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Forex 28 Feb 2013

Tasas de Cambio de la Ronda de Sudáfrica para el 28/02/2013 (28 de febrero de 2013)

Últimas noticias publicadas

& Raquo; Dólar australiano se mantiene firme A pesar de la transacción de divisas de la RBA Los tipos de cambio del dólar australiano se recuperaron en general a medida que la tasa de desempleo nacional cayó inesperadamente.

& Raquo; Libra a Rand: SARB tasa de alza y turbulencia Zuma El Rand sudafricano se ha recuperado fuertemente después de un alza de tasas de interés de la SARB y las crecientes presiones contra el presidente Zuma.

& Raquo; Libra a Dólar Pronóstico: GBP-USD Tendencias de Cambio Neutralmente La libra esterlina a dólar tasa de cambio reanuda tendencia más alta, lo que se prevé para GBP / USD?

& Raquo; Los mejores tipos de cambio de turismo (para vacaciones / viajes) de la libra británica frente al euro y el dólar de EE. UU. han variado esta semana, averiguar por qué.

& Raquo; Libra Esterlina a Euro El tipo de cambio mejora hoy La perspectiva de la libra esterlina frente al euro y al tipo de cambio del dólar estadounidense mejora tras el BoE del jueves.

& Raquo; El tipo de cambio del dólar estadounidense recupera terreno frente al euro hoy, pero mantiene las pérdidas frente a la fuerte libra esterlina La tasa del dólar estadounidense se recuperó frente al euro hoy, pero no logra superar la fuerte libra británica.

& Raquo; Libra esterlina a Dólar canadiense: CPI de hoy, previsión de ventas al por menor para impactar CAD / GBP El dólar canadiense está configurado para ser desplazado por anuncios de alto impacto hoy

& Raquo; Libras esterlinas, Dólar estadounidense y Euro (GBP-EUR-USD) Últimos pronósticos del tipo de cambio para la libra esterlina, el euro y el dólar estadounidense (GBP, EUR, USD)

Forex Daily Outlook 28 de febrero de 2013

Prelim PIB en los EE. UU. y CPI en el Reino Unido son los principales motores del mercado. Vamos a ver lo que nos espera hoy.

En los Estados Unidos, el Producto Interno Bruto Preliminal (PIB), valoración anual de todos los bienes y servicios que fueron producidos por la economía, sube hasta 0.5% se espera desde el -0.1% en el último trimestre.

Más tarde en los EE. UU., las reclamaciones de desempleo, informe semanal para valorar a los individuos que presentaron para el seguro de desempleo por primera vez, Aumento de 1K se debe a la semana pasada hasta 363K.

Más en los EE. UU., Chicago Purchasing Managers & # 8217; Index (PMI) para calificar las condiciones del negocio tales como empleo, nuevas órdenes, entregas y inventarios del surtidor, caer abajo a 54.6 puntos es probable de 55.6 puntos de enero.

También en Estados Unidos, Charles Evans, presidente del Banco de la Reserva Federal de Chicago, hablará en Des Moines.

Por último en los EE. UU., Sarah Bloom Raskin, gobernador de la Reserva Federal se debe a hablar en Atlanta.

En Canadá, la cuenta corriente cuenta la diferencia entre los bienes importados y exportados, los ingresos por inversiones y las transferencias corrientes, -16.9B es probable ahora de -18.9B sobre el trimestre anterior.

Más tarde, en Canadá, el índice de precios de materias primas (RMPI), el valor de los fabricantes & # 8217; Cambio de precios de las materias primas, subir hasta el 1,4% se calcula ahora de -2,0% en enero.

En Europa, el Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC), valoran el cambio de los precios de los consumidores de bienes y servicios, se mantienen un 2,0% similar al anterior. El IPC básico (sin incluir los alimentos, la energía, el alcohol y el tabaco), el 1,5% se mantendrá. Y en el alemán Prelim CPI subir hasta 0,7% de -0,5% en enero se calcula ahora.

Más tarde en Europa, el Cambio de Desempleo alemán muestra a los desempleados en el mes anterior, -5K se debe a -16K en el último mes.

Por último, en Europa, el gasto del consumidor francés valorar todos los gastos de bienes por los consumidores, reducir hasta -0,1% se espera que ahora.

En Suiza, el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), el valor de toda la producción de la economía de bienes y servicios, la reducción de 0,6% es probable a partir de enero.

Lea más sobre el franco suizo en el pronóstico USD / CHF.

