de la vivienda sigue caldeando, pero eso no ha impedido que el gobierno ofrezca & hellip; Más »Descuentos fiscales disponibles para inquilinos, propietarios y compradores por primera vez

Una nueva encuesta realizada por CIBC (TSX: CM. TO - News) sugiere que la propiedad de la vivienda es tan importante para los milenios como & hellip; La mayoría de los milenios consideran importante la propiedad de viviendas, según encuesta

El 83% de los trabajadores canadienses dicen que si sus empleadores se esforzaban por elevar el nivel de alcohol en el trabajo, & hellip; Más »Los canadienses quieren que sus empleadores hagan más por la moral

El presupuesto federal de esta semana está recaudando $ 10 mil millones en nuevos ingresos fiscales durante los próximos cinco años en & hellip; Más »El presupuesto federal depende en gran medida de la recuperación de los ingresos de los refugios fiscales por parte de la CRA

Puede parecer corto de sorpresas, pero hay suficientes beneficios para hacer eco de las promesas de la campaña y hellip; Más »El presupuesto liberal brinda beneficios fiscales para familias de ingresos medios e inferiores

Cuando usted pregunta a los residentes de Ontario si donarían su reembolso de impuestos al gobierno provincial, & hellip; Más »Los residentes de Ontario, va a donar su declaración de impuestos al gobierno?

Por $ 1 millón, su patio trasero podría pasar por alto las Montañas Rocosas y uno de los más emblemáticos de Alberta & hellip; Más »Lo que una casa de $ 1 millón parece en Canadá esta semana

La tasa de desempleo de Nueva Brunswick para sus trabajadores más jóvenes es ahora la más alta en Canadá, pero el subyacente y hellip; Más »La tasa de desempleo juvenil de Nueva Brunswick es la más alta en Canadá a medida que desaparecen los empleos

A Surrey, B. C. La pesadilla de las vacaciones de la pareja debe servir como una lección para los millones de canadienses que & hellip; Más »Comprar seguro de salud de viaje, termina con menos cobertura: Una dura lección de pareja

VANCOUVER - El gobierno de Columbia Británica dice que va a imponer cambios regulatorios para poner fin a la "sombra" & Hellip; Más »B. C. Premier dice que las nuevas reglas apuntan a terminar con la "avaricia pura y desnuda" En casa dando vueltas

Con apenas poco más de un mes y medio por delante, los canadienses se embarcan en su curso anual de accidentes en el impuesto y hellip; Más »Crees que eres analfabeto de impuestos?

Un párrafo en el presupuesto de 2016 de Ontario que insinúa un programa piloto de ingresos básicos ha traído la discusión & hellip; Más »Ingreso anual garantizado: Lo que usted necesita saber sobre el programa propuesto por Ontario

Que la guerra de licitación para esta mansión en el barrio de Riverdale en Toronto comienza en ... $ 1? Más »Mansión de 130 años de edad, lista por $ 1 en Toronto

Carlie Weinreb, de ocho años, se ha convertido en una celebridad local y en línea por su sorprendente conocimiento tributario y hellip; Más »Este niño de 8 años puede enseñarte cómo hacer tus impuestos

Si desea permanecer en su casa actual una vez que se jubila, probablemente querrá considerar algunos de estos & hellip; Más » 'Ama o lista' los consejos de Hilary Farr de la estrella para conseguir su hogar listo para la jubilación

La asignación de cuentos de The National fue simple. Ir a Alberta y hablar con la gente regular sobre el & hellip; Más »Fallout en Alberta: El accidente petrolero no es sólo una pérdida de empleos

La China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) anunció hoy en Beijing que Guo Shuqing ha sido elegido presidente de la junta directiva del banco.

La conferencia de accionistas provisional del CCB y la reunión del consejo de administración que se inauguró en Beijing sostuvieron que Guo Shuqing tiene experiencias de liderazgo tanto en la antigua Comisión Estatal de Planificación como en la Comisión Estatal para la Reestructuración de la Economía y trabajó como vicegobernador de la provincia de Guizhou, Vicegobernador del Banco Popular de China y director de la Administración Estatal de Divisas. Un hombre de visión estratégica, un fuerte sentido de la reforma y la innovación, y presidente del banco, Guo desempeñará un papel importante en la promoción de CCB de la reforma y el desarrollo y el proceso de internacionalización.

El anuncio dice que el CCB se encuentra en un momento crítico de reforma y desarrollo, aprovechará resueltamente la oportunidad de promover el proceso de reestructuración de la participación del banco y otras empresas de manera integral de acuerdo con el despliegue unificado del estado.

Guo Shuqing dijo que ciertamente no dejará caer las expectativas del estado, los accionistas, los clientes y el personal del banco. Trabajará en estrecha colaboración con todo el banco y hará esfuerzos para impulsar continuamente la reforma y el desarrollo del banco y convertirlo en un moderno banco comercial con ventaja competitiva internacional.

Perfil de Guo Shuqing

Guo Shuqing Guo, doctorado en investigación, nació en la región autónoma de Mongolia Interior en el norte de China en agosto de 1956.

Estudió filosofía en la Universidad Nankai de Tianjin y el marxismo y el leninismo en la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales de 1978 a 1985.

En 1986 pasó un año en el St. Antony's College de Oxford como estudiante visitante.

Guo fue subdirector del Centro de Investigación Económica de la anterior Comisión Estatal de Planificación y luego jefe de departamento y alto funcionario de la antigua Comisión Estatal para la Reestructuración de la Economía de 1988 a 1998.

Fue elegido vice gobernador de la empobrecida provincia suroccidental de Guizhou en julio de 1998.

Guo se convirtió en vice gobernador del Banco Popular de China, el banco central del país y director de la Administración Estatal de Divisas en marzo de 2001.

En diciembre de 2003, fue elegido presidente de la Central Huijin Investment Company Ltd., que ha inyectado fuertes fondos en bancos estatales en nombre del gobierno central en un paquete de rescate para reformar el sistema bancario vital.

(Xinhua News Agency 25 de marzo de 2005)

Comercio CFD di Saham CCB - 0939

Tanggal Pengumuman Tanggal pengumum - tanggal ketika perusahaan mengumumkan jumlah deviden, tanggal pembentukan daftar dan tanggal pembayaran deviden.

Tanggal Penyesuaian Tanggal pembayaranpenyesuaian deviden - Tanggal pembayaran coreano adalah sama dengan tanggal eks-deviden (hari perdagangan pertama ketika pembelian saham sudah tidak miembrosi hak untuk mendapatkan deviden yang telah diumumkan). Dalam syarat perdigangan dengan CFD untuk saham hal itu berarti bahwa pembayaran atau pungutan coreano deviden dapat dilakukan hanya kalau posisi dibuka sebelum tanggal pembayaran coreano dan tersimpan buka sampai pembukaan sesi perdagangan pada hari pembayaran koreksian

Tanggal Pencatatan Tanggal pembentukan daftar - tanggal pembentukan pemegang saham yang membeli saham sebelum tanggal eks-deviden dan berhak untuk mendapatkan pembayaran deviden yang diumumkan.

Penyesuaian Dividen Penyesuaian deviden - coreano deviden adalá jumlah uig sebesar deviden yang diumumkan. Jumlah itu akan dimasukkan atau dipungut ke / dari akun nasabah pada tanggal pembayaran koreksian. Para nasabah akan medapatkan coreano deviden jika mereka mempunyai posisi panjang di instrumen CFD untuk saham pada waktu pembukaan sesi perdagangan pada hari pembayaran koreksian. Koreksian deviden akan dipungut de akun nasabah jika dia mepunyai posisi pendek.

El ajuste de dividendos se indica en la divisa de cotización de 1 acción.

Lo sentimos, pero no se ha encontrado nada en tu búsqueda

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Trade CFD en acciones de CCB - 0939

Ver la tabla en vivo de CCB

CFD de la Bolsa de Comercio y descubra los beneficios del comercio de CFD con los mercados de IFC

7 Bolsas de Valores, 300+ acciones CFDs

Ofrecemos más de 300 acciones CFD de 7 más populares bolsas de todo el mundo

Máximo apalancamiento

MT4 - 1:40 (margen 2.5%) Las cuentas de NetTradeX tienen un apalancamiento para los CFD de acciones iguales al apalancamiento de la cuenta de negociación (máximo 1:40).

Comisiones más bajas

A partir del 0,1% del volumen de pedido, para las acciones estadounidenses - 0,02 dólares por cada acción. Al abrir y cerrar una posición de negociación se cobra una comisión de la cuenta. El tamaño de comisión para las acciones estadounidenses ( '# S-.') Es de $ 0.02 por 1 acción. Para el resto de las acciones, la comisión empieza desde el 0,1% del volumen de la posición. Además, la comisión mínima para un acuerdo equivale a 0,01 de la moneda de cotización, excluyendo las acciones chinas con una comisión mínima de 0,08 HKD y las acciones japonesas - 1 JPY.

"> El spread para las acciones de trading corresponde a la bolsa de valores real (más información en la tabla de especificaciones).

Stock CFD Dividend = Dividendo de Acciones

Los tenedores de posiciones de CFD abiertas recibirán un ajuste de dividendos igual al monto del pago de dividendos. Si tienen una posición larga abierta en el instrumento al comienzo de la sesión de negociación en el día de pago de ajuste (coincide con la fecha ex-dividendo), entonces el ajuste del dividendo se agrega a la cuenta del cliente. En cambio, el ajuste del dividendo se deduce de la cuenta del cliente en el caso de una posición corta. Imaginemos que Alcoa Inc. anunció un pago trimestral de dividendos por un monto de $ 0.03, la fecha de acumulación del dividendo de ajuste es 08.05.14.

Si el comerciante tenía una posición larga abierta con el volumen de 1.000 acciones antes del comienzo de la sesión de comercio el 08.05.2014, entonces su cuenta será acreditada $ 30.00 ($ 0.03 * 1000).

Si el comerciante tenía una posición corta, entonces $ 30.00 se deducirá de su cuenta.

"> Puede ver la información sobre los pagos de dividendos actuales y las fechas en la página" Dividendos de acciones CFDs "página.

# H-0939 - Condiciones de Operación de CFDs de Acciones de CCB

Fecha de anuncio Fecha de anuncio - la fecha en que la compañía declara el importe del dividendo, fecha de registro y fecha de pago.

Fecha de ajuste Fecha de cálculo del ajuste - coincide con la fecha ex-dividendo (el primer día de negociación desde el que se ha realizado la compra de acciones sin derecho a recibir el dividendo declarado). En cuanto a las condiciones de negociación CFD de acciones el cálculo O cancelación de ajuste de dividendos se aplica sólo si las posiciones han sido abiertas hasta la fecha del cálculo del ajuste y permanecen abiertas al menos al inicio de la negociación el día del cálculo del ajuste.

Fecha de registro Fecha de registro - fecha en que se realiza la lista completa de accionistas de la compañía que recibirán el próximo pago de dividendos. La lista incluye a los accionistas que compraron la acción antes de la fecha ex-dividendo.

Ajuste de dividendos Ajuste de dividendos - valor igual al dividendo declarado en el pago, transferido a una cuenta o mantenido en la cuenta del cliente el día del cálculo del ajuste. Los clientes que han abierto posiciones largas en acciones CFD en el momento de la apertura del comercio el día del cálculo del ajuste reciben un ajuste de dividendos. El ajuste se cargará en la cuenta del Cliente, si se abre una posición corta.

El ajuste de dividendos se indica en la divisa de cotización de 1 acción.

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© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

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Reanudación del comercio de la OCRCMO - CCB

VANCOUVER, 4 de marzo de 2016 / CNW / - Currículum Vitae in:

Empresa: Canada Carbon Inc.

Símbolo de la TSX-Venture: CCB

Reanudación (ET): 11:00

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China Construction Bank y Euroclear firman un MoU para fomentar el crecimiento del RMB en alta mar

Euroclear Bank, depositario central internacional de valores (ICSD), con sede en Bruselas, y China Construction Bank (CCB), con una capitalización de mercado de 251.400 millones de dólares, ocupa el tercer lugar entre los bancos cotizados del mundo, acaba de firmar un Memorando de Entendimiento (MoU) para desarrollar aún más el mercado de capitales del Renminbi en alta mar (RMB).

El MoU compromete a ambas partes a cooperar plenamente en el desarrollo y la distribución de productos financieros en el extranjero RMB, así como la prestación de servicios de alta calidad a los participantes en el mercado de RMB offshore. CCB a través de su filial CCB International (Holdings) Limited (CCB International) trabaja estrechamente con Euroclear Bank en la promoción de la estructura de emisión internacional de ETFs tras el lanzamiento en Londres del primer ETF de mercado monetario denominado en RMB en forma internacional .

El Presidente del CCB Wang Hongzhang, el Presidente del Grupo Euroclear, Marc Antoine Autheman, y el Jefe de Tecnología y Servicios de Euroclear, Lieve Mostrey, asistieron a la ceremonia de firma, junto con el Primer Ministro del Consejo de Estado de China, Li Keqiang. Primer Ministro belga, Charles Michel.

Wang Hongzhang, Presidente de CCB, declaró: "Estamos encantados de ser un socio en esta iniciativa de futuro y de apoyo mutuo entre CCB y Euroclear. El desarrollo de una infraestructura robusta y confiable para apoyar los instrumentos financieros denominados en RMB es clave para lograr nuestro ambicioso objetivo de verdaderamente internacionalizar los productos de RMB offshore. Al aprovechar la red global de Euroclear, CCB ayudará a impulsar el desarrollo de los mercados de RMB offshore y asumirá un papel de liderazgo en la cooperación financiera entre China y Europa ".

Marc Antoine Autheman, Presidente del Grupo Euroclear, comentó: "Euroclear ha apoyado firmemente el rápido crecimiento del mercado RMB offshore durante los últimos años, promoviendo aún más el desarrollo de Bélgica como centro financiero. La asociación con CCB nos permite ofrecer a nuestra base de clientes global un acceso mejorado al floreciente mercado offshore de RMB. Este hito refleja el compromiso de Euroclear de fomentar un mercado abierto y conectado, salvaguardando tanto el crecimiento como la estabilidad en los mercados de capitales del mundo ".

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La China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) anunció hoy en Beijing que Guo Shuqing ha sido elegido presidente de la junta directiva del banco.

La conferencia de accionistas provisional del CCB y la reunión del consejo de administración que se inauguró en Beijing sostuvieron que Guo Shuqing tiene experiencias de liderazgo tanto en la antigua Comisión Estatal de Planificación como en la Comisión Estatal para la Reestructuración de la Economía y trabajó como vicegobernador de la provincia de Guizhou, Vicegobernador del Banco Popular de China y director de la Administración Estatal de Divisas. Un hombre de visión estratégica, un fuerte sentido de la reforma y la innovación, y presidente del banco, Guo desempeñará un papel importante en la promoción de CCB de la reforma y el desarrollo y el proceso de internacionalización.

El anuncio dice que el CCB se encuentra en un momento crítico de reforma y desarrollo, aprovechará resueltamente la oportunidad de promover el proceso de reestructuración de la participación del banco y otras empresas de manera integral de acuerdo con el despliegue unificado del estado.

Guo Shuqing dijo que ciertamente no dejará caer las expectativas del estado, los accionistas, los clientes y el personal del banco. Trabajará en estrecha colaboración con todo el banco y hará esfuerzos para impulsar continuamente la reforma y el desarrollo del banco y convertirlo en un moderno banco comercial con ventaja competitiva internacional. fin

Perfil de Guo Shuqing

Guo Shuqing Guo, doctorado en investigación, nació en la región autónoma de Mongolia Interior en el norte de China en agosto de 1956.

Estudió filosofía en la Universidad Nankai de Tianjin y el marxismo y el leninismo en la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales de 1978 a 1985.

En 1986 pasó un año en el St. Antony's College de Oxford como estudiante visitante.

Guo fue subdirector del Centro de Investigación Económica de la anterior Comisión Estatal de Planificación y luego jefe de departamento y alto funcionario de la antigua Comisión Estatal para la Reestructuración de la Economía de 1988 a 1998.

Fue elegido vice gobernador de la empobrecida provincia suroccidental de Guizhou en julio de 1998.

Guo se convirtió en vice gobernador del Banco Popular de China, el banco central del país y director de la Administración Estatal de Divisas en marzo de 2001.

En diciembre de 2003, fue elegido presidente de la Central Huijin Investment Company Ltd., que ha inyectado fuertes fondos en bancos estatales en nombre del gobierno central en un paquete de rescate para reformar el sistema bancario vital.

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Banco de construccion de China

China Construction Bank (CCB) SSE: 601939 SEHK: 0939 (chino simplificado: 中国 建设银行; chino tradicional: 中國建設銀行; pinyin: Zhōngguó Jiànshè Yínháng, a menudo abreviado como 建 行) es uno de los cuatro grandes y # 8217 ; Bancos en la República Popular China. Hasta la fecha, se clasifica como el segundo mayor y segundo mayor banco de la nación en el mundo por capitalización de mercado. El banco tiene aproximadamente 13.629 sucursales nacionales. Además, mantiene sucursales en el extranjero en Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburgo, Nueva York, Seúl, Singapur y Tokio, así como una oficina de representación en Sydney y una filial de propiedad absoluta en Londres. Su activo total alcanzó los 8,7 billones de RMB en 2009.


CCB fue fundada el 1 de octubre de 1954 bajo el nombre de & # 8217; Banco de la Construcción de People & # 8217; s de China & # 8221; (中国 人民建设银行; Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiànshè Yínháng), y más tarde cambió a & # 8220; China Construction Bank & # 8221; El 26 de marzo de 1996.

China Construction Bank Corporation se formó como un banco comercial de acciones en septiembre de 2004 como resultado de un procedimiento de separación llevado a cabo por su predecesor, China Construction Bank, bajo la Ley de Sociedades de China. Después de la aprobación del Comité Regulador Bancario de China el 14 de septiembre de 2004, al día siguiente el banco (Jianyin) se convirtió en una entidad legal separada, propiedad de la compañía holding del gobierno chino (Central Huijin Investment Company, Huijin).

Inversiones de Bank of America

En 2005, Bank of America adquirió una participación de 9% en China Construction Bank por $ 3 mil millones. Representó la mayor incursión de la compañía en el creciente sector bancario de China. Bank of America tiene actualmente oficinas en Hong Kong, Shanghai y Guangzhou y buscó expandir su negocio chino como resultado de este acuerdo.

El 5 de junio de 2008, Bank of America compró 6.000 millones de acciones H por un valor aproximado de 2,42 dólares por acción utilizando opciones de compra bajo una fórmula en el acuerdo inicial de adquisición. Bank of America tiene actualmente alrededor de 25.100 millones de acciones H, lo que representa alrededor del 10,75 por ciento de las acciones emitidas por CCB. Bank of America no podrá vender los 6 mil millones de acciones que compró de Huijin utilizando la opción de compra antes del 29 de agosto de 2011 sin el consentimiento previo de CCB. Bank of America todavía tiene la opción de comprar acciones adicionales.

En mayo de 2009, se especuló que $ 7,3bn de acciones de CCB habían sido vendidas por BoA, para ayudar a reforzar el capital durante las pruebas de estrés.

Expansión internacional

En 2006, CCB adquirió Bank of America (Asia), que comenzó en 1912 en Hong Kong como Bank of Canton, y tenía una filial en Macao.

CCB abrió una oficina en Londres el 2 de junio de 2009.

En 2008, CCB presentó una solicitud al Departamento Bancario del Estado de Nueva York y al Consejo de la Reserva Federal para establecer una sucursal en la Ciudad de Nueva York. CCB abrió oficialmente su sucursal de Nueva York el 6 de junio de 2009.

China Construction Bank es miembro de la Global ATM Alliance, una empresa conjunta de varios de los principales bancos internacionales que permite a los clientes de los bancos utilizar su tarjeta de cajero automático o tarjeta de cheques en otro banco de la Alianza Global ATM sin gastos de transacción cuando viajan a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, se pueden aplicar los costos de manipulación y las tasas de procesamiento de VISA. Otros bancos participantes son:

Barclays (Reino Unido),

Bank of America (Estados Unidos),

BNP Paribas (Francia),

Deutsche Bank (Alemania),

Santander Serfin (España y México),

Scotiabank (Canada) and

Westpac (Australia and New Zealand). [8]

Health fund

China Construction Bank investment division plans launched a 5 billion yuan ($731.3 million) fund—called China Healthcare Investment Fund — to focus on investments in China’s rapidly growing heathcare sector. The fund focuses on investments in healthcare-related sectors including pharmacy, medical equipment manufacturing, medical institutions and services. It is the first domestic investment fund specializing in investments in China’s heathcare industry.

Stock Exchange listing

In late 2005, China Construction Bank made an initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK:0939). Since its listing, the share price has risen about 50% (since Feb 2006). In late 2007, it made China’s second-largest initial public offering of 57.12 billion Renminbi yuan (7.6 billion US dollars) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE:601939).

Información del contacto

24-hour service hotline: 95533

Address of headquarters: No. 25, Finance Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China, Postcode 100032.

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Get instant access to a free live streaming chart for the China Construction Bank Corp stock. Usted tiene la opción de cambiar la apariencia de los gráficos, variando la escala de tiempo, tipo de gráfico, el zoom en diferentes secciones y la adición de nuevos estudios o indicadores como RSI, MACD, EMA, Bandas Bollinger, Fibonacci retracements y muchos más. You can save your China Construction Bank stock studies and create your own systems as well as having the option to set the colors of each object on the chart.

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China Construction Bank Corp (0939)

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Fusion Media desea recordarle que los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos. Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Por lo tanto, Fusion Media no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de estos datos.

Fusion Media o cualquier persona involucrada con Fusion Media no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo datos, cotizaciones, gráficos y señales de compra / venta contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

CCB to buy controlling stake in Bank Windu

Chinese bank given rare permission to own more than 40 per cent of Indonesian lender

JAKARTA • China Construction Bank (CCB) is buying a controlling stake in Jakarta-based Bank Windu Kentjana International, in a rare case of a foreign bank being allowed to own more than 40 per cent of an Indonesian lender.

The Indonesian financial regu - lator's move to give an exemption to the country's 40 per cent foreign ownership cap could pave the way for more acquisitions by foreign banks eager to tap growth in South-east Asia's biggest economy.

"The agenda is to support the consolidation process, so the supervisor can give more leeway, for more than 40 per cent," Mr Nelson Tampubolon, a banking supervisor at the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), told Reuters in a text message yesterday.

The country of 250 million people has about 120 commercial banks.

The ownership cap has acted as a stumbling block to deals in the past, with some foreign banks unwilling to take a minority stake in Indonesian lenders as that is seen as punitive for capital under new global rules. Because of the cap, Singapore's DBS Group Holdings dropped its takeover bid for Indonesia's Bank Danamon in 2013.

OJK's Mr Tampubolon said in June that CCB would be permitted to own more than 40 per cent of an Indonesian bank, should it buy stakes in two separate lenders and combine them into a single entity.

Indonesian tycoon Johnny Wiraatmadja owned 61.2 per cent of Bank Windu as of June, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Under the proposed deal, Bank Windu, which has total assets of nearly 10 trillion rupiah (S$1 billion), will merge with Bank Antardaerah, Mr Wiraatmadja told a media briefing.

It will then raise around 1 trillion rupiah from a rights issue, with CCB getting a stake of more than 50 per cent and Mr Wiraatmadja's stake reduced to 20 per cent to 25 per cent.

The deal is expected to be completed this year, said Mr Wiraatmadja.

Officials of the state-owned CCB, China's second-biggest lender by assets, declined to comment when asked at the briefing.

Bank Windu is likely to expand into infrastructure and trade finance once CCB becomes its controlling shareholder, said Mr Luianto Sudarmana, president director of the Indonesian lender.

Shares of Bank Windu, which surged 22 per cent on Thursday, fell 7 per cent yesterday.

A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on September 19, 2015, with the headline 'CCB to buy controlling stake in Bank Windu'. Print Edition | Suscribir

CCB-China Construction Bank

China Construction Bank (CCB) is a prominent bank in People's Republic of China. This bank operates in three major business segments: personal banking, corporate banking and treasury operations. CCB is ranked #62 in 2008 Forbes Global 2000 list. In terms of market capitalization, China Construction Bank is mainland China's second largest bank and fourth largest bank in world. CCB also operates its own branches in Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Frankfurt and Johannesburg. Representative offices are present in London, Sydney and New York.

Brief history China Construction Bank was founded initially under the name of 'People's Construction Bank of China' on October 1, 1954. This name was changed to China Construction Bank on March 26, 1996. It was formed as a joint-stock commercial bank, China Construction Bank Corporation in 2006 under PRC company law.

CCB was listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK:939) on October 27, 2005. This bank was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE: 601939) on September 25, 2007.

Products and services China Construction Bank operates in 3 business categories: personal banking, corporate banking and treasury operations. CCB is a leader in a number of services and products like residential mortgage and infrastructure loans. Bank cards are also granted to individual customers.

Investment division of China Construction Bank has launched China health care investment fund with a corpus of 5 billion yuan or $731.3 million. This fund aims to address China's fast growing health care sector. Sectors like medical equipment manufacturing, pharmacy and medical services are kept under ambit of this fund.

Financials Operating income of China Construction Bank was RMB 220,717 million in 2007. Net profit amounted to RMB 100,816 million. Total assets equaled RMB 6,598,177 million. Net asset value per share was RMB 1.81. Core capital adequacy ratio was 10.37.

Awards and recognition China Construction Bank received 'Excellence in Retail Risk Management' award from The Asian Banker in 2008.

Current financial crisis China Construction Bank currently holds $244 million United States sub-prime mortgage-backed securities. This bank also holds $191 million Lehman Brothers related debts and other debts linked to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. China Construction Bank is prepared to write off $673 million worth of bad debt.

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China Construction Bank and China Europe International Exchange sign MoU to promote RMB Denominated Securities in Eurozone

Hefei, Anhui, China, Oct 30, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and German Chancellor Angela Merkel witnessed the signing of the MoU between China Construction Bank (CCB) and China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX). According to the MoU, both parties would endeavour to launch RMB denominated securities in Europe. The President of China Construction Bank Corporation Wang Zuji and the CEO of Deutsche Borse Group Carsten Kengeter attended the ceremony.

CCB and CEINEX agreed to cooperate with each other to promote the offshore RMB denominated securities products issuing and listing on CEINEX, allowing European investors to easily invest in RMB-denominated stocks bonds, funds and derivatives products. The parties agreed to meet investor demand for offshore RMB financing and investment, and to promote the internationalization of RMB. CCB International (a subsidiary of CCB) will launch its Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market ETF as the first batch of products listing on CEINEX.

CEINEX, a Sino-German joint venture, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the China Financial Futures Exchange and the Deutsche Borse Group holding 40%, 20% and 40% of the shares of the company respectively, provides offshore RMB listing and trading services. Established in Frankfurt, the trading hours of CEINEX cover the European trading time zone, Asia's evening trading session and America's morning trading session.

In recent years, CCB actively promote offshore RMB business. After CCB London became the RMB clearing bank in London in 2014, CCB International, launched the first RMB-denominated and traded money market ETF in London in March this year, and listed the product in Euronext Paris in June. In October, CCB also entered into a MoU with LME and LMECC to participate in international commodities. The cooperation with CEINEX is another important milestone of CCB's global strategy; strengthen CCB's product coverage of continental Europe.

In the future, CCB will further devote in building the offshore RMB centre in Europe. To provide its clients with extensive and solid financial support in meeting the various needs of RMB from European corporations and investors. Ultimately serve for the national strategy of the RMB internationalization and the "belt and road" Initiative.

For further information, please contact:

CCB International (Holdings) Limited

Ms Shirley Xiao Tel: (852) 3911 8737 Fax: (852) 2530 1496 E-mail: shirleyxiao@ccbintl. com / pr@ccbintl. com

Source: CCB International (Holdings) Limited

Copyright 2015 ACN Newswire. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Ichimoku China Stock Trade for the Week ending June 26, 2015: 4 time frame Sell CCB

Posted on June 27th, 2015 by Pranav

On June 22, 2015, we received an Ichimoku 4 multiple time frame sell email alert on CCB, The email is shown below:

Looking at the Daily chart, we knew that CCB was beginning to setup for bearish move to the skb based on the highlighted price action.

To keep our risk low, we went to the lower timeframes to search for an opportunity which the email alert notified us of. The 1h chart had a potential opportunity. Although price never got to the entry level highlighted, the setup still worked and reached our preserve mode and target. This all started with analysis of our higher timeframes. The 1h chart is shown below.

If you would like to learn how to trade like an institutional trader or learn more about our multi-timeframe email alerts, go to www. ichimokutrade. com or email us at info@eiicapital. com

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Chinese Bank Sees Rise in Forex Business

The China Construction Bank (CCB) announced Friday that by the end of June, the bank's business stock of foreign exchange amounted to US$8.244 billion, up 19.6 percent from the beginning of the year.

A spokesman for the CCB said that the bank actively participated in foreign exchange capital market to meet the challenges arising from China's imminent accession into the WTO and adapt to rules of the international market.

He said that in the first half of the year, the CCB's outstanding investment in forex bonds reached US$1.47 billion, increasing US$400 million or 37 percent over the beginning of the year.

In the first half of the year the bank realized investment profits of over US$37 million and a marginal income of US$7.45 million in forex bond business, with a half-year net return of four percent, much higher than the inter-bank lending interest rate in the international market.

He said in accordance with interest changes in the international market, the CCB timely readjusted the time period for inter-bank lending and the structure of currencies; while at the same time gradually increasing investment in forex bonds.

In addition, in the first half of the year the CCB's local currency trading volume reached 167.3 billion yuan (about US$20 billion), 2.7 times that of the same period last year. In the domestic inter-bank bond market, the bank purchased bonds of 22.85 billion yuan through public bidding, accounting for 14 percent of the total issuing volume during the period.

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Restablecimiento de contraseña

Bank of America, the third-largest US banking group, is to invest US$2.5 billion to buy shares of the China Construction Bank (CCB ), according to an agreement finalized between the two banks Friday.

As a strategic investor in the CCB, Bank of America also has the option to increase its stake in the CCB to 19.9 percent, according to the agreement.

The deal is so far the largest one-batch investment by an overseas company in a Chinese company.

Bank of America uses the US$2.5 billion to buy CCB shares now owned by the Central Huijin Investment Co. Ltd. a state-owned investment company established in 2003.

When the CCB launches its IPO in the future, Bank of America will purchase US$500 million - worth of CCB's securities.

CCB is one of the four major state-owned commercial banks and one of the two pilot banks in China's aggressive financial reform.

(Xinhua News Agency June 17, 2005)

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China Construction Bank opens Sydney Branch

China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) formally opened its Sydney Branch on Tuesday, the first of its branch in Oceania, with Australian former Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Chinese Ambassador to Australia Chen Yuming and around 400 local dignitaries attending.

Zhang Furong, CCB Chairman of the board of supervisors, said at the opening ceremony held at Sydney's Four Seasons Hotel, that CCB Sydney Branch will provide a wide range of commercial banking services including deposits, loans, trade finance, Forex business and other commercial banking business.

Rooted in Australia, CCB Sydney Branch will extend its operation throughout neighboring regions.

He also said the fast growing commercial and trade exchanges between China and Australia provided huge opportunities for CCB's operation in Australia. The establishment of CCB Sydney Branch will enable CCB to follow the steps of its globalized customers, broaden its service supply chain and better service its globalized customers.

Zhang added that CCB Sydney Branch will strictly abide by the principles of prudence and compliance, complying to the guidance and supervision of both Australian and Chinese regulators.

CCB has opened seven branches abroad so far, but Sydney Branch is the first in Oceania and it is also the first Chinese bank that has won the approval to operate in Australia after the global financial crisis in 2008.

CCB is one of the biggest banks in China and is the market leader in wholesale, retail and investment banking business.


CCB Launches Europe's First Money Market ETF Denominated and Traded in RMB

Another Breakthrough for CCB's RMB Business in Europe since Designated a UK RMB Clearing Bank in June 2014

HONG KONG, Mar 25, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - In mid-August 2014, China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) and London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) entered into a strategic collaboration agreement, including product innovation. On March 25, 2015 (London time), the first RMB RQFII money market UCITS ETF established in the UK, the 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF', was officially listed today on the LSE. CCB International Management Limited (CCBIAM), the asset management arm of CCB International (Holdings) Limited (CCBI), a subsidiary of CCB, is Investment Manager of the 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF'.

According to the "London RMB businesses volumes January-June 2014, City of London RMB series Policy Practitioner Paper" issued by the City of London Corporation, through the first half of 2014, London's RMB deposits hit a record high and reached a total amount of RMB 25.4 billion, representing a 74% increase as compared to the end of 2013. Corporate accounts RMB deposits increased significantly to RMB 16.7 billion, representing a 454% increase as compared to the end of 2013. The 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF' is a useful instrument for corporate cash management, enriching the spectrum of money market funds in London. This further enhances the diversification of choices and instruments for local institutions to effectively and conveniently manage and invest their RMB funds.

In the long run, it is believed that the listing of the 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF' on the LSE will boost the status and recognition of RMB in the European markets and create an integrated and sustainable environment for RMB business development. CCB also takes this opportunity to further strengthen the leading position of its RMB business in London. The 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF' is also expected to benefit from CCB's RMB business in Europe. HM Treasury, the UK Trade and Investment and the Financial Conduct Authority, together with LSEG, all welcome the launch of the 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF'.

In recent years, CCB has taken a proactive approach in introducing innovative cross-border RMB products, while leveraging on the strengths of its traditional businesses. The expansion of its overseas business marks an important breakthrough and a monumental step towards the transformation of its operations. CCB has established branches in 18 countries or regions, including Singapore and Germany.

Furthermore, China Construction Bank (London) Limited ("CCB London") was designated as the first RMB clearing bank in the UK in 2014 and the first PRC-based financial institution in Europe to be granted a RQFII licence by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. With the launch of the 'Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market UCITS ETF', the internationalization of CCB reaches another milestone.

CCB was again awarded "The Best Chinese Bank 2015" by the Global Finance Magazine. CCB continues to leverage its London International Financial Centre status, and continues to utilize its edge and resources, to proactively and fully participate in the RMB market in Europe. CCB continues to strive for product innovation and business expansion hand in hand with China's economic transformation and the overseas development of RMB, with a view to enabling international investors to benefit from China's economic growth.

For further information, please contact:

CCB International (Holdings) Limited

Ms Louisa Pi Tel: +852 3911 8701 Fax: +852 2530 1496 E-mail: louisapi@ccbintl. com; pr@ccbintl. com

Mr Bain Li Tel: +852 3911 8702 Fax: +852 2530 1496 E-mail: lizy@ccbintl. com; pr@ccbintl. com

Source: CCB International

Copyright 2015 ACN Newswire. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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By LORNE COOK and RAF CASERT - AP - Sun Mar 27, 2:56PM CDT

BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgian riot police clashed Sunday with hundreds of right-wing hooligans at a temporary shrine honoring victims of the Brussels suicide bombings, as investigators launched fresh anti-terror raids, taking four more people into custody. (full story )


WASHINGTON (AP) — Steady economic growth can fuel gains in the financial markets. But what if that growth isn't widely shared? (full story )

By DANICA KIRKA - AP - Sun Mar 27, 3:03AM CDT

BRUSSELS (AP) — At the aptly named Planete Chocolat, the shelves are laden with enticing Easter treasures for shoppers: bunnies with bows, pastel-wrapped eggs and elegant boxes of pralines. (full story )

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What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a payment system introduced as open-source software in 2009 by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. The payments in the system are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account, which is also called bitcoin. Payments work peer-to-peer without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to call bitcoin a decentralized virtual currency. Although its status as a currency is disputed, media reports often refer to bitcoin as a cryptocurrency or digital currency.

Bitcoins se crean como una recompensa para el trabajo de procesamiento de pagos en el que los usuarios ofrecen su poder de cálculo para verificar y registrar los pagos en el libro mayor público. Called mining, individuals or companies engage in this activity in exchange for transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. Besides mining, bitcoins can be obtained in exchange for fiat money, products, and services. Users can send and receive bitcoins electronically for an optional transaction fee using wallet software on a personal computer, mobile device, or a web application.

Bitcoin as a form of payment for products and services has seen growth, and merchants have an incentive to accept the digital currency because fees are lower than the 2-3% typically imposed by credit card processors. The European Banking Authority has warned that bitcoin lacks consumer protections. Unlike credit cards, any fees are paid by the purchaser not the vendor. Bitcoins can be stolen and chargebacks are impossible. Commercial use of bitcoin is currently small compared to its use by speculators, which has fueled price volatility.

Bitcoin has been a subject of scrutiny amid concerns that it can be used for illegal activities. In October 2013 the US FBI shut down the Silk Road online black market and seized 144,000 bitcoins worth US$28.5 million at the time. The US is considered bitcoin-friendly compared to other governments. In China, buying bitcoins with yuan is subject to restrictions, and bitcoin exchanges are not allowed to hold bank accounts.

If you want to know more then check out the full Bitcoin Wikipedia article or watch the YouTube video below.

Bitcoin and Forex

You can start forex with BitCoin

Bitcoin has emerged as one of the hottest investments around. Now, as Bitcoin trading continues to evolve, it is also being linked up with another hot investment market, Forex, which involves the trading of currencies. While Bitcoin itself aims to be a currency, there are some important differences between Bitcoin trading and traditional Forex trading.

Forex trading refers to the trading of currencies. In a globalized world, companies and organizations must be able to quickly exchange currencies in order to facilitate global operations and purchases. A large company like General Electric can have operations in literally dozens of countries. This means that General Electric must be able to quickly access various currencies in order to pay local staff and make purchases, among other things

The Forex market is the largest and most liquid investment market in the world. Most of the traders are large institutions, corporations, and governments who conduct trading to facilitate their various operations. Some investors, however, also trade in Forex with the goal of making money off of fluctuating exchange rates.

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March 24th 2015 in News, Around the World

China Construction Bank (CCB) has extended its use of Catena Technologies’ Trace system to report FX derivatives to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). In addition, the commercial bank will upgrade to Catena’s hosted platform solution for Trace, in order to reduce the infrastructure and operational costs associated with trade reporting. The bank has previously used Trace in meeting production trade reporting obligations for MAS. Terence Lee, head of operations for CCB Singapore, says, “Catena has helped us to continually reduce the operational effort and cost of reporting. Now, the regulatory focus has shifted to trade reporting for higher volume FX derivatives. We are extending our use of Trace to cover these additional products.” According to Catena, Trace enables financial institutions to report OTC derivatives trades to regulators via trade repositories. The system manages the end-to-end workflow for trade reporting by capturing, enriching, transforming, and automat.

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CCB. v - Canada Carbon Inc. Flotation of Miller Graphite Sample Prior to Purification Achieves Better Than 99% Graphitic Carbon

All carbon analyses were performed by SGS Canada Inc. (Lakefield) and are reported as total carbon (Ct) by LECO or graphitic carbon (Cg) employing a roast to burn off any organic carbon, followed by a leach to remove any carbonates and LECO assay of the leach residue.

Rémi Charbonneau, Ph. D. P. Geo #290 (an Associate of Inlandsis Consultants s. e.n. c.) is an Independent Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the technical information provided in this news release.

About Miller Graphite Mine

The Miller Graphite Mine, located in Grenville Township in Quebec is a past graphite and mica producer with unknown graphite reserves remaining. This mine was worked around 1845 and was probably the first graphite operation in Canada. The quantity of produced graphite is unknown but it is reported that 25 rail cars of lump graphite were shipped from this deposit in the year 1900 and sent to the Globe Refining Company of Jersey City, N. J. This yielded thirty-two tons of clean crucible graphite. The Morgan Crucible Company of London and also J. H. Gauthier and Company, Jersey City, used some of this graphite in their crucibles and pronounced it equal to the best graphite known to come from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The property covers 15.3 km 2 of land and is located 80 km west of Montreal. A main road, located approximately 800 metres from the deposit, is connected by a gravel road to the deposit allowing very easy access. A power line also crosses the property 500 metres south of the deposit. There is no certainty that further exploration will result in the development of similar deposits.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

R. Bruce Duncan, Interim CEO and Director

"Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS: This news release contains forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Investors are cautioned that these forward looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and by those made in our filings with SEDAR in Canada (available at www. sedar. com ).

Pretty big news here, not only is it nuclear grade, but also, basic exfoliation causes high grade Graphene to be release.

CCB is now one of my favourite plays, it's only a matter of time.

1. Nuclear grade

2. First mover into the HUGE synthetic market

3. Basic exfoliation method will release high grade Graphene

4. CCB has money in the pot with many warrants now in the money

Once we get either a bulk permit or off-take agreement, Ka-Boom, I hope.

Todays news release on Stockhouse,

Canada Carbon (TSX-V:CCB. StockForum ), a Vancouver-based firm engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties with graphite holdings in Ontario and Quebec, released results today from the initial test in a battery of laboratory characterization testing carried out by Evans Analytical Group (“EAG”) on its Miller high-purity hydrothermal graphite.

EAG reached their results utilizing Raman spectroscopy, a method that defines the degree of crystallinity of specific materials, including graphite. Their report summarized, “The Raman spectrum was that of a single crystal of graphite. The crystalline quality of the graphite was better than any other industrial graphite sample we at EAG have analyzed to date.”

Dr. Karol Putyera at EAG Liverpool conducted the bench-scale tests determining the dispersion behavior of the Miller graphite and discovered that the sample partially exfoliated when placed in a common industrial chemical, carbon disulfide (“CS2”).

Dr. Putyera commented, “In combination with the exceptional high purity and highly crystalline nature of the Miller graphite, this dispersion behavior could lead to solution-based processing of this material for producing graphene . which opens up a wide range of potential applications.”

According to the news release. “Other characterization procedures, including X-Ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (XRD), to provide greater insight into the crystalline nature of the Miller graphite, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), to provide visual images of the crystals, are currently being conducted. The results of those procedures are expected shortly, and will be reported when received.”

Company management traveled with technical and legal advisers recently to Ottawa in order to meet with federal government officials from multiple agencies, ensuring that the company is in complete compliance with any applicable import/export controls, licensing and documentation necessary for the production and shipment of nuclear and military grade graphite.

Shares climbed 17.02% on the news to $0.275 per share.

Currently there are 72.2m outstanding shares with a market cap of $19.8 million.

Canada Carbon's Miller graphite OK for nuclear uses

2015-05-13 11:13 PT - News Release

Mr. Bruce Duncan reports


Canada Carbon Inc. has obtained additional test results confirming that the Miller graphite from Canada Carbon's 100-per-cent-owned property in Grenville, Que. is suitable for nuclear applications. Dr. Karol Putyera (vice-president, Purity Survey Analysis Services) of Evans Analytical (Liverpool, N. Y.) stated, "I have been analyzing high-purity graphite for nuclear applications for many years at Evans Analytical, and these purity results for natural graphite are comparable to the purest natural graphite samples I have assayed and compared to results published around the world." Dr. Putyera performed all of the glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS) procedures reported herein and in the referenced documents. Evans Analytical is the preferred laboratory, and GDMS is the preferred analytical method, for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory nuclear graphite assessment program, more fully described as follows. These tests were based on a randomly selected 10-kilogram run-of-mill sample of the flotation concentrate produced during pilot-plant flotation trials conducted at SGS Canada (Lakefield) during 2014 and was directly upgraded to 99.9998-per-cent-total-carbon purity through thermal treatment alone by a commercial processor of synthetic nuclear graphite.

Canada Carbon has been in discussions with senior scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn. since the fall of 2013, beginning shortly after Canada Carbon reported achieving nuclear purity for its Miller hydrothermal lump-vein (HLV) graphite (see press release dated Oct. 15, 2013). These discussions provided Canada Carbon with targets and milestones, which helped Canada Carbon develop its research and development activities. Canada Carbon has successfully shown that its Miller HLV graphite can be concentrated by simple flotation at pilot-plant scale to greater-than-99-per-cent-total-carbon-and-nuclear purity (see press release dated June 17, 2014). As well, the company believes that combining these results with the thermal upgrading of a randomly selected flotation concentrate sample produced from the pilot-plant program, conducted by a commercial nuclear graphite processing facility (first reported May 1, 2015), it has achieved proof of concept for the suitability of the Miller HLV graphite for nuclear applications. Canada Carbon has available several tonnes of Miller HLV concentrate from the pilot-plant program to quickly provide large quantities of its graphite for further assessment.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, along with Idaho National Laboratory and other government agencies, are working toward the design and development of high-temperature, gas-cooled, graphite-moderated nuclear reactors, under a program supervised by the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy. Parallel research programs are under way on both prismatic and pebble-bed designs.

A series of tests are currently under way to determine the optimal composition of nuclear fuel assemblies for this new generation of nuclear reactors. Both prismatic and pebble-bed designs utilize small discrete fuel assemblies that will be positioned in large numbers inside the reactor core. The individual fuel assemblies, called fuel compacts, contain a large number of very small (0.5-millimetre) uranium fuel particles, each individually coated in a graphite mixture, called the matrix. The graphite matrix-coated pellets are subsequently pressed into the desired shape (cylinders for prismatic designs, spheres for pebble-bed designs), and then annealed to produce a solid fuel compact. Many-layered resilient coatings are then added to physically strengthen the fuel assemblies.

Decades of research to develop a suitable graphite matrix for the fuel compacts has settled on a mixture composed of natural graphite, synthetic graphite and binding resin in the weight proportions of 64:16:20, respectively. The specific elemental impurity content in each of these components is a critical criterion. Tests of fuel compacts under actual reactor conditions conducted by Idaho National Laboratory have determined that nine elemental contaminants are of special concern, which they have defined in AGR-2 Specification SPC-923. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is charged with determining the best available graphite products to address this specification. Numerous commercial and experimental graphite products (12 synthetic graphite samples and seven natural graphite samples) were assessed for elemental impurities by GDMS. For comparison purposes only, the GDMS results for Canada Carbon's thermally treated graphite are included in the following attached table, which also includes data for the purest graphite samples of the 19 submitted, derived from the Oak Ridge report. To calculate the total impurity content, the less-than symbol is ignored (less than 0.05 would be treated as if the measured content was 0.05).

As mentioned above, decades of research into the graphite matrix composition have led to a matrix "recipe" which includes four times the amount of natural graphite compared to synthetic graphite. Canada Carbon's thermally treated graphite compares very well against the Asbury RD13371 natural graphite selected for use in the fuel compact development program. For further background on the rationale for including such a high proportion of natural graphite in the fuel compact matrix, please refer to Reference 3, below.

Executive Chairman and CEO R. Bruce Duncan commented, "Canada Carbon's thermally treated Miller HLV graphite contains only a small fraction of the Specification SPC-923 elemental contaminants (0.99 ppm) when compared to the best natural graphite (Asbury RD 13371, at 36.55 ppm) assessed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2011 for inclusion in their next generation nuclear reactor program. In fact, the Miller sample also had substantially lower contaminant levels than the best synthetic graphite samples (SGLKRB-2000 (4.53 ppm) and the experimental GrafTech-D (8.1 ppm).

As reported here, Canada Carbon has been in discussions for over eighteen months with senior U. S. scientists conducting research into the development of the next generation nuclear reactor designs. During that time, we have developed simple processing methods that surpassed the target purities provided to us by Oak Ridge National Laboratories. We have also developed relationships with nuclear graphite processing and fabrication facilities which will allow us to move forward expeditiously as graphite powder or resin-molded composites are required for further testing. The fuel compact graphite matrix discussed here is only one of many graphitic components in these next-generation reactor designs. These new types of reactors are also under development in countries other than the United States.

The ultra-high purity Miller HLV graphite produced through thermal processing is also suitable for other high-technology applications, including aerospace and military end-uses. This very pure graphite is also ideal for graphene research. Our research and development consultants are already working on full-scale exfoliation processes, to develop large amounts of ultra-high purity graphene."

About Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL):

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a multiprogramming science and technology national laboratory managed for the United States Department of Energy (DOE) by UT-Battelle the laboratory contractor. ORNL is the largest science and energy national laboratory in the Department of Energy system by acreage. ORNL is located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, near Knoxville. ORNL's scientific programs focus on materials, neutron science, energy, high-performance-computing, systems biology and national security.

Halted today and jumped about 10% SO FAR on over 2 million traded in a very, short time. Sellers should start to thin out.

Surprised at the dumping by GMP Securities.

If CCB can prove a decent reserves, there is no question it would sky rocket the stock price.

Synthetic graphite being used in pebble bed reactors are bought for 20,000/ton. USA projected to build 500 pebble bed reactors and China is currently building a couple.

" China is now building the first prototype reactor and if successful plans to build to more by 2020. Each Pebble Bed Reactor is estimated to require 300 tonnes of graphite at start up and subsequently 60 to 100 tonnes annually to operate. West Virginia University researchers estimate that the United States will install up to 500 new 100 GW reactors by 2020. These reactors will require approximately 400,000 tonnes of graphite which is equal to the current global production of flake graphite excluding the requirement from the rest of the world for reactors, Li-Ion batteries and other applications."

Now to cross my fingers for that 1000m drill results to prove some reserves and off to the races. It's a gamble, but I feel the odds are tipped to better results, aka. some reserves.

June 8th 2009

Chinese Yuan Inches Towards Reserve Currency Status

The last week brought a few more developments in China’s quest to turn the Yuan into a viable reserve currency. Don’t get me wrong – I used the term “inches” in the title of this post for a reason – the Yuan will not supplant the Dollar anytime soon, if ever. Still, China deserves credit for their resolve on forcing the issue, as well as for providing an alternative to the Dollar monopoly.

An important boost came from Russia’s Finance Minster. who suggested that, “This could take 10 years but after that the yuan would be in demand and it is the shortest route to the creation of a new world reserve currency,” as long as it was accompanied by economic and exchange rate liberalization. The Head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick. agreed: “Ultimately, that’s a good thing. And ultimately it’s good if you’ve got, I think, some multipolarity of reserve currencies to create, to make sure that people manage them well.”

These soft endorsements were precipitated by comments from a top Chinese banker that companies should start to issue bonds denominated in Yuan. “Guo Shuqing. the chairman of state-controlled China Construction Bank (CCB), also said he is exploring the possibility of issuing loans to trading companies in yuan, allowing Chinese and foreign companies to settle their bills in yuan rather than in dollars.” This would serve two ends simultaneously; not only would Chinese capital markets be strengthened, but the Chinese Yuan would benefit from the increased exposure. Already, “HSBC and Standard Chartered have both said they are preparing to issue bonds denominated in yuan” and international monetary institutions might not be far behind.

Conspiracies aside, the Chinese Yuan will become a reserve currency when it is ready to become a reserve currency. I’m sure this seems self-evident, but it’s important for China (and China watchers) not to get ahead of itself. It doesn’t make sense for risk-averse investors to hold a currency that is still essentially pegged to the US Dollar and that isn’t fully convertible. If there’s no pretense that the Yuan fluctuates in accordance with market forces, and if investors aren’t guaranteed the ability to withdraw RMB if need be, what possible reason would they have to hold it in the first place?

Summarizes one columnist, “China would have to gradually make the yuan convertible on the capital account; it needed a more liquid foreign exchange market; its bond markets and banking system needed to be more developed; and there had to be proper monitoring of cross-border capital flows.” The importance of having functioning capital markets cannot be understated. Simply, investors and Central Banks buying Yuan would not want to simply invest in paper currency; instead they would want stocks and bonds that trade transparently.

Currently, foreign investors are limited to savings accounts and investing/lending to firms that record earnings opaquely and are ultimately subject to the whims of the Central government. This system has functioned well in the past, only because investors were betting generally on the Yuan’s appreciation, and not necessarily on specific opportunities within China. If China wants the Yuan to be a serious contender with the Dollar, it needs to give investors more and better options. Ironically, if China had taken these steps in the past, it wouldn’t have found itself with $2 Trillion worth of Dollar assets that it is desperately trying to dispose of.

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Dawn News

RAWALPINDI: The Chaklala Cantonment Board (CCB) has received Rs180 million grant from the Punjab government for development schemes in NA-56 constituency.

However, CCB vice-president Raja Irfan Imtiaz told Dawn that the provincial government did not provide the funds to the elected members directly but gave it to former MNA Hanif Abbasi.

He said the PML-N elected members of the CCB had demanded the federal and provincial governments provide grant-in-aid for development projects in the cantonment areas.

He said the vice-presidents of the CCB and RCB had already written a letter to the prime minister for the allocation of funds for the cantonment areas’ civilian population but got no response.

He said there was a dire need for additional funds in the cantonment boards, especially after the election of the cantonment boards.

On the other hand, RCB Vice President Raja Jehandad Khan said the PML-N government should release funds for the cantonment areas. He said more funds were required for the development projects in the RCB areas.

Published in Dawn, January 11th, 2016

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Anglo American announced the successful completion of its bond buy - back programme launched on 18 February 2016, consisting of Euro, Sterling and US dollar denominated maturities from December 2016 to September 2018.

The Group used USD1.7 billion of cash to retire USD1.83 billion of contractual repayment obligations (including derivatives hedging the bonds), resulting in an immediate reduction in net debt of USD130 million.

Anglo AmericanЖs bond maturities have been reduced by USD250 million, USD680 million and USD900 million for 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively, reducing the GroupЖs bond repayment obligations at original hedged rates to USD1.4 billion, USD1.9 billion and USD2.5 billion respectively for these years. The notes purchased by Anglo American have been cancelled.

The total net debt benefit of the buy-back programme amounts to USD190 million by September 2018 (USD130 million realised upfront through the discounts achieved on the notes and settlement of derivatives and an additional USD60 million over two years through interest savings before fees and expenses).

Although the bond buy-back was funded from cash reserves, Anglo American has maintained its conservative levels of liquidity (USD14.8 billion at 31 December 2015) by entering into a USD1.5 billion Club Facility with three international banks. This facility has a 2-year maturity, closely matching the weighted average maturity of the bonds targeted and is broadly on the same terms as Anglo AmericanЖs existing core USD5 billion Revolving Credit Facility, with no financial covenants.

CCB, Deutsche Bank Join Hands in Financial Services

The China Construction Bank (CCB) and the Deutsche Bank signed a letter of intent Thursday on cooperation in financial services.

The two sides will cooperate in information exchange of clients ' account materials, client credit services, entrusted loans and overseas clients' services.

According to the agreement, the Deutsche Bank will recommend clients to the CCB and provide necessary guarantees for the CCB to provide the clients with credit services, including loans, discounts for bill acceptance, opening letters of credit and providing banking guarantees.

As one of China's four largest State commercial banks, the CCB boasts strong capital and client resources and powerful scientific and technological strengths, as well as unique advantages in agent capital clearing and electronics network construction.

The Deutsche Bank is one of the world's largest banks, with assets totaling 940 billion euros. It provides financial services in more than 70 countries and regions, and has branches in China in Beijing. Shanghai. Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

A spokesman for the CCB said that so far the two banks have carried out comprehensive cooperation in foreign exchange capital clearing, international settlement and overseas financing.

How Saraki looted Kwara – EFCC, CCB

The Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Friday gave details of how Senate President, Bukola Saraki allegedly looted Kwara State while he served as the state’s governor between 2003 and 2011. The CCB and EFCC, in a joint response to claim by Saraki that his trial before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) was mere persecution and witch-hunt, gave details of how Saraki allegedly acquired property in Lagos, Abuja and London, using kwara State funds.

The agencies also gave details of how Saraki allegedly syphoned Kwara state funds, using his link with a commercial bank, Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) Plc into his foreign account, and with which he procured property in London. The joint response by the CCT and EFCC is contained in the counter-affidavit filed by the prosecution in the trial of Saraki on charges of false assets declaration.

Saraki had, in a fresh motion filed by his new lawyer, Kanu Agabi (SAN), queried the competence of the charge against him, the jurisdiction of the CCT to try the charge on the ground that he was not accorded fair hearing by the CCB before he was charged before the EFCC over alleged discrepancies in his asset declarations forms. He queried the timing, arguing that most of the offences were allegedly committed about 15 years ago while he was a governor and that he was not confronted with the discrepancies as required under the Constitution, to enable him explain either agree or deny the discrepancies.

Friday, prosecution lawyer, Rotimi Jacobs (SAN) argued the prosecution’s counter-affidavit and urged the court to dismiss Saraki’s fresh motion on the ground that it constituted an abuse of court process. An official of the CCB, Peter Danladi stated in the counter affidavit, that the investigation of the various petitions of corruption, theft, money laundering, among others against Saraki in 2010, was conducted jointly by official of the EFCC, CCB and the DSS.

“The EFCC conducted its investigation on the various petitions and made findings which showed that the defendant/applicant abused his office while he was the governor of Kwara State and was involved in various acts of corruption as the governor of the state.

“The defendant/applicant borrowed huge sums of money running into billions from commercial banks, particularly Guarantee Trust Bank and used the proceeds of the loan to acquire several landed property in Lagos, Abuja and London, while he was the governor of Kwara State. “As against the defendant using his own legitimate income to defray the loan, he took public funds, running into billions from Kwara State Government and lodged same in several tranches and in cash into his GTB account I GRA (Government Reservation Area), Ilorin, Kwara State.

“The defendant/applicant’s account officer in GTB, confirmed that the defendant/applicant gave him several cash in government house to lodge into the account and in some occasions, the defendant sent his aids from government house to give him the cash for lodgement into his account. “When the EFCC submitted its report to its legal department and the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice formed the opinion that the offences revealed from the investigation, particlularly as they relate to the property acquired by the defendant/applicant while he was governor of Kwara State and various moneys sent into his various accounts outside Nigeria can be better handled through the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT). “The office of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) then sends the findings and the evidence gathered during investigation by the EFCC as a complaint to the Code of Conduct Bureau for investigation and that the operatives of the EFCC would collaborate with the officers of the CCB for effective investigation. “Our investigation on the CCB Assets Declaration Forms for public officers filed by the defendant/respondent revealed the following: “The landed property listed as No: 42 Gerald Road, Ikoyi was visited by Mr. Ikechi Iwuagwu (Deputy Director, CCB), Miss. Geraldine Longsten (DSS) and Adamu Garba (EFCC) sometime in 2006 and discovered that the property was under construction. “Contrary to the declaration by the defendant that he was earning an annual income of N110, 000,000 from No: 42 Gerald Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, there were no tenants in the property as same was an empty land as at the time of the declaration. “Contrary to the declaration by the defendant that he owned 15A and 15B Mcdonald, Ikoyi, Lagos as at the time of the declaration in 2003 our investigation revealed that the said property were acquaired in 2006 from the implementation committee on Federal Government Landed properties through his companies called Tiny Tee Limited and Vitti Oil Limited wherein he paid the sum of N396, 150,000 to the federal Government of Nigeria. “The defendant made an anticipatory declaration for the said 15A and 15B, Ikoyi, Lagos. The defendant acquired the property in the name of two companies because he could not buy two Federal government property in his personal name. “The defendant bided for and acquired 17, 17A and 17B Mcdonald, Ikoyi, Lagos from the Implementation Committee on Federal government Landed Property and paid an aggregate sum of N497, 200,000 to the Federal Government between October 2006 and 2007. “A scrutiny of the defendant’s salary account with the Intercontinental Bank (now Access Bank) of account No: 0100857813 reveals that his monthly take home salary as at the time he acquired the property was not more than N500, 000 and the defendant acquired property far in excess of his income. “While the Federal Government was selling its property, the Centarl Bank of Nigeria, being an agency of the Federal Government sold plot 2A, Glover Road, Ikoyi, Lagos for N325,000,000 between 2007 and 2008 to the defendant, which the defendant purchased through his company called Carlisle Properties when he was the governor of Kwara State,” Danladi said.

He added that further investigation by the CCB revealed that Saraki also acquired a property at Plot #&A Glover Road, Ikoyi, Lagos through Carlisle Properties Limited while he was governor of Kwara state and that he has been receiving rent form the property. Danladi said investigation on the asset declaration forms submitted by Saraki between 2003 and 2011 revealed that he failed to declare his interest in Plot 2A Golver Road, Ikoyi, Lagos (in his 2011 asset declaration form); No: 1 Targus Street, Maitama, Abuja otherwise known as 2482 Cadastral Zone A06, which he claimed he acquired in November 1996 from one David Baba Akawu (in his assets declaration form of 2003).

Saraki was also said to have failed to declare his ownership of No: 3 Targus Street, Maitama, Abuja otherwise known as 2481 Cadastral Zone A06, Abuja which he acquired from one Alhaji Attahiru Adamu in his asset declaration form (of June 3, 2011.) and No: 42 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, Ikeja Lagos, which he acquired through his company, Skyview Properties Limited from First Finance Trust Limited on December 12, 1996. “The defendant has a domiciliary account with GTB Plc in Nigeria with account No: 441441953210 from where he made various cash transfers totalling 3.4million US dollar between 2009 and 2012 to American Express Service Europe Limited with account No: 730580 maintained with the American Express bank, New York and the various sums were transferred into the defendant’s card account No: 374588216836009 maintained by the defendant outside Nigeria. “Sometime in February 2010 the defendant obtained a loan of N375, 000,000 from GTB Plc in Nigeria, which he converted into 1,516,194.53 pounds sterling and gave instructions to the bank to transfer the entire sum to the united Kingdom in favour of Forts Bank SA/NV the purpose of which the defendant stated to be the full and final payment of mortgage redemption for the property he purchased in London,” Danladi said.

Arguing Saraki’s motion earlier, Agabi was of the view that the tribunal lacked jurisdiction to entertain the charges, on among other grounds, that the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice lacked the powers to file charges before the tribunal. He also argued that the failure of the Code of Conduct Bureau to invite Saraki to confront him with the breaches in his assets declaration form was fatal to the validity of the charges.

Responding, Jacobs argued that Agabi’s argument was embarrassing and self-serving. Jacobs, who once served as aide to Agabi while he was the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) wondered why his former principal will now argue against the power to initiate proceedings before the CCT. “On their argument that the AGF cannot initiate proceedings before this tribunal, we are saying that issue, which is their NO: 2 is embarrassing. They had earlier argued, up to the Supreme Court, that it is only the AGF that can initiate cases here. They dragged that case before the Supreme Court and lost. Then they have come back here to now argue the opposite, that the AGF cannot initiate a case before the CCT. “Fortunately for me, I served with the lead defence lawyer (Agabi) as a Special Assistant (SA) when he was the AGF. He signed several charges, which I prosecuted before this tribunal on his behalf. Some these case included that involving former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT, Jeremiah Useni, former Plateau State governor, Joshua Dariye, among others. “He did not only sign those charges, I represented him. Having benefited and utilised those law, can he now come back to condemn the law? That is embarrassing. And it should not be accepted. The same AGF, who worked with that provision of the Constitution, cannot now argue that the EFCC cannot liaise with the CCB in investigating cases,” Jacobs said.

Jacobs argued that the fresh motion by Saraki was an abuse of court process because he had raised similar issues and sought the same reliefs in about four other motions he filed before different courts in the country.

He cited the cases marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/775/15, FHC/ABJ/CS/905/15 and FHC/ABJ/CS/1507/15 already filed by Saraki in attempt to frustrate his trial before the CCT. CCT Chairman, Danladi Umar has adjourned to March 24 for ruling and possible commencement of trial.

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Citic Pacific shares plunge after forex-hedging loss

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Citic Pacific Ltd. shares more than halved in value Tuesday as brokers issued price downgrades and criticized the firm for a "cowboy" hedging policy, warning losses from its one-way currency bets could balloon if the U. S. dollar continues to strengthen against the Australian dollar and euro.

Citic (267) shares closed 55% lower at HK$6.52 in Hong Kong Tuesday. The firm, the Hong Kong branch of China's biggest state-owned investment company, said Monday that it faced a loss of HK$14.7 billion ($1.9 billion) after its positions in the foreign exchange market soured. Trading in Citic shares was suspended Monday.

The firm said it had ousted Finance Director Leslie Chang Li Hsien and group Financial Controller Chau Chi Yin.

Citi slashed its price target on Citic to HK$6.66 from HK$28 and recommended investors sell the shares, noting losses could widen to HK$26 billion if the Australian dollar were to fall to 50 U. S. cents. Goldman Sachs cut its recommendation on the share to "sell" from "neutral, lowering its target price to HK$12.50 from HK$31.50

"A cowboy hedging policy see Citic sitting on a unlimited potential losses," wrote Citi analysts headed by Anil Daswani. "We have lost confidence in the group's ability to execute."

Citic estimated at current exchange rates the firm stands to mark a 20% write down on its book value.

Citic's gearing will rise above 100% if it draws upon the $1.5 billion standby loan facility agreed by major shareholder Citic Group, which hold a 29% stake, arranged in the wake of the scandal to help shore up the firm's liquidity.

Citic Pacific Chairman Larry Yung reportedly told a news conference in Hong Kong Monday the firm's financial director failed to obtain approval before entering into some of the positions.

"The contracts were done without proper authorization, not evaluated correctly, nor reported correctly," Daswani said.

The positions were related to the company's currency exposure to an iron ore mining project in Western Australia, for which supplies were obtained using Australian dollars and euros. The positions were taken "with a view to minimizing the currency exposure," the company said.

But the leveraged foreign exchange contracts do not qualify for hedge accounting, the company said, and must be marked to market at the end of each financial period.

According to the leveraged contracts, Citic Pacific is obligated to buy Australian dollars at a weighted average strike price of 87 U. S. cents. Citic Pacific must buy euros at a weighted average strike price of $1.4400.

On Tuesday, the Australian dollar was buying 69.8 U. S. cents, and the euro was buying $1.3330. The euro is down about 7.8% against the dollar this year, while the Australian dollar has fallen about 20%.

The contracts put a ceiling on profits that could be delivered to the group if the dollar were to continue falling. However, the company said the contracts did not include a similar knock-out feature for losses.

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Hard credit inquiry

the clowns at CCB/PCC just did HARD INQUIRY on me. it was NOT authorized. I called their number and they sent me the info needed to have it removed. they even said there was no records of ANY activity on my closed acct more than 3yrs ago.

If you need their number, it's 866-528-3733. give them this info. and FAX it too 1-443-921-1996 1. The date of the inquiry

2. Your full name

3. Your phone number

4. Your email address

5. Your billing address

6. The last four digits of your social security number

7. Your full date of birth

8. A brief description of the reason for the request

PayPal needs to be majorly sued over this crap, as it's damaging to ones credit..

I also just received an alert from Lifelock and of course I did not authorize it. I have a PayPal account and have had one for years but this is the first time I've seen this. I also will contact PayPal to find out about this.

I just received a notice that my credit score was dropped by 5 points. I checked my credit report details and found that "CCB/PPC " had made a hard inquiry. I searched internet and found that it was PayPal that made the inquiry, and I did not request any credit from them. PayPal is damaging honest people's credit reports by making these unauthorized inquiries.

Same thing just happened to me. I used PayPal months ago but was notified of a hard inquiry today. Never requested anything or used since so why? Not acceptable.

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Central Cooperative Bank Plc. (Bulgaria)

Central Cooperative Bank Plc. is a universal commercial bank, belonging to the financial structure of CCB Group EAD.

Central Cooperative Bank Plc. was founded in 1991.

Central Cooperative Bank Plc. is a universal commercial bank . belonging to the financial structure of CCB Group EAD. Together with the remaining companies, the Bank comprises the full array of products and services in the field of financial intermediation, with an emphasis on SME lending and retail banking .

As a universal commercial bank, CCB Plc offers an array of financial products and services, which correspond to the competitive requirements of the dynamically changing market environment. The Bank constantly strives to deploy the spectrum of financial intermediation and works hard to create new and develop the known products and services.

CCB Plc has a license to carry out transactions as an investment intermediary on the Bulgarian capital market, acting on its behalf and its expense, as well as at the expense of its clients.

CCB Plc is a primary dealer of government securities on the Bulgarian domestic market.

The Bank provides an easy access to all range of its products via a well-developed branch network, offering quick and modern solutions to its customers.

CCB Plc maintains good relationships with a number of correspondent banks, improving the business contacts with them.

Products and services

Central Cooperative Bank AD provides various retail and corporate financial products and services . Its products and services include bank cards, including debit and credit cards; deposits and accounts comprising standard deposits, CCB privileged deposits, and current accounts; Internet banking services; consumer loans consisting of future loans, loan without guarantors, asset loans, trust loans, loans for pensioners, student loans, goods on credit, WEB credit, and overdrafts; mortgage loans; transfers and payment of utility bills; SMS services and messages; and other services, which comprise public saves, securities transactions, services on the foreign exchange markets, and pension social security.

The company also provides standard and CCB privileged deposits, and current accounts for legal entities; loans for operational funds, investment loans, agricultural producer loans, agricultural technology loans, European farm loans, milk producer loans, loans under national programs of the state agricultural funds, and investment loans; and private banking services.

In addition, it offers various insurance products that include property insurance; combined home property insurance; Casco and civil responsibility insurances; insurances of crops and domestic animals; accident insurances for individuals and groups; and tourist, medical, and other kind of insurances.

Address: 103 G. S. Rakovski Str Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: 359/2/926 6266 Website: http://www. ccbank. bg/

‘Review forex policy’

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has called on the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to review its foreign exchange policy for imported goods.

The LCCI made the call in a statement by its Director-General, Muda Yusuf.

The chamber disapproved of the apex bank’s policy which restricted 41 imported goods from accessing foreign exchange from the bank.

It said the policy would serve as a disincentive to the manufacturing sector and the economy.

The statement said the restricted items included critical elements of the manufacturing process of many firms, across sectors in the country.

“The policy means that manufacturers who require any of the 41 restricted items as inputs and raw materials for their production may have to simply shut their operations once their existing stock is exhausted.

“The LCCI understands the CBN’s constraints and circumstances, as it drew up this policy.

“It, however, appears as if the formulation of the policy has suffered from the CBN’s limited understanding of the manufacturing process of many of the sectors affected by this policy.”

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that the CBN on June 23 said it was imperative to exclude importers of some goods from accessing foreign exchange.

It added that the directive was aimed at encouraging local production of the items.

The chamber, however, noted that the policy was ambiguous as the restricted items were not well-defined and specific. It stated that the ambiguity had plunged both manufacturers and banks into confusion.

It, therefore, urged the apex bank to amend the policy with full product definition, specification of all restricted items, including their HS Codes and excluding any items, which are non-substitutable industrial raw materials from the list.

The chamber, therefore, called for appropriate time frames for items which required some interval before local substitutes can be created for imported raw materials.

It reminded the CBN and the Federal Government that manufacturers had yet to recover from the losses they suffered due to the recent currency devaluation.

Dawn News

This is with reference to the letter (June 7) by a DHA resident on DHA/CCB requiring current owners to pay for transfer charges and other fees which were payable by the original owners.

If there are good reasons for what otherwise appears to be an unfair demand, will the DHA/CCB please respond to the following questions Why were the transfer charges and fees not recovered from the original owners at the time of transfer? If it was due to the lapse by the DHA administration, why are the current owners penalised for the default by DHA? If they had known that they would later be juxtaposed with transfer charges and other fees, owners may not have gone for purchase and transfer of property in DHA. Now they are trapped.

Balloting for plots has just been completed by DHA, Lahore for phase eight. Those holding allotment files, blocking considerable funds for years, have now been allocated plots.

However, with the allotment of plot has come a letter from DHA, Lahore, informing the allottees that they will now have to pay Rs1,000,000 at the rate of Rs83,0000 every quarter for three years, as development charges before the plot can be transferred to them. Transfer and other fees will be made as extra charges.

The letter warns the allottees that a 'surcharge at the rate of 20 per cent per annum for each day of delay, shall be levied for the amount in default as per DHA regulations'. They are further warned that 'in view of escalation or other essential reasons, additional development charges may be imposed, if necessary and the same will not be challenged at any forum'. The letter says nothing about a decrease in charges in case development costs de-escalate.

DHA's scheme to hold open ballots for plots at Rs55,00,000 per plot, payable in installments over a few years, was not a runaway success as it had hoped due to recession. Almost everyone who participated in the scheme was allotted a plot. The prices instead of rising after the ballot, dropped sharply. Ownership of residential and commercial property should have been restricted to serving and retired defence personnel.

However, that would not have made the Defence authorities the richest real estate manipulators in the country, and the resultant benefits would not have accrued.


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A coalition, Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC), has petitioned the Chairman, Code of Conduct Bureau, to urgently investigate and prosecute the lawmaker representing Kogi West Senatorial district, Dino Melaye, over an alleged operation of foreign accounts whilst still an elected public official. The group said the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 in the Fifth Schedule Part I Section 3 prohibits Public Officers from operating foreign accounts.

It provides as follows:

“The President, Vice President, Governor, Deputy Governor, Ministers of the Government of the Federation and Commissioners of the Governments of the States, Members of the National Assembly and of the Houses of Assembly of the States, and such other public officers or persons as the National Assembly may by law prescribe shall not shall not maintain or operate any bank account in any country outside Nigeria”

Taking a cue from a report dated 6th of December, 2015, from an online newspaper, Sahara Reporters, which revealed that Senator Melaye representing Kogi West Senatorial District has since 2010 illegally operated bank accounts in the United States, the coalition in the petition signed by its chairman, Olanrewaju Suraju, noted that if the report is true, then Melaye has contravened rules of conduct for elected officials.

According to the report, Senator Melaye opened two accounts, one a current and the other a savings account in the name of Daniel “Din” Melaye, posing as a student.

The report further stated that by leaving the impression of himself as a student, Senator Melaye was able to open a “Campus Edge” current account with account number 4460 1649 8396 and a regular savings account with account number with 4460 1647 5966 with Bank of America in the state of Maryland.

The report averred further that the lawmaker obtained a bank debit card with account number ending with 8873. One of his last transactions on the account took place on the 4th December, 2015, the same day he addressed his colleagues at the floor of the Senate, on a proposed retrogressive, repressive, anti-free speech and anti-democracy bill on social media and public petition censorship, as he approved payment for a transaction relating to the purchase of cosmetics from a Kremlin based MagnitKosmetik store. Also on September 1, 2015, Mr Melaye approved payment to a New York based Schweiger Dermatology.

“Mr Melaye’s actions are gross contravention of the Code of Conduct for public officers by virtue of the above mentioned constitutional provision.

“Your Bureau is empowered by the Constitution to prosecute before the Code of Conduct Tribunal and if found guilty, the tribunal should amongst other punishments provided for under Section 18(2) impose a vacation of his seat at the Nigerian Senate.

“The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria remains the ground norm and an infraction of any of its provisions should not be treated with kid’s gloves in order to forestall a chaotic state of lawlessness in the country. Lawmakers contravening the same law promulgated by the Parliament make a mockery of the legislature and portrays the entire law making process as a mere charade.

“In view of the above, CSNAC is therefore by this petition, demanding that a thorough investigation and immediate prosecution of Senator Dino Melaye, just as in the case of Senator Bukola Saraki, before the Code of Conduct Tribunal if he is found culpable. This will go a long way in reaffirming the sanctity of the Nigerian Constitution, as well as, deterring other lawmakers and public officers from contravening same.”

While attaching copy of bank statement of Senator Melaye as published by Saharareporters, the coalition stressed that it will not hesitate to take appropriate legal action to ensure the discharge of the CCB constitutional duties.

CCB Decline Request for Buhari’s Assets Declaration, Calls it Invasion of Personal Privacy

The Code of Conduct Bureau says it will not make public the details of assets declared by President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo due to limitations in federal laws covering such release, the office has said.

The presidency said those details will be made available after the Code of Conduct Bureau authenticates claims in the declaration forms.

There has been controversy following the inability of President Buhari and his Deputy Osinbajo to release details of their assets since their inauguration May 29, despite the promise to do so.

Buhari pledged to publicly declare his assets despite the lack of a law requiring him to do so as the 1999 Constitution stated that office holders declare their assets, without requiring them to do so publicly.

A civil society group, Stop Impunity Nigeria, an affiliate of the Centre for Social Justice, had on June 1, 2015 applied to the CCB to request copies of the completed assets declaration forms by the President and his deputy.

The application, signed by the Lead Director of the Centre, Eze Onyekpere, was pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, 2011.

But, in its response CCB/HQ/670/G/1/104 dated June 10, 2015 and signed by Ijeanuli Ofor on behalf of the Chairman, the CCB declined the request, citing the absence of prescribed law by the National Assembly authorizing the release of such information to the public.

The Bureau however, conceded the right by Nigerians under section 1(1) 3 and 4 of the FOIA 2011, to “access or request information, whether written or not in written form, in the custody of any public agency”.

According to the Bureau, regardless of this, ‘’sections 12(1) (a) (v), 14(1) (b) and 15(1)9a) of the same Act empowered it to decline any request, which it considered an invasion of personal privacy.

“Assets declarations by public officers contain such personal information, which falls within the exemptions to the disclosure of information in the FOIA,” the Bureau added, explaining further that, paragraph 3(c of the Third Schedule, Part 1 of the constitution (as amended) empowered it to “make assets declarations of public officers available for inspection by any citizen of Nigeria only on terms and conditions prescribed by the National Assembly.

“However, the terms and conditions under which that can be done have not yet been prescribed by the National Assembly.”

CCB Bankshares, Inc. Completes Private Placement of Subordinated Notes

SOUTH HILL, Va. Feb. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- CCB Bankshares, Inc. (OTC Pink CZYB) parent company of Citizens Community Bank, announced today the completion of a private placement of $3.5 million in subordinated debt to certain institutional and private accredited investors. The subordinated notes bear interest at a fixed rate of 7.00%, are non-callable for five years, mature on February 18, 2026, and qualify as Tier-2 regulatory capital at the holding company.

The Company plans to use the net proceeds to redeem its remaining 1,000 shares, which equates to $1.0 million, of Series A Senior Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock issued to the United States Department of the Treasury under the Small Business Lending Fund (regulatory approval pending), and for general corporate purposes.

"We are pleased and thankful for the response and support from the investment community. The issuance of this debt allows us to refinance our preferred stock at a lower cost of capital and provides additional capital to support future growth and operations," said James R. Black, President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Company acted as its own placement agent for the private offering and LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation, served as legal counsel.

CCB Bankshares, Inc. is a Virginia state chartered bank holding company headquartered in South Hill, Virginia and parent company to Citizens Community Bank. It operates six branches, three in south central Virginia and three in northern North Carolina, as well as a loan production office in North Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information and additional financial data, please visit www. ccbsite. com.

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that concern future events which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Any such statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses by the Bank and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances and at the time at which such statements are made. The Bank's actual results, events and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by any forward-looking statement. The Bank has no responsibility to update such forward-looking statements.


The Cooperative movement will seek funding from third parties, the CEO of the Cooperative Central Bank (CCB), Marios Clerides, has said.

The Cyprus News Agency reports that the CCB is examining the possibility of collaboration with Cooperative movements in other countries as well as seeking European funds in an attempt to boost lending.

Clerides has stated that the restructuring plan implemented by the CCB – a feature of the assistance programme granted to Cyprus by the troika of international lenders – along with EU state aid rules are limiting the granting of loans by the Cooperative sector.

The CCB has received €1.5 billion in state support from Cyprus’ €10 billion bailout programme, rendering the state the exclusive owner of the Cooperative sector at 99%.

However, Clerides said that the CCB will proceed imminently in its search for funding from third parties.

He also stated that the biggest challenge for the Cooperative movement is the management of problem loans.

Non-performing loans in the Cooperative sector reached €6.34 billion in January 2014 or 47.47% of total loans, rising by 4.96% compared with€ 6.04 billion in December 2013.

Meanwhile, Panicos Demetriades, Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus until April 10, has said that the banks are maintaining high lending rates due to the high level of non-performing loans, adding that it is difficult to reduce lending rates at a time that non-performing loans in Cyprus’ banking sector have reached approximately 50%.

CBN’s challenge of meeting forex demands

The continuing drop in oil prices is giving the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) sleepless nights. Its inability to meet the huge foreign exchange (forex) demand may lead to a review of the naira pricing policy at the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) next week, reports COLLINS NWEZE.

I n July 2008, when the price of Nigeria’s bonny light hit an all-time high of $147 per barrel, the managers of the economy saw the accrual of petrodollars into government coffers as normal.

Then the foreign reserves rose to $63 billion; foreign exchange (forex) demands were met without problems and the naira was strong. But, today, things have changed. Crude oil prices slumped to below $35 per barrel on January 7, the foreign reserves shrunk to $29.3 billion.

Now, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is not only unable to meet forex demands, it is churning out policies meant to reduce forex access to importers and real sector operators. The local currency has, reacted negatively, exchanging for N280 to dollar last Thursday.

Since last December, the CBN has kept its official exchange rate unchanged at N197 to the dollar. Against the above, interbank market rate held steady at N199.10/$1 even as electronic transactions with the naira MasterCards exchange at rates far higher than the approved interbank rate.

Managing Director, Afrinvest West Africa Plc, Ike Chioke, said Bureaux De Change (BDCs) and parallel market spread compared to the official market rates continued to widen considerably in the last few months. “Compared to the N197 to dollar peg of the local currency, rates at the BDC segment of the market were as high as N265 to dollar. Irrespective of the dollar sales to BDCs last Wednesday, the rate depreciated by N1 to close at N266 to the dollar and further by N14 to N280 to dollar the next day as huge dollar demands remain unmet,” he said in an emailed statement.

He said in the first four trading days of the year, external reserves had declined by 0.5 per cent year-to-date to $28.9 billion as inflows continue at a lower rate relative to outflows given lower oil prices of $32 per barrel (Brent).

Also, last week, the performance of the Nigerian bond market was mainly bearish as investors free up liquidity to meet up with the speculated bond auction scheduled for the coming week, with increased mopped up and forex intervention provisioning observed.

As a result, average yields closed the week at 10.7 per cent from an average of 9.8 per cent on Monday, last week. The sell-offs in the market was noticed across all bond tenors on all trading days in the week.

Meanwhile, the next MPC meeting is in next week, when there are mixed signals on the direction of monetary policy in Nigeria. The CBN is expected to announce a new forex policy which will give it the flexibility to bring the external and domestic economic variables into equilibrium. This may include the announcement of a new exchange rate band, with a floor of N185 and a ceiling of N220 during this quarter.

The MPC had regretted its decision reduce banks’ cash reserve requirement (CRR) from 31 per cent to 25 per cent during the last meeting.

A report from FBN Quest, a research and investment arm of FBN Holdings, explained that the message from the latest personal statements of MPC members on the policy shift, has only benefited borrowers in sectors with low employment elasticity.

It, therefore, instructed the CBN management to devise regulations and measures to ensure that subsequent cut in the CRR of five percentage points (to 20 per cent) reached employment generating sectors, such as agriculture, infrastructure, solid minerals and industries. The CRR is a portion of banks’ deposit kept with the CBN as reserves.

However, the MPC team said the monetary policy in Nigeria was successful in delivering macro-economic stability until about the third quarter of 2014, though its impact on job creation was negligible. It was then undermined by the latest global headwinds, principally the collapse in the oil prices in the international market.

“One member noted that the prime lending rate stood at about 17 per cent and the retail rate for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at 27 per cent. Since he estimated the internal rate of return for large and small businesses at 20 per cent and 15 per cent, it is evident why borrowers are struggling. He cited data showing that private-sector credit extension had expanded by only 3.5 per cent year-to-date by end of October and, therefore, far short of the target for the year of 26 per cent,” it said.

The MPC said the consensus, therefore, argued for cuts in the monetary policy rate (MPR) and the CRR to reverse a trend decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) growth. One member notes that more than 50 per cent of banks’ deposits mobilised were not available for intermediation/on-lending before the latest reduction in the CRR. The consensus of statements made the reduction in the CRR “conditional”.

“The statements use different formulae to express a similar message. One refers to aggressive quantitative easing, a second calls for targeted lending and two more advocate the deployment of unconventional monetary policy tools.

‘’Another envisages a rebate mechanism whereby the commercial banks appear to benefit from the reduction in the CRR after they have disbursed to favoured sectors,” it said.

Also, a dissenting voice quotes figures in the CBN’s banking stability report showing that gross lending increased by just N39 billion after the net injection of about N400 billion resulting from the cut in the CRR last September.

The IMF boss, Ms. Chrisitine Lagarde, who completed a four-day official visit to Nigeria last week shared her thoughts on how to deal with the challenges facing the economy. She stressed that her visit was only to offer advice and reaffirm the support of IMF to the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government.

Noting that the resilience demonstrated by Nigerians as seen in the outcome of the 2015 general election buttresses the country’s ability to overcome the challenges ahead, she called on managers of the economy to spend wisely in the face of declining crude oil earnings.

She suggested the need for the government to build resilience by making careful decisions on borrowing.

Analysts insist that with a budget proposal to invest, burrowing solely into capital spending, especially in power, infrastructure, housing and transportation, would show that the Presidency is on the right track. Her visit was also meant to give policy makers an opportunity to review their stance on critical issues in the economy within the context of global perception as the country makes hard choices in the year.

Managing Director, Financial Derivatives Company Limited, Bismark Rewane, said the idea of sub-$30 per barrel (pb) oil no longer seems unthinkable.

“In fact, in some circles, it’s a question of when, not if. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in its last meeting – which ended in utter disarray – dashed any hopes of a supply cut and even raised the threshold to 31.5 million barrels per day (mbpd),” he said.

Rewane said the immediate impact was more turmoil in the market as Brent crude fell to just below $37pb – lowest level since December 2008 – amid a wider commodities sell-off. OPEC is responsible for 40 per cent of world oil supplies. The lack of any real decision betrays the deep divide within the cartel and it could mean even more pain for some OPEC members entering this year. Some oil producers have the capacity to increase production while some others do not.

He explained that those in the latter category are suffering the most and this has led to strained relations not just within OPEC but between the cartel and non-OPEC producers as well.

“Most traders and analysts are convinced that prices still have further to fall. So where lays the bottom? How much lower can the battle for market share drive oil prices? How long can OPEC hold out? The only sure thing is that more losers than winners will emerge as oil prices test seven-year lows,” he said.

He said despite the challenges, the currency pressures are likely to intensify due to the sharp fall in oil prices. The CBN will continue to intervene in the markets, running the risk of external reserves depletion.

The outlook on oil prices remains bearish as crude prices are unlikely to rebound with slowing demand from emerging economies such as China, increased production from non-OPEC producers, and a price war among OPEC members.

This has significant implications for Nigeria’s budgetary framework, which is premised on a benchmark oil price of $38pb. Funding options for the government are limited revenue; if oil prices persist in the current downward path, there may be further revisions to the benchmark price. The impact on the external balance will be significant.

The current account balance is estimated to move into a deficit position of -$10.8 billion, (-2.2 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015. This year’s budget assumes a fiscal deficit of N2.2 trillion, a figure that may widen further due to revenue shortfalls.


Following a decree by Finance Minister Harris Georgiades, the Cooperative Central Bank (CCB) is proceeding immediately with the implementation of its voluntary early retirement scheme.

CCB Chairman Nicholas Hadjiyiannis describes it as a “very ambitious but necessary five-year scheme for the rationalization of expenditure, totalling €300 million for five years.”

In statements to the Cyprus News Agency, Hadjiyiannis said that the CCB would like the early retirement scheme to come into effect on Monday – giving staff the opportunity to evaluate the proposal – and has called for cooperation from the Cyprus Union of Bank Employees (ETYK).

Regarding the decree, Hadjiyiannis explained: "Because there has been no agreement with ETYK regarding the minimum wage cut of 15%, it was necessary to solve the problem in another way, in the framework that has already been fixed for the rationalisation of expenditure, as provided for in the restructuring scheme, which is an obligation under the bailout agreement for Cyprus.”

Hadjiyiannis stated that the reduction of expenditure will come from the minimum 15% cut of the employer’s costs and the reductions that will come from the voluntary early retirement scheme in the medium term, with even greater and more generous cuts to remaining operational expenses also expected, adding that the objective was to reduce the remaining costs by up to 40%.

"The total amount of the rationalisation of expenditure – €300 million – shields the profitability of the CCB and this is a significant measure for securing the value of the recapitalisation amount of €1.5 billion, which is money the people of Cyprus borrowed in very difficult financial circumstances," he explained, stressing that the rationalisation of expenditure should actually have begun in November, alongside previous cuts in expenses.

To questions regarding the future of cooperation with ETYK, Hadjiyiannis said: “Trade unionism, as is the Cooperative movement, is a great institution. Our aim is not confrontation.

"There is a common interest for the employees and the shareholders, and for everyone, and I do not see any substantive issues that divide us and ETYK, or the other trade unions, with which we have a sincere cooperation," Añadió.

Hadjiyiannis further related: "The restructuring plan was a huge challenge and it has begun to be implemented. This gives us enough certainty that with all our might we will be able to meet the goal that is the stabilisation and recovery of the Cooperative movement."

He said that with the implementation of the plan, CCB is securing its clients: "We should directly look after our borrowers, who are either vulnerable groups or are facing financial problems, and stand by them with a specific policy.

"The real challenges and problems are there, not in our balance, but in the society and the economy," he concluded.

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Bagan & Data Saham 0939: CCB

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Laman ini meliputi informasi lengkap mengenai CCB, meliputi bagan live CCB dan dinamika bagan dengan memilih 8 kerangka waktu yang tersedia dan akhir kerangka waktu di panel bawah di mana Anda bisa melihat pergerakan harga saat ini dan riwayat pergerakan harga dari instrumen. Selain itu, Anda mempunyai kesempatan untuk memilih jenis tampilan bagan live CCB – Bagan Lilin atau Garis – melalui tombol di pojok kiri atas bagan. Semua klien yang belum memutuskan instrumen mana untuk ditradingkan ada di tempat yang benar karena membaca seluruh karakteristik #H-0939 dan mengamati kinerjanya di bagan akan membantu mereka membuat keputusan akhir. Sangat mudah untuk menemukan instrumen apapun karena ada filter untuk jenis instrumen, yang ditawarkan oleh IFC Markets, dan setelah jenis itu dipilih, daftar semua instrumen bisa dilihat tepat di sebelah filter itu.

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Since its inception in 1978, Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) has been at the forefront fighting complex commercial crimes in Hong Kong. Over the last 30 years, CCB's success in prosecution has spoken volumes about the expertise that CCB investigators have developed.

Few are more acquainted with the uphill task and challenges CCB has faced than CCB Chief Superintendent Chan Yiu-kwok. Retiring from the Force next month, Mr Chan has been closely associated with CCB over the past 20 years, having worked at each rank, from Senior Inspector to Chief Superintendent, and having accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience of investigations of commercial crimes. He also has been involved in many of the policies adopted by CCB.

"CCB officers are the leading professionals in Hong Kong to investigate serious commercial crimes, like the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States, the Serious Fraud Office in the United Kingdom, and the Commercial Affairs Department in Singapore," said Mr Chan. "Criminals are using their brains to commit crimes, and to tackle these 'white collar crimes' investigators have to be very patient, intelligent and have a lot of common sense to look for evidence from lots of documents and computer data. It is also important for them to understand how the commercial sector operates.

"It is of paramount importance that both local and overseas companies have confidence in the Government, rule of law and social order in Hong Kong. The local commercial sector expects stability in Hong Kong, and CCB, along with other government departments and organisations, plays an important role in maintaining stability."

Commercial crime trends and social development

The social and economic developments in Hong Kong created an "ever-changing" environment for commercial crime investigation, and therefore CCB developed strategies over the last 20 years to deal with each and every emerging crime trend, Mr Chan continued.

"As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has enjoyed booms in the local stock market and diversity of investments, both of which have contributed to bringing about a buoyant economy. However, there are always criminals trying to exploit loopholes of the local system. To combat frauds, CCB has to constantly update and adjust investigation techniques by establishing test cases and forming Focus Groups, and recommending legislative changes," he noted.

Speaking of the changes that have taken place in Hong Kong over the last 20 years, Mr Chan said: "Over this period, a number of specific types of frauds and fraudsters have targetted Hong Kong. In these days of rapid economic growth, people are vulnerable to such tricks as forex frauds, pyramid selling and Loco-London Gold. The banking sector has also suffered because of inadequate control over its business on documentary credits and mortgage loans. During economic downturns, fraudsters take advantage of the loopholes in the legal and institutional systems to commit bankruptcy frauds and insurance frauds. Following economic revitalisation, investment frauds and property frauds have become prevalent.

"After each new fraud had been investigated and prosecution instituted, Focus Groups, each headed by a Chief Inspector, collated the lessons learned to ensure that the knowledge gained from investigations was not lost and would be readily available to other investigators via POINT or means of direct contact."

Crimes beyond boundary

With the advent of globalisation, transnational corporations have emerged and international trades flourished. At the same time, commercial crimes have gone beyond geographical boundaries and jurisdictions, posing a big challenge for investigators in combatting transnational crimes.

Mr Chan commented: "Advancement in communication and information technology has played into the hands of criminals anywhere. This situation has hampered apprehension of offenders and gathering of evidence. Tackling transnational crimes such as technological crimes and money laundering requires close co-operation among law enforcement agencies in exchanging intelligence, experience and investigation skills."

Working in partnership

In partnership with the trade and business sectors, CCB has adopted a multi-agency approach with both government departments and non-government organisations.

"CCB has been working hand-in-hand with the Securities and Futures Commission, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre, just to name a few. Although we are playing different roles, we always share the common goal of boosting Hong Kong's competitiveness and providing Hong Kong with a fair and just commercial platform," said Mr Chan.

Professionalism of investigators

To enhance investigation skills, CCB has developed extensive training packages for all its officers, in addition to providing opportunities to attend local and overseas training courses. "These types of training are essential for officers to successfully investigate complex cases. Officers are also encouraged to continuously brush up their professional knowledge to cope with the ever-changing world. As a means to pass on accumulated knowledge and experience to new generations, officers are expected to work in CCB for six years," Mr Chan said.

Engaging community and Corporate Governance

"Collaboration with our partners is one of the keys to success in the prevention and detection of crime," Mr Chan continued. "CCB conducts seminars for related industries on a regular basis and updates practitioners on crime trends. CCB also works in partnership with the public to safeguard the integrity of the business sector in Hong Kong. This approach is effective in securing public support for the fight against crime and in engaging stakeholders in safeguarding their businesses."

Over his 20 years of service with CCB, Mr Chan has investigated numerous commercial frauds, witnessed criminals being put behind bars, and initiated policy changes, which not only affect the Force but also external partners.

Due to proceed on pre-retirement leave on July 1, Mr Chan told OffBeat that he would miss each and every officer in CCB and will cherish the 34 years that he has spent in the Force, initially as a JPO and finally as CSP CCB. He is confident that CCB will continue with its proactive intelligence-led policing and public engagement to combat commercial crimes in the years to come.

Mr Chan (seventh from right in second row) attended the CCB Sports Day in 1997 as Superintendent

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CCB Charges Saraki Over False Declaration Of Assets

Nigeria’s Code of Conduct Bureau has filed charges against Nigeria’s Senate President, Bukola Saraki, for alleged failure to fully declare his assets, according Sahara Reporters.

The tribunal’s 13-count charge exclusively obtained by SaharaReporters accuses Mr. Saraki, among other crimes, of improperly using state funds to purchase private assets during his tenure as the governor of Kwara State while he was senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Senate President was also accused of declaring as part of his assets a property that had not been sold to him, a maneuver that is known as “anticipatory looting” in Nigeria’s political lexicon.

Meanwhile, it is on record that the Code of Conduct Tribunal has never convicted any Nigerian official for false declaration of assets.

Mr. Saraki’s wife, Toyin Saraki, is being investigated for money laundering by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), but charges are yet to be filed against her by the agency.

SaharaReporters has done a series of exposes on Mr. Saraki’s history of money laundering and graft beginning from his role in the systematic looting of assets belonging to Societe Generale Bank in which his family had significant shares. The bank ultimately failed.

Mr. Saraki has been embattled ever since his emergence as the Senate Presidency, with many anti-corruption activists and groups viewing him as an impediment to any efforts to combat corruption in Nigeria.

The impediments on Buhari's fight against corruption is Bukola Saraki and his cohorts, including the previous governors who looted their states treasury now fully integrated into the Senate.

However, we Nigerians are determined to fight corruption with the last drop of our blood.

Enough of looting our common wealth and you people living larger than life.

We use this medium to warn all the past and present corrupt politicians to start to return our loots in their custody as a matter of urgency.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Saraki to appear before CCB tribunal today …as Appeal Court turns down application to stop trial

Senate President Bukola Saraki says he will appear before the Code of Conduct Tribunal today (Tuesday) to answer to the 13 charges brought against him by the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB).

Saraki said this in a statement posted on his Facebook page and official Twitter handle on Monday.

The statement read in part, “While the Senate President stated and maintained that he is ready to submit himself to due process of the law on any issue concerning him, he also believes that he has an inalienable right to resort to the same judiciary for protection when he feels his fundamental rights are about to be infringed upon.

“The Senate President is a law abiding citizen and his absence from the tribunal was based on legal advice he received from his counsel that it is not necessary for him to appear before the tribunal at this stage since the jurisdiction of the tribunal and the process of initiating the matter are being challenged before the federal High Court Abuja.

“Following the adjournment for the determination of the motion on notice and the substantive suit before the Federal High Court to 30th of September and the appeal pending before the Court of Appeal adjourned to the 29th of September 2015, the Senate President has decided, as a law abiding citizen, to appear before the Tribunal in the interim.”

Saraki added that he decided to take the step to demonstrate his respect for the rule of law in spite of his personal reservation on the process of the trial.

He added that he was, however, confident in the ability of the judiciary to ensure that the course of justice is not altered.

I will be at the Tribunal Tomorrow, Tuesday @Bukolasaraki The Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki… http://t. co/DHhyxVRlhl

— Bukola Saraki (@bukolasaraki) September 21, 2015

Meanwhile, Justice Morri Adumein of the Court of Appeal in Abuja on Monday refused the ex parte application filed by embattled Saraki, seeking a stay of execution of the ruling of the Code of Conduct Tribunal.

Also, Justice Ahmed Mohammed of a Federal High Court in Abuja said the court will not waste time on interlocutory matters.

He said, all pending matters have been adjourned till September 30 to hear both the substantive matters and preliminary objection.

CCB Bankshares, Inc. Completes Private Placement of Subordinated Notes

SOUTH HILL, Va. Feb. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- CCB Bankshares, Inc. (OTC Pink CZYB) parent company of Citizens Community Bank, announced today the completion of a private placement of $3.5 million in subordinated debt to certain institutional and private accredited investors. The subordinated notes bear interest at a fixed rate of 7.00%, are non-callable for five years, mature on February 18, 2026. and qualify as Tier-2 regulatory capital at the holding company.

The Company plans to use the net proceeds to redeem its remaining 1,000 shares, which equates to $1.0 million. of Series A Senior Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock issued to the United States Department of the Treasury under the Small Business Lending Fund (regulatory approval pending), and for general corporate purposes. 

"We are pleased and thankful for the response and support from the investment community. The issuance of this debt allows us to refinance our preferred stock at a lower cost of capital and provides additional capital to support future growth and operations," said James R. Black. President and Chief Executive Officer. 

The Company acted as its own placement agent for the private offering and LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation, served as legal counsel. 

CCB Bankshares, Inc. is a Virginia state chartered bank holding company headquartered in South Hill, Virginia and parent company to Citizens Community Bank.  It operates six branches, three in south central Virginia and three in northern North Carolina. as well as a loan production office in North Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information and additional financial data, please visit www. ccbsite. com . 

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that concern future events which are subject to risks and uncertainties.  Any such statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses by the Bank and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances and at the time at which such statements are made.  The Bank's actual results, events and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by any forward-looking statement.  The Bank has no responsibility to update such forward-looking statements.

SOURCE CCB Bankshares, Inc.

Source: PR Newswire (February 19, 2016 - 1:45 PM EST)

NetDania ChartStation - Forex, Gold, Silver & Indices Charting - How to backup/save your NetDania Setup

The NetDania Chartstation is a very useful free facility. The latest version now allows much more customisation:

Your setup is stored in cookies. If you lose the cookies you lose everything you've set up.

Here is what I've found out:

1. Firefox 3 no longer stores cookies in simple files. Backup/editing is possible with an extension, but every time Firefox is upgraded the extensions can be unusable, so this is not ideal. 2. Google Chrome stores all the cookies in one unreadable file. So that's not easy either. 3. The regrettable conclusion is that Internet Explorer, with its plain text file individual cookies is the easiest solution.

This is how I did it:

2. Start by going to Settings -> Settings, and set the default for new windows eg colour, timescale etc.

3. Create all the 10 minutes windows in the right order, and then change the colours of those I don't want the default colour.

4. Select Window -> Tile Vertically.

5. Save the workspace as "10mins".

6. Change the timescale for all the windows and then save as another workspace (don't save the current one). Repetir.

7. Now there are a variety of timescales to look at all with the same coloured charts.

8. Close the browser and go to: C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\Cookies

9. Copy all the Steve@*netdania*.txt files

10. If you want the same setup on another computer, copy the files, run the browser to netdania, then close it again. Then edit the new cookie file and put the old userid into it. The file to edit is the one that starts like this:

You can get the current userid from Help -> About in chartstation.

With this method you can: 1. Backup your netdania cookies. 2. Copy the setup to other computers.

Here are two very good options for buying gold & silver and having them stored for you in secure insured vaults:

For more details see this:

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

If your NetDania setup is lost

This has happened to me since writing the initial article.

It appears that the setup is stored by Netdania, and not in the cookies.

I once lost the setup which just reappeared a few hours later.

Another time I lost it and when I checked the cookies there was a new one with a different userid. I cured this simple by copying the old userid into the new cookie.

By the way the overlay feature has disappeared from the add instrument dialogue and is now in the right click on the chart dialogue

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Thu, 10/06/2010 - 05:54

Last seen: 9 hours 7 sec ago

Other NetDania Charts: All free

NetDania is the company that provides the software for charting. Data is sourced for those charts from elsewhere.

Other than the actual NetDania website, which has the chart that I use, other websites use the NetDania charting system, and offer different "Instruments".

An example list is:

Gold & Silver versus many main currencies, major currency crosses http://goldprice. org/live-gold-price. html

The DailyFX chart is notable for the extra indices it offers. This allows charts like these to be created:

To the person who registered just to say thanks for this article. el gusto es mio

If you want to give me a small tip, and get a great deal, click on this if you need glasses:

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Lost NetDania Setup and Future Changes

I lost my NetDania setup on both computer yesterday, and could not get it back. I contacted NetDania, and will quote just part of the reply for your information:

Quote: Regarding the cookies, we didn’t make any changes on ChartStation during the last months. I have also noticed a strange behaviour of IE8 that sometimes saves the cookies in a different folder. However we are in a final stage with the implementation of a new release that, beside some new features, is based on login. With that release the workspaces will be saved based on the username used for login and therefore the cookies won’t be used anymore.

A login system would be great IMO

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Thu, 29/07/2010 - 00:30

Last seen: 9 hours 7 sec ago

Where are the cookies.

I've failed to find the new cookies, which must exist because my new setup is working. So I'm forced to just use a new setup and know that if it is lost, I can't reset it.

Waiting eagerly for the new login system

I know from the number of visits to this page that many others have had this problem.

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Sat, 21/08/2010 - 01:52

Last seen: 9 hours 7 sec ago

NetDania now allows account logins

As of last night (NZ time), NetDania now allow you to register (it's free and painless), and then after verifying your email address, login.

Go here (or presumably any of the other websites that use the NetDania system):

Please don't register with this website.

This system no longer uses cookies on your computer

Thank you NetDania, that is superb

I logged in on one computer, setup my chartstation, and then logged in on another computer, and my setup was there

This also means I can ditch IE and use Firefox

This makes me very happy

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

To those registering because of this thread

Maybe I need to point out that I am not affiliated with NetDania. I am simply a user of their system, and have posted what I hope is useful information. Much of which is now outdated.

If you wish to use the NetDania system, go to their site, or one of those I have listed, or any other website which uses the NetDania system.

There is no point registering on this website, as I've covered all I know, and I do not have the NetDania system available on this website, only screenshots to show what you can do on their website.

Good luck with your trading or whatever.

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Fri, 07/01/2011 - 04:42

Last seen: 9 hours 7 sec ago

Netdania account lost?

Trying to login today, and it doesn't recognise my account details!

I hope this is a temporary glitch because I have a huge number of chart setups stored for my account.

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

Fri, 07/01/2011 - 11:50

Last seen: 9 hours 7 sec ago

And as if by magic, I find

And as if by magic, I find I'm now logged in, and my account is working fine.

So just a glitch, I'm glad to say

Your friendly host. You can email me here: climategate. scandal at gmail. com

I recommend buying gold and silver from BullionVault

CCB files 13-count corruption charge against Bukola Saraki

The Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) has reportedly accused Bukola Saraki, the Senate president, of the failure to declare his assets in full, an not only.

According to Sahara Reporters, Saraki now faces the 13-count charge over alleged misuse of the state funds for purchasing private assets while serving as Kwara state governor.

Premium Times adds that the posed offences range from anticipatory declaration of assets to making false declaration of assets. Apart from that, Saraki, whose emergence as the Senate president was associated with serious controversy, is said to have been operating foreign accounts during his governorship and senatorial terms.

It is the first time the CCB Tribunal has charged a Nigerian official with false assets declaration. The Red Chamber head is yet to comment on the development.

See the document as provided by Sahara Reporters

[sources: Sahara Reporters, Naij]


Mysuru, Mar 14: The murder of a VHP activist at Mysuru will now be probed by the CCB (City Crime Branch ). The case was transfered to the CCB, a specialised investigating unit following demands for a thorough probe into the matter.

Related News about "CCB will probe murder of VHP activist at Mysuru" news from other sites . (news similarity rate is shown on left.)

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Branch . A branch tree branch is a woody structural member connected to but not part of the central trunk of a tree. Large branches are known as boughs and small branches are known as twigs. Branch News

Nigerians, both home and abroad, have been feeling the bite of the foreign exchange restrictions imposed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on since 2015. Bureaus De Change (BDCs) have been made to pass through several new regulations in order to remain in operation, and citizens, both home and abroad, wake up everyday to find out they can’t pay for what they used to anymore. Importers are stuck in limbo, travelers don’t know what to expect on trips, and students in foreign universities have been turned to debtors.

Despite all the pains and confusion caused by these policies, it would interest Nigerians to know that Government and Government officials remain keen on transacting in American Dollars. It may surprise most of you to know that Nigeria’s Budget 2016 is still based on the prices of crude oil in dollars amid all the talks of diversification of the economy, and restriction on FOREX.

The N3.6 billion dollars budgeted for BMW cars will not be paid in Nigeria to Bavaria Motor Works, but in dollars. This is at a time when Innoson Motors and Stallion Motors which are both producing cars in Nigeria will shout “Hallelluyah” at the Naira equivalent, which will create more jobs, and deepen automotive technology advancement in Nigeria.

It will appear that the Nigerian Government prefer spending dollars to Naira, but it also prefers to receive payments in dollars over its own legal tender. Recently, Africa’s largest telecommunications company, MTN was slapped with a $5.2 billion fine for not disconnection about 5.2 million phone lines. The first day Nigerians first heard this fine, we believed it to be a N5 billion but according to the regulatory body, Nigerian Communications Commission, the penalty was calculated at $1,000 per defaulting MTN line! How so. Why dollars? As much as some of us have tried to create some logic by explaining the possibility of a typographical error which may have exchanged “N” for “$”, the regulatory body insists and maintains that its fine is in USD.

So what exactly inspires this preference of foreign currency over the Nigerian legal tender? In the case of the MTN fine, it is so ridiculous that the NCC has reduced the fine to $3.9 billion, but let’s face things square, no company is will be the scapegoat to foot 15% of your national budget. It has never happened in the history of humanity, and it will never happen! Even though the NCC has slightly reduced that fine in a “show of mercy”, but we should admit our mistakes when them.

We must have a clear economic direction in this country. We’re either restricting FOREX from the entire system or we are not. We’re either growing our economy or we’re not. We’re either encouraging foreign direct investment, or we’re killing off the existing foreign investors who have dared to succeed within all the peculiarities of Nigeria.

14 Likes 2 Shares

does NCC have an economist working for them? if they did they will know that this is ridiculous.

Basically, NCC just picks figure from thin air. They have no clue how many jobs will be lost, and how much worse the economy will get if they continue to enforce this fine that is based on no sense at all. I don't blame them though they know nothing about economics. $5.2 billion! LOL!

CBN and the Nigerian Government though they can do better. You can't be telling people to spend less dollars while you want to spend more.

8 Likes 2 Shares

Hmmmmm. Nigeria is a joke..

You made some point.

BMW will be bought from a Nigerian company in Naira. Nigeria's budget is in Naira.

When FG is dealing with a multinational they would put the charge in dollars. That is a revenue and not an expenditure and it is the right thing to do. Shipping companies, airlines all pay their dues in USD. That shores up our USD reserve.

Yes, there must be a direction.

However, in a situation where USD earnings of FG had dropped from USD40billion per annum to USD15billion per annum, and could still drop further with lower oil prices, it simply cannot be business as usual.

Nigeria does not have the USD reserve to fund import of tooth picks, champagne, pencils, coloured water, owambe lace, etc.

We have to check our unbridled apetite for anything foreign, from Vienna lace to Chinese all what not!

FG has to sit up and find how to galvanise Nigeria into an exporting country like INDIA and not one that is controlled by speculative stock markets. Also, the idea to increase taxes, levies (like they are doing to MTN) does not make sense at the moment. They need to galvanize more and more production and not do the opposite.

If FG kills businesses, what will be left to provide employment for the millions of youths that are currently unemployed. You are right, there doesnt seem to be a clear direction.

When are they going to discuss and act on the Nigeria project? In fact, what is the Nigeria project? Do we have one?

24 Likes 1 Share

When I checked the source - Barbaric Muhammed - I said WTF why are you wailing? Are you not the cause?

Can anybody remember what our president said when they asked him questions on restrictions of FX and card transactions?

Can anybody show me the economic policy document of this administration.

Be reminded that while we applaud them for fighting corruption, 7 months after, nobody is in jail.

All we hear is noise while the gullible are kept busy in the guise that the fight is on.

From August to November, they kept us busy with Saraki/versus CCB. Today it's Dasuki versus cash distribution. give the Dasuki case till April. The case will die natural death. We will all forget it.

We were told some people returned money. Why in heavens name will you shield them. How are we to verify such claims.

At all times government must find something to keep the gullible busy.

My position is this, while you paint a picture that you are fighting corruption and facing security, give us good economic direction. Formulate policies that will boost investors confidence. create jobs. budget was pegged at 38 dollar per barrel as I type today it's at 33 per barrel.

I don't understand. If you understand the economic direction, please educate me.

16 Likes 2 Shares

Difficult situation especially for students studying abroad on scholarship by TETFUND. The situation is so bad that many might abandon studies. This are graduate level degrees. Lecturers wanting to be exposed to world class facilities so that they can impact knowledge.

Sir Buhari please.

What's happening here? Only 13 comments and thread is already in promise land.

Seun, lalasticala, Mnyd44, hope all is well.

Major trend of stock is bullish on chart. It has been trading with higher top and higher bottom formation on charts. It has shown good consolidation on higher level and now it is likely to give upside break out from resistance level. We recommend the stock to buy as it is sustaining above 50 DMA. One can keep the stop loss of 33 support of 200 DMA at and stock is likely move north ward in upcoming session and targets of 37 & 40 can be seen in short term.

Stock has given a good consolidation formation of short term on intra day chart. An appearance of moving average golden cross on hourly chart showing that momentum would be bullish in upcoming session we recommend to buy the stock on dip.

MACD Line has crossed above its single line, which can bring upward momentum in the stock.

RSI is trading above 50 mark showing that stock may remain bullish in upcoming session.

On ADX there is a bullish crossover of positive DI and Negative DI and crossing of ADX above 25 can bring further buying in the stock.

SUMMARY :- The primary trend of EUR/USD is bearish, in its hourly chart the pair is sustaining on rising trendline & consolidating with a negative bias. For today also, we can expect it to continue its ongoing trend. If EUR/USD sustains below 1.1295 levels, it can come down to the levels of 1.1260/1.1220. MACD is successfully sustaining below the zero line indicating the bearish sentiment in the market.

RSI is also supporting the same.

STRATEGY :- For Today EUR/USD is looking weak on chart. We can expect downside movement for few upcoming session. One can go for sell on higher level strategy for this pair for intra day to mid term positions.

Major trend of stock is bullish on chart. It has been trading with higher top and higher bottom formation on charts. It has shown small correction from its significance high and now it is trading with positive biasness with resistance of 50 DMA in last three trading session. We recommend the stock to buy if it manages to give closing above resistance of 50 DMA at 10.25. One can keep the stop loss of 9.80 support of 200 DMA at and stock is likely move north ward in upcoming session and targets of 11 & 12 can be seen in short term.

Stock has given a small dip with formation of short term falling wedge on intra day chart. An appearance of moving average golden cross on hourly chart showing that momentum would be bullish in upcoming session we recommend to buy the stock on dip.

MACD Line has crossed above its single line, which can bring upward momentum in the stock.

RSI is trading above 50 mark showing that stock may remain bullish in upcoming session.

On ADX there is a bullish crossover of positive DI and Negative DI and crossing of ADX above 25 can bring further buying in the stock.

Major trend of stock is bullish on chart. It has been trading with higher top and higher bottom formation on charts. It has shown small correction from its significance high and now it is trading with positive biasness with resistance of 50 DMA in last three trading session. We recommend the stock to buy if it manages to give closing above resistance of 50 DMA at 10.25. One can keep the stop loss of 9.80 support of 200 DMA at and stock is likely move north ward in upcoming session and targets of 11 & 12 can be seen in short term.

Stock has given a small dip with formation of short term falling wedge on intra day chart. An appearance of moving average golden cross on hourly chart showing that momentum would be bullish in upcoming session we recommend to buy the stock on dip.

MACD Line has crossed above its single line, which can bring upward momentum in the stock.

RSI is trading above 50 mark showing that stock may remain bullish in upcoming session.

On ADX there is a bullish crossover of positive DI and Negative DI and crossing of ADX above 25 can bring further buying in the stock.

GBP/JPY is in uptrend & prices are sustaining on higher level. It is sustaining in a downward chanel, which is expected to give a breakout upside. If GBP/JPY breaks the level of 188 it can come up to the levels of 188.28/50. RSI is also sustaining above the 50 level & showing strength to breaking it upside & indicating to continue its uptrend for today also. MACD line is sustaining above the Zero line & supporting the upside movement for next few sessions.

STRATERGY :- GBP/JPY is looking strong on charts. Indicators also supporting the same. One can go buy on dips strategy for this pair for intra day to mid term positions.

Get Daily Forex Signals on your Smart Phone

Major trend of stock is sideways on chart. It has traded in short term sideways trend with positive biasness with support of 50 DMA in last 3 weekly trading session. It has shown good accumulation and it has been showing a good accumulation at bottom with good volume. Now it is facing resistance at 24.20 We recommend the stock to buy the stock if it crosses its resistance of 24.20. One can keep the stop loss at 23 and stock is likely move north ward in upcoming session and targets of 26 & 27 can be seen in short term.

Stock was forming symmetrical triangle with the support of 50 DMA on hourly chart and now it has give upside breakout from its upper resistance line and likely to show northward movement in upcoming session as it is forming symmetrical triangle.

MACD Line is likely to cross its single line, which can bring upward momentum in the stock.

ADX is trading above 25 mark with positive DI placed above its negative DI showing.

RSI is trading above 50 mark showing that stock may remain bullish in upcoming session.

Singapore Stock Market Outlook Q1 2016

Stock/index investors’, traders’ seminar event

We are looking at technical movement of Straits Times Index, component stocks as well as global indices. Implications of Fed Rate Hike (if any) and if there should be any market boom or bust, which stocks will be interesting.

Soh Tiong Hum, TerraSeeds Managing Director

Speaker: Soh Tiong Hum Date and time: Monday, Dec 14, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM* Venue: 9 Battery Road #01-02 Straits Trading Building Singapore 049910 (sponsored by IG; ground floor opposite Standard Chartered Bank)

This event is open to members of public; please invite friends, family along.

To register, please go to this page fill in the form and indicate “ I want to attend market outlook on 14 Dec “. Seating capacity is fixed at 50 persons; registration is MUST (only 20 remaining) .

Price: $40 (Cash or Voucher) per person

*There will be a 10 minute product presentation by Miss Teresa Tong, IG, from 7.00pm followed by 20-minutes Q&A. Main event will start from 7.30pm.


Tiong Hum specialises in technical analysis/ chart reading.

He will look at look at local indices/sub-indices, movement of STI components for the health of the stock market.

In addition, he will also look at commodities, energy, forex and regional market indices that for market correlation, common themes.

See below for examples.

MSCI Emerging Markets Index

MSCI Emerging Markets Index | Source: https://www. msci. com/emerging-markets

The key risk to Singapore stock market in 2016 is contagion. Some of this contagion is likely to come from our ASEAN neighbours where Singapore banks may be exposed. MSCI Emerging Markets Index is an important indicator that cannot be ignored.

From MSCI website. “The MSCI Emerging Markets Index captures large and mid cap representation across 23 Emerging Markets (EM) countries*. With 837 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country.” In addition, Financials take up 28.6% of sector weight in the index. Among the top 10 constituents are China banks CCB, ICBC and BOC.

As can be seen from this chart, emerging markets (EM) has fallen out of a 4-year distribution and is near the lowest point. With most stock markets near multiple year highs, there is a greater chance of this index going lower.

This DJIA chart signals a bad year for stock markets in 2016

If the US stock market is the most bullish of all in the whole world with its degree technological and financial innovation and *gasp* near unlimited powers of QE, then we know what 2016 is going to be like for rest of the world stock markets (hint: bearish).

Presenting 30 years of Dow Jones Industrial Average data painted in boxes according to 52-week highs and lows.

Light blue for years that expand bullishly new high and low over previous year and pink for years that expand bearishly into lower low and lower high. Note: 1988 and 2003 are ‘inside’ years coloured the same as their previous year as continuation.

DJIA monthly chart 1986 – present; each box defines 52-week highs and lows of 1 year

Once the market does a bearish expansion below previous year low like the one on August 24 ‘Black Monday‘, unless it reverses to print a new high, any movement is considered a retracement of the previous wave. An example here.

Saraki: Judge reserves judgement citing bribery allegation

Senate President, Bukola Saraki

Justice Abdulkadir Kafarati of the Federal High Court in Abuja, Tuesday, declined to give judgment in the case of enforcement of fundamental human rights instituted before him by the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki. The judge premised his refusal to deliver judgment on the grounds that an online medium had made a wild allegation against him in respect of the case. Justice Kafarati who had reserved judgment in the suit fixed for Monday, told the lawyers in the matter that the online medium had alleged that he was given N2 billion by Saraki to give judgment in his favour. The judge also said the medium quoted the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) as its sorce of information and that the EFCC source also confirmed to the online news medium that the said money from Saraki had been found in his bank account. Kafarati said the online medium publication was not only condemnable having been so biased against him, but was also malicious and unwarranted. “It’s only here in Nigeria that people just wake up and start assassinating the character of their fellow beings wickedly and unjustly simply because there are no strong laws to take care of such people. “In the instance case, I am already caught in between two devils because any attempt to give the judgment in this matter, even though it is ready for today, can be used by the wicked people to justify their malicious publication against my person. “I was even called a high level corrupt judge and this is very unfortunate that a publication from a medium that is supposed to be objective was dished out in the most reckless manner. “I regard them as people without conscience who derive pleasure in publishing what they know that is not true simply because they wanted to assassinate a character. “In view of this grievous allegation, even though my judgment in the matter is ready, I have no other option than to disqualify myself from proceeding to deliver the judgment because the malicious publication had already polluted the minds of the public. “So I hereby disqualify myself from this case and the case file shall be returned to the Chief Judge, Justice Ibrahim Auta, for possible re-assignment to another Judge” Kafarati said. Saraki filed the suit to enforce his fundamental human rights to a fair hearing and trial on the falsification of assets criminal charges brought against him by the federal government at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT). Saraki, through his lawyer, Mr. Raphael Oluyede, claimed in the suit that he could not get justice from the CCT Chairman, Mr. Danladi Umar, who is being investigated by EFCC and who is being used by the same EFCC and its lawyer to prosecute him. The Senate President claimed that in utter breach of the law, his assets form submitted to the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) was investigated by the operatives of the EFFC as against those of CCB empowered to do so in law. He also claimed that apart from investigating his assets form against the law, the EFCC went ahead to engage its lawyer to file a 13-count criminal charge against him and also deployed its lawyer in person of Mr. Rotimi Jacobs (SAN) to put him on trial instead of the CCB mandated by the constitution to do so. Saraki had asked the Federal High Court to set aside the charges against him having flouted the due process of law and having been brought in breach of his fundamental rights to fear trial. Justice Abdulkadir Abdulkafarati, after listening to arguments from EFCC lawyer, Mr. Rotimi Jacobs (SAN) and that of Saraki on March 1, 2016, fixed yesterday to make pronouncement on the court action.

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The shopper who like to socialize. This sort appreciates shopping with companions, family and friends while never shopping alone, they tend to make a considerable measure of unneeded buys.

Make sure you come back to this site and we will be going over many different types of shopping tips and consumer help that you can take and use in your everyday lifestyle to get the most out of your shopping.

Why we cannot publicize Buhari, Osinbajo’s assets – CCB

The Code of Conduct Bureau has explained why it is impossible to make public the details of assets declared by President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.

CCB said its hands were tied because of limitations in federal laws covering such release.

Buhari had pledged to publicly declare his assets despite the lack of a law requiring him to do so as the 1999 Constitution stated that office holders should declare their assets, without requiring them to do so publicly.

While the President continues to drag foot on the subject, the presidency came out to say details of his declaration will be made available after the Code of Conduct Bureau authenticates claims in the forms.

Refusing to be patient, a civil society group, Stop Impunity Nigeria, an affiliate of the Centre for Social Justice, on June 1, 2015 applied to the CCB to request copies of the completed assets declaration forms by the President and his deputy.

The application, signed by the Lead Director of the Centre, Eze Onyekpere, was pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, 2011.

Responding, via a memo dated CCB/HQ/670/G/1/104 on June 10, 2015 but made public yesterday, the CCB declined the request, citing the absence of prescribed law by the National Assembly authorizing the release of such information to the public.

The letter signed by Ijeanuli Ofor on behalf of the Chairman, however, conceded the right by Nigerians under section 1(1) 3 and 4 of the FOIA 2011, to “access or request information, whether written or not in written form, in the custody of any public agency”.

CCB said regardless of this, “sections 12(1) (a) (v), 14(1) (b) and 15(1)9a) of the same Act empowered it to decline any request, which it considered an invasion of personal privacy.

“Assets declarations by public officers contain such personal information, which falls within the exemptions to the disclosure of information in the FOIA,” the Bureau added, explaining further that, paragraph 3(c of the Third Schedule, Part 1 of the constitution (as amended) empowered it to “make assets declarations of public officers available for inspection by any citizen of Nigeria only on terms and conditions prescribed by the National Assembly.

“However, the terms and conditions under which that can be done have not yet been prescribed by the National Assembly”.

CCB corruption charge, ‘a pure malicious and politically motivated prosecution’ & # 8211; Saraki

Logo – Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB)

Senate President, Bukola Saraki on Wednesday debunked what he described as a ‘pure malicious and politically motivated prosucution’, allegations by the Code of Conduct Bureau that he failed to declare some assets he acquired while in office as governor as well as the alleged possession of assets beyond his legitimate earnings.

Saraki, in a statement noted that all the claims contained in the charge sheet are false, incorrect and untrue. He added that he has consistently declared his assets as required by law at every point before resuming any political office and that of 2015 is not an exception.

“The attention of Dr. Bukola Saraki, President of the Senate, has been drawn to a charge sheet being widely circulated on the online media, upon which he is expected to be tried at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT). It should be noted that at the time of writing this statement (10.00am on September 16, 2015), Dr. Saraki has not been served the court process. However, we recognise that as a public officer, he owes members of the public explanation on the allegations contained in the charge sheet.”

“It is surprising that the alleged charges is now referring his asset declaration made in 2003 while in office as Governor of Kwara State to formulate their charges. They therefore ignored the recent declaration for which they last week issued an acknowledgement.

“That we believe that the Code of Conduct Bureau following their processes in which after a declaration is submitted to the bureau they carried out verification of the assets and ascertained the claims made, should not wait till 12 years later to be pointing out an alleged inconsistencies in a document submitted to it in 2003. This same Dr. Saraki submitted asset declaration form in 2007, 2011 and 2015. It is unexplainable that the case in question is now based on the 2003 declaration.”

Saraki also alleged that the purported charge couldn’t have been valid as the law requires that any prosecution by the Tribunal must be authorised by an Attorney General but Nigeria doesn’t have one at the moment.

“It should be noted that we do not know on whose authority these charges are filed when the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act clearly indicate that any prosecution must be authorised by an Attorney General and we know the nation last had an AG in May 2015. This is another clear indication that the CCT is acting under influence from outside its domain and therefore ready to bend the rules to achieve this obnoxious objective,” él dijo.

The Senate President however affirmed his belief in the justice system adding that when the proposed case reaches the tribunal, he will diligently state his case.

He said he is also ready to co-operate with the Tribunal and other lawful government agencies in the bid to genuinely fight corruption and eliminate impunity in our public affairs.

Hefei, Anhui, China, Oct 30, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and German Chancellor Angela Merkel witnessed the signing of the MoU between China Construction Bank (CCB) and China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX)

30.10.15 | 09:58 Uhr | 2 mal gelesen | japancorp. net China Construction Bank and China Europe International Exchange sign MoU to promote RMB Denominated Securities in Eurozone

Hefei, Anhui, China, Oct 30, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and German Chancellor Angela Merkel witnessed the signing of the MoU between China Construction Bank (CCB) and China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX). According to the MoU, both parties would endeavour to launch RMB denominated securities in Europe. The President of China Construction Bank Corporation Wang Zuji and the CEO of Deutsche Borse Group Carsten Kengeter attended the ceremony.

CCB and CEINEX agreed to cooperate with each other to promote the offshore RMB denominated securities products issuing and listing on CEINEX, allowing European investors to easily invest in RMB-denominated stocks bonds, funds and derivatives products. The parties agreed to meet investor demand for offshore RMB financing and investment, and to promote the internationalization of RMB. CCB International (a subsidiary of CCB) will launch its Commerzbank CCBI RQFII Money Market ETF as the first batch of products listing on CEINEX.

CEINEX, a Sino-German joint venture, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the China Financial Futures Exchange and the Deutsche Borse Group holding 40%, 20% and 40% of the shares of the company respectively, provides offshore RMB listing and trading services. Established in Frankfurt, the trading hours of CEINEX cover the European trading time zone, Asia's evening trading session and America's morning trading session.

In recent years, CCB actively promote offshore RMB business. After CCB London became the RMB clearing bank in London in 2014, CCB International, launched the first RMB-denominated and traded money market ETF in London in March this year, and listed the product in Euronext Paris in June. In October, CCB also entered into a MoU with LME and LMECC to participate in international commodities. The cooperation with CEINEX is another important milestone of CCB's global strategy; strengthen CCB's product coverage of continental Europe.

In the future, CCB will further devote in building the offshore RMB centre in Europe. To provide its clients with extensive and solid financial support in meeting the various needs of RMB from European corporations and investors. Ultimately serve for the national strategy of the RMB internationalization and the "belt and road" Initiative.

For further information, please contact:

CCB International (Holdings) Limited

Ms Shirley Xiao

Tel: (852) 3911 8737

Fax: (852) 2530 1496

E-mail: shirleyxiao@ccbintl. com / pr@ccbintl. com

Source: CCB International (Holdings) Limited

Copyright 2015 ACN Newswire. Todos los derechos reservados.

Dazu japancorp. net weiter: Bangkok and Tokyo, Feb 23, 2016 - (ACN Newswire) - Krungsri Consumer, a leader in credit card and personal loan business in Thailand, and JCB International Co. Ltd. Krungsri Consumer to Launch Krungsri JCB Platinum Cards in Thailand. (JCBI), the international operating subsidiary of JCB Co. Ltd. today announced the official launch of JCB credit card issuing in Thailand. weiterlesen.

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Laporan Pendapatan CCb Meleset Dari Perkiraan Pasar

Financeroll – CCB melaporkan hasil pendapatan mereka pada kuartal ketiga yang meleset pada perkiraan pasar, sebagai negara yang dikelola oleh CCB dan pemberi dana pinjaman berjuang atas perlambatan ekonomi Cina dan upaya Beijing untuk menstabilkan pasar keuangan.

CCB melaporkan pendapatan pada kuartal ketiga naik 9,4% menjadi 56,8 miliar yuan ($9,34miliar) melebihi dari perkiraan pasar rata-rata sebesar 57.69 miliar yuan.

Pertumbuhan pendapatam kuartal ketiga pada CCB, melaporkan perlambatan pertumbuhan dari 13% pada semester pertama di tahun ini dan pertumbuhan kedua turun lebih rendah dalam empat tahun. Perolehan laba menyumbang lebih dari 70% dari pendapatan operasional bank. Pendapatan bunga pada kuartal ketiga naik 8,2% menjadi 98,85 miliar yuan.

Perubahan peraturan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Cina telah melambat dari tahun sebelumnya menjadi 7,8% pada kuartal ketiga. Telah memicu keprihatinan atas meningkatnya kredit macet, terutama setelah rencana stimulus besar di Beijing pada tahun 2009. Dengan rasio kredit bermasalah terhadap pinjaman di seluruh bank-bank komersial tercatat sebesar 0,96% pada akhir kuartal kedua dengan tidak berubah pada kuartal pertama.

Rasio kredit CCB turun menjadi 0,98% pada akhir September dari 0,99% pada kuartal terakhir. Penyediaan coverage ratio untuk kredit macet sebesar 267,9% pada akhir kuartal ketiga turun 3,41% dari akhir tahun lalu. - DT -

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China Construction Bank Corp (0939)

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China Construction Bank Corp (0939)

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