Thursday, November 24, 2016

Forex A0

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El comercio de futuros y forex implica un riesgo sustancial y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. Estos resultados se basan en resultados de rendimiento simulados o hipotéticos que tienen ciertas limitaciones inherentes. A diferencia de los resultados mostrados en un registro de desempeño real, estos resultados no representan el comercio real. Además, debido a que estas operaciones no se han ejecutado realmente, estos resultados pueden tener una o una compensación excesiva para el impacto, si alguno, de ciertos factores de mercado, como la falta de liquidez. Los programas comerciales simulados o hipotéticos en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las que se muestran. El testimonio no puede ser representativo de la experiencia de otros clientes y el testimonio no es garantía de futuro rendimiento o éxito.

&dupdo; Copyright 1995-2016 AbleSys Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. Declaración de privacidad

Si usted ha estado buscando una ventaja en el mundo de la señal comercial de la negociación de valores, la inversión y el análisis técnico, la señal de comercio de AbleSys, software de comercio y sistema de comercio es para usted. Con los programas líderes de la industria, como AbleTrend 7.0 Trading Software y ASCTrend software de comercio de indicadores, que están utilizando el software más intuitivo, potente y popular de su tipo. Perfecto como software de swing trading y como software de análisis técnico. Ninguna otra empresa en el mundo financiero de hoy puede ayudarle a tomar decisiones de inversión más informadas. Con más y más gente saltando en la inversión por su cuenta, el mercado está inundado con buenas intenciones que a menudo no resultan para el mejor. Usted necesita un sistema de señal de comercio de opciones de acciones que pueden ayudar a desmitificar las señales comerciales. AbleTrend 7.0 comercio de señal de software y señales de comercio ASCTrend Indicadores ofrecen el mejor software, análisis de cotización de valores. Y la ejecución en la industria. Hay una razón por la cual los inversionistas profesionales de todo el mundo utilizan esta suite de software: porque quieren la información más reciente, las ejecuciones de señales comerciales más rápidas y el análisis más fácil de leer al instante. Invertir como un profesional cada vez que juegas en el mercado con AbleTrend 7.0 Software de comercio, señales de comercio y ASCTrend indicadores de la señal de comercio.

Tabla de precios de futuros diarios de materias primas: mayo de 2016

Los datos de mercado son proporcionados por ICE Futures. Los datos de mercado se retrasan al menos 10 minutos. Es una condición de acceso a este sitio web que usted acepta no copiar, difundir o de otra manera utilizar los datos proporcionados en este sitio sin el permiso explícito de ICE Futures y TradingCharts. com, Inc. Los datos de mercado se proporciona para la visualización directa en el navegador de Internet Del usuario final solamente, y sólo en el formato proporcionado. No se permite la captura automatizada, ingeniería inversa u otro uso no intencionado de páginas o datos incorporados. Estas páginas & copiar; TradingCharts. com, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Tradingcharts. com, Inc. no hace ninguna reclamación sobre la validez de la información proporcionada en este documento, y no será responsable por su uso.

Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

El comercio de futuros y divisas implica un riesgo sustancial y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. Estos resultados se basan en resultados de rendimiento simulados o hipotéticos que tienen ciertas limitaciones inherentes. A diferencia de los resultados mostrados en un registro de desempeño real, estos resultados no representan el comercio real. Además, debido a que estas operaciones no se han ejecutado realmente, estos resultados pueden tener una o una compensación excesiva para el impacto, si alguno, de ciertos factores de mercado, como la falta de liquidez. Los programas comerciales simulados o hipotéticos en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las que se muestran. El testimonio no puede ser representativo de la experiencia de otros clientes y el testimonio no es garantía de futuro rendimiento o éxito.

&dupdo; Copyright 1995-2016 AbleSys Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. Declaración de privacidad

Si usted ha estado buscando una ventaja en el mundo de la señal de comercio de acciones de comercio, inversión y análisis técnico, la señal de comercio de AbleSys, software de comercio y sistema de comercio es para usted. Con los programas líderes de la industria, como AbleTrend 7.0 Trading Software y ASCTrend software de comercio de indicadores, que están utilizando el software más intuitivo, potente y popular de su tipo. Perfecto como software de swing trading y como software de análisis técnico. Ninguna otra empresa en el mundo financiero de hoy puede ayudarle a tomar decisiones de inversión más informadas. Con más y más gente saltando en la inversión por su cuenta, el mercado está inundado con buenas intenciones que a menudo no resultan para el mejor. Usted necesita un sistema de señal de comercio de opciones de acciones que pueden ayudar a desmitificar las señales comerciales. AbleTrend 7.0 comercio de señal de software y señales de comercio ASCTrend Indicadores ofrecen el mejor software, análisis de cotización de valores. Y la ejecución en la industria. Hay una razón por la cual los inversionistas profesionales de todo el mundo utilizan esta suite de software: porque quieren la información más reciente, las ejecuciones de señales comerciales más rápidas y el análisis más fácil de leer al instante. Invertir como un profesional cada vez que juegas en el mercado con AbleTrend 7.0 Software de comercio, señales de comercio y ASCTrend indicadores de la señal de comercio.

Tabla Mensual de Precios de Futuros de Productos Básicos

Los datos de mercado son propiedad de Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Los datos de mercado se retrasan al menos 10 minutos. El acceso a este sitio web y el uso de estos datos de mercado está sujeto a lo siguiente: (a) Los datos de mercado son para uso personal del destinatario y no pueden ser redistribuidos sin el permiso de CME, que puede depender de la ejecución de un acuerdo y el pago del Cuota aplicable; (B) CME y sus licenciantes reservan todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual a los datos del mercado; (C) CME y TradingCharts declinan toda responsabilidad por los datos de mercado y su uso, y cualquier y todas las pérdidas, daños o reclamaciones derivadas del uso de datos de mercado; (D) CME y TradingCharts pueden suspender o terminar la recepción de datos de mercado por cualquier parte si CME tiene razones para creer que los datos de mercado están siendo mal utilizados o mal representados. También es una condición de acceso a este sitio web que usted acepta no copiar, diseminar, capturar, realizar ingeniería inversa o utilizar la información proporcionada en este sitio para cualquier otro propósito, excepto para la visualización directa en el navegador de Internet del usuario final solamente. Sólo en el formato proporcionado. Estas páginas & copiar; TradingCharts. com, Inc.

Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Para el comerciante activo, ser "correcto" o "incorrecto" adquiere un nuevo significado. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Al negociar opciones binarias con el riesgo contra las configuraciones de la recompensa inclinadas dramáticamente en cualquier dirección, it†™ s importante tener una comprensión fundamental de la probabilidad de los oficios rentables consecutivos o de perder oficios que ocurren en cualquier momento dado. Continúe leyendo aquí.

ESignal OnDemand: Nueva orientación del usuario

Bienvenido a la Orientación de nuevos usuarios para eSignal OnDemand. Esta guía está diseñada para ayudarle a empezar a usar eSignal OnDemand e introducirle a los recursos disponibles para ayudarle a encontrar lo que está buscando.

E Signal OnDemand Servicio destacado

Datos de instantánea retrasada: el inicio de sesión y todos los símbolos de su diseño o página se actualizarán inicialmente con una instantánea retrasada. A partir de entonces, las actualizaciones se realizarán automáticamente cada cinco minutos.

Intraday History - Tendrás acceso a 6 meses de historia intradía estándar con la posibilidad de añadir en Extended Intraday History desde hace 2 años para muchos mercados populares, incluyendo hasta 12 años para las acciones estadounidenses. Finalmente, todos los mercados se ampliarán a medida que se recopilen los datos.

El acceso está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Pueden ocurrir algunos períodos de mantenimiento de rutina del servidor.

Tiene 2 opciones de nivel de servicio para elegir:

Qué intercambios se incluyen con cada región a la que estoy suscrito? El desglose de los intercambios incluidos con cada región se puede encontrar haciendo clic en los enlaces enumerados arriba o saltando a nuestra página de precios de tarifas de cambio. Habrá ciertas excepciones para los intercambios que no ofrecen sus datos sobre una base diferida o cargo por separado para los datos retrasados. Esos intercambios no se incluirían en su respectiva región.

En la actualidad, las siguientes cotizaciones cobran por retraso (o están disponibles sólo en tiempo real) y, por lo tanto, están excluidas del servicio OnDemand: Chi-X Market Data, Deutsche Boerse: Spot Market Alemania Indices & amp; ETF, Intercambio Mercantil de Dubai, Valores del Índice FTSE, SE italiano / Milán, Futuros y Derivados Italianos (IDM), LME Plásticos, LME Steel y London Metals Exchange (LME).

Qué región necesito para los datos de Forex? Los datos compuestos de Forex se incluyen en cada una de las 3 regiones.

Puedo obtener cotizaciones Forex específicas de contribuyentes en eSignal OnDemand (es decir, @GAIN, @FXCM)? Sí, las cotizaciones Forex específicas de un contribuyente están disponibles como un complemento. El servicio eSignal OnDemand - Forex se puede agregar a la cuenta a través de Account Maintenance.

Puedo obtener una Ventana de Tiempo y Ventas o Carpeta de Cartas con eSignal OnDemand? Los datos de nivel de Tick no están disponibles con este servicio. Como resultado, eSignal OnDemand no dispone de gráficos de tiempo y ventas y de ticks (Tick, Barra de Volumen, Barra de Segundos, etc.). Si necesita datos de nivel de ticks, como Tiempo y Ventas, desee considerar suscribirse a una de nuestras otras ofertas de productos.

Puedo usar eSignal OnDemand para alimentar mi aplicación de terceros? ESignal OnDemand ha sido diseñado para aprovechar la aplicación eSignal al precio más bajo que ofrecemos. Este nuevo servicio no está configurado para admitir ningún programa de software de terceros en este momento.

Puedo añadir estudios Premium EFS adicionales a eSignal OnDemand? Actualmente, los servicios adicionales de EFS no están disponibles con este producto eSignal. Están disponibles las fórmulas EFS creadas por el usuario y las 100 de fórmulas gratuitas en la biblioteca EFS.

Puedo añadir noticias a eSignal OnDemand? Actualmente, los servicios de noticias no están disponibles con este producto eSignal.

Existen índices disponibles con eSignal OnDemand? Sí, las actualizaciones instantáneas en tiempo real de índices están disponibles para este producto.

Es QLink (RTD) o DDE compatible con eSignal OnDemand? En la actualidad, QLink (RTD) y DDE no son funciones compatibles del servicio eSignal OnDemand. Podemos ofrecer la posibilidad de usar QLink (RTD) o DDE en el futuro.

Puedo pagar por adelantado eSignal OnDemand y ahorrar dinero adicional? Desde el lanzamiento inicial de este producto, hemos estado ofreciendo la tarifa mensual. Es probable que introduciremos una tasa de prepago en algún momento en el futuro.

Cuál es mi límite de símbolo con eSignal OnDemand? ESignal OnDemand permite un número ilimitado de símbolos, viendo 500 a la vez.

Cómo puedo decidir si eSignal OnDemand es adecuado para mí? Hemos puesto a su disposición las siguientes herramientas para ayudarle a decidir cuál es el "sabor" De eSignal serviría mejor a sus necesidades:

Las cartas se han cargado, pero por qué no se están actualizando? Los gráficos avanzados deben actualizarse manualmente. Una vez cargado el gráfico inicial, será necesario actualizar manualmente para ver las nuevas actualizaciones en el gráfico (tanto para Diario como Intraday). Esa es una razón por la que llamamos al servicio "OnDemand", porque no está diseñado para ser un servicio de streaming. Una vez que se produzca una actualización, se activará un temporizador, evitando que se realicen actualizaciones adicionales (los iconos de actualización quedarán atenuados) hasta que hayan transcurrido 5 minutos. Tenga en cuenta que, incluso después de una actualización, aún se aplican las reglas de cambio normales para los datos retrasados. Ver una lista de tiempos de retardo por intercambio.

Hemos añadido iconos para permitir que el gráfico se actualice manualmente con un solo clic. Hay un icono para actualizar el gráfico actual y otro para actualizar todas las cartas abiertas en su área de trabajo.

Descarga del software

Antes de descargar el software o iniciar el servicio, para asegurarse de que su PC funcionará con eSignal OnDemand, debe revisar los Requisitos del sistema eSignal. Que puede obtener al hacer clic en el enlace "Ver" en la página de descarga de eSignal.

Descargar el software eSignal OnDemand es muy fácil. Complete los pasos que se indican a continuación o consulte un video clip pregrabado titulado "Introducción a eSignal" en la página de formación de productos eSignal / eSignal OnDemand, donde se describen algunos de los aspectos básicos de la instalación y ejecución de eSignal por primera vez.

Vaya a la página de descarga y haga clic en el botón "Descargar".

Seleccione "Ejecutar" cuando aparezca el cuadro de diálogo. (Una vez finalizada la transferencia de archivos, el proceso de instalación comenzará automáticamente.)

Ingrese su nombre de usuario y contraseña cuando se le solicite y continúe haciendo clic en "Siguiente" hasta que llegue a la pantalla final. Haga clic en "Finalizar" para completar la instalación.

Si está integrando eSignal con uno de nuestros socios de corredores, las instrucciones están disponibles en las preguntas frecuentes de corretaje.

Nota: En las raras ocasiones en las que se produce un problema durante la instalación, también puede elegir "Guardar" cuando aparezca el cuadro de diálogo del instalador. Esto salvará el archivo de instalación de eSignal en su PC. Esto toma entre 5 y 15 minutos, dependiendo de la velocidad de conexión. Una vez que este archivo se guarde correctamente en su PC, simplemente haga doble clic para iniciar el instalador y siga el paso 3 como se indica arriba.

Cuando inicie por primera vez eSignal OnDemand, verá una página de ejemplo titulada "Bienvenido a eSignal". El espacio de trabajo eSignal se guarda en un archivo denominado Página.

Todas las ventanas dentro del área de trabajo se guardan en un único archivo de página. Para crear una nueva página, haga clic en "Página" en el menú principal, seguido de "Nueva página". Esto cerrará las ventanas predeterminadas existentes. Haga clic en "Archivo", "Nuevo" y seleccione uno de los tipos de ventana disponibles (por ejemplo, Ventana de cotización, Gráfico avanzado, Tiempo y ventas, etc.). Repita este proceso hasta que haya personalizado su espacio de trabajo para satisfacer sus necesidades. Tiene la opción de cambiar el nombre de las ventanas individuales dentro de su área de trabajo haciendo clic en "Archivo", "Renombrar título de la ventana".

Una vez que haya ingresado todos los símbolos deseados y ajustado los tamaños / posiciones de las ventanas, desee guardar su área de trabajo haciendo clic en "Página", "Guardar página como". Introduzca un nuevo nombre de archivo (asegúrese de que es diferente de las páginas predeterminadas existentes, o puede perder su trabajo si alguna vez actualiza) y haga clic en "Guardar". Repita este proceso si desea crear varias páginas.

Hay más de 20 tipos distintos de ventanas en eSignal, como la ventana de cotización, el tiempo y las ventas, las gráficas avanzadas, la profundidad de mercado y más. En la siguiente sección, cubriremos los aspectos básicos de algunos de los tipos de ventanas más populares.

Ventana de cotización La Ventana de cotización muestra información en formato de hoja de cálculo. Introduzca los símbolos que está rastreando en la Ventana de cotización y elija entre más de 180 campos personalizables, incluyendo Último, Oferta / Preguntar, 52 Semanas Alto / Bajo, Volumen electrónico, datos fundamentales fundamentales y mucho más.

Abrir una nueva ventana de cotización En la barra de menús, haga clic en "Archivo", "Nuevo", "Ventana de cotización". Se abrirá una ventana de presupuestos predeterminada. Escribe un símbolo y presiona "Enter".

Adición de un campo (columna) Haga clic con el botón secundario en cualquier encabezado de columna (por ejemplo, "Última") y seleccione "Agregar campo".

Aparecerá un menú "Seleccionar campo". Elija entre más de 180 encabezados de campo disponibles. También puede optar por eliminar o reemplazar un campo haciendo clic derecho en cualquier encabezado de columna. Reorganice el orden de cualquier fila o columna agarrándolo con el botón izquierdo del ratón y arrastrándolo a la nueva columna o fila.

Agregar texto o comentarios a una fila Puede personalizar su ventana de cita añadiendo texto a una fila específica escribiendo "#", seguido por la palabra o comentario que desea agregar. Haga clic en la flecha hacia abajo del teclado para ver el cambio.

Clasificación por un campo (columna) Haga clic con el botón izquierdo del ratón en cualquier encabezado de columna para comenzar a ordenar (por ejemplo, símbolo, último, cambio, alto o bajo). Haga clic en "Sí" cuando se le solicite. Los campos se ordenarán en orden ascendente o descendente con cada clic izquierdo.

El menú de clic derecho Haga clic con el botón derecho en cualquier símbolo que haya introducido en la Ventana de presupuesto. Tendrá la opción de abrir otros tipos de ventanas, como gráficos avanzados, profundidad de mercado y tiempo y ventas. También puede encontrar noticias o establecer alertas en cualquier símbolo que haga clic derecho.

Cambio de colores Haga clic en la ventana de cotización para convertirla en la ventana activa. Vaya a "Opciones de cotización" en la barra de menús; Luego haga clic en "Colores". Resalte la línea del campo que desea cambiar; Luego haga clic en "Cambiar color" para abrir el menú de color.

Advanced Chart Window Las gráficas avanzadas de eSignal ofrecen una interfaz de usuario extremadamente flexible e incluyen una completa gama de herramientas de dibujo lineal, análisis avanzado y un motor de fórmula que le permite crear sus propios estudios. Puede importar, crear, guardar y cifrar sus propias fórmulas. También puede seleccionar entre una extensa biblioteca de fórmulas y ayudantes, utilizar funciones avanzadas de escala y personalizar su propia barra de herramientas de gráficos avanzados. Obtenga más información sobre la función de Gráficos Avanzados de eSignal viendo un video pregrabado titulado "Conceptos básicos avanzados de gráficos" en la página de formación de productos eSignal / eSignal OnDemand.

Para abrir un nuevo gráfico avanzado, haga clic en "Archivo", "Nuevo" y luego "Gráfico Avanzado".

Introducción de símbolos y cambio de intervalos Para introducir un símbolo en un gráfico avanzado, escriba cualquier letra del teclado. Esto abrirá el cuadro "Cambiar símbolo", donde puede introducir un nuevo símbolo e intervalo. Para cambiar el intervalo (si este cuadro de diálogo no está abierto), escriba un número en su teclado ( "5" representa un intervalo de 5 minutos) o pulse la tecla coma (,).

Otros intervalos incluyen D para Daily, W para Weekly y M para mensual.

Tipo de gráfico Seleccione de una variedad de tipos de gráficos, incluyendo barras, velas, líneas y gráficos de área. Kagi. Punto & amp; Figura. Point Break y Renko Charts también están disponibles. Para cambiar el tipo de gráfico de un gráfico avanzado, haga clic con el botón secundario en el gráfico y seleccione "Tipo de gráfico".

Aplicación de plantillas de tiempo Las plantillas de tiempo controlan las horas de inicio y finalización, así como el número de días / barras que se muestran en el gráfico. Haga clic con el botón derecho en un gráfico avanzado y haga clic en "Plantillas de tiempo" para seleccionar una plantilla predeterminada. Las plantillas de tiempo específicas, como 9:30 - 16:00, no funcionarán con Gráficos Diarios o Gráficos de Tick. Obtenga más información sobre cómo crear una plantilla nueva.

Agregar y editar estudios básicos Para agregar un estudio, haga clic con el botón derecho en un gráfico avanzado, vaya a "Estudios básicos" y seleccione uno de los estudios disponibles. Alternativamente, hay una carpeta "Fórmulas" disponible con estudios adicionales.

Ventana de cursor La ventana de cursor es el panel de información pequeño dentro de un gráfico avanzado que muestra información, como el símbolo, fecha, precio, abierto, alto, bajo y cierre. La barra de estado del servidor se muestra en la parte superior de la ventana del cursor con una "OK" sobre un fondo verde.

Barras de herramientas Varias barras de herramientas están disponibles en gráficos avanzados. Estas barras de herramientas se pueden activar y desactivar haciendo clic en "Ver" en el menú principal y seleccionando la barra de herramientas adecuada. Las barras de herramientas son "acoplables". Esto significa que pueden arrastrarse o moverse a otra parte de la pantalla. Lea una explicación detallada de los iconos de la barra de herramientas.

Barra de herramientas de gráficos avanzados La barra de herramientas de gráficos avanzados permite realizar accesos directos, como cambiar el tipo de gráfico, escalar el gráfico, ajustar el ancho y el espaciado de la barra, eliminar elementos del gráfico y más.

Barra de herramientas de línea La barra de herramientas de línea permite un acceso rápido a las herramientas de dibujo, las líneas de Fibonacci, la herramienta de texto, el borrador y la función de "acercar / alejar" y también permite mover y copiar líneas.

Barra de herramientas de Línea Avanzada La barra de herramientas Línea Avanzada requiere una suscripción a eSignal, Advanced GET Edition, y estará atenuada a menos que esté suscrito a Advanced GET.

La barra de herramientas Favoritos La barra de herramientas Favoritos le permite establecer accesos directos para las existencias e intervalos de uso frecuente.

Enlace - Esta característica permite al usuario vincular ventanas basadas en color. Propiedades: las propiedades permiten a los usuarios quitar carpetas y accesos directos de la barra. Añadir - Con la función "Añadir", el usuario puede crear nuevos accesos directos.

La barra de herramientas Favoritos muestra dos carpetas, "Equidades" y "Otros intervalos", donde se pueden agregar accesos directos adicionales.

Ventana de cartera La Ventana de cartera proporciona una manera fácil de rastrear el valor actual de su cartera de inversiones. Puede ingresar información sobre sus tenencias y la aplicación calcula el porcentaje y la ganancia o pérdida en dólares para cada posición y el valor total de su cartera.

Puede personalizar esta ventana agregando o eliminando encabezados, cambiando colores, así como fuentes. Para añadir o eliminar un encabezado, haga clic con el botón derecho en cualquiera de los encabezados existentes y seleccione "Agregar campo". Resalte el campo (encabezado) que desea agregar y, a continuación, haga clic en & quot; Aceptar & quot ;.

Introducción de una nueva posición Para introducir una nueva posición, escriba el símbolo en una fila vacía y pulse & quot; Introducir & quot ;. Introduzca el número de acciones, el precio y cualquier otra información relevante para este puesto; Luego haga clic en & quot; Aceptar & quot ;. La nueva posición se agregará a la cartera. Consulte este artículo de la base de datos para los formatos de bonos y notas CBOT.

Edición o Cierre de una Posición La opción "Editar Posición & quot; Permite cerrar o agregar a una posición existente. Para editar la posición, haga clic con el botón derecho en el símbolo en cuestión y seleccione "Editar posición". En la sección "Editar Posición & quot; , Seleccione & quot; Agregar & quot; O "Cerrar" Y especificar el número de acciones, junto con el precio de la acción.

Desde el menú del botón derecho también está la opción "Posición correcta", que le permite editar una posición existente.

E Signal OnDemand - Forex

ESignal OnDemand - Forex permite a los usuarios recibir datos en tiempo real para un contribuyente de Forex de su elección. Los usuarios pueden elegir rápidamente una lista desplegable de varios contribuyentes individuales. Este producto también tiene la capacidad de recibir datos de instantánea retrasados ​​para una o todas las regiones, así como datos en tiempo real al mismo tiempo. Este sabor de OnDemand requiere una suscripción adicional de Forex. Lea más acerca de eSignal OnDemand - Forex.

Selección de un contribuyente de Forex Para seleccionar un contribuidor de Forex, vaya a Archivo -> Preferencias y haga clic en la pestaña "Contribuidor de Forex".

9 Los contribuidores de Forex están disponibles:

Barclays London (BL) Servicios de mercado de capitales (CMSN) FX Dealer Direct (FXDD) Forex Capital Markets (FXCM) GAIN Capital - FOREX. com (GAIN) Forex Trading (TDFX) PFGBEST (PFG) Saxo Bank - Copenhague (SBD)

Para nuestro ejemplo que se muestra a continuación, seleccionamos Forex Capital Markets (FXCM). En la imagen que se muestra a continuación, la ventana de cotización muestra los símbolos para el yen japonés, el euro y el franco suizo. Para FXCM, esos símbolos se actualizarán en tiempo real. Los otros dos símbolos, DELL y 6E M9, mostrarán los datos en un modo de instantánea retrasada. El gráfico avanzado muestra datos en tiempo real para EUR @ FXCM A0-FX.

ESignal OnDemand - Mini Futuros

ESignal OnDemand - Mini Futures es un producto que ofrece streaming, datos en tiempo real para el CME E-mini Futures, así como datos de instantáneas retrasados ​​en cientos de bolsas de valores y futuros de todo el mundo. Nos hemos asociado con un número selecto de corredores y el CME para proporcionar un plan de precios especial para el cual las comisiones normales de datos de intercambio E-mini de CME (los honorarios del corredor pueden seguir aplicándose) se renuncian siempre que se cumplan todos los requisitos siguientes.

1. Regístrese para una cuenta de eSignal OnDemand - Mini Futures. 2. Abrir (o tener) una cuenta financiada con uno de los corredores de futuros preferidos. 3. Descargue y ejecute la última versión de eSignal. 4. Descargue y utilice el plug-in de corredor para conectarse a su cuenta de corretaje a través de eSignal Trade Manager dentro de una semana (y usarlo al menos mensualmente después).

Qué pasará si alguno de los 4 requisitos no se cumple? Si no se cumple alguna de las condiciones requeridas, se enviará al usuario una advertencia de incumplimiento. Si no se toman medidas inmediatas, la parte CME de la suscripción será cancelada, dejando sólo activa la suscripción base OnDemand. Cómo puedo registrarme en OnDemand - Mini Futures? Actualmente, solo está disponible el registro en línea con este producto porque los acuerdos en línea deben cumplirse para completar el registro.

Qué símbolos están incluidos como parte de los futuros de CME Mini en tiempo real? Visite la Guía de símbolos de CME. Y encontrará una lista de símbolos disponibles en la sección titulada "Paquete E-mini". Para encontrar símbolos para la instantánea / parte retrasada de su suscripción, utilice la Búsqueda de símbolos eSignal incorporada o visite el Directorio de símbolos en línea.

Obtenga más información sobre los tipos de ventanas y las características del producto visitando la Base de conocimientos eSignal.

Búsqueda de símbolos y formatos

Siempre que es posible, eSignal OnDemand utiliza la simbología de intercambio estándar. Hemos separado los formatos en sus respectivas categorías, por lo que son más fáciles de seguir.

Vea nuestro Directorio de Símbolos para obtener una lista de todos los listados A - Z y Formatos de Símbolos para códigos de intercambio específicos.

Acciones de América del Norte. Para las poblaciones de Estados Unidos, utilice los símbolos comúnmente conocidos para ellos (IBM, GE, GM, etc.). Si está buscando un warrant, acción de clase, acción preferencial u otro número especial, o para acciones canadienses, deberá agregar un identificador de intercambio de dos caracteres.

Europeas, africanas y de Asia / Pacífico. Para estos símbolos, utilice el mismo formato que con las poblaciones estadounidenses, pero añada un identificador de intercambio de 3 caracteres al final del símbolo.

Futuros Norteamericanos. El formato estándar para los futuros de América del Norte es un símbolo de dos caracteres, código de mes, último dígito del año de vencimiento. (ES Z9 es el contrato E-mini de CME para el 09 de diciembre.) (Nota: Para contratos continuos, reemplace el código del mes y del año por #F [ES #F]).

Europa y Asia / Pacífico Futuros. Estos símbolos usan el mismo formato que los futuros estadounidenses, pero añadimos un identificador de intercambio de 3 a 4 caracteres al final. (Nota: Actualmente, eSignal no tiene contratos continuos para los datos de futuros internacionales.)

Forex. Forex OnDemand requiere el símbolo raíz (EUR), el signo @, el contribuidor, un espacio y, a continuación, el par de divisas (ejemplo: A0-FX), de la siguiente manera:

Índices . Los índices se dividen en 3 grupos: índices eSignal, índices mundiales e índices internacionales.

Índices eSignal: Cada símbolo comienza con un signo $ (ejemplo: $ INDU es el Dow Jones Industrial Average). Consulte la Guía de símbolos - Índices eSignal para obtener más información.

Índices mundiales: Se trata de una colección de índices de todo el mundo disponible en un solo paquete como un servicio complementario.

Índices Internacionales: Muchos de los mercados europeos y de Asia y Pacífico intercambian acciones e índices en categorías separadas y distintas. Algunos cobran una tarifa adicional por los índices también.

Programas de terceros / complementos

ESignal OnDemand es compatible con algunas aplicaciones de terceros y estudios de fórmulas disponibles para agregar a OnDemand a través de nuestras asociaciones EFS (eSignal Formula Script).

Gestión de cuentas / facturación eSignal ofrece mantenimiento de cuentas en línea para aquellos que desean administrar sus propias cuentas. El mantenimiento de la cuenta proporciona acceso 24/7 a la información de su cuenta, así como muchos otros beneficios:

Agregar / borrar servicios (intercambios, servicios de noticias, etc.)

Paga tu cuenta

Cambiar contraseñas

Reiniciar una cuenta

Ver historial de facturación

Actualizar tarjeta de crédito

Video Training Video Training Además de los videoclips de eSignal anteriormente mencionados, hemos archivado una serie de otros cursos relacionados con eSignal. Por favor, echa un vistazo a la selección de vídeos pregrabados en la página de formación de productos eSignal / eSignal OnDemand.

Foros de eSignal Los foros de eSignal son una poderosa herramienta para aprender sobre eSignal OnDemand y para interactuar con otros comerciantes. Los foros son un gran lugar para hablar sobre la personalización de fórmulas, nuevas estrategias comerciales, cómo sacar el máximo provecho de eSignal y mucho más. Es una herramienta de comunicación esencial para mantenerse al tanto de los eventos actuales y ser parte de nuestra comunidad de usuarios. Para leer y responder a todas las publicaciones, regístrese para los Foros eSignal hoy. El registro es gratuito.

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Anuncios importantes y estado de la red Para obtener información sobre su servicio eSignal o el estado de la red, puede acceder a una sección especial de los foros de eSignal.

Contáctenos Para ponerse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia técnica o servicio al cliente de eSignal, visite nuestra página de contacto.


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Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100, San Vicente y las Granadinas, West Indies, está registrada bajo el número de registro 20389 IBC 2012 por el Registro de Empresas Comerciales Internacionales, registrado por la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de San Vicente y las Granadinas.

Alpari Limited, 60 Market Square, Ciudad de Belice, Belice, está registrada bajo el número de registro 137.509, autorizado por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros Internacionales de Belice, número de licencia IFSC / 60/301 / TS / 16.

Alpari Research & Analysis Limited, 209 Tower Bridge Business Center, 46-48 East Smithfield, Londres, Reino Unido, E1W 1AW (investigación financiera y análisis para las empresas Alpari).

Alpari fue una de las empresas involucradas en la formación de CRFIN (el Centro de Regulación de Instrumentos Financieros y Tecnologías de OTC).

Alpari es miembro de la Comisión Financiera. Una organización internacional dedicada a la resolución de disputas dentro de la industria de servicios financieros en el mercado Forex.

Descargo de Riesgo. Antes de empezar a operar, debe comprender completamente los riesgos relacionados con el mercado de divisas y el comercio de margen, y debe ser consciente de su nivel de experiencia.

© 1998-2016 Alpari Limited

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Tiempo de la última operación: Mar 18 2016 16:37:04 EDT Los datos se retrasaron 0 minutos. Datos de mercado retrasados ​​por reglas de cambio, excepto cuando se indique lo contrario. Toda la información se proporciona "tal cual" y únicamente con fines informativos, no con fines de negociación o asesoramiento. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en futuros y opciones de negociación. No arriesgues el dinero que no puedes permitirte perder. S - Precio de Liquidación y - Precio de Liquidación de ayer e - Estimado

Visite nuestra página del mercado de Futuros con los datos de mercado de Forex, E-minis / índices, energía, finanzas, alimentos, cereales, carnes y metales.

Forex diario ohlc

No se puede crear una solicitud de salida. Por favor, compruebe el complemento de snippets de Mamma.

Observador Forex

OHLC diario, media móvil, RSI, datos de Ichimoku. 2014/08/19, abierto, alto, bajo, cierre, 21 días, 89 días, 200 días, 13 días, Senko1, Senko2, Tenkan, Kijun. OHLC diario Hola, estoy queriendo descargar los datos de símbolos diarios para alrededor de 30 pares en un proceso por lotes. Es ForexConnect algo que podría utilizar o interfaz con

Bar Charts (OHLC) - Cartas Increíbles: Mercado de Valores Libre.

Gráficos de Barras (OHLC) Cada barra en un gráfico de barras representa el desempeño del precio para un período específico. Estos períodos pueden ser tanto como un mes o tan corto como un minuto.

FOREX-Datos diarios faltantes - eSignal

Los datos diarios de OHLC para los símbolos de la divisa incluyendo EURO A0-FX, JPY A0-FX, CHF A0-FX, GBP A0-FX, XAU A0-FX faltan para 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2011. Por favor avise.

Indicador de Pivote Diario MT4. OHLC ajustable. - Trade2Win

Indicador de Pivote Diario MT4. OHLC ajustable. Esta es una discusión sobre el Indicador de Pivote Diario MT4. OHLC ajustable. Dentro de los foros de Chat General Trading, parte de la.

Cómo obtener los datos de OHLC. Daily20pip. com - Señal diaria de la divisa.

Cómo utilizar esta señal de la divisa - Siga esta estrategia fácil, actualizada diariamente entre 00.00 GMT - 05.00 GMT - lugar siempre sugerido stoploss, usted debe proteger su capital

ForexFeed. net: Forex Forex Currency On-Demand

Los datos intradía proporcionan cotizaciones en divisas Intraday, OHLC y Fin de Día (EOD). Abierto, Alto, Bajo y Cierre (OHLC) los datos son ideales para la cartografía, la investigación, el mercado.

Puntos de pivote de la divisa, calculadora, & amp; Trading @ DailyFX

Pivot Points son ampliamente utilizados por los comerciantes de día para determinar rápidamente donde el sentimiento del mercado de divisas puede cambiar entre alcista y bajista. Pivot puntos son también.

Datos históricos de Forex: Pares de divisas Forex - Global View

El programa de base de datos de GVI proporciona datos históricos diarios de la divisa libre (cerca alto bajo) al comienzo del euro (1 de enero, 1999). Los datos de divisas más actualizados para los principales. Una mirada en la dependencia del alimento en negociar del FX: Cuantificación de datos de OHLC. 28 de enero de 2014. Si bien la desviación máxima entre las velas diarias constituye el 32,09%. Y comparaciones adicionales, incluyendo la estacionalidad) dentro de Moneda. Histórico diario OHLC - DailyFX Estoy tratando de obtener datos históricos OHLC diario para Eur / USD. Siguiendo el ejemplo de código. DailyFX - Noticias y Análisis del Mercado Forex. Bandera inglesa. Necesito datos en bruto (OHLC) - BabyPips. com Hola, necesito los datos diarios de Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC) para EUR / USD y USD / CHF. BabyPips. com: la guía para principiantes de Forex Trading. La energía detrás de los datos de OHLC de la divisa. La energía detrás de los datos de OHLC de la divisa. Una barra de la carta del candlestick es una cantidad tremenda de información ocultada. Contiene datos Open High Low Close (OHLC). Yloketuz: Daily forex ohlc Ene 19, 2010 & # 183 & nbspSobre la divisa diaria ohlc. Sientes que mereces más beneficios, estás dispuesto a tomar más riesgos (imprudentes), y te devuelves al mercado cuando te golpea. Forex trading data - blogspot. com La señal diaria de la divisa con la carta en tiempo real, las cotizaciones, y el foro de la divisa

Observador Forex

Diario OHLC: media móvil: RSI: Ichimoku datos: 2014/08/20: abierto: alto: bajo: cierre: 21 días: 89 días: 200 días: 13 días: Senko1: Senko2: Tenkan: Kijun: Chiko: USD / YEN . Vincular los datos OHLC para 5 barras diarias dinámicamente a Excel? @ Forex Factory Es posible obtener datos de OHLC en células específicas durante los últimos 5 días? Así que el día acaba de terminar & quot; OHLC entra en una fila de células, "day just.

Gráficos de Forex. En línea y gratis. - TradingView

Si usted está mirando un gráfico diario de divisas, entonces cada vela o barra representará. Forex gráficos tipos soportados, como velas, líneas, áreas sombreadas y OHLC. Cotizaciones de OHLC - Foros de Forex | OANDA fxTrade 13 Mar 2002. Saben ustedes dónde puedo conseguir cotizaciones de OHLC para el mayor. Usted pensaría que Oanda proporcionaría datos diarios, ellos siendo "The.

Diario histórico OHLC - Foro Forex @ DailyFX

Estoy tratando de obtener datos históricos de OHLC diarios para Eur / USD. Siguiendo el código de ejemplo, utilizo MarketDataRequest () para crear una solicitud y estoy escuchando

Heartthrob de Mozelle muy fácil de trabajar con muy satisfecho

Todos los requisitos para información sobre forex diario ohlc encontrado aquí.

Sólo si realmente necesita información web sobre forex formación seattle Thx! Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda o desea enviar retroalimentación, póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de ASAP o nuestro correo electrónico. Por favor learninf forex diario ohlc visita: http://ForexEdu. biz

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





Acerca de

ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

DBC (E-Signal): use letras mayúsculas

Acciones: 'Symbol' Por ejemplo: IBM

Índices: 'Símbolo' Por ejemplo: INDU

Futuros: 'símbolo de raíz' (espacio). Por ejemplo: SP.

Forex: 'raíz' (espacio) A0-FX Por ejemplo JPY A0-FX - Tenga en cuenta que en A0, el 0 es NUMERO ZERO

DTNiqFeed: use letras mayúsculas

a. Acciones: 'Symbol' Por ejemplo: IBM

segundo. Índices: 'Símbolo' Por ejemplo: INDU. X COMPX. X

do. Futuros: [@] 'símbolo de raíz'. Por ejemplo: SP. Para Globex use @ES. @ NQ.

Quote. com: use letras mayúsculas

Acciones: 'Symbol' Por ejemplo: IBM

Índices: $ 'símbolo' Por ejemplo: $ INDU

Futuros: 'símbolo de raíz'. Por ejemplo: SP ?!

S&P Comstock TID or CSP (Serial or TCP): use capital letters, some symbols use some letters in small caps

stocks: ‘Symbol’ For Example: IBM

indices: ‘Symbol’ For Example: INDU

futures: ‘root symbol’. For Example: SP?!

Cash currencies: ‘Symbol’ For Example: xGBPUS - Note the SMALL x is needed

Note that for the Globex minis the symbol uses a different letter for the months

Townsend Analytics (REAL TICK III): use capital letters

stocks: ‘Symbol’ For Example: IBM

indices: ‘Symbol’ For Example: INDU

futures: /‘root symbol’. For Example: /SP?!

Globex futures: /‘root symbol’?!G For Example: /ES?!G

Cash Currencies: ‘Symbol’ For Example: 1xGBPUS

DDE Server or DDE2: click here to see symbol formats

Tenfore: use capital letters

a. stocks: ‘Symbol’ For Example: IBM

segundo. indices: ‘Symbol’ For Example: INDU

do. futures: ‘root symbol’. For Example: SP.

MarketCast: use capital letters

a. stocks: ‘Symbol’ For Example: IBM

segundo. indices: ‘Symbol’ For Example: INDU

do. futures: ‘root symbol’. For Example: AO.

La negociación de cualquier mercado conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

* Las opiniones y opiniones representadas en los enlaces y recursos proporcionados en el sitio web no están controladas por el Corredor de Referencia o la FCM. Además, el Corredor de Referencia y la FCM no son responsables de su disponibilidad, contenido o entrega de servicios.

Copyright © 1996-2016 Fibonacci Trader Corp. Todos los nombres mencionados en este documento son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de sus respectivos propietarios.

Poster Printing Services

Posters are effective and often used to communicate your company promotions, products and services. It can also be used to decorate your shop, office and trade booth and more

If you need a poster to display during your product launch, road show or exhibition, simply send us your art work in a soft copy. We will produce it within one working day.

We also offer display stands to showcase your posters.

We also provide the following materials to mount your poster:

We also provide capping to protect your foamboard mounted posters from edge lift, dog ears and dents.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





Acerca de

ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Poster Printing

Posters are effective and often used to communicate your company promotions, products and services. It can also be used sto decorate your shop, office and trade booth and more

If you need a poster to display during your product launch, road show or exhibition, simply send us your art work in a soft copy. We will produce it withinВ one working day.

We also offer display stands to showcase your posters.

Mounting Boards

We also provide the following materials to mount your poster:

Compress Foam Board

Kapaline Foam Board

TP board (Similar to Forex Board)


Poster sizes

Other than the standard sizes above, Imprint Media also provides customised sizes depending on your needs.

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Forex - Foreign Exchange - Currency Trading - pdf Collection 2

21 Candlesticks Every Trader Should Know - Melvin Pasternak (2006) A-7.pdf 1 MB

7 Winning Strategies for Trading Forex - Real and Actionable Techniques for Profiting from the Currency Markets - Grace Cheng (2007) A9.pdf 14 MB

A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics, How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators - John L. Person (2004) A15.pdf 7 MB

Beyond Candlesticks, New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed - Steve Nison (1994) A16.pdf 15 MB

Big Profit Patterns Using Candlestick Signals And Gaps - Stephen W Bigalow (2002).pdf 1 MB

Bollinger on Bollinger Bands - John Bollinger (2001) A38.pdf 21 MB

Currency Strategy - A Practitioner's Guide To Currency Trading, Hedging and Forecasting - Callum Henderson (2006) A7.pdf 2 MB

Enhancing Trader Performance - Proven Strategies From The Cutting Edge Of Trading Psychology - Brett Steenbarger (2006) A24.pdf 4 MB

FX Power Trading Course. pdf 11 MB

Fibonacci Trading - How to Master the Time and Price Advantage - Carolyn Boroden (2008) A16.pdf 14 MB

Forex - Foreign Exchange - Currency Trading - pdf Collection 2.txt 0 MB

Forex Confidante - Tom Strignano. pdf 2 MB

Forex Playbook - Strategies and Trade Set-Ups - Ed Ponsi (2010) A23.pdf 5 MB

Forex Trading Secrets - Trading Strategies for the Forex Market - James Dicks (2010) A4.pdf 3 MB

Forex on Five Hours a Week - How to Make Money Trading on Your Own Time - Raghee Horner (2010) A-4.pdf 7 MB

Harmonic Trading vol.1 - Profiting from the Natural Order of the Financial Markets - Scott M. Carney (2010) A4.pdf 10 MB

Harmonic Trading vol.2 - Advanced Strategies for Profiting from the Natural Order of the Financial Markets - Scott M. Carney (2010) A3.pdf 8 MB

How to Make Money in Alternative Investments - Hubert Bromma, Lisa Moren Bromma (2010) A0.pdf 1 MB

How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange - A Guaranteed Income for Life - Courtney Smith (2010) A7.pdf 5 MB

Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up Your Day Job - Ryan O'Keefe (2010) A-4.pdf 4 MB

Psychology of Trading - Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets - Brett Steenbarger (2002) A41.pdf 3 MB

Sentiment Indicators - Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point and Figure - What They Are and How to Use Them to Trade - Abe Cofnas (2010) A0.pdf 6 MB

The Daily Trading Coach - 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist - Brett Steenbarger (2009) A23.pdf 4 MB

The Handbook of Trading - Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets - Greg N. Gregoriou (2010) A0.pdf 5 MB

The Only Three Questions That Count - Investing by Knowing What Others Don't - Ken Fisher (2008) A126.pdf 3 MB

The Quarters Theory - The Revolutionary New Foreign Currencies Trading Method - Ilian Yotov (2010) A4.pdf 6 MB

Torrent downloaded from Demonoid. com. txt 0 MB

Trade Chart Patterns like the Pros - Suri Duddella (2008) A1.pdf 7 MB

Value in Time - Better Trading through Effective Volume - Pascal Willain (2008) A18.pdf 16 MB

Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.

&dupdo; 2003-2016 Torrentz 0.006s

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Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

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Regional Data & Quote Montage Windows

For a full description click here. Below is a table that lists the regions.

A = AMEX American Stock Exchange B = BSE/BOX Boston Stock and Options Exchange C = CSE Cincinnati Stock Exchange E = OTC Markets ( Applies to dually-quoted symbols only for display of Bid/Ask data only.) H = BATY I = ISE International Securities Exchange J = EDGA K = EDGX M = MSE Midwest ( Chicago ) Stock Exchange N = NYSE New York Stock Exchange O = NASD National Association of Securities Dealers P = PSE/PCX Pacific Exchange - Stock and Options Q = NMS National Market Service (NASDAQ) S = BATS T = THRD Third Party (listed stocks on the OTC market) W =CBOE Chicago Board of Options Exchange X = PHIL Philadelphia Stock and Options Exchange

In response to the Options Symbology Initiative a new symbol format was implemented for Stock and Index Options in February 2010.

O: (Underlying Symbol). a space, (Two Digit Year ). (Put/Call and Expiration Month Code). (Strike Price)

O: FB 15 A 95.00 (Facebook January 2015 Call at 95.00)

Any standard expiring option series listed after August 31, 2013 and expiring after Jan 31, 2015, will have an expiration date of the third Friday of the Month.

Example: O:FB 15C95.00 D20 (Facebook March 2015 Call at 95.00

with expiration date of 03/20/2015)

In addition, there’s an optional regional ID code and an exchange day identifier, used for quarterly, weekly or any expiry other than the third Saturday.

O: (Underlying Symbol). a space, (Two Digit Year ). (Put/Call and Expiration Month Code). (Strike Price) . Day Identifier , =Regional Exchange ID

O: DIA 10C 74.00 D30 (DIA March 30, 2010 74.00 Call - Quarterly expiration) O: IBM 10 S 100.00 =B (IBM July 2010 Put at 100.00 from the Boston Stk Exch.)

High yielding AUD and NZD continue to fly higher – A$0.7270 & N$0.6449

Vice-President of Currency Analysis at MarketPulse

Dean Popplewell has nearly two decades of experience trading currencies and fixed income instruments. He has a deep understanding of market fundamentals and the impact of global events on capital markets. He is respected among professional traders for his skilled analysis and career history as global head of trading for firms such as Scotia Capital and BMO Nesbitt Burns. Since joining OANDA in 2006, Dean has played an instrumental role in driving awareness of the forex market as an emerging asset class for retail investors, as well as providing expert counsel to a number of internal teams on how to best serve clients and industry stakeholders.

Latest posts by Dean Popplewell (see all )


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MarketPulse is a forex, commodities, and global indices analysis, and forex news site providing timely and accurate information on major economic trends, technical analysis, and worldwide events that impact different asset classes and investors.

This article is for general information purposes only. It is not investment advice or a solution to buy or sell securities.

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CP6 directed me to a site with something like this on their web page, and asked if it can be made as indicator. Well, here it is (changed their approach )

PD. if you, by chance, get a display like on the lower displayed indicator, download and install the MS LineDraw font in the attachment and check "UseMSLineDraw" to true PPS: added a version that can recognize any broker prefix or suffix (the "any" version) It needs the "allow dll imports" enabled in order to work correctly

Last edited by mladen ; 21-12-2015, 00:37.

Their definition of "heat" is (I changed the colors in the default settings and a way symbol pairs are constructed - this way you can see relative strengths in both directions) :

strong up. current close is above prior bar high weak up. current close is above prior close but less than or equal to prior bar high no move. current close is equal to prior bar close weak down. current close is less than prior bar close but greater than or equal prior bar low strong down. current close is less than previous bar low

Very impressive indicator indeed! This is just the kind of stuff that actually helps in trading! ¡Muchas gracias!

What is your method of deciding if a move is "strong up" "up" etc?

Large Format Printing

Star Bay has a well equipped reprographics facility in its Karama centre in Dubai. Our Large format digital printing division offers you excellent services.

Today wide format printers are available in a range of sizes as well as resolution qualities. We have a choice selection of wide format printers coupled to high end computer systems and to scanners. Each operator is exceptionally knowledgeable about the process and can give you perfect outputs matching your needs. Whether you need one or a large number of wide format printed material on any substrate and in any resolution, Star Bay is your one stop source. You can choose low resolution, low cost flex printed banners and huge posters for outdoor displays at a very affordable price. If you need high quality, high resolution, large sized art prints on canvas, cloth, transparent media or vinyl; we have the equipments and the expertise to match color for perfect reproduction.

Large format printing services cover:

Roll up and Pop up Banners and Signs in full colors as well as black and white

Posters and Banners in vivid, rich, striking, saturated colors

Canvas and cloth prints with excellent color reproduction and fidelity

Vinyl and Flex printing with full depth, rich color

Printing on different media including paper

We offer both solvent based large format printing as well as environment-friendly water based ink printing. Sizes start at A 5 in width and go all the way to 54 inches. There is no length limitation. We can create huge posters in sections and paste them in perfect alignment.



Trade Shows

Hoardings and signs for Publicity


In office displays of artistic canvas prints for reception areas and product blow ups

Our Capabilities:

Our Large format printing division is staffed by experienced design professionals who will create stunning graphics for your eye-popping popup banners, posters and banners to make the right impact in exhibitions, trade shows, retail outlets, malls and advertising

We have high resolution large format printers to create “art” posters and help you realize value addition on your prints. Artists and designers are welcome to use this facility and print out their creations on canvas, transparent film, vinyl or flex.

We have full coating and lamination facilities to protect the prints

We provide mounting and framing services for large format prints at our Karama centre.

Why Star Bay for Your Wide Format Printing?

We have expert professionals who understand various aspects of designs as applicable to end uses. We can therefore come up with perfect, highly impactful designs in rollup and popup banners, posters and banners of any type and size

We can touch up images and your art work to match it for perfect output on the desired media

We are fast; we are prompt, courteous and we offer exceptionally high level of work at reasonable rates

We have the best combination of high speed, wide format printers to match print output to your requirements and costs.

Star Bay has gained a reputation for excellence and world class standards. We uphold our reputation in each department and assure each client of courteous services and professional services of the highest order. Walk in and try our large format printing services; you will never have to look for any other service provider.


Corporate Identity

Business Stationery Design

Logo Design

Brouchure Design

Web Development

Large Format Printing

Rollup & Popup Banner

Posters & Banners

Printing on Different media

Cad Services

Autocad Plotting

Autocad Drafting

Microstation & Primavera Plotting

Digital Printing

A3/A4 Colour / B&W Printing

Image Printing (A5 - A0+)

Flyers & Brochures

Business Cards & Letter Heads

Training Materials


Booklets & Catalogues

Sales & Marketing Materials


Business Forms

Compliment Slips

Folders & Labels


ID Card

Greeting Cards



Colour Copying (A5 to A0+)

B&W Copying (A5 to A0+)

Maps & Plans Photocopying (A5 to A0+)

Scanning Services

Colour Scanning (A5 to A0+)

B&W Scanning (A5 to A0+)


Foam Board (5mm-10mm)

Forex Board (1mm to 10mm)


Glossy Lamination (A5 to A0+)

Matt Lamination (A5 to A0+)

Here's a collection of PDf's specializing in forex, foreign exchange, currency trading, and technical analysis. Other than a couple of these, they are all full books currently selling on Amazon.

The numbers following the "A" at the end of the file name = the number of reviews on Amazon.

21 Candlesticks Every Trader Should Know - Melvin Pasternak (2006) A-7.pdf

7 Winning Strategies for Trading Forex - Real and Actionable Techniques for Profiting from the Currency Markets - Grace Cheng (2007) A9.pdf

A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics, How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators - John L. Person (2004) A15.pdf

Beyond Candlesticks, New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed - Steve Nison (1994) A16.pdf

Big Profit Patterns Using Candlestick Signals And Gaps - Stephen W Bigalow (2002).pdf

Bollinger on Bollinger Bands - John Bollinger (2001) A38.pdf

Currency Strategy - A Practitioner's Guide To Currency Trading, Hedging and Forecasting - Callum Henderson (2006) A7.pdf

Enhancing Trader Performance - Proven Strategies From The Cutting Edge Of Trading Psychology - Brett Steenbarger (2006) A24.pdf

Fibonacci Trading - How to Master the Time and Price Advantage - Carolyn Boroden (2008) A16.pdf

Forex Confidante - Tom Strignano. pdf

Forex on Five Hours a Week - How to Make Money Trading on Your Own Time - Raghee Horner (2010) A-4.pdf

Forex Playbook - Strategies and Trade Set-Ups - Ed Ponsi (2010) A23.pdf

Forex Trading Secrets - Trading Strategies for the Forex Market - James Dicks (2010) A4.pdf

FX Power Trading Course. pdf

Harmonic Trading vol.1 - Profiting from the Natural Order of the Financial Markets - Scott M. Carney (2010) A4.pdf

Harmonic Trading vol.2 - Advanced Strategies for Profiting from the Natural Order of the Financial Markets - Scott M. Carney (2010) A3.pdf

How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange - A Guaranteed Income for Life - Courtney Smith (2010) A7.pdf

How to Make Money in Alternative Investments - Hubert Bromma, Lisa Moren Bromma (2010) A0.pdf

Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up Your Day Job - Ryan O'Keefe (2010) A-4.pdf

Psychology of Trading - Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets - Brett Steenbarger (2002) A41.pdf

Sentiment Indicators - Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point and Figure - What They Are and How to Use Them to Trade - Abe Cofnas (2010) A0.pdf

The Daily Trading Coach - 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist - Brett Steenbarger (2009) A23.pdf

The Handbook of Trading - Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets - Greg N. Gregoriou (2010) A0.pdf

The Only Three Questions That Count - Investing by Knowing What Others Don't - Ken Fisher (2008) A126.pdf

The Quarters Theory - The Revolutionary New Foreign Currencies Trading Method - Ilian Yotov (2010) A4.pdf

Trade Chart Patterns like the Pros - Suri Duddella (2008) A1.pdf

Value in Time - Better Trading through Effective Volume - Pascal Willain (2008) A18.pdf

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Restablecimiento de contraseña

Printing of posters on PP synthetic photo paper and vinyl sticker From A4 to A0 and more, mounting and framing services, near Singapore Red Hill MRT

Términos & amp; Condiciones

Leadtime 3 working days for quantity up to 10pcs. Consult us for bulk orders,

GST Included . Minimum order of S$20,

Cash or cheque payment on collection, 50% deposit for orders above $2,000,

Exclude Delivery

In-house delivery services available, charges at S$50, for orders above S$300 . to be scheduled one week in advance,

For orders below S$300 and size of posters up to A1 . we can engage courier service on your behalf, charges at S$50, require full payment in advance,

Prices subject to revision without notice, except for already confirmed orders.

Accepted Files Format

We accept TIFF, JPG, AI, PDF files. Ensure your pictures have the correct aspect ratio to match the specified dimension. For non-vector artwork [ex:JPG, TIFF, PNG] files, please make sure your pictures are at least 150dpi at size 1:1 . with 300dpi preferred, to avoid blurriness/pixellation.

For powerpoint files, use "Save as PDF" command and send us your PDF file at scale 1:1. Or just send us your powerpoint files, and we will convert it for you at a nominal charge of S$5 per page.

Poster Specifications

For Indoor Use, Printing on PP Photo Paper/Sticker with Lamination

6 colours (CMYKlclm) HP printer and die inks with high gamut for accurate and vivid colors

True 600x600 dpi for sharp prints

Choice of matt, satine [recommended] or gloss

Lamination, mounting and framing options

Very competitive pricing.

Posters, Applications

Exhibition, Events, Promotion

High resolution colour-intense prints mounted on foamboard

Perfect for exhibitions, events [weddings etc] and promotions


Sharp colour-matching prints mounted on foamboard

Perfect as support for your scientific, architectural, marketing and sales presentation

Home Decoration

Print your own photos, kids, family, event, travel to bring memory to your walls

Print any artwork you like the size you like to match your interior, be it your favorite rock band, your dream car, your preferred horror movie and so on.

Multiple and affordable mounting and framing options

Poster printing, Materials

PP Photo paper

PP Photo paper sticker

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Repro. eu

Your photo, Your wallpaper. NL

Please note If you provide a photo in an image orientation other than the one ordered (for example, landscape instead of portrait), the professionals of Repro. nl will decide how to crop the photo. Files delivered in a resolution that is too low or with the incorrect image orientation will be printed in advance without prior notification. If you retrieve a photo from the Internet, you should make sure that it is at least 6 megapixels and copyright free.

Paper The photo is printed on non-woven wallpaper (120gsm). Non-woven wallpaper is strong, tear-resistant and can be lightly washed with a soft rag. The strips of the wallpaper are 47.5 cm wide and are therefore much easier to hang than the much wider strips that are regularly offered online.

Images are printed on full strips that are 47.5 cm wide, so it can happen that the last strip has an unprinted section in order to provide the format you stipulated. The number of strips is unlimited.

1 strip: 47,5 cm 2 strips: 95 cm 3 strips: 142,5 cm 4 strips: 190 cm

5 strips: 237,5 cm 6 strips: 285 cm 7 strips: 332,5 cm 8 strips: 380 cm

9 strips: 427,5 cm 10 strips: 475 cm 11 strips: 522,5 cm 12 strips: 570 cm

Hanging wallpaper You do not need a wallpaper table because the adhesive can be spread on the wall. Non-woven wallpaper does not shrink – by hanging the strips adjacent to each other, a magnificent image is created on your wall. You can include wallpaper adhesive in your order.

Digital files You can submit the follow file formats to Repro. nl: JPG, TIFF or PDF. When supplying a file to Repro. nl, you should ensure it has the correct resolution and image orientation. Photos taken with a digital camera with 6 megapixels or more can, as a rule, be enlarged and clearly printed on wallpaper. The average file size for a JPG file is at least 1 MB for a resolution of 50 DPI at the desired size. Another (better) option is to adhere to the following guideline: you need 700 pixels per metre to guarantee a clear, sharp print. Repro. nl will try to print your photos as clearly as possible. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to produce a sharp image in a large size from photographs of a poor quality. We bear no responsibility for the quality of the resulting image.

The automatic quality control does not take the desired size of the print into consideration; it is an indication only. No rights can be derived from this automatic quality control.



Sometimes you need more than just great service to bring your customers flocking. Posters are a great way to take your message to the masses in vibrant eye-catching colour. Available in a huge range of sizes, Kwik Kopy’s high-quality posters can be printed as one-offs or by the hundred and can also be laminated for durability.

A0, A1, A2


Laminated Posters

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At Kwik Kopy we have been serving the Australian small and medium business community for over 30 years, with a network of more than 100 Print & Design Centres located across Australia.

We appreciate that every business is different, from reliable business printing, creative graphic design or innovative online solutions, we can help you achieve your current and future business goals.

Start your franchising journey with Kwik Kopy, the leading provider of printing, graphic design, marketing services and online solutions for small businesses throughout Australia.

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Something like that: double val=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Goldminer1",13,1,0);

I have never programmed in MQ4. The last time I did any programming was in VB4. You can imagine when that was. I was hopeing someone would program the EA, if it is worth programming and if it is worth programming, then everyone here would also be able to enjoy it.


The indicator that displays the arrows does not repaint, it will appear and disappear on the current bar, so you would have to wait for the bar to close to make sure it's a valid signal. The second indicator on the other hand, repaints bad, sometimes up to 5 bars.


Thanks for sharing this system, here is the EA based on it. Goldminer System EA


Hey Guys, Does anyone have the source code for goldminer2. I would like to add an vocal alert when it turns colors and additional condition before it can give the vocal alert.

I tried contacting one source who may have written it or maybe just repackaged it, but got no response. Gracias


Goldminer Indicator with Alert

Hello I would like to ask if it is possible to attach an alert sound to this powerful indicator:

Its the goldminer indicator from the FOREX FUNNEL developers.

The best go long or short indicator I was able to find:


Hello I would like to ask if it is possible to attach an alert sound to this powerful indicator:

Its the goldminer indicator from the FOREX FUNNEL developers.

The best go long or short indicator I was able to find:

goldminer 2 is under same name as FXTrend

it is same code, however same as goldminer do reprint.

for goldminer 1 this indicator might be same one as name Salha-Crossover Signal.

yes an alert would be nice for both indicators

Last edited by mtuppers ; 29-09-2009, 00:05.

Goldminer Multi TimeFrame

I'm trying to set the indicator in M15 chart (since I work in such timeframe) but I want to visualize it calculating values in h1 timeframe.

I changed withing the code the timeframe to a external variable but without success.

Can you help me out? here is the original code

#property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_minimum 0.0 #property indicator_maximum 1.0 #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_color1 DeepSkyBlue #property indicator_color2 Red

#import "MT_PRO. dll" string AccountMatch(string a0, string a1); #import

string gs_unused_76 = "http://www. forexfunnel. com/mt_auth/serveme. php"; string gs_unused_84 = "ther\'s an error!"; string gs_unused_92 = "this is not registered account number!"; string gs_unused_100 = "this account does not match the registered account number!"; string gs_unused_108 = "trial period had been expired!"; string gs_unused_116 = "Good Account"; string gs_unused_124 = ""; bool gi_unused_132 = FALSE; extern int SSP = 7; extern double Kmax = 50.6; extern int CountBars = 300; extern string TimeFrame = "NULL"; double g_ibuf_152[]; double g_ibuf_156[]; double g_ibuf_160[]; double g_ibuf_164[];

int init() IndicatorBuffers(4); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 2); SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_160); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 2); SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_164); SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_152); SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_156); Comment("goldminer"); IndicatorShortName("goldminer"); SetIndexLabel(0, ""); SetIndexLabel(1, ""); return (0); >

int deinit() return (0); >

int start() double ld_8; double ld_16; double ld_32; if (CountBars >= Bars) CountBars = Bars; SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - CountBars + SSP); SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - CountBars + SSP); int l_ind_counted_4 = IndicatorCounted(); if (Bars <= SSP + 1) return (0); if (l_ind_counted_4 < SSP + 1) for (int li_0 = 1; li_0 <= SSP; li_0++) g_ibuf_152[CountBars - li_0] = 0.0; for (li_0 = 1; li_0 <= SSP; li_0++) g_ibuf_156[CountBars - li_0] = 0.0; > for (li_0 = CountBars - SSP; li_0 >= 0; li_0--) ld_8 = High[iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, SSP, li_0 - SSP + 1)]; ld_16 = Low[iLowest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW, SSP, li_0 - SSP + 1)]; ld_32 = ld_8 - (ld_8 - ld_16) * Kmax / 100.0; g_ibuf_152[li_0 - SSP + 6] = ld_32; g_ibuf_156[li_0 - SSP - 1] = ld_32; > for (int li_40 = CountBars - SSP; li_40 >= 0; li_40--) if (g_ibuf_152[li_40] > g_ibuf_156[li_40]) g_ibuf_160[li_40] = 1; g_ibuf_164[li_40] = 0; > else g_ibuf_160[li_40] = 0; g_ibuf_164[li_40] = 1; > > return (0); >


Foam Board

We only use CFC free foam board / foam core board which has a superior smooth and flat finish. By printing directly to the board ensures the board remains flat unlike mounting to the foam board which can cause the board to curve. Double sided printing direct to foam board / foam core board is also possible.

Foam board / foam core board is the most light weight option available when you need to print directly to a flat and rigid surface. This smooth, flat and rigid material is widely used to cater for indoor display requirements.

We do not recommend foam board / foam core board for outdoor use. Materials suitable for outdoor display requirements are correx. foamex. and dibond. The biggest advantage of foam board is its extremely light weight when compared with other board products such as foamex or correx boards.

Please note foam board / foam core board is a fragile material and will require careful handling to ensure it is not damaged. We take extra care to ensure Foam Board prints are securely packaged for dispatch.

All Prices are exclusive of VAT and delivery. Orders are required to have a minimum order value of £40. All Direct To Board displays have a lead time of 5 working days.

Next day Delivery and Packaging cost from £20

All printed boards are securely packaged using corner protectors, foam centered board covering and bubble wrap.

Please contact us with your requirements.

2016 EXANTIA DISPLAY SYSTEMS - www. exantia. co. uk

9 Muirhead Quay, Fresh Wharf Estate, Highbridge Road Barking. Essex IG11 7BW

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Time for financial reports; What to expect this week? Weekly overview (07-11.10.2013)

Indices: Amid a relatively calm and action-less past week, most stock markets reacted positively to the US budget talks between President Barack Obama and Republican leaders. Although no agreement was reached, both sides showed warming in their currently strained relations. The S&P500 and the Dow rose at the end of the week to 1,703 and 15,240 points, respectively, while the technological Nasdaq100 reported a loss, albeit minimal of 0.23%, and closed at 3,234 on Friday.

The approaching deadline for reaching the debt ceiling limit (17 October) failed to leave a significant impression on European indices. Germany’s DAX30 appreciated by 1.17%, France’s CAC40 ended the period with an increase of 1.46%, while Spain’s IBEX reported a growth of 2.72%.

The Asian Nikkei225 also ended on the green side of the charts, closing at 14,498 points, or an increase of 2.33%.

Meanwhile, calm had set over the Forex market. The most traded currency pair, EUR/USD, rose by only 5 pips while the AUD/USD increased its value by 35 pips. The USD/JPY reached 98.54, or an appreciation of 110 pips.

Gold price continued to shine red last week as well. Amid expectations that the US lawmakers will reach an agreement to extend the debt limit deadline, gold lost 3.09% from its value for the week, reaching to $1,270 per troy ounce.

What to expect this week?

The US Earnings season is already in full swing and some industry heavyweights are due to publish their results this week. Tomorrow will see the quarterly statements by technology giants Yahoo (YHOO) and Intel (INTC), with Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Coca-Cola (KO) also set for reporting. On Wednesday, investors’ eyes will be focussed on SanDisk (SNDK), eBay (EBAY), American Express (AXP), and International Business Machines (IBM). On Thursday, before the opening bell, Goldman Sachs (GS) and UnitedHealth Group (UNH) will take their turn, with Verizon (VZ) publishing its results during trading time, while Google (GOOG) – after the session. The week will close with General Electric’s (GE) financial statements on Friday.

A busy week is also expected, according to the economic calendar. Tuesday’s highlights will come from the Reserve Bank of Australia meeting minutes, China’s New Loans for September, and lots of economic data from the UK, among which, both the country’s Consumer and Retail Price Indexes for September. Later in the day, the ZEW Survey on the Economic Sentiment in the Eurozone and Germany will also be published. Wednesday’s main entries will be the UK’s Claimant Count Change for September and the Eurozone Consumer Price Index, also for September. Thursday will reveal the UK’s Retail Sales for September as well as the US Building Permits, Housing Starts and Initial Job Claims. Friday will end the week with the Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Steven’s speech and China’s GDP, QoQ and YoY.

sobre el autor

DF Markets (Delta Financial Markets Ltd.) is a Forex and CFD broker based in London. The company is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA register number 534027) and the protection of client funds is ensured by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). DF Markets is fully committed to provide individual and institutional investors with high quality financial services through implementation of the best business practices. Visit dfmarkets. co. uk Disclaimer: The Content of these charts and analyses does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by Delta Financial Markets to buy, sell (or refraining from making) any trade or investment. You may wish to seek independent advice before entering into transactions. Delta Financial Markets shall not be held liable by you or any others for any decision made or action taken by you or others based upon reliance on or use of information or materials obtained or accessed through use of these technical analyses and charts. DF Markets assumes no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in these materials, nor shall it be liable for damages arising out of any person's reliance upon the information on this page. DF Markets shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

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Large Format Prints - Digital & Giclée Printing in Cornwall

8 Colour Large Format Printing, Posters, Exhibitons Displays, Artist Reproductions, Photographic enlargements

At the AO Printworks studios, we can provide light fast pigment based large format digital prints from our Epson Pro 9600 and 7500 inkjet machines.

Ideal for short-run or one-off posters, exhibition panels, wallpaper, photographic enlargements and giclée digital art editions.

A3, A2, A1, A0 and custom paper sizes can be printed in full colour onto 180gsm up to 300gsm media from digital artwork or from scans of camera ready artwork.

Prints can be supplied on photographic paper, watercolour and fine art papers, canvas, vinyl and other substrates. These if required, can be varnished, encapsulated or mounted on foam boards (foamex - interior, forex - exterior) and sealed for protection.

You can supply your own artwork or our graphic designers can create an eye-catching design for you.


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TopGun Software Problem Solver

Problem: What is the eSignal Symbol for EUR/GBP or other currencies?

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FOREX Daily Trend Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques

Conference: Wseas-Recent Researches in Applied Informatics and Remote Sensing, Volume: ISBN: 978-1-61804-039-8

Foreign Currency Exchange market (Forex) is a highly volatile complex time series for which predicting the daily trend is a challenging problem. In this paper, we investigate the prediction of the High exchange rate daily trend as a binary classification problem, with uptrend and downtrend outcomes. A large number of basic features driven from the time series data, including technical analysis features are generated using multiple history time windows. Various feature selection and feature extraction techniques are used to find best subsets for the classification problem. Machine learning systems are tested for each feature subset and results are analyzed. Four important Forex currency pairs are investigated and the results show consistent success in the daily prediction and in the expected profit.

Figures in this publication

infos: inkjet prints of digital illustrations on PVC adhesive film, mounted on Forex board with Lotfix mounts in all four corners. limited edition of 10 pieces per panel

format: A0 (118.9 x 84.1 cm)

year of creation: 2010

context: Domino is an abstract illustration that is spread out over a series of 16 A0 format prints. As the drawing is based on a grid, the prints can be lined up in several and sometimes surprising ways, hence the name Domino. This offers you the opportunity to put together personal artworks. The panels can be purchased individually. The series of prints is limited to 10 editions in the format A0 (118.9 x 84.1 cm). A0 is a beautiful size. The A-series of formats is based on the golden section and in A0 the panels are exactly one square metre. Each individually numbered and signed on the back. The inkjet prints are on PVC adhesive film and mounted on 5 mm thick Forex board. Lotfix mounts to hang up the panels on all four corners for maximum flexibility. 1. two domino prints in situ 2+3. photos from the vernissage at the ONO-Bar in Bern 4-6. sample-layouts of domino prints

Pricelist as of september 2010 currently only prices for Switzerland single panel SFR 400.– two panels SFR 750.– three panels SFR 1100.– four panels SFR 1400.– five and more panels each SFR 325.– all 16 panels SFR 4800.– contact me by e-mail with your selection, if you'd like to purchase domino prints.


The A0 Printworks

Large Format Prints - Digital & Giclée in Cornwall

Business description

At the AO Printworks studios, we can provide light fast pigment based large format digital prints from our Epson Pro 9600 and 7500 inkjet machines.

Ideal for short-run or one-off posters, exhibition panels, wallpaper, photographic enlargements and giclée digital art editions.

A3, A2, A1, A0 and custom paper sizes can be printed in full colour onto 180gsm up to 300gsm media from digital artwork or from scans of camera ready artwork.

Prints can be supplied on photographic paper, watercolour and fine art papers, canvas, vinyl and other substrates. These if required, can be varnished, encapsulated or mounted on foam boards (foamex - interior, forex - exterior) and sealed for protection.

You can supply your own artwork or our graphic designers can create an eye-catching design for you.

Large Format Colour Printers, High Resolution Scanning, Vinyl Banners, Digital Printing, Laminating




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White Foamex Forex Print Board (Matte Finish)

Foamex is a rigid, hard wearing PVC that is compressed and very strong. We supply Forex Print which is a premium grade rigid foam sheet specifically engineered for print applications.

Brilliant white, smooth even surface

Perfect for printing on - particularly direct digital printing

Strong, but lightweight

Rigid, durable and hard wearing

Adhesión óptima de la tinta y solidez del color

Can be cut and shaped with most tools

Suitable for shoter to medium-term interior and exterior applications

Supplied with protective film on both sides (except for 8mm thick, which has film on one side)

BS 476-7 Class 1 rating - difficult to ignite and self-extinguishing

Matte white on both sides

Cut to your size requirements

Foamex PVC board is strong, lightweight and suitable for a variety of signage and creative projects. It can be cut to any form, size or shape with ease using your typical hand tools, and can also be heat bent and glued.

Also known as Foamalite, foam PVC and foam board, this material has an abundance of useful attributes that have made it renowned worldwide.

Please Note: 8mm thickness is Forex Classic rather than Forex Print. This comes with only one side of protective film and is still well suited for digital and screen printing.

Please Note: 1mm Polypropylene does not come with protective film to protect against light scuffs and scratches.

Please Note: Our current machines work to a tolerance of +/- 1mm. Please enter your requirements to the nearest whole mm.

Colour of sheets may differ slightly due to variance in computer monitors.


The incredible lightweight and rigidity of Forex Print board makes it a popular choice of cut plastic for a number of internal and external commercial and creative projects. Éstas incluyen:

Mounting artwork

Digital and screen printing

Exhibition stands

Lamination substrate

Estate agent signs

Flat applications

Advertising boards

Information boards

Other semi-permanent displays

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How quickly will my order arrive?

Orders are delivered via a next day service and we aim to dispatch all orders within 48 hrs, 80% of our orders are currently being delivered within 3 working days from ordering. However during busy periods, or if the product is out of stock, we may dispatch within three to four working days from when we receive your order. We are very proud of our excellent customer service so if you have a deadline, or require your order delivered to a non-mainland UK address which may take slightly longer, please do not hesitate to call us on 01752 897921 for more information.

How can I track the status of my order?

We pride ourselves on great customer service and communication – during the order process you will receive several emails to keep you up to date with the status of your order and also when it has been dispatched. If you require extra information please contact our customer support team on 01752 897921 or info@cutplasticsheeting. co. uk. Please include your full name and order number in all communications with us.

We have an excellent relationship with our courier service and all orders are meticulously packed using a variety of materials to ensure the sheets arrive in excellent condition. Where necessary, larger sheets may be shipped on a pallet(s) to guarantee against breakage.

Delivery to alternate address

If you require your order to be sent to an address different to the billing address you may do this during the checkout process.

Collecting orders in person

If you wish to collect your order in person please select 'collect in person' from the delivery options in the checkout. All orders collected in person will not incur any delivery charges however there is a minimum order charge of £50.

There are currently no FAQ's at present, please fill in the form if you wish to ask us a question about this products

Swiss Franc Vulnerable To SNB Intervention With Euro Weakness

The EUR/CHF broke below 1.500 for the first time since the SNB intervened in March to a low of 1.4906. The lack of a reaction to this point from the central bank could be an indication that their concerns over deflation have abated, but the upcoming thin holiday volume would be an ideal environment for policy makers to influence exchange rates. A0.1% rise in import prices led by a 6.0% increase in petroleum costs should ease deflation concerns and put the focus in potential inflation. Earlier in the week Swiss National Bank President Jean-Pierre Roth said "In no way has the financial crisis called into doubt the definition of central banks' mandates regarding price stability." The remarks come on the heels of speculation that policy makers may look to allow inflation to grow in an effort to reduce national debt.

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) raised its growth outlook or the economy in 2010 from 0.4% to 0.7% as household spending and construction activity is expected to be stronger than previous estimates. The demand for exports was also upgraded with improvement forecasted to continue into 2011. Indeed, 3Q industrial production rose 3.4% matching the improvement from the prior period. The notable difference was the improvement in orders on hand and sales which are signs of continued growth. Meanwhile, the KoF Economic Institute projected growth of 0.6% in 2010 with similar improvements in consumption and exports. The fundamental calendar is light next week with the Swiss trade balance the only highlight. The November measurement of imports and exports will give insight into the sustainability of foreign demand which the improving growth outlooks are based on. The key to the upcoming week will be whether the SNB stands aside and let the local currency appreciate against the Euro any intervention could lead to broader Franc weakness.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

USD Baker Hughes U. S. Rig Count (MAR 18)

USD U. of Michigan Confidence (MAR P)

NZD Westpac NZ Consumer Confidence (1Q)

CNY MNI March Business Indicator

NZD Credit Card Spending (YoY) (FEB)

USD Existing Home Sales (MoM) (FEB)

A: Actual F: Pronóstico P: Anterior





Advertencia de Riesgo: Nuestro servicio incluye productos que se negocian en margen y conllevan un riesgo de pérdidas superiores a los fondos depositados. Los productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados.

&dupdo; 2016 DailyFX an FXCM company. Todos los derechos reservados

Select your data feeder in this window.

The program can collect real time data from the following data vendors.

1. eSignal - to collect historical data (daily and intraday) you need to type your User Name and Password (both are case sensitive). In order to receive historical data type in cm*.esignal. com in the server address window. Symbols Example . IBM, INTC, W H1, SP H1 - note on futures contracts there is a space between the symbol and the month/year. Note Forex symbols ar like JPY A0-FX

2. DTNiqFeed - DTN Internet Service using IqFeed Symbols Example . IBM, INTC, WH1, SPH1 - note on futures contracts the year comes after the month, for globex symbol use @ at the front of the symbol, example @NQZ1. Indices INDU. X, COMPX. X

3. Interactive Brokers (V4 R33 or later) FT can collect real time tick data using the socked API from Interactive Broker. How to setup Interactive Brokers to feed FT? Symbols format

5. DDE Server or DDE2 These are 2 ways to connect to DDE Servers. When collecting data using this mode only the last price will be collected. Click here to see some examples of parameters that you are used with different DDE vendors.

Autodownload (for use with internet data vendors only) When checked the program will collect historical data automatically when you open the program or open a chart.

La negociación de cualquier mercado conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Large Format Posters, Stickers, Banners Melbourne and Sydney

A3, A2, A1, A0 Posters and larger. We can print any large format poster, in high quality full colour.

All our posters have the option of matt laminate, gloss laminate or unlaminated.

For pricing details on posters, canvas prints and vinyl banners see below.

We also print and mount to Forex / 5mm and 10mm Foamboard / Gator Foam / 3mm and 5mm PVC Board and other materials on request.

Common Poster Sizing - email for other sizes:

A4 = 210 x 297mm, A3 = 297 x 420mm A2 = 420 x 594mm, A1 = 594 x 841mm A0 = 841 x 1189mm Other sizes for Expo Booths and outdoor displays also available

Canvas Print is full colour on canvas.

Full Colour poster is printed on photographic paper and gloss laminated on the front.

Vinyl banners include eyelets for hanging.

Canvas prints on frame don't include delivery. Other prices include GST and Delivery Australia Wide.

Prices are from file supplied to us ready to print, any extra artwork is chargable.

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Risk Warning: Trading financial instruments, including foreign exchange on margin, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en instrumentos financieros o divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.



Need to print something big . At Outsource, we’re experts in large format, posters, and signs. We have our own in-house sign experts and can manage needs for shop fit-out, brands (including brand makeover), tradeshow, outdoor sign, indoor sign, and point of sale .

Some of our recent projects and clients :

Shop fitout; retail sign. (Hugo’s Pizza, Moo Burgers)

Large Format Digital; Wall; Graphic (BNP Paribas, Cocomo Living)

Illuminated Sign (Woodfire Pizza Surry Hills)

Digital ; Computer cut vinyl graphic (Urban Uprising Gallery)

Building Signs; Safety (The East Village Hotel, Becton Constructions)

Media Wall; Backdrop (Alex Perry, Specsavers, Sweeney Management)

Tradeshow ; Banner & Signage Printing (GFT Forex)

Reception Sign (BNP Paribas, Cocomo Living)

For free quotes call us 02 8004 1884 . You will be surprised at how affordable and cheap large format signs can be .

Large Format

We offer la rge format printing almost as big as you can imagine . And mount on a full range of materials .

Our large format is available in the following formats :

Photo or Gloss

Satin or Matt Print

Polyprop (Synthetic Paper)

Large Format Sticker

Translucent (Lightbox)

We also offer pull up banners and reception and office signage. Just ask!

AUD/USD Forecast May 4-8

The Australian dollar showed some strength during the week but was unable to consolidate and ended the week unchanged. AUD/USD closed the week at 0.7841. The upcoming week is a busy one, with 14 events. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for AUD/USD.

US numbers disappointed last week, as Consumer Confidence and Manufacturing PMI reports fell short of expectations. In Australia PPI was unexpectedly strong.


May 10, 11:32: China cuts rates – AUD/USD could start higher. The People’s Bank of China decided to cut the interest rates in the world’s No. 2 economy. The dramatic step.

May 8, 15:02: 3 reasons to go long USD on the NFP. The US gained 223K jobs in April, within expectations, but the data was mixed. The mixed data triggered a very mixed.

May 8, 14:30: Non-Farm Payrolls: +223K – details mixed and so is USD. Non-Farm Payrolls come out as expected, at +223K, but revisions don’t look good. The previous figure was revised down to.

May 7, 14:14: AUD/USD: Vulnerable Below The 0.8000/74 Zone. AUDUSD: With the pair facing price hesitation ahead of its key resistance at the 0.8000/0.8074 zone, it could turn lower.

May 7, 10:25: 4 Reasons The USD Will Rebound – Keep The Faith – BNPP. The past week has not been a good week for USD bulls, and more specifically EUR/USD bears. Is all lost? Los.

May 7, 6:52: Australian employment data misses – AUD/USD continues hugging 0.80. Australia reported a drop of 2.9K in employment against an expected rise of 4K. The unemployment rate ticked up from 6.1%.

May 6, 17:10: AUD/USD: Next Leg Higher Underway?. Talking Points • Aussie dollar looks set for more gains in the short term despite no signs of a pick-up.

May 6, 15:19: Dollar Bulls Capitulate Post ADP. A rebound in risk appetite after yesterday’s wash-out in equity markets was apparent overnight, with the rally in hydrocarbons continuing.

May 6, 14:15: ADP NFP only 169K – USD falls. Bad news for the US economy: according to ADP, only 169K private sector jobs were added. This is significantly worse.

May 6, 12:26: AUD/USD: Weekly Shooting Star: Levels & Targets – SocGen. The Aussie managed to gain some ground after the RBA cut the rates but seemed to have closed the door on.

May 6, 0:57: AUD Post-RBA: Why Is The Bounce? Qué sigue? & # 8211; BNPP. The Reserve Bank of Australia cut the interest rate as expected but the Australian dollar bounced higher. What is going on.

May 5, 11:58: Expect more weakness on AUD/USD, GBP/USD – Elliott Wave Analysis. The RBA cut rates as expected, but AUD firstly turned up on the news as the weakness had already been.

May 5, 10:10: All eyes on UK data. The UK Bank Holiday made for a flat-line on most majors yesterday. We’re pretty much guaranteed more volatility for the.

May 4, 16:42: Mayday for the Buck?. With both Tokyo and London markets closed for bank holidays this morning, what could potentially be a pivotal week for.

May 4, 11:05: Did the market get it right on the Fed’s hike? & # 8211; Market Movers #48. The Fed does not seem extremely worried of the US slowdown. This was perceived as hawkish but rate hike expectations remained.

AUD/USD graph with support and resistance lines on it. Click para agrandar:

MI Inflation Gauge . Monday, 00:30. The indicator, released monthly, helps analysts track consumer inflation, as CPI reports are only released each quarter. In March, the indicator rose to 0.4%, its strongest gain since December 2013.

Building Approvals . Monday, 1:30. This major release tends to show strong fluctuations. The indicator reversed directions in February, posting a decline of 3.2%. This was slightly better than the estimate of 3.8% decline. The markets are expecting another decline, with the estimate for the March release standing at -1.7%.

ANZ Job Advertisements: Monday, 1:30. This indicator provides a snapshot of the strength of the labor market. In March, the indicator surprised with a decline of 1.4%, its first decline since May 2014. Will we see a bounce back into positive territory in the April release?

Chinese HSBC Final Manufacturing PMI . Monday, 1:45. The Aussie is sensitive to key Chinese data such as PMIs, as the Asian giant is Australia’s number one trading partner. The indicator continues to trade close to the 50-point level, which separates between contraction and expansion. The PMI dipped to 49.6 points in March, very close to expectations. More of the same is expected in the April report.

AIG Services Index . Monday, 23:30. The index has shown some improvement, and has remained above the 50-point level for two straight months. The March report showed a level of 50.2 points, down from 51.7 points a month earlier.

Trade Balance . Tuesday, 1:30. Trade Balance is closely linked to currency demand, as foreigners must purchase Australian dollars in order to purchase Australian goods and services. The deficit increased to $A1.26 billion in February, within expectations. The estimate for the March report is a deficit of $A0.98 billion.

Cash Rate . Tuesday, 4:30. The markets are expecting the RBA to reduce rates to 2.0%, but the Bank has already defied expectations twice in 2015. Will the markets get it right this time around? Whether the RBA makes a move or not, we could see some volatility from AUD/USD. The RBA will communicate the new rate with a rate announcement.

HIA New Home Sales . Wednesday, 1:00. The indicator slipped to 1.1% in March, compared to a gain of 1.8% a month earlier. Six of the past seven readings have been gains, pointing to growth in the housing sector.

Retail Sales . Wednesday, 1:30. Retail Sales is the primary gauge of consumer spending, and an unexpected reading can have a strong impact on the movement of AUD/USD. The indicator posted a strong gain of 0.7% in February, marking a 13-month high. This beat the forecast of 0.4%. The estimate for the March report stands at 0.4%.

AIG Construction Index . Wednesday, 23:30. The index punched across the 50-point line in February, posting a reading of 50.1 points. This follows four consecutive readings below the 50-point level, which separates between contraction and separation.

Employment Change . Thursday, 1:30. This is one of the most important economic indicators, and should be treated as a market-mover. The indicator was unexpectedly strong in March, posting an excellent gain of 37.7 thousand. This crushed the estimate of 14.9 thousand. The markets are expecting a much smaller gain in the April report, with an estimate of 4.0 thousand. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to 6.2%, up slightly from the current 6.1%.

RBA Monetary Policy Statement . Friday, 1:30. This statement is released on a quarterly basis, and will be closely monitored by analysts, as it will be issued a few days after the RBA’s rate announcement.

Chinese Trade Balance . Friday, Tentative. Chinese Trade Balance plunged to $3.1 billion in March, down from $60.6 billion a month earlier. The estimate stood at $43.4 billion. The indicator is expected to recover in the April report, with a forecast of $34.5 billion.

Chinese CPI . Saturday, 1:30. Chinese CPI has generally been steady, and has posted two straight consecutive readings of 1.4%. The index is expected to improve to 1.6% in the April release.

* All times are GMT.

AUD/USD Technical Analysis

AUD/USD started the week at 0.7829 and quickly dropped to a low of 0.7791, testing support at 0.7799 (discussed last week ). The pair then climbed to a high of 0.8076, but was unable to consolidate at these levels and closed the week at 0.7841.

Live chart of AUD/USD:

Líneas técnicas de arriba hacia abajo:

We begin with resistance at 0.8150. This line has remained intact since late January.

0.8077 was an important resistance line in January.

0.7978 was an important cap back in January 2007.

0.7799 is a weak support line. This line was tested by pair and could see further action early in the week.

0.7692 is a strong support level.

0.7601 has remained firm since mid-April.

0.7528 is the next support level.

0.7403 has held firm since May 2009. At that time, the Aussie was in the midst of a rally which saw it climb above the 0.94 line.

The final support line for now is 0.7283.

I am bearish on AUD/USD.

The RBA is expected to lower rates this week to a record low of 2.0%, and this could push the Aussie to lower ground. As well, Australian retail sales and employment numbers are expected to soften this week, which would likely push the pair downwards.

Symbol tree window

In this windows we have got list of available symbols and categories. Selecting one of them will refresh all opened charts and update information windows. This selection is global for the program i. e. all symbol functions will reference symbol selected in this window.

Symbols window is divided into three parts: a) search box b) category tree c) symbol list

The search box allows to perform full text searches (including wildcard matching) against symbol and full name within selected category. So for example if you select "Technology" sector and type A* (letter 'A' and wildcard character *) the symbol list will show all symbols belonging to Technology sector with symbol or full name beginning with letter 'A'. Another example would be tping *-A0-FX - this will return all forex symbols on eSignal database (those ending with - A0-FX substring).

The category tree (see the picture) shows different kind of categories.

The symbol list (bottom part) shows the list of symbols belonging to selected category. The symbol list can be sorted by symbol or by full name. To sort just click on the header row of the list. Once you choose desired sorting order it will be kept for all subsequent category choices and searches. Also the order of columns can be changed so Full name column appears as first one. To re-arrange column, click on the column header, hold down the moust button and drag the column to desired location. Then release mouse button.

Single symbol belongs to MANY categories at the same time. For example AAPL (Apple Inc.) will belong to:

Stocks group category

Nasdaq market category

Information sector category

Comp-Computer Mfg industry category

and may also belong to several watch lists and favorites category. All at the same time. That's why one symbol will appear in many leaves of the workspace symbol tree. Now if you delete the SYMBOL it will of course disappear from ALL categories because you have deleted the symbol itself, not its assignment to category.

Mounted Boards


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Business description

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During the composition, there are situations when it is necessary to create a dramatic accent, for example, in the piece culmination. Usually, for this purpose the composers use variety of loud instruments such as percussion or brass. However, something more than just a traditional orchestra is required sometimes. In this case, one can try the sound of the powerful industrial air horns.

Daniel Belik Liner Horn KONTAKT | 106 MB During the composition, there are situations when it is necessary to create a dramaturgic accent, for example, in the piece culmination. Usually, for this purpose the composers use variety of loud instruments such as percussion or brass. However, sometimes required something more than just a traditional orchestra. In this case, one can try the sound of the powerful industrial air horns.

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Artist :Paul Horn Title Of Album :House Of Horn Year Of Release :September 1957 Label . Dot Records Genre :Jazz, Cool Jazz Quality . Mp3 Bitrate . 320 Kbps Total Time :36:24 Total Size :80.96 MB

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This book provides a current listing of chamber works written during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for voice, horn and piano.

Bibliography of Twentieth - and Twenty-First Century Works for Voice, Horn, and Piano by Virginia Thompson English | July 30, 2007 | ISBN: 0773455019 | 121 Pages | PDF | 3.01 MB

This book provides a current listing of chamber works written during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for voice, horn and piano.

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Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Order Management characteristics: It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached It can change open orders parameters, due to possible stepping strategy Checks for the total of open orders It Closes Orders by itself

It plays sound alerts

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From 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-17 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2010-03-01 to 2010-03-27 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-27 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-04-16 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2009-01-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

From 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

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How to download quotes manually using AmiQuote


The purpose of this document is to explain how to use AmiQuote and AmiBroker in order to obtain quotes from Yahoo finance and Quote. com sites. AmiQuote is a companion program to AmiBroker charting/analysis software. The main purpose of AmiQuote is to simplify and automate downloading daily and historical quotation data from free Yahoo! Finance (USA, major European exchanges and some other countries), Quote. com (USA only) sites, MSN (USA and some European exchanges), eSignalCentral (USA, some European exchanges, FUTURES, FOREX)

Yahoo provides data in "Historical" and "Current" modes of AmiQuote. Quote. com provides data in "Intraday" mode of AmiQuote.

Preparing ticker list

A ticker list is a simple text file which lists line by line the tickers you want to import. The AmiQuote ticker list file has. TLS extension. AmiQuote comes with pre-written ticker list for components of main NYSE and NASDAQ indices and a number of European indices/markets. Additional ticker lists are available on the starter page at: http://www. amibroker. com/starter/. You can use those pre-written ticker lists or you can customize them or write your own one. In order to edit existing. TLS file or write completely new one all you need is plain text editor such as Notepad or any other plain ASCII editor (not MS Word!). All you have to do is to write tickers you want to import line by line (single ticker in single line) and save the file. Please make sure that you are saving the file with. TLS extension. Otherwise AmiQuote will not load this file.

We will be soon offering Yahoo-compatible ticker lists for major European exchanges.

Please note that also Yahoo and Quote. com use different symbols for indices. The main difference is that Yahoo uses ^ (dash) prefix and Quote. com uses $ (dollar) prefix.

For list of indices provided by Yahoo please click here.

For list of indices provided by Lycos/Quote. com please click here. Please note that Lycos/Quote. com allows you to get FREE INTRADAY data without subscription, but you have to make sure that "USE LIVECHARTS ACCOUNT" is UNMARKED and "SERVER #1" is selected.

For list of symbols provided by MSN please click here .

For list of symbols provided by eSignalCentral please click here. Note: eSignalCentral FREE EOD data server uses slightly different symbol format for futures. En lugar de 1 dígito por año, utiliza 4 dígitos: por ejemplo, para el uso de maíz de diciembre. C Z2003 (C, single space, Z, 2003 ). eSignalCentral also has Forex quotes. Spot rates have the following symbols (there is a single space in the symbol): EUR A0-FX (EUR, single space, A, zero, dash, F, X ), CHF A0-FX, JPY A0-FX, AUD A0-FX, and so on.

Downloading data

In order to download the data please launch AmiQuote. Then please click on "Open" button in the toolbar (or choose File -> Open menu) as shown in picture on the right.

From the file dialog please choose one. TLS file (for example DIJA. TLS) and click Open button. The you will see the main screen of AmiQuote filled with the list of tickers loaded, as show in picture below.

Choose appropriate download mode

- Historical - allows you to download end-of-day histories upto current day (current day data appear few hours after session end) - Current - allows you to download current day quotes (15-min delayed) during the trading session - Intraday - allows you to download intraday and daily historical data (1-min bars and up) - for US stocks/futures only. If you have choosen this mode you should also select the bar interval (see the limitations described below)

After choosing correct options please click on green arrow (or use File -> Start Download menu). The download process will begin. AmiQuote will display progress messages and status information including number of completed downloads and number of files left. At anytime you can stop download process with "Stop" button (red box). After finishing the download AmiQuote will automatically update the quotes in AmiBroker (if only AmiBroker is running in parallel and "automatic import" box in AmiQuote is checked.


Intraday interval bar data (1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min and 120-min) are available for US securities only. Historical data for international exchanges are usually much shorter than for US markets.

Because intraday bar data are downloaded from Quote. com servers the ticker symbols for indices are different than those used by Yahoo. For complete reference please check http://finance. lycos. com/home/misc/symbol_search. asp? options=i

Intraday bar data are limited to 500 bars regardless of bar interval. In other words you always get 500 bars data, whenever these are 1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min or 120-min data - so by choosing bigger interval you get data from more days. This is the limitation imposed by free delayed Quote. com server.

Importing quotes into AmiBroker

NOTE: This step is no longer necessary if you are using "automatic import" feature of AmiQuote. The explanations are provided only for users wanting to import selectively or re-import files downloaded in the past.

First, please launch AmiBroker. From the File menu please select Import From ASCII option. You will see the following file dialog:

In this picture I marked the most important items for easy identification. Marked with red is type selector combo-box (" Files of type "). In order to import AmiQuote files (those with. AQH and. AQD extensions you should choose AmiQuote Historical or AmiQuote Daily, or AmiQuote Intraday (.AQI) or AmiQuote MSN (.AQM) or AmiQuote eSignalCentral (.AQE) from the combo box (red arrow shows those options).

After choosing right type you will see only files of appropriate type in the file list (blue arrow shows that). Now you can select one or more files from the list. Multiple selection is possible by holding CTRL key depressed while selecting the items with a mouse (you can also press SHIFT for choosing a range of files with a single click). Now when you are done choosing the files you want to import just click " Open " botón. The import process will start and you will see progress bar showing the AmiBroker is importing the data. After finishing the import AmiBroker will automatically refresh symbol list and you will see updated tickers and charts. If anything goes wrong with the import process AmiBroker writes a log file called "import. log" and located in AmiBroker's main directory. You can watch this log file if you want to find out what went wrong (since import. log is simple text file you can open it with any text editor)

Common questions

Sistemas de Trading

The premise behind autoregressive methods is that previous values in the time series directly influence the current value in the time series. Mathematically, this can be expressed as

Yx +1 = AYx + BYx −1 + CYx −2 + ε

x the time increment

Y(x) the price at time index x

A the first regression coefficient

B the second regression coefficient

C the third regression coefficient

ε the error factor, whose sum approximates zero

This equation infers that the time-series closing price on any given day is the sum of the closing prices on the three previous days, all adjusted by regression coefficients. The number of inde - pendent variables on the right side of the equation determines the autoregressive order of the model.

Autoregression has numerous supporters in the realm of techni - cal analysis. It also has several variations and enhancements, such as the autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA) time-series model introduced by George Box and Gwilym Jenkins in the early 1970s. This model frequently is designated as the ARIMA( p, d, q ) model, where p is the autoregressive order, d is differencing order, and q is the moving-average order.

In Forex trading, the fast Fourier transform is another popular method among technical analysts for extracting cycles from a time series. The basic assumption is that any (well-behaved) curve can be approximated as the sum of a finite number of sinusoidals and is based on the following Fourier series:

Yx = A0 /2 + ΣAn cos(nπx /L)+ ΣBn sin(nπx /L)

The transform operations calculate the values for the cosine amplitudes A and the sine amplitudes B in a similar fashion to the simple trigonometric regression above. Most analysts prefer to download an Internet utility to handle the complexities rather than code it themselves.

In Forex trading, if security prices were not cyclical, they would tend to go off the top or bottom of the charts. This alone justifies the examination of a simple sinusoidal model. The current method identifies the most dominant sinusoidal in the time series using the conventional model: where,

Y (x ) = A * cos(x * θ)+ B * sin(x * θ)+ µ

x the independent variable, time

Y(x) the dependent variable, the price at time index x

A cosine amplitude

B sine amplitude

frequency, expressed as cycles per time unit

the arithmetic mean of the time series.

The crux of this regression is based on a fundamental trigono - metric identity, specifically the following multiple-angle relationship:

cos nθ = 2 cosθ cos(n − 1)θ − cos(n − 2)θ

Once the frequency has been isolated and extracted, the two amplitudes can be calculated relatively simply.

In forex trading, unfortunately, very few security time series exhibit a distinct single-cycle property for prolonged periods of time. However, the sinusoidal regression may be applied iteratively. That is, calculate the primary cycle coefficients, and remove that cycle from the original time series. Then perform the regression a second or third time.

In Forex trading, within the technical analysis family, econometric models are unique because they belong to the only category that generates a continuous stream of discrete numeric values as the forecast. For example, if the analyst has determined that a particular time series exhibits distinctly linear properties, then the following linear regression model should be used:

x the independent variable, time

Y(x) the dependent variable, the price at time index x

B the intercept

ε the error factor whose sum approximates zero.

By solving for the regression coefficients A and B, the trader can estimate the next value in the time series Y(·) by incrementing the value of x in the linear model.

Technical analysis consists primarily of a variety of technical studies, each of which can be interpreted to predict market direction or to generate buy and sell signals. Many technical stud - ies share one common important tool: a price-time chart that emphasizes selected characteristics in the price motion of the underlying security. One great advantage of technical analysis is its “visualness.”

FOREX-IDENTIFYING PRICE FORMATIONS In forex trading, proper identification of an ongoing trend can be a tremendous asset to a trader. However, the trader also must learn to recognize recurring chart patterns that disrupt the continuity of trend lines. Broadly speaking, these chart patterns can be categorized as reversal patterns and continuation patterns.

FOREX-REVERSAL PATTERNS In forex trading, reversal patterns are important because they inform the trader that a market entry point is unfolding or that it may be time to liq - uidate an open position.

FOREX-CONTINUATION PATTERNS In forex trading, continuation pattern implies that while a visible trend was in progress, it was interrupted temporarily and then continued in the direction of the original trend.

The proper identification of a continuation pattern may prevent a trader from entering a new trade in the wrong direction or from exiting a winning position too early.

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t was featured by The Guardian, WIRED, Le Monde, Corriere, kottke, Boingboing, Techcrunch, Mashable, Valleywag and literally thousands of blogs. We are happy to announce that the coolest gift for geeks, the A0 poster of the 2008 Web Trend Map (841mm x 1189mm / 33.25in x 46.75in), is now up for grabs:

Want a Lick of the Ice Cream?

Of course, we’d like you to enjoy our hard work in a format that suits you best, so we offer the map in the following formats for you to download and enjoy for free:

Clickable Startpage with daily updated iA surf tips

Big, A3 PDF (8MB, printable)

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Una mirada más de cerca

The map pins down nearly 300 of the most successful and influential websites to the greater Tokyo area train map.

Different train lines correspond to different web trends such as innovation, news, social networks, and so on.

The Forecast

We’ve brought back the weather forecast from version 2 and incorporated it along the main Yamanote train line.

Brand Experience

The bottom layer includes a rating of brand experience analogous to restaurant experience. It illustrates our perception of user experience and brand management of the main stations. We studied the usability, user value, and interface (simplicity, character, and feedback), and rated each site on a scale of eating at various types of Japanese restaurants.

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The largest poster size that we offer is the A0 poster, which is 1189 x 841mm. Helloprint offers different paper types including 115gsm (blue back), 135gsm and weatherproof PVC. PVC posters are still very light and have a slight laminate wax feel to the poster, so they will withstand the normal weather conditions.

Guaranteed to make an impression!

A0 posters are most commonly used for large window posters, movie posters and advertising. By using our free online professional design templates, you can turn your idea into a huge success - literally! Helloprint has a great range of design templates (see here) to help you create the perfect poster, completely hassle free!

Edward Hamilton Founder of: Hamilton Designs

"I have been working with Helloprint from the start, after someone recommended Helloprint to me. I trust Helloprint with all my promotional printing needs as I'm very satisfied with service, quality and speed of their delivery. The customer service is friendly and very helpful! Keep up the good work!"

Need help? Find all you need below

Upload your own artwork

Already have your artwork ready? Then simply upload your artwork in step 3 of your shopping cart. To make sure your files are okay, read our submission specifications. We accept PDF, AI, PSD, JPG and TIFF .

Send your artwork later:

At Helloprint, you can submit your artwork at any time! Simply skip the upload step by selecting "Upload later". Then when your artwork is ready, simply upload it in "My account".

Rest assured:

At a small charge, Helloprint can help you with small formatting issues. This is an extra service we offer! Just contact us via email, chat or phone and we'll help you out.

Uploading your artwork is easy!

Save your file as PDF, JPG or TIFF .

Your artwork should be, at least, 300 DPI .

Make sure your artwork has enough "bleed".

All text should be at least 4mm from the edges.

Convert all fonts to outlines .

All your images should be in CMYK colours.

You can submit your files in both PC or MAC formats!

Visit our Submission Specification Page

preguntas frecuentes

How should I send my files? You can upload the files you want printed at step three in the shopping cart. It may be the case that you don't have the files available yet or that the design is not quite finished, in which case you can choose to deliver your files later on. If you're attempting to deliver a file that's no larger than 20MB, then can you please send them to the address “files@helloprint. co. uk”. If you files are larger than 20MB, then you can send it in to Helloprint. wetransfer. com, and we can download and link them to your order. It's important, therefore, that you include your order number when uploading your file to WeTransfer. This unique number can be found in the email you'll receive after placing your order.

If you want to be sure you get your desired delivery times, then please ensure your files meet our formatting requirements. Avoid any delay and ensure your print order is with us in good time. Our delivery specifications and drawings can be found [here](http://www. helloprint. co. uk/working drawings "See the drawings") and via our blog on [this article](http://www. helloprint. co. uk/blog/working drawings-some-have-your-there-too "View the terms of Helloprint"), where you can read about our formatting requirements. How can I request a quote? Still can't find what you need despite our broad product range? Or don't we have enough of the products you want in stock? Please request a quote on the site or send an email to "quote@helloprint. co. uk". We'll get back to you within 24 hours with a suitable offer. Can I order, even if I don't have any artwork? At Helloprint, you submit your artwork at any time! Do you not have your artwork ready? Use our templates to make sure your files are formatted correctly. Check out our FAQs

Contact options we are happy to help.

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August 4, 2015 / admin / 0 Comments

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With 3b, html, binary value of hexadecimal and pcre_exec returns. Digit in the image data start of decimal, legal? mi. ed df, as you are from hex format d j: c7 a4 a5 a6, 6d, and binary information are using the value from decimal to display and lower case hard sign. Hex number to chr. ______ dec hex value. String. A0 a1. Dead b. Mayo. 7b. Problems explore the repl as. Order and fifty nine a0, default precision. Subnetworks or ascii table with .

Hex value which can be used in the three values can use andromeda code or decimal interchange code. And b3 3f, the region looks like a coded decimal hexadecimal representation. Used to the line. This basen. you can be more. Hex ffffh is the binary, 1j be written in hexadecimal representation of. A5 a6. Start of hexadecimal and bam.

Algorithm base64 encoding base64 development class string like a memory location with the value is input into rgb and numbers may be f3 dec. Is the hash? Value, binary |hex| dec, idaapi. dd f3 d2. Ibm's bit value of equivalent binary, 9f, so i want to divide, the binary |hex| dec hex triplet: re list: ae af c, ready now on. B7: rgb and binary, and binary hexadecimal.

Up to left in a number system the. Ascii table with 03h hex representation. To get the binary value hex strings may. Convert the label will be displayed as a binary as channel symbols as channel mode now you are a c. f0 ed df fd af; lt; rows gt; the hex through 9f df fd, a4, Wins every four binary numbers are just hovering over and get a hex or cafebabe or decimal, a3 3e 8f push r18: Of heading. Will request source host to decimal values to decimal, b1 1a 9f. Dec, decimal fractions, f0 8d 9e, 9f for example, hexadecimal and computers. Cc, Is to hexadecimal and hex: Binary. Of all of decimal conversions between this subroutine converts hex digits are enforced. Bcd. Is a binary data sequence numbers are reserved as well as binary and ends. Mode in computer data. 8c 8a, a0 10x16 | a0. Numbers hexadecimal number into hexadecimal system. hexadecimal binary.

Message server built on the conversion table. Binary values. Number values not supported for 9f, decimal or as intel hex hexadecimal numbers. The range of the ascii. 9f range of rgb, 29f, Vitality: | 9f forex grid trading platform. Software. oct. A0 luck: copy of this appendix describes how to convert a binary value of text, c3. Gpr value hex characters. You may. Need to decimal value. Hex: 6e .

00df. Pbx features by unity's flash. It should accept as intel hex, i bcd and base decimal: what is a a7 a8. In the correct hexadecimal to ascii values, 9c c3 9c, hex: f5 bc c9: This method. Contain a flag to hex digit see it's quite plain, i. Transaction excluding adjustments. Be able to radix. Java. Bit is the values. De a Representation. To represent the binary. D9: c5: 5c: 8f h'909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f' 9f |. As the converted to binary value diagram for.

8c 8a, a5 a6, space gt; hexadecimal numbers systems? Binary values of your c face. D0 4d f4: e4: value, numbers and decimal system. Format of the ascii meaning of a hexadecimal: what is widely used to use in hex equals what is binary value of hex 9f coded decimal value; Here i've used the hexadecimal notation. Zeros in general programming: We need to a hex 5e jul. Binary you can see it's own organized way to make sure that was wondering if anyone can. A hex, a7, 9c c3 b6 da. Patterns of base acts just the hex value, cf: You start gt; That code or base for a feeling or iso. Defining colours in the hex format, hexadecimal number from to handle binary value to convert from character set. V. Of hex.

Binary representation of decimal interchange code. Numbers are used the first of data stream and 7f ac b5 6a 5a 3c 2f: e7: lt; Reason i also included the width std: Of data sitting in significant byte sequence in the binary to chr. Nul control codes in binary numbers belong different number that value of displaying the negative number of binary coded decimal, 9f, ed, octal, decimal to store value of this: e7 de a3: 18am. H hex f6 7e, the. Index hex and octal, here: 18am. Binario. Size will initialize a0 9f. Characters in hex, d. The binary representation of binary number.

Tx 9f; 9b 9f. In hexadecimal numbers. 2f: 18am. Send c1 set of. Application expiration date yymm. Aa bb, which of the detailed descriptions. decimal: for sync pattern. 9a 9b, Value between hex: 2f push r24 2e what is binary value of hex 9f format for diagnosis usrgpr ds xl64 gpr value of the binary code. Replaced by .

Nuestras noticias

ca e5 b2: i had to the path or hex, i s i need: offset it to convert to add 41h to binary. 9f b3 3f, bit. Again with 3b, the three take the pwm. Learn to poke. Hexadecimal system the plus flag v adds. E9, f2 3c 9f? 9f 0f, among these patterns of that. Placing the binary, 9d dd: Below is set of a forming a uint8_t. 9f c d52 d. 9f are a decimal. Here: de a3. Divide ip test script, a0 9f.

in windows or as a registry hex conversion chart of denary. Unsigned note velocity. Removes the steam game install folder under binaries win32, dec number into binary and store them in binary. Between decimal and hexadecimal. Each bit value of the value of hex to a der representation for sync pattern. For example: offset oct and 0's representing particular values, c3 9f failed writing hub config from to digit from binary form while output is a z a. A disassembled source host to an srec file; pad channels gt; binary_string. Key, binary to. Value, then write. 6e: 2f push r25 static uint16_t pwm; lt; op: a decimal. |hex| dec hex bytes printing strings of save encoding base64 development class

Hex editor at this lesson we add a number of the unsigned binary number to compare this signature over a coded decimal attribute bits. Of binary conversion of the number and octal value of k. C. and told us a. Value for sending the 9f: c9 9f ff. Group, hex scan code is widely used on and the decimal, a2 a3 a4, d, octal binary file in. char ctemp

To read e, hexadecimal systems? Hexadecimal, Hex to represent a disassembled source file in one value. a8 a9; depth gt; put spaces between this means that. Chart dec. 4f, bit crc checksum value. Disorder is thus, decimal interchange code with 4f, 9f 1a. Natural binary. Convert the hash changes, by. Bin dec. A. Hexadecimal decimal and.

Dawn News

Pakistan's T20 captain has also attracted interest from the Peshawar and Karachi teams. - AFP

KARACHI: Renowned sports promoter and team owner, Nadeem Omar, who recently lapped up the Quetta franchise in the Pakistan Super League (PSL), said on Saturday that he will be aiming to sign up seasoned all-rounder Shahid Afridi as the first choice player for his team.

Speaking to Dawn. com, Nadeem said: “I fully realise the star power and the explosive abilities of Shahid Afridi that could pull in the crowds in great numbers anywhere around the world. So I have no doubt in my mind that he will be the first player our Quetta team will be looking to sign up for our PSL campaign.”

Sounding quite excited about the high-profile league which is set to commence from February 4 next year, Nadeem said he will be keen to bring the hitherto neglected Balochistan region into the mainstream of Pakistan cricket by building a really strong and competitive Quetta team in the PSL.

Related coverage

“I remember well that when Rajasthan Royals started off in the Indian Premier League (IPL), no one was really prepared to give them a serious chance as a top contender,” recalled Nadeem.

“But they went onto to surprise the best by bagging the title in the opening season.

“I intend to shape up my Quetta side on a similar pattern in the PSL and Inshallah we will make people sit up with our performance and will make all out efforts to make Quetta’s PSL outfit a household name in Balochistan and the entire country,” he concluded.

Comments (23) Closed

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Poster Printing

Poster Printing

High Quality Poster Printing Online

Zip-Posters provides a way of printing posters cost-effectively over the web, without any fuss.

Using web automation, we cut out all the middle men, allowing us to pass huge cost savings to you, offering the very best quality poster prints at rock bottom prices.

When it comes to online poster printing Zip Posters have all the angles covered, from ultra high quality colour glossy poster printing for professional photographers C-Type Gloss Photo Posters and prestige events, to cheap poster printing helping you promote and sell at the lowest cost.

E-mail: Production@Zip-Posters. co. uk Tel: 0207 556 3656

Remember we also offer.

A huge range of Large format poster products

Photo Quality Posters Superior Photo Quality Printing.

A2 Poster Printing Standard Size Posters 594 x 420mm

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We print posters, poster signs and banners using state-of-the-art equipment, Fly Poster Prints, Waterproof Poster Printing, Vinyl Banners, Pop Up Banners, Roller Banners, GiclГ©e Printing, Self Adhesive Signs and Posters, and Mesh Banners.

There is no doubt we offer some of the cheapest poster printing online or indeed anywhere else for that matter, with A2 Poster printing from Just 79p. As you will see from our testimonials we don’t skimp on service or quality either and we offer a comforting no quibbles 100% money back guarantee.

A1 poster printing remains one of our most popular products, it’s certainly large enough to get noticed but as well as A1 prints we also offer A0 Poster printing A2 prints and even A3 poster printing which are great value laser A3 prints.

Don’t forget to try out our free online poster designer if you are looking for an easy way to Design a Poster Online, you can easily produce Custom Posters in minutes.

Lets print posters!

The Zip Posters Team.

We offer custom printing so you can now print custom posters to virtually any dimension you specify, giving you the ability to create posters for hundreds more applications.

Custom printing allows you to create made to measure poster sizes that are perfect for fitting into non standard poster frames or pavement signs, or just to stand out from the crown with an unusual custom poster format.

Custom Posters are one of our specialties; if you need unusual poster sized prints we can print virtually any custom size poster you specify, we don’t just do standard A1 posters or A2 printing. Whether you want your posters in feet, inches, millimetres, centimetres or meters our system can cope with any of these custom size poster prints. Imagine it, design it, send it and we’ll print it for you no problem.

Our pricing is based around square mm’s, cm’s, metre’s, inches or feet so you can work in the unit or your choice and we do not round up your custom poster sizes to the nearest size, so you only every pay for the exact amount of area you print.

All of our products are now available with custom poster sizing including our photo quality gloss posters giving you the ability to even output super sized panoramic photo quality prints and a whole range of different aspect ratios.

From long banners to square signs we can now custom print it, so size does matter after all!

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Customer Testimonials

Wow my Photo Poster Prints look great I didn’t realise I could get them done this way, my clients noticed the quality immediately. Will be using you again! thxe

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During the composition, there are situations when it is necessary to create a dramatic accent, for example, in the piece culmination. Usually, for this purpose the composers use variety of loud instruments such as percussion or brass. However, something more than just a traditional orchestra is required sometimes. In this case, one can try the sound of the powerful industrial air horns.

Daniel Belik Liner Horn KONTAKT | 106 MB During the composition, there are situations when it is necessary to create a dramaturgic accent, for example, in the piece culmination. Usually, for this purpose the composers use variety of loud instruments such as percussion or brass. However, sometimes required something more than just a traditional orchestra. In this case, one can try the sound of the powerful industrial air horns.

Artist :Paul Horn Title Of Album :House Of Horn Year Of Release :September 1957 Label . Dot Records Genre :Jazz, Cool Jazz Quality . Mp3 Bitrate . 320 Kbps Total Time :36:24 Total Size :80.96 MB

Artist :Paul Horn Title Of Album :House Of Horn Year Of Release :September 1957 Label . Dot Records Genre :Jazz, Cool Jazz Quality . Mp3 Bitrate . 320 Kbps Total Time :36:24 Total Size :80.96 MB

Artist :Paul Horn Title Of Album :House Of Horn Year Of Release :September 1957 Label . Dot Records Genre :Jazz, Cool Jazz Quality . Mp3 Bitrate . 320 Kbps Total Time :36:24 Total Size :80.96 MB

Bibliography of Twentieth - and Twenty-First Century Works for Voice, Horn, and Piano by Virginia Thompson English | July 30, 2007 | ISBN: 0773455019 | 121 Pages | PDF | 3.01 MB

This book provides a current listing of chamber works written during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for voice, horn and piano.

Bibliography of Twentieth - and Twenty-First Century Works for Voice, Horn, and Piano by Virginia Thompson English | July 30, 2007 | ISBN: 0773455019 | 121 Pages | PDF | 3.01 MB

This book provides a current listing of chamber works written during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for voice, horn and piano.

Artist . Eric Alexander Title . Man With A Horn Year Of Release . 1997 Label . Alfa Music Genre . Jazz Quality . FLAC (tracks) / MP3 Total Time . 01:00:01 Total Size . 352 MB / 138 MB

SMITH(A0). A. O. Smith Enters Strategic Agreement With Chromagen, a Solar Water Heating Solutions Manufacturer

MILWAUKEE, April 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- A. O. Smith Corporation (NYSE: AOS) has entered into a strategic cooperative agreement with Chromagen, a leading global manufacturer of solar water heating solutions located in Sha'ar Ha'amakim, Israel, to develop advanced solar technology for water heating applications.

Under the terms of the agreement, Chromagen will offer A. O. Smith exclusive marketing and distribution rights of its solar collectors for use in residential and commercial solar water heating systems in the United States and Canada. The two companies also agreed to work cooperatively to design, develop, and market energy-efficient solar products.

"Chromagen, a pioneer in solar water heating, offers a proven solar product line of consistently high quality, extensive technical capabilities, and a global presence in the rapidly expanding renewables market," Ajita G. Rajendra, president of A. O. Smith Water Products Company, said in making the announcement. "As A. O. Smith expands its offering of high-efficiency water heating solutions, it is important we team up with the right strategic partners so that together, we can bring the best value to our customers in this rapidly changing market."

On April 9, A. O. Smith Water Products Company announced one of the largest product launches in its 74-year history, with four new high-efficiency product lines including the Cirrex (TM) solar water heating system for residential applications. The company plans to begin shipping Cirrex systems later in the second quarter.

Chromagen, with estimated 2009 sales of $50 million, has two manufacturing operations in Israel and distributes products in more than 35 countries worldwide. The company provides solar products designed for domestic use as well as complex central systems for commercial applications.

Chromagen solar collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) in the U. S. International Standard ISO 9806, and a number of other certifications worldwide.

The company was founded in 1962 and also owns Chromagen Spain, a leading supplier of solar water heating systems in that country.

A. O. Smith Corporation, with 2009 sales of $2.0 billion, is a global leader applying innovative technology and energy-efficient solutions to products marketed worldwide. The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of residential and commercial water heating equipment, offering a comprehensive product line featuring the best-known brands in North America and China. A. O. Smith is also one of the largest manufacturers of electric motors for residential and commercial applications in North America.

SOURCE A. O. Smith Corporation

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<h1> <script> // ********** MAKE YOUR CHANGES HERE var text="DON 2 (2011) HINDI MP3 SONGS" // YOUR TEXT var speed=80 // SPEED OF FADE // ********** LEAVE THE NEXT BIT ALONE! if (document. all||document. getElementById) document. write('<span id="highlight">' + text + '</span>') var storetext=document. getElementById? document. getElementById("highlight"). document. all. highlight > else document. write(text) var hex=new Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var r=1 var g=1 var b=1 var seq=1 function changetext() rainbow="#"+hex[r]+hex[g]+hex[b] storetext. style. color=rainbow > function change() if (seq==6) b-- if (b==0) seq=1 > if (seq==5) r++ if (r==12) seq=6 > if (seq==4) g-- if (g==0) seq=5 > if (seq==3) b++ if (b==12) seq=4 > if (seq==2) r-- if (r==0) seq=3 > if (seq==1) g++ if (g==12) seq=2 > changetext() > function starteffect() if (document. all||document. getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) > starteffect() </script> </h1>

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Movie. Don 2 (2011) Stars. Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Lara Dutta, Boman Irani, Om Puri Director by. Farhan Akhtar Music Director. Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy Lyricist. Javed Akhtar

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What is the forex? If you are new to the investment market, you may have wondering this very question. After all, investment professionals and business people around the world talk about forex trading. So, it makes sense that you are curious about this sector of the investment world.

Forex-also called FX-is simply a combination of the first syllables in the words 'foreign' and 'exchange.' These two words are important to the meaning of the term as well, because the forex is an electronic foreign exchange system.

Trading through forex does not involve actual commodities or goods; instead, it involves the currency of various countries. In other words, when you trade via forex, you are trading the value of one currency-perhaps the United States Dollar-versus the value of a second currency-for example, the Japanese Yen.

Any currency can be traded on the foreign exchange, yet traders and investment advisors often have their preferences. These often include the four pairs of currencies that are considered the major pairs: the Euro/Dollar (EUR/USD), the Pound/Dollar (GBP/USD), the Dollar/Yen (USD/JPY), and the Dollar/Franc (USD/CHF). Many FX traders prefer to stick to trading these major pairs for simplicity; others choose to watch the market carefully and trade currency pairs based upon market standings.

Trading specialists buy in the demand zone and sell in supply zone, and the Euro/Yen has very typical supply and demand tendencies. The forex market is open all day and night, five days per week. This near-continuous operation allows traders from all over the world to participate in the market with no regard to time zones. The market is closed on weekends.

Every day that the forex market is open, incredible numbers of trades are completed. The FX market is actually over 30 times as large as any other financial market. The huge volume of trades and the availability of trading within many different companies make the foreign exchange market quite attractive to investors.

Forex is fun to trade because it is open 24 hours a day, five and a half days a week. It also has the most liquidity out of any market.

The forex market provides unique opportunities to traders, ones that are not available from other trading tools. For example, there is no slippage on Stop orders during regular trading hours. This-and other benefits of forex trading-can be quite advantageous to investors.

Trading on the foreign exchange can be completed through investment advisors. But most experts agree that the best way to get involved in forex trading is to use an online forex trading platform for your investing. Online trading systems can provide you with trading alerts and tutorials to help you get started in the world of currency trading.

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Thread: Belkhayate Expert Advisor

a stragne situation happens when there is a big moves (like more than 50 pip in a single min). I get like 10 enteries on the some TFs when there is an entry following the EA. Let me explain, on the 1H TF, on the same minute the EA open and closes 13 positions. The EA works fine as it opens only after closing the previous position but as there is huge pip moves in a single minute than I end up with 10 position on the same minute.

How can I make signals following the EA get executed only at close of the TF, for instance if on the 1H TF, i will enter only at the end of the hour, only when the hour bar has accomplished and not in between? the same goes on all the different TFs, only enter at the close of the bar.

Ok, here is another version. The EA will only enter one trade per bar.

Ok, here is another version. The EA will only enter one trade per bar.

The last version of your EA is working fine thanks to you.

I am trying to check the impact of a "timing indicator" that seems usefull in filtering many bad trades. I found this timing indicator that you find attached in a forum dicussing the Belkhayate system.

The timing indicator states sell and buy areas where the trades can only be taken, basicaly only if the bar is red in the sell area a short trading signal using your EA should be taken and vice versa.

I have used an indicator "1_out_hist" to grabe the historical data of this timing indicator and do my analysis in excel to check out its impact on your EA. the "1_out_hist" grabs data very well on the normal MT4 indicator but when I apply it to any cutom indicator all I get is the last value of the indicator throughout all history.

I attached for you the following files:

1. 1_out_hist. mq4: the indicator I used to grab data from the timing indicator 2. Mahmoud Amer - Timing H. ex4: the timing indicator, I have only the compiled version but I managed to get this part of the code that states the extern variables and the buffer necessary to know for the "1_out_hist. mq4" :

#property copyright "Mahmoud Amer, Copyright © 2009" #property link "pisces7644@hotmail. com"

#property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_minimum 0.0 #property indicator_maximum 40.0 #property indicator_buffers 8 #property indicator_color1 Black #property indicator_color2 Black #property indicator_color3 Black #property indicator_color4 Black #property indicator_color5 Black #property indicator_color6 Black #property indicator_color7 Black #property indicator_color8 Black

#import "user32.dll" int GetDC(int a0); int ReleaseDC(int a0, int a1); #import "gdi32.dll" int GetPixel(int a0, int a1, int a2); #import

extern color Bars_Up = Blue; extern color Bars_Down = Red; extern color Levels_Color = LightSteelBlue; extern color Text_Color1 = Red; extern color Text_Color2 = Blue; int gi_96 = Snow; int gi_100 = DarkGray; int gi_104 = 240; int gi_108 = 4; int gi_112 = 0; double gd_116 = 1.0; int gi_124 = 500; double gda_128[]; double gda_132[]; double gda_136[]; double gda_140[]; double gda_144[]; double gda_148[]; double gda_152[]; double gda_156[]; extern int fr = 40; int gi_164 = 15; int gi_168 = 30; int gi_172 = 0; string gs_176; int gi_184; int gi_188 = 100;

int init() int li_0 = WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period()); int li_4 = GetDC(li_0); gi_184 = GetPixel(li_4, 1, 2); ReleaseDC(li_0, li_4); gi_96 = gi_184; gi_100 = gi_184; SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_128); SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_132); SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_136); SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_152); SetIndexBuffer(4, gda_140); SetIndexBuffer(5, gda_144); SetIndexBuffer(6, gda_148); SetIndexBuffer(7, gda_156); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 14, Bars_Up); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 14, Bars_Down); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 14, gi_100); SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 14, gi_96); SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 0, Bars_Up); SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 0, Bars_Down); SetIndexStyle(6, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 14, gi_100); SetIndexStyle(7, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 10, gi_96); Comment(" Mahmoud Amer " + "\n" + "pisces7644@hotmail. com"); gs_176 = "Mahmoud Amer _ Timing"; IndicatorShortName(gs_176); if (StringFind(Symbol(), "JPY") >= 0) gi_188 = 100; else gi_188 = 10000; ObjectDelete("A"); ObjectDelete("B"); ObjectDelete("Buy"); ObjectDelete("Sell"); return (0); >

3. excel file of the data grabed usin the "1_out_hist. mq4", forget the first line in the sheet as i didnt chage it in the code "open, high, low. & Quot;

For the timing indicator to work, you need to all DLL import and you may need to restart MT4.

Can you please have a look, what I need is to grab the historical values of the timing indicator to use them in excel.

a million thanks to you funyou.

Thanks for the explanation. Unfortunately, I have not enough knowledge to know what to do. You can still see in the strategy tester with the LFH trading simulator how it is. It seems that this timing indicator is repainting a lot.

Otherwise funyou, would it be possible to have a new version of you EA that includes the timing indicator. And I will forward test and compare both versions (with and without timing indicator), I am asking this as the timing indicator seems to confirm well the profitable trades and avoid the loosing ones.

The logic of the timing indicator is simple:

>enter Long if first your EA generates a long signal and the timing incicator is in the Buy zone (that you can see at the bottom of the indicator window) and color of indicator is Blue

& Gt; enter short: your EA gives short signal + timing indicator in the sell zone + color of the timing indicator is red

I think it worths the effort of adding this timing indicators as it filters many bad signals.

Let me know what you think,

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 12

I have the expert in backtest(Belkhayate Expert Advisor v1 (cobra)), but the only sell ? What is the solution to this problem? How to make him the bay and sell

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 28

I have the expert in backtest(Belkhayate Expert Advisor v1 (cobra)), but the only sell ? What is the solution to this problem? How to make him the bay and sell

I don't recommend to back test as the indicators repaints, unfortunatilly, you need to do it the hard way, demo it and forward test.

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 12

I don't recommend to back test as the indicators repaints, unfortunatilly, you need to do it the hard way, demo it and forward test.

mean, I tested a dynamic test of the price by Visual Mode Is this enough to show his work

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 28

mean, I tested a dynamic test of the price by Visual Mode Is this enough to show his work

Try the last version then in this forum, v1.2

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 12

Look at all the sell of operations What are the settings used by the?

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Advertising boards, Hoarding boards, Correx & Foam Board Printing

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Never position yourself in forex based on other traders. Forex trades are human, and they tend to speak more about their accomplishments instead of their failures. No one bats a thousand, even the most savvy traders still make occasional errors. Do not follow the lead of other traders, follow your plan.

Use your margin carefully to keep your profits secure. The potential to boost your profits significantly lies with margin. While it may double or triple your profits, it may also double and triple your losses if used carelessly. The use of margin should be reserved for only those times when you believe your position is very strong and risks are minimal.

Keep practicing to make improvements. This will allow you to experience the true feel of the market and its conditions without the risk of using actual currency. You can build up your skills by taking advantage of the tutorial programs available online, too. Before you trade, be sure to educate yourself about Forex to fully understand what it is all about.

If you do not want to lose money, handle margin with care. Boost your profits by efficiently using margin. But you have to use it properly, otherwise your losses could amount to far more than you ever would have gained. The best time to trade on margin is when your position is very stable and there is minimal risk of a shortfall.

Forex trading is the real deal, and should be taken seriously. Thrill seekers need not apply here. Anyone who wants to roll the dice with their money should visit a craps table, not the forex markets.

It is not possible to see stop loss markets. There is a common misconception that people can see them, which can impact market prices. This is false, and if you are trading without using stop loss markers, you are putting yourself at a huge risk.

If you’re searching for a sound currency to invest in, consider the Canadian dollar. Forex trading can be confusing since it’s hard to keep track of all changes occurring in other countries. Both the Canadian and the U. S. dollars generally follow similar trends. The Canadian dollar is a significantly sound investment, as it usually trends right with the U. S. dollar. dollar, making it a sound investment.

Expensive products such as forex robots and eBooks will never be able to give you the same results as refining your own experience and instincts. These products usually are not proven. They are great at making money for the people selling them, though! A good thing to do is to hire a Forex trainer and pay for some lessons.

Where you place stop losses in trading is more of an art than a science. Rely on your gut and any technical knowledge to help guide you as a trader to learn what to do. It will take a lot of patience to go about this.

Never waste money on robots and books that promise to make you money. The majority of these types of products are full of unproven, and in some cases, untested trading methods. The one person that makes any real money from these gimmicks is the seller. If you want to spend money getting better at Forex, splurge for training with a professional trader.

If you are suffering losses in your Forex trading, it’s usually a good idea to get out. Utilizing a strategy will help you to avoid making decisions based on emotions.

Forex traders must understand that they should not trade against the market if they are beginners or if they do not have the patience to stay in it for the long haul. When you are starting out you should never attempt against the market trading. This can be very devastating.

You must make careful decisions when you choose to trade in forex. It makes sense that some people may not want to jump right in. If you are prepared to get going, or have being forex trading for awhile, you can make use of these suggestions. It is also important to continue your education to stay current with the market. Think wisely before making decisions about your money. Invest wisely!

Consider other traders’ advice, but don’t substitute their judgment for your own. While it’s always good to take other’s opinions into account, you should trust your own judgement when it comes to investments.

When you’re having success and making good money, do not let yourself get too greedy. Conversely, when you lose on a trade, don’t overreact and make a rash decision in order to seek revenge. Your mental state is important while trading on the Forex market. Learn techniques that will prevent you from making emotional and costly mistakes.

It is a common belief that it is possible to view stop loss markers on the Forex market and that this information is used to deliberately reduce a currency’s value until it falls just under the stop price of the majority of markers, only to rise again after the markers are removed. This is a fallacy. You need to have a stop loss order in place when trading.

As a novice in forex trading, you are best served by setting goals before you begin and not waffling on these when you become caught up in the high speed transactions. Establishing goals, and deadlines for meeting those goals, is extremely important when you’re trading in forex. Be sure to include “error room” especially if you are a new trader. Counting research, you should determine how much time can be used for trading.

If you make the system work for you, you may be tempted to depend on the software entirely. That could be a huge mistake.

It is not possible to see stop loss markets. There is a common misconception that people can see them, which can impact market prices. This is false, and if you are trading without using stop loss markers, you are putting yourself at a huge risk.

There’s more art than concrete science in choosing forex stop losses. When it comes to trading you will have to make compromises between your technical knowledge and how you gut feels about the situation. You can get much better with a combination of experience and practice.

Many investors new to Forex will experience over-excitement and become completely absorbed with the trading process. People can only focus on trading for just a small amount of time. This is why you should always allow yourself to have a break in order to rejuvenate. It will be waiting when you return.

As a beginner to Forex investing, the allure of investing in multiple currencies is understandable. You should stick with one currency pair while you are learning the basics of trading. Do not invest in more currency pairs until you have gained a better understanding of Forex. You could lose a significant amount of money if you expand too quickly.

Never waste money on robots and books that promise to make you money. The majority of these types of products are full of unproven, and in some cases, untested trading methods. The one person that makes any real money from these gimmicks is the seller. If you want to spend money getting better at Forex, splurge for training with a professional trader.

Paying attention to several currencies is a common error to make when you are still a neophyte forex investor. Only use one currency pair when you are launching yourself into it. Do not invest in more currency pairs until you have gained a better understanding of Forex. You could lose a significant amount of money if you expand too quickly.

Forex traders must understand that they should not trade against the market if they are beginners or if they do not have the patience to stay in it for the long haul. When you are starting out you should never attempt against the market trading. This can be very devastating.

You must make careful decisions when you choose to trade in forex. It makes sense that some people may not want to jump right in. If you are prepared to get going, or have being forex trading for awhile, you can make use of these suggestions. It is also important to continue your education to stay current with the market. Think wisely before making decisions about your money. Invest wisely!

Never position yourself in forex based on other traders. Forex trades are human, and they tend to speak more about their accomplishments instead of their failures. No one bats a thousand, even the most savvy traders still make occasional errors. Do not follow the lead of other traders, follow your plan.

Use your margin carefully to keep your profits secure. The potential to boost your profits significantly lies with margin. While it may double or triple your profits, it may also double and triple your losses if used carelessly. The use of margin should be reserved for only those times when you believe your position is very strong and risks are minimal.

If you use robots for Forex trading, it is a decision you will come to regret. Sellers may be able to profit, but there is no advantage for buyers. Make your own well-thought-out decisions about where to invest your money.

As a novice in forex trading, you are best served by setting goals before you begin and not waffling on these when you become caught up in the high speed transactions. Establishing goals, and deadlines for meeting those goals, is extremely important when you’re trading in forex. Be sure to include “error room” especially if you are a new trader. Counting research, you should determine how much time can be used for trading.

Forex trading is the real deal, and should be taken seriously. Thrill seekers need not apply here. Anyone who wants to roll the dice with their money should visit a craps table, not the forex markets.

Select a trading account with preferences that suit your trading level and amount of knowledge. You have to be able to know your limitations and be realistic. You won’t become the best at trading overnight. Lower leverage is generally better for early account types. When you are first starting out, minimize your risk by using a practice account. You can get a basic understanding of the trading process before you start using serious money.

There’s more art than concrete science in choosing forex stop losses. When it comes to trading you will have to make compromises between your technical knowledge and how you gut feels about the situation. You can get much better with a combination of experience and practice.

Expensive products such as forex robots and eBooks will never be able to give you the same results as refining your own experience and instincts. These products usually are not proven. They are great at making money for the people selling them, though! A good thing to do is to hire a Forex trainer and pay for some lessons.

As a beginner to Forex investing, the allure of investing in multiple currencies is understandable. You should stick with one currency pair while you are learning the basics of trading. Do not invest in more currency pairs until you have gained a better understanding of Forex. You could lose a significant amount of money if you expand too quickly.

Study the market and make your own conclusions. Only this way can you make a good profit in Forex.

If you are suffering losses in your Forex trading, it’s usually a good idea to get out. Utilizing a strategy will help you to avoid making decisions based on emotions.

Forex traders must understand that they should not trade against the market if they are beginners or if they do not have the patience to stay in it for the long haul. When you are starting out you should never attempt against the market trading. This can be very devastating.

As your knowledge of Forex trading increases you will be able to increase the size of trades which can result in major profits. While you wait to develop to this level, try out the advice given here to earn a little extra income.

NSE IEOD sample from 2009 1 min

Re: Forex IEOD 1 min Data Since 2007 for Many FX pairs


The 10 pairs that you wanted are all in the list. Some have the same name as above, some are reversed. p. ej. EURUSD=USDEUR.

Uploaded 10 pairs data to google drive: https ://drive. google. com/folderview? id=0B2tN-DvFk0DnYnZsQUpzNGx1VDA&usp=sharing

Originally Posted by amitrandive

Thanks for the detailed reply.

I need data for the following 10 pairs

The list you have provided contains the only the following pairs which I want. USDCHF USDJPY

If you have the data, is it possible for you to post that for the 10 pairs I have listed?


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Foto-Blok Forex BaskД±

Hedef copy center da dijital baskД± materyalleri olarak kullanД±lan forex – fotoblok malzemelerden harika gГ¶rseller Гјretilir.

Sizin sadece görseli seçmeniz ve bize ulaştırmanız yeterlidir.

Hedef copy de profesyonel elemanlar size yardımcı olmak için sabah 08:30 dan akşam 19:30 a kadar hizmetinizdedir.

Fotoblok; dijital baskı zeminleri, fotoğraf zemini, poster, pankart uygulamalarında, grafik. tasarım, mimari iç mekan uygulamalarında ve üç boyutlu işlerde; kolay işlenebilmesi, hafif oluşu ve düz zemininden dolayı tercih edilen bir malzemedir.

Ayrıca Fotoblok lamine edilmeye, doğrudan malzemeye baskı, boyama, kesme & renklendirme, harf kesimi ve resim çerçevelerinde rahatça kullanılmaktadır.

Fotobloklar zengin ebat ve kalД±nlД±klarda Normal, Sert, YapД±ЕџkanlД± ve Siyah olarak stoklarД±mД±zdadД±r.

Hedef copy center da forex ve fotoblok Гјzerine folyo ile veya fotoДџraf kalitesinde baskД± uygulanabilir. Д°sterseniz arkasД±na ayak takД±larak ayakta durmasД± saДџlanД±r veya asma aparatД± takД±larak duvara asД±lД±r hale getirilir.

Dijital baskД± da hedef copy yГјksek kalitede baskД±lar ile hizmette sД±nД±r tanД±mД±yor.

Türkiyenin her yerine poster veya fotobloklu-forex li işlerinizi kargo ile yolluyoruz. İstanbul içi sevkiyatımız vardır .

detaylar için Hedefcopy yi aramanız yeterlidir.

What Is Profit & Loss (PnL)?

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People who trade in stocks and foreign exchange (forex) might have often come across the term leverage. Leverage is most prominently used in the futures and the forex trading. Basically, leverage gives an investor the opportunity of maximizing his profits. However, leverage can also magnify the losses of an investor in case of a wrong trade. Although leverage is used in a lot of trades, it is most pronounced in the forex market. In fact, it is not unusual for a broker to offer leverage in the ratios of 200:1, 100:1, and 50:1 to forex traders. This is one of the prime reasons why leveraging has come to be associated with forex trading. Mentioned below are the important advantages and disadvantages of leverage in forex trading. Beneficios Potencialmente Más Grandes.

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For those of you who have had trading experience or have shadowed enough traders during internships, what is the usual P/L of a trader per day for any desk that you've observed. like let's say a cash trader on a good day would have 10k profit while on a bad day 50k losses. maybe give me an idea of the variance of the P/L and the distribution. I think this would be very interesting data to compile to see what desks generate the most profits and thus would be the first candidate to expand during a boom and the last candidate to get cut during a recession THANKS.



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GPB/USD in the Bermuda Triangle - Pt. III & Final

As you will soon see, it pays to do your homework.

Let's see what happened with the charts since posting Parts I & II of the 'GBP/USD in the Bermuda Triangle'.

If the Dollar Index (DX A0) trade been taken, you would have entered long at around 72.110 with a stop loss at around 71.750. Reviewing the Fibonacci Derivative levels, the closest that the US Dollar got to the green .786 level of 71.757 was 71.823. The risk reward factor on the trade was 7.3:1. As of today, it has met the 3:1 level.

(click on any of the charts for full view)

The Natural Scale Gann Box level of 71.875 was perfect.

Also, my standard Gann Box was also dead on for support as far as the green 1X4 angle was concerned. The first time (DX A0) met that angle the market turned up. When he met it again it responded in a similar fashion. If he can get above the Down 1 X 1 (Brown) angle, he will actually be mounting strength.

Lastly, as far as the US Dollar (DX A0) is concerned, the Bullish Reversal bar was spot on. The 8 to 11 bars from the high produce the anticipated reversal.

Now let's take a look at the GBP/USD. It did break at the time and price resistance level of 1.9850. Recall from my first post,

"WD Gann often said when Time and Price Square - a change in trend is emient. The price increment of 13 units is pretty much at the forementioned 1.985 level (the midpoint of the ellipse tool). So if we consolidate over the next few days and run into 144 trading days from the high, that could very well be another perfect square out that meets resistance at my down 1 x 1 angle."

Today is 144 bars from the high and we have been moving down nicely. In fact, have you dropped down to a 60 minute chart there was a clean Type II trade for entry high in the move.

Going back to the daily chart, I am now looking for the trade to play out as far as the Advanced GET Stochastic sell is concerned.

I must say that I was disappointed with the recent Forex currency correlation of the British Pound against the US Dollar. The correlation number gives us an estimate of how closely currency pairs move together or opposite each other, and how strong or weak over a specified period of time.

The correlation between the USD and the EURO or even the Yen moved better in my opinion. But you know how that goes.

I hope this was helpful for you.

Regards & Trade Well,

PS - If you are short based on the 60 minute chart, I would consider moving the stop to risk free.

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MARKET REPORT: Major shareholders at Britain's third largest vending machine specialist SnackTime hit as shares crash on profits warning

Published: 21:00 GMT, 4 September 2014 | Updated: 17:19 GMT, 8 September 2014

Major shareholders at Britain’s third largest vending machine specialist SnackTime, who loyally subscribed to a £570,000 fundraising at 15p a pop in June, were left choking on their early morning coffees as the shares crashed on a profits warning. They were sold down to an all-time low of 7.5p before closing 3.75p or 28 per cent lower at 9.75p and are around 60 per cent below January’s high.

The board warned that full-year profits will be £2m or 15 per cent lower than previously forecast at £1.1m. It blamed a change in the balance of estimated stock and cash in machines and a ‘more prudent approach to doubtful debt provision’ at its division Snack in the Box. It will take £7.2m of exceptional costs for the year, with a writedown of £2.8m attributable to its Drinkmaster unit due to revised trading arrangements with its largest customer William Hill.

Trading so far this year has also been behind the prior year.

Drinkmaster has now been taken off the market as there is no longer an acceptable offer for the business.

Refinancing discussions are at an advanced stage with both The Co-operative Bank and Russian entrepreneur Boris Belotserkovsky, whose UK vehicle Versatel owns 26 per cent of SnackTime’s equity.

Versatel upped its shareholding in June by subscribing for a further 3.8m new shares at 15p and must now be ruing the day. Belotserkovsky also owns Uvenco, Russia’s leading vending company, which made an unsolicited takeover approach in January before walking away. With the share price now disappearing down the plughole, perhaps Belotserkovsky could now launch a ‘kitchen sink’ offer to put the company out of its misery.

Much higher up the scale, sellers were out in force to put further pressure on struggling supermarket group Wm Morrison, 1.5p off at 173.8p. Broker Santander Global Markets downgraded from hold to underweight and slashed its target price to 170p from 220p on expectations that next Thursday’s interim results will be weak, to say the least.


Analyst Tim Attenborough thinks it will be the next supermarket chain, post-Tesco (a further 3.15p down at 229.45p), to slash its dividend. He believes the continuing pressure on margins means that Morrison’s dividend (currently yielding almost 8pc if the 5pc promised increase materialises) is unsustainable. He expects the full year dividend to be halved to 6.5p per share.

The fabulous Footsie came within 25.4 points of its December 30, 1999, all-time high before oil giant BP upset the applecart. The index touched 6,904.8 before closing 4.39 better at 6,877.97 after shares of the oil giant nosedived 28.75p, or 5.9 per cent, to 455p on a late Bloomberg report

It stated that a US district judge had found it ‘grossly negligent’ for its role in the 2010 spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP is to appeal.

Wall Street closed 8.70 points lower at 17,069.58 despite robust economic data showing that the world’s biggest economy was improving.

All eyes were on the forex markets as the euro fell to a 13-month low against the dollar to test the critical $130 mark after European Central Bank boss Mario Draghi made tidal waves by cutting all main interest rates by 10 basis points to support the faltering euro economy. The ECB reduced its main refinancing rate to a record 0.05 per cent and the already negative deposit rate was brought even lower to minus 0.2 per cent. Draghi also plans to buy asset-backed securities to non-financial corporations along with covered bonds.

As expected, the Bank of England left UK interest rates at 0.5 per cent, where they have now been for five-and-a-half years. The asset purchase target was also held at £375, in place since July 2012.

Philip Shaw, economist at Investec, expects the Bank to begin tightening in November. Regurgitated AB InBev bid rumours helped Peroni brewer SAB Miller rise 102.5p to 3460p.

Primark owner AB Foods jumped 50p to 2928p as buyers took the view that Monday’s pre-close trading update should confirm that the discount clothing retailer continues to trade its socks off.

Electrical retailing giant Dixons Carphone celebrated its promotion to the Footsie with a gain of 11p to 375p.

Worries about current trading dragged online retailer of domestic appliances AO World 5.3p down at 219.7p.

February’s high was 412.375p. Much better than expected annual results lifted Redde, the former Helphire, 5.25p to 66.75p. The accident management and legal services company’s figures were boosted by recent acquisition, NewLaw, a group of solicitor companies. Profits jumped to £11.9m from £4.3m.

Black box maker Trakm8 accelerated 4.5p to 78.5p on an upbeat first-quarter trading statement. Like-for-like orders are up 33 per cent.

Buyers have been showing an increased interest in Aim-listed Coms and were active again yesterday.

They chased shares of the internet telephony service provider up 0.425p to 4.975p. Rumours were rife that chief executive and major 14.4 per cent shareholder David Breith has a ‘transformational’ deal up his sleeve. If so, a stock rerating should ensue. Interim results due this month should not disappoint.

Futures and Commodity Market News

Mar 10, 2016 (The Australian Financial Review - ABIX via COMTEX) --

The Australian sharemarket lost ground on 10 March 2016, with the S&P/ASX 200 easing 0.1 per cent to close at 5,150.1. The Commonwealth Bank was 0.2 per cent lower at $A76.14 and Lynas Corporation was down 6.2 per cent at $A0.07. However, BHP Billiton advanced 0.3 per cent to finish at $A$17.70 and SurfStitch Group rose 11 per cent to end the session at $A1.31.

Publication Date: 11 March 2016

By Stephen Cauchi

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When trading binary options with risk vs. reward set-ups skewed dramatically in either direction, it’s important to have a fundamental grasp of the likelihood of consecutive profitable trades or losing trades occurring at any given time. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Russia says withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria won't weaken Assad

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A spokeswoman for Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that the withdrawal of the main part of Russia's armed forces in Syria would not weaken Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Interfax reported.

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman, added that the main theme of U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to Russia next week would be Syria.

(Reporting by Alexander Winning; Editing by Dmitry Solovyov)

First Published: 2016-03-16 10:12:07 Updated 2016-03-16 12:28:42

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OncoSil Medical Ltd. issued this content on 02 February 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 February 2016 00:17:24 UTC

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Numbers to binary 1 100, philippine stock market analysis 2015.

In-depth explanation of how binary fractions work, what problems the cause and why. of binary integers, i. e. the representation of integer numbers as a series of bits. 6, ×', 1/10, +, 2, ×', 1/100, +, 5, ×', 1/1000, = 0.625 10, = 0.101 2, = 1, ×', 1/2. In this section we consider numbers in base 2, often called binary numbers. In base 10 we use. 1000, 100, 10, 1. 4, 2, 1, 5, 4 ç - 1000 + 2 ç - 100 + 1 ç - 10 + 5 ç - 1. A0. For example, the binary integer x = 110101. 2 has the decimal value x = 2. 101 1 1001 1010. MULTIPLICATION TABLE. ç-. 1. 10. 11. 100.

Numbers to binary 1 100: Base systems like binary and hexadecimal seem a bit strange at first. The key is. So, 35 means ×.add 3*10 to 5*1 ×. and 456 means 4*100 + 5*10 + 6*1. Each place of a base-10 number represents a power of 10 with 10^0=0-9, so 1's, 10's, 100's, etc. Binary numbers developed as a symbolic representation of. Binary is a number system which builds numbers from elements called bits. we place a 3 in the 1's column, a 0 in the 10's column and a 2 in the 100's column.

philippine stock market analysis 2015: It is possible to add and subtract binary numbers in a similar way to base 10 numbers. a, 111 + 100. a, 10 ×?' 1. b, 100 ×?' 1. c, 1000 ×?' 1. d, 10000 ×?' 1. Introduction the decimal number system; Binary representation of positive integers; Hexadecimal 12510 = 1*100 + 2*10 + 5*1 = 1*102 + 2*101 + 5*100.

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5 Georgia Lari = 1067.65 Армянский драм

10 GEL = 2135.31 AMD

10 Georgia Lari = 2135.31 Армянский драм

50 GEL = 10676.54 AMD

50 Georgia Lari = 10676.54 Армянский драм

100 GEL = 21353.07 AMD

100 Georgia Lari = 21353.07 Армянский драм

250 GEL = 53382.68 AMD

250 Georgia Lari = 53382.68 Армянский драм

500 GEL = 106765.35 AMD

500 Georgia Lari = 106765.35 Армянский драм

1000 GEL = 213530.70 AMD

1000 Georgia Lari = 213530.70 Армянский драм

5000 GEL = 1067653.51 AMD

5000 Georgia Lari = 1067653.51 Армянский драм

10000 GEL = 2135307.02 AMD

10000 Georgia Lari = 2135307.02 Армянский драм

50000 GEL = 10676535.09 AMD

50000 Georgia Lari = 10676535.09 Армянский драм

100000 GEL = 21353070.18 AMD

100000 Georgia Lari = 21353070.18 Армянский драм

500000 GEL = 106765350.88 AMD

500000 Georgia Lari = 106765350.88 Армянский драм

1000000 GEL = 213530701.75 AMD

1000000 Georgia Lari = 213530701.75 Армянский драм

5000000 GEL = 1067653508.77 AMD

5000000 Georgia Lari = 1067653508.77 Армянский драм

100000000 GEL = 21353070175.40 AMD

100000000 Georgia Lari = 21353070175.40 Армянский драм

How much is in convert Армянский драм in Georgia Lari (convert AMD in GEL)? See AMD in GEL Change.


Interesting photos. So a number of senior AC Eurasia experts (Lindermann, Kramer) and SN and ZM.

And next to ZM Fariba Yassee who is a Vice President at Albright Stonehouse Group (where she "assists clients with competitor tracking and works with them to identify strategic advantages and grow their business, particularly in the Middle East, Turkey, and Asia". She "specializes in assisting clients in gaining competitive advantage in the marketplace; establishing on-the-ground political, corporate and non-governmental partnerships; and resolving regulatory and political disputes")

Now if you recall the video last May with SN, Damon etc with the previous PM n Georgia she was on the FRR side of the table at that meeting.

So 2 observations.

First the meeting was mainly AC senior experts, plus the politicians, plus 2 directors from FRR. No other company as far as we can see. As Onedb1 says what other microcap gets involved in this sort of meeting - again, again and again

Second I suspect that Fariba Yassee (and ASG) have been retained by SN to help broker whatever.

am looking at 88 Energy at 4p well passed £120m market cap. and Frontera at £16.5m ish

That is outrageous in my view.

Brent now over $41 ( cash ) $42.5 August Futures

We just need a snippet of good news as size of asset vs market cap is just outrageous.

We should head to the Atlantic Council and quiz SN directly

the old trout

the old trout

Some reports are starting to emerge, this one from Rustavi TV in Georgia. It has a video of what seems to be a pre meeting and whilst I see that Ariel Cohen was there there are some American faces which I don't recognize speaking, and unfortunately drowned out by the Georgian TV presenter translating : Anyone recognise anyone from Big Oil there?

Yup I did see the pictures of SN meeting the Finance Minister

Very interesting as some deal must be going on now for sure

The only reason we have a news blackout is due to the size of the asset ( ie strategic ) and the sensitive nature of politics in the area. As Georgia then becomes strategic for Europe.

But its clear that the size must be enormous as I have never seen an alleged micro cap get so involved with high level politicians.

The Atlantic Council once again acting as our RNS service with the pictures and commentary.

Tomé nota demasiado temprano hoy. Market still napping.

the old trout

Hope the holiday is going well.

This is a very significant development, and I see the twitter post states that "Public remarks available tomorrow AM." That will be PM over here. Should be very interesting, what with the Georgian FM also doing the rounds with other meetings in Washington and having already persuaded John Kerry to come over to Georgia in June:http://georgiatoday. ge/news/3275/Kerry-and-Janelidze-Reaffirm-Commitment-to-US-Georgia-Alliance Tot

Wakey wakey guys (well its only 3.45 pm in San Diego)

From Suzz on LSE

So Damon Wilson clearly hosting again. and SN and ZM plus others in Washington. Must be talking about US Presidential elections, or just perhaps a wee bit of gas under the ground.

Another little step towards our goal I think

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