En Japón, el gasto de los hogares valora a todos los consumidores & # 8217; Los gastos, el aumento hasta el 0,4% se espera ahora de -0,7% en enero.

Más tarde en Japón, el gasto de capital, mide todos los gastos de capital que fueron realizados por las empresas, reducir hasta -7.0% se pronostica de 2.2% en el último trimestre.

Por último, en Japón, el Índice de Precios al Consumidor Coreano (IPC) de Tokio, el cambio de precios de bienes y servicios de Tokio (sin incluir los alimentos frescos), -0.6% es probable ahora desde -0.5% en enero.

Lea más sobre el yen en la previsión de USD / JPY.

sobre el autor

Anat Dror - Escritor Superior

Concepto, diseño y creación de sitios web multilingües. Aparte del trabajo técnico, mis proyectos suelen consistir en escribir contenido para estos sitios en inglés, francés y hebreo.

En el pasado, he construido, administrado y comercializado un centro de e-learning para estudios de idiomas, incluyendo la moderación de una comunidad de estudiantes en vivo.

También he trabajado como organizador de la comunidad

Artículos Relacionados

EUR / USD Análisis Técnico 02.28.2013

Análisis Técnico EUR / USD & ndash; Los precios están probando la resistencia en 1.3171, el retroceso de 14.6% Fibonacci. Una ruptura mayor apunta al área 1.3253-1.3266, marcada por una línea de tendencia descendente y el nivel de 23.6%. El soporte inicial está en 1.3017, el mínimo del 26 de febrero.

--- Escrito por Ilya Spivak, estratega de divisas para Dailyfx. com

Para contactar con Ilya. Correo electrónico ispivak@dailyfx. com. Sigue a Ilya en Twitter en @IlyaSpivak

Para ser agregado a la lista de distribución de correo electrónico de Ilya, por favor HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Expert4x Forex Market Analysis y configuraciones para el 28 de febrero de 2013

Para obtener más información sobre el análisis del mercado Forex actual, vea el video. El video de hoy es mucho más largo de lo normal, ya que fue la primera revisión del mercado después de un descanso considerable.

Para los anuncios económicos de hoy haga clic aquí:

Para conocer la actual fuerza relativa de las monedas, haga clic aquí:

Todays Video: http://youtu. be/o_vWZiWRKuU (Si es temprano, espere 10 minutos a medida que Youtube procese el video)

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Forex Weekly Outlook Feb. 24-28

Datos más débiles de lo esperado fueron reportados casi en todas partes. Después de sufrir pérdidas, puede el dólar emerger como un ganador? La inflación de la zona euro, la confianza del consumidor de los Estados Unidos, los datos de la vivienda, los datos sobre el desempleo y el PIB de los EE. UU., el Reino Unido y Canadá figuran entre los principales acontecimientos de nuestro calendario. Esta es una perspectiva sobre los principales movimientos del mercado esta semana.

La debilidad se veía en todas partes: un terrible Philly Fed Index en los Estados Unidos. Una tasa de crecimiento decepcionante en Japón. Un PMI débil en China. Una menor confianza empresarial en Alemania y una creciente tasa de desempleo en el Reino Unido. entre otros. Sin embargo, parece que un banco central no se disuade: la Reserva Federal. El acta de la reunión de la última decisión demostró otra vez que el tren cónico está en la pista. Por lo tanto, después de una racha de pérdidas, puede el dólar de EE. UU. hacer una reaparición? Comenzaremos:


Feb 28, 19:31: Emocionante comienzo de marzo con el BCE, NFP y mucho más. Ha sido una semana moderadamente positiva para la libra esterlina. Fuerte datos de la vivienda y un objetivo revisado PIB resultado.

Feb 28, 15:47: El fuerte PMI de Chicago ayuda a la recuperación de USD. El PMI temprano de Chicago ISM subió a un fuerte 59.8 puntos, mejor que 57 pronosticado. Un nivel de 59.6.

Feb 28, 14:30: El PIB estadounidense del cuarto trimestre de 2013 se revisó al 2,4%, pero la composición mejora. El crecimiento del PIB de EE. UU. se revisó hasta 2,4% (anualizado), un poco por debajo de las expectativas. Se esperaba que EE. UU.

Feb 28, 13:20: Esta semana en los mercados: CPI de la zona euro supera las estimaciones. Por Jake Trask en UKForex, un servicio internacional de transferencia de dinero. El lunes se produjo un comienzo relativamente tranquilo de la semana, con datos de la Eurozona.

Feb 28, 11:00: La inflación de la zona euro se mantiene estable en 0.8% & # 8211; EUR / USD salta, rompe la resistencia. La inflación del IPC de la zona euro en el IPC fue más fuerte de lo esperado: se mantuvo estable en el 0,8%. Se esperaba que se mantuviera sin cambios.

Feb 28, 9:50: La volatilidad del mercado continúa. Estamos entrando en el último día de negociación del mes después de lo que ya ha sido una semana bastante intermitente para.

Feb 28, 8:11: Lo que significa la nueva oficina de Yellen para los operadores de Forex. El 6 de enero de 2014, Janet Yellen fue nombrada nueva presidenta de la Reserva Federal de los Estados Unidos. Esta noticia marcó un.

Feb 27, 15:26: El malestar del mercado continúa mientras la tensión se acumula en Europa del este. Choppy negociación de todos los tiempos máximos para el S & amp; P parece ser la norma para la semana hasta el momento, como el.

Feb 27, 14:30: Las órdenes de bienes duraderos de EE. UU. superan las expectativas & # 8211; USD sube. Las órdenes de bienes duraderos de Estados Unidos cayeron un 1%. Se esperaba que cayeran un 0,7% en enero tras caer un 4,2% en diciembre.

Feb 27, 13:00: Evitar falsos amaneceres en el mercado de divisas. No hay atajos para el comercio de divisas rentable. Mientras que algunos pueden nacer con una aptitud ligeramente mejor o temperamento.

Feb 27, 10:18: Prepárese para el viaje. El foco está de nuevo en el dólar hoy como presidente de la Fed Yellen testifica al senado en la política monetaria, un.

Feb 26, 16:05: Los mercados de renta variable mantuvieron su posición a pesar de los matices pesimistas. Los mercados de renta variable lograron mantener su terreno ayer, entregando sólo una cantidad modesta de territorio en el momento de cerrar.

Feb 26, 11:12: Mercados difíciles. No se puede negar que la acción de precios en FX esta semana ha sido errática. La volatilidad observada en el dólar.

Feb 25, 15:28: Las acciones estadounidenses alcanzan nuevos máximos históricos. Estaba claro que los inversionistas estaban en el modo de "riesgo-en" ayer, no queriendo que los fundamentos desaceleraran.

Feb 25, 15:00: Los precios de los hogares en Estados Unidos suben 13,4% a / a para diciembre de 2013. Entre diciembre de 2012 y diciembre de 2013, mes a mes, esto representa un aumento del 0,8%. Los precios de la vivienda en Estados Unidos aumentaron.

Feb 25, 13:00: 4 Peligros para los comerciantes de divisas. Los comerciantes de Forex deben mantenerse alerta si se benefician con el acto de comprar y vender divisas en el.

Feb 25, 11:43: Los problemas en China. El enfoque se ha desplazado firmemente a China en las recientes sesiones de negociación. Las existencias eran más bajas durante la noche, ahora abajo por 4 consecutivas.

Feb 25, 9:08: Seguimiento de las tasas de cambio & # 8211; Nuevo y libre servicio de alerta forex. Un nuevo rastreador de tipo de cambio de moneda mantiene a los usuarios al día en los desarrollos de divisas de su elección. Parece fácil.

Feb 24, 18:18: Euro Sentiment Retorno Bullish & # 8211; Informe de CFTC. El último informe de Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) que cubre los datos hasta el 18 de febrero muestra que el sentimiento alcista está cambiando.

Feb 24, 15:29: El G20 concluye sin planes de acción concretos. Con la mayor parte del oro del mundo en su camino a Canadá después del juego de ayer, las monedas respaldadas por papel son.

Feb 24, 15:14: Indices lentos en medio de la semana políticamente tensa; Qué esperar esta semana ?. Índices: La semana pasada vio pequeños cambios en los principales índices del mundo, mientras que todos los ojos estaban en la crisis política de Ucrania que alcanzó.

Feb 24, 10:08: Las acciones asiáticas caen bajo después de que las acciones chinas se hundan. Los mercados de divisas están comenzando la semana en un pie más cauteloso, con el nerviosismo que emerge de China durante el fin de semana con respecto.

Feb 24, 8:30: Video: Cambio de juego EUR evento, USD / JPY antes de la explosión y mucho más. Tuve el placer y el honor de hablar con Dale Pinkert en la Sala de Análisis en Directo de FXStreet. En la entrevista nosotros.

Alemán Ifo Clima de Negocios: Lunes, 9:00. La confianza de las empresas alemanas se elevó a 110,6 en enero desde 109,5 en diciembre, alcanzando el nivel más alto desde julio de 2011. La lectura superó las previsiones de 110,2, lo que indica que la economía alemana se está expandiendo a pleno rendimiento. El Bundesbank ha proyectado una fuerte expansión en 2014, después del débil trimestre final de 2013, donde la economía alemana pasó de la demanda interna al comercio mundial. Otra subida a 110.7 se espera esta vez.

Confianza del consumidor de los EEUU CB: Martes, 15:00. El sentimiento de los consumidores subió inesperadamente en enero a 80.7 desde 77.5 en diciembre, alcanzando un máximo de cinco meses en medio de un renovado optimismo sobre la economía y el mercado de trabajo. Los economistas esperaban una lectura más débil de 78.3. El mercado de trabajo en Estados Unidos mejoró ofreciendo posiciones abundantes y salarios más altos impulsando las compras y la confianza de los consumidores. Se prevé un pequeño descenso a 80,2.

Reino Unido Segunda estimación PIB. Miércoles, 9:30. La primera versión del PIB del Reino Unido mostró una tasa de crecimiento del 0,7% en el cuarto trimestre de 2013, que es un crecimiento bastante sólido. Se espera una confirmación de esta cifra en el segundo lanzamiento. Según las estimaciones mensuales de NIESR, el PIB ha aumentado un 0,8% en los tres meses que terminan en enero de 2014. Se espera que el Banco de Inglaterra mantenga retenidas las tasas de interés hasta el segundo trimestre de 2015 y el crecimiento anual del PIB llegará al 2,5% 2,1% en 2015.

Ventas de casas nuevas en Estados Unidos: Miércoles, 15:00. El número anual de ventas de casas nuevas decepcionado por segundo mes consecutivo con una tasa anual ajustada estacionalmente de 414.000 unidades, mucho más débil que el ritmo de 445.000 unidades registradas en noviembre de las predicciones faltantes para un aumento de 457.000. Muchos culparon las duras condiciones de invierno para la caída en curso en el sector de la vivienda con una caída de 36,4% en el noreste, que fue golpeado por las bajas temperaturas. Esta caída no es consistente con la fuerte demanda reflejada en la disminución del inventario de viviendas nuevas y existentes, lo que indica que esto es sólo un retroceso temporal. Se espera otra caída a 406.000 ahora.

Pedidos de Mercancías Durables: Jueves, 13:30. Las órdenes de productos manufacturados estadounidenses duraderos, excluidos los artículos de transporte, cayeron de manera inesperada en diciembre un 1,6% tras una ganancia del 1,2% en el mes anterior, que registró la mayor caída desde marzo de 2013. La mayoría de los pedidos eran débiles, Aparatos y componentes. Las órdenes de bienes duraderos cayeron un 4,3% en diciembre tras una subida de 3,4% en noviembre, frenada por la débil demanda de equipos de transporte, metales primarios, computadoras y productos electrónicos y bienes de capital. Se espera que las órdenes de mercancías duraderas disminuyan un 0,7%, mientras que las órdenes de bienes duraderos principales se espera que caigan un 0,1%.

Reclamaciones por desempleo en Estados Unidos: Jueves, 13:30. El número de estadounidenses que presentaron solicitudes de beneficios por desempleo se redujo en 3.000 la semana pasada. A un 336.000 ajustado estacionalmente, indicando el lanzamiento no ha aumentado. El número de solicitantes se estabilizó en las últimas semanas a pesar de los niveles modestos de contratación en enero y febrero, lo que indica que la confianza empresarial está mejorando. En los últimos meses, el clima frío frenó la contratación, las ventas al por menor y la construcción de viviendas. El crecimiento del empleo en los dos últimos meses alcanzó sólo la mitad del promedio mensual de los dos años anteriores. Sin embargo, la tasa de desempleo más baja del 6,6% fue una mejora con respecto a diciembre. Se prevé ahora otra caída a 333.000.

CPI de la zona euro. Viernes, 10:00. Como el foco del BCE cambió a la inflación (o la falta de ella), la importancia del IPC ha aumentado. La sorprendente caída de la inflación en octubre provocó un recorte de la tasa en noviembre. Año tras año Se espera que el IPC se mantenga sin cambios en 0.7%. Sin embargo, un euro fuerte y una frágil recuperación podrían resultar en un nuevo mínimo para el IPC y quizás para el IPC básico, que también alcanzó el 0,7% hasta el momento. Una caída en los nuevos mínimos del ciclo podría desencadenar un tipo de depósito negativo del BCE en marzo.

PIB canadiense: Viernes, 13:30. La economía canadiense se expandió un 0,2% en noviembre. En línea con las previsiones del mercado, subiendo por quinto mes consecutivo en medio de una recuperación en la industria petrolera superando la caída en la industria manufacturera. Este aumento fue precedido por un aumento de 0.3% en septiembre y octubre. La extracción de petróleo y gas subió un 2,6%, luego de una caída de 0,7% en octubre, y la minería y canteras aumentaron 1,3%. La producción manufacturera en general aumentó 0,4%, mientras que el sector servicios aumentó un 0,2%. Se espera que la economía canadiense contraiga 0.2% esta vez.

PIB de EE. UU.: Viernes, 13:30. Según el primer lanzamiento, la economía de los EEUU creció 3.2% en Q4 2013. Ya en ese lanzamiento, había preocupaciones sobre la calidad de este crecimiento, con una acumulación del inventario que tomaba una parte grande en ese crecimiento. Después de algunas cifras débiles, las expectativas son de una rebaja del crecimiento a 2,6% en la segunda y no final.

Ventas de casas pendientes en Estados Unidos: Viernes, 15:00. El número de contratos de compra de viviendas en Estados Unidos descendió un 8,7% en diciembre tras una caída de 0,3% en el mes anterior. Esta fue la peor lectura desde mayo de 2010 en medio de los mayores costos de endeudamiento y las malas condiciones climáticas que detuvieron las ventas. Los analistas esperaban una caída moderada del 0,3%, pero el clima inusualmente frío desalentó a los compradores potenciales. Se prevé un aumento del 2,9%.

Mark Carney habla: Viernes, 15:30. El gobernador de la BOE, Mark Carney, hablará en Frankfurt sobre los banqueros centrales. A principios de este mes Carney dijo que hay una necesidad de cambiar las estructuras de compensación para que los bancos pudieran ver si los empleados habían tomado riesgos indebidos o se comportaron mal y que la compensación de los banqueros debe ser retenido y diferido por un tiempo muy largo. Estos comentarios se hicieron después de noticias de que Barclays estaba pagando bonos más grandes a pesar de anunciar planes para recortar personal en respuesta a una caída en los beneficios. Carney también puede referirse a la evolución en el mercado de la vivienda y los medios para evitar que una burbuja de desarrollo. Cualquier comentario sobre la tasa de interés será examinado minuciosamente después de que Carney insinuó un alza en el segundo trimestre de 2015.

Eso es para los grandes eventos de esta semana. Manténgase atento a la cobertura de monedas específicas

* Todas las horas son GMT.

sobre el autor

Anat Dror - Escritor Superior

Concepto, diseño y creación de sitios web multilingües. Aparte del trabajo técnico, mis proyectos suelen consistir en escribir contenido para estos sitios en inglés, francés y hebreo.

En el pasado, he construido, administrado y comercializado un centro de e-learning para estudios de idiomas, incluyendo la moderación de una comunidad de estudiantes en vivo.

También he trabajado como organizador de la comunidad

Artículos Relacionados

GBP / USD Análisis Técnico 02.28.2013

GBP / USD Análisis Técnico - Los precios están probando la expansión 100% Fibonacci en 1.5132. Una ruptura hacia abajo expone el nivel de 1.50 y la expansión de 123.6% en 1.4964. La resistencia a corto plazo se encuentra en el área de 1.5296-1.53, marcada por el Fib de 76.4% y el fondo horizontal mayor se remonta a septiembre de 2010, con un empuje por encima de ese objetivo para el 61.8% de expansión en 1.5405. Seguimos esperando.

--- Escrito por Ilya Spivak, estratega de divisas para Dailyfx. com

Para contactar con Ilya. Correo electrónico ispivak@dailyfx. com. Sigue a Ilya en Twitter en @IlyaSpivak

Para ser agregado a la lista de distribución de correo electrónico de Ilya, por favor HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Análisis Técnico EURUSD Enero 28 Febrero 1 2013

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Los 10 principales eventos de Forex: 28 de enero - 1 de febrero

Desde la estimación del PIB de Estados Unidos para el cuarto trimestre de 2012, a la decisión de política monetaria de la Fed ya las nóminas no agrícolas de Estados Unidos, la semana que viene tendrá que ver con la condición de la economía más grande del mundo, la Próximo movimiento por el banco central de EE. UU., y la dirección futura del dólar de EE. UU.

En preparación para la nueva semana de negociación, aquí está la perspectiva de los 10 principales eventos económicos de proyección que moverá los mercados de todo el mundo.

1. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - U. S. Pendiente Ventas de Casa. Un indicador líder de la actividad del mercado de la vivienda midiendo los contratos de venta de viviendas pendientes, Mon. 28 de enero, 10:00 am, ET.

La disminución de los inventarios podría conducir a un menor aumento en el índice de ventas pendientes de viviendas en un 0,5% m / m en diciembre, después de 1,6% m / m en noviembre y un récord de 5,2% m / m en octubre.

2. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - Confianza del Consumidor Estadounidense. Una medida de las perspectivas de los consumidores sobre la economía, el martes. 29 de enero, 10:00 am, ET.

Se pronostica que la perspectiva de los consumidores estadounidenses se volverá menos optimista, llevando al índice de confianza del consumidor a una baja de 64,8 en diciembre desde 65,1 en el mes anterior.

3. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - Informe de Empleo de ADP de los Estados Unidos. Una medida de la creación de empleo en el sector privado de la economía de los EE. UU. 30 de enero, 8:15 am, ET.

Se prevé que la creación de empleo en el sector privado de los Estados Unidos se enfríe con unos 165.000 puestos de trabajo añadidos en enero, en comparación con los 215.000 en diciembre.

4. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - EE. UU .. PIB - Producto Interno Bruto. La principal medida de la actividad económica y el crecimiento en la economía más grande del mundo, Wed. 30 de enero, 8:30 am, ET.

Se prevé que la estimación preliminar del PIB del cuarto trimestre de 2012 mostrará que la economía de Estados Unidos creció a un ritmo mucho más lento en 1,2% t / a en el último trimestre del año pasado, en comparación con el 3,1% t / a en el tercer trimestre. El debilitamiento del crecimiento económico estadounidense podría elevar la bandera roja, agravando el ánimo de los inversionistas y reduciendo el apetito por el riesgo.

5. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - US FOMC - Anuncio de tasas de interés del Comité de Mercados Abiertos Federales. Mie. 30 de enero, 2:15 pm, ET.

La Fed ha dejado muy claro que los responsables políticos están comprometidos con un QE abierto hasta que la tasa de desempleo caiga por debajo del 6,5% o la inflación supere el 2,5%, así que sabemos que el QE está aquí para quedarse y que las condiciones actuales aún justifican excepcionalmente Niveles bajos para la tasa de los fondos federales por lo menos hasta finales de 2014. & quot; En otras palabras, la Fed mantendrá el rumbo en su reunión de enero y posiblemente durante el resto del año. El dólar podría verse bajo presión si la declaración del FOMC asegura a los mercados que el agresivo QE de la Fed y las bajas tasas de registro no desaparecerán en el corto plazo.

6. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; NZD - Anuncio de la tasa de interés del Banco de Reserva de Nueva Zelanda. Mie. 30 de enero, 3:00 pm, ET.

Aunque no se espera que apriete la política monetaria en esta reunión, el Banco de la Reserva de Nueva Zelandia sigue siendo uno de los candidatos más probables para subir las tasas. Sin embargo, en caso de que el banco central suene más bien pícaro y empujar más lejos el plazo de tal movimiento, el NZD podría sufrir las consecuencias apenas como hizo el CAD después del anuncio del banco de Canadá la semana pasada.

7. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - Ingresos y egresos de los Estados Unidos. Una medida de los ingresos y gastos de los consumidores, publicada junto con el índice de precios de PCE, el indicador preferido de inflación de la Fed, jueves. 31 de enero, 8:30 am, ET.

Se prevé que el gasto de consumo en los Estados Unidos aumente un 0,4% m / m en diciembre, igual al 0,4% m / m de noviembre. El índice preferido de la Fed, PCE, podría ser un poco más alto en un 0,1% m / m después de mantenerse plano en el mes anterior.

8. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; Dólares estadounidenses - Nóminas no agrícolas y situación del empleo. El principal indicador de la salud económica de Estados Unidos midiendo la creación de empleo y el desempleo, viernes. 1 de febrero, 8:30 am, ET.

Las previsiones de consenso apuntan a otro mes de creación de empleo decente, en línea con la reciente tendencia de mejora en el mercado laboral de los Estados Unidos. Se espera que la economía estadounidense agregue 168.000 empleos en enero, en comparación con los 155.000 en diciembre, mientras que la tasa de desempleo se mantuvo sin cambios en 7.8%. Un informe de PFN optimista podría impulsar el sentimiento de los inversionistas y el apetito por el riesgo, y podría pesar sobre el dólar estadounidense.

9. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - Sentimiento del Consumidor Estadounidense. La encuesta mensual de la Universidad de Michigan de 500 hogares sobre sus condiciones financieras y perspectivas de la economía, Fri. 1 de febrero, 9:55 am, ET.

Se prevé que la lectura revisada del índice de confianza de los consumidores de los Estados Unidos confirme la caída a 71,4 en enero, en comparación con 74,9 en el mes anterior.

10. & # 0160; & # 0160; & # 0160; USD - Índice de Manufactura ISM de Estados Unidos. Un indicador líder de las condiciones económicas que miden la actividad en el sector manufacturero, Fri. 1 de febrero, 10:00 am, ET.

Se pronostica que la actividad en el sector manufacturero de los Estados Unidos se expandirá durante otro mes con una lectura del índice de 51,0 en enero desde 50,7 en diciembre.

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Perspectivas de las principales divisas Forex (28 de febrero de 2013)

El dólar de los EE. UU. puede haber perdido algo de terreno contra la mayoría de sus principales contrapartes durante el comercio de ayer, pero esto fue principalmente el resultado de un rebote en el riesgo y la toma de ganancias a niveles clave.

Los datos de Estados Unidos llegaron mezclados con pedidos de bienes duraderos, mostrando un descenso del 5,2%, peor que la caída estimada del 4,8%, mientras que la cifra del mes anterior se revisó de 4,6% a 4,3%. Por su parte, los bienes duraderos básicos registraron un aumento del 1,9%. Esto fue mucho mejor que el 0,3% estimado y el crecimiento del 1,0% del mes anterior. Las ventas pendientes de viviendas también fueron más fuertes que el consenso, ya que el informe imprimió un salto del 4,5%, superando el pronóstico del 1,7%. Para hoy, los datos económicos podrían conducir pares del dólar mientras que los E. tienen la lectura preliminar del GDP y las demandas desempleadas semanales en el golpecito. La economía estadounidense espera ver una revisión al alza de -0,1% a 0,5% en su lectura del PIB del cuarto trimestre de 2012 y, si eso ocurre, la demanda del dólar estadounidense podría aumentar, ya que esto podría acercar a la Fed a disminuir sus compras de activos.

Sorprendentemente, la subasta de bonos italianos resultó mejor de lo que muchos esperaban, aunque la mayoría de los participantes en el mercado esperaban lo peor. Los rendimientos no subieron tan fuertemente como el rendimiento de los bonos italianos a 10 años cayó al 4,83% desde el 4,10%, aún por debajo del umbral del 5,00%. Sin embargo, la incertidumbre política aún persiste en Italia, ya que Bersani se niega a formar una coalición con Grillio o Berlusconi, aumentando las probabilidades de otras elecciones en el país. Otro factor que podría afectar al euro es el comentario del jefe del BCE, Draghi, sobre el hecho de que el banco central está lejos de pensar en una retirada del estímulo de la política monetaria.

La libra logró escapar de un selloff fuerte durante el comercio de ayer como su cifra del PIB no sufrió ninguna revisión negativa de la contracción inicialmente estimada de 0,3%. Sin embargo, el informe trimestral de la inversión empresarial reveló que los inversores no están buscando para aparcar su dinero en la U. K. como la cifra llegó en un 1,2%. Esto fue mucho peor que el estimado aumento de 2.2% para el período y el aumento del 0.5% del trimestre anterior. No hay reportes importantes debidos hoy por la U. K., ya que los pares de libras podrían negociar de lado, esperando otros catalizadores. El sentimiento para esta moneda sigue siendo bajista aunque como el BOE ha confiado a la política monetaria floja.

Los comerciantes de yenes siguen sentados a la espera de la nominación de la próxima cabeza del BOJ, pero parece que los datos económicos japoneses han estado conduciendo a unos pocos movimientos aquí y allá. El PMI manufacturero japonés registró una leve mejoría de 47,7 a 48,5, aún en la zona de contracción. La producción industrial preliminar llegó en débil a 1,0%, inferior al consenso de 1,6% y al 2,5% anterior. A principios de hoy, Japón informó de un aumento anual del 5,0% en los inicios de viviendas, inferior al estimado de 8,9% de crecimiento y la anterior lectura del 10,0%. Sin embargo, los funcionarios japoneses afirman que la economía está tocando fondo, pero que será un largo camino hacia la recuperación. Los informes de la inflación japonesa están a la boca para más tarde y las cifras más débiles de lo esperado podrían ser bajistas para el yen, ya que implicaría que el BOJ tiene que intensificar su juego cuando se trata de evitar la deflación.

Últimamente no ha habido informes importantes de Suiza, dejando a la mayoría de los pares de francos moviéndose de lado. Aunque el franco surgió como la moneda europea más segura en comparación con el euro y la libra, el compromiso del SNB de mantener el valor del franco hacia abajo impide a los comerciantes comprar esta moneda.

Divisas de las materias primas (AUD, CAD, NZD): Bajas

Las divisas de las materias primas han roto a través de puntos de inflexión clave, pero parecen mostrar signos de retracción en el momento. El AUD / USD cayó por debajo del 1.0200 mayor apoyo psicológico y podría estar en su camino hacia la marca 1.0150, ya que Australia imprimió hoy más débil de lo esperado en el gasto de capital privado y datos del crédito del sector privado. Mientras tanto, el dólar neozelandés fue capaz de beneficiarse de una mejora en los datos de confianza de la empresa ANZ, como la lectura subió de 22,7 a 39,4. En cuanto al dólar canadiense, la liquidación parece exagerada, ya que el USD / CAD se ha retirado de sus máximos recientes, pero los datos de las cuentas corrientes canadienses podrían impulsarlo de nuevo.

Por Kate Curtis de Trader's Way

28 de febrero revisión Forex diario

01 de marzo de 2013, por Sergiy Zlyvko

El jueves fue bastante tranquilo. Mientras los inversionistas esperaban noticias sobre temas clave, las monedas europeas se movían en silencio en diferentes direcciones. Como resultado, EUR / USD cerró el día alrededor de 1.3060 y GBP / USD & # 8211; En el nivel 1.5170.

Por EUR / USD el día estuvo en paz con los intentos iniciales de recuperarse y luego retroceder. El jueves, los datos publicados sobre el mercado de trabajo, que fue ligeramente peor de lo esperado, se convirtió en otro golpe para el par. El número de desempleados en Alemania siguió disminuyendo, pero más ritmo medido de lo esperado: & # 8211; 3 mil contra expectativas -5 mil. Bajo condiciones de alta incertidumbre, y por lo tanto el futuro de Italia y la zona euro en general, estas noticias sólo socavan la confianza en la región. El par abrió el día en torno a 1.3137, creciendo hasta un máximo de 1.3160, pero luego no fue capaz de seguir adelante y bajó por debajo de 1.31 para cerrar.

GBP / USD desde el nivel de apertura de 1,5159 se acercan al máximo de 1,5221, pero la resistencia es todavía demasiado pesada para la ruptura en un calendario vacío. El par empezó a retroceder y se acercó al área de 1.5175.

USD / JPY sigue sintiéndose inseguro, a pesar de que la decisión final sobre la aprobación del primer ministro de Japón Kuroda como jefe del banco central se hizo. Era demasiado tarde, más la necesidad de esperar a la aprobación del Parlamento, pero tampoco hay indicadores económicos alentadores de Estados Unidos. Como resultado, el par abrió un día en 92.18, donde se mantuvo la mayor parte del día, y luego aún cautelosamente se arrastró, cerrando el día en torno a 92.70.

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Pronóstico Forex semanal EURUSD: 28 de enero & # 8212; 1 de febrero de 2013. Basado en las reglas de la estrategia forex del sitio y las reglas de análisis gráfico

Análisis del movimiento de precios de EURUSD durante la última semana de negociación:

1) La semana cerró una compra confidente velas & # 8212; Una vela blanca, cerrada al máximo, que absorbió el cuerpo la semana pasada.

2) Candle Friday también cerró las velas blancas, un poco por debajo del 50% Fibonacci término movimiento descendente con un máximo de 4 de mayo de 2011.

Esta semana, finalmente se levantó el desglose del triángulo simétrico y aunque en el camino de los precios presentan resistencia bastante seria & # 8212; 50% Fibonacci + importante censo importante histórico & # 8212; 24.02.2012 y roll down sigue siendo posible, pero dada la tendencia anterior & # 8212; Es para arriba, las prioridades en el medio plazo de todos modos usted puede dar compras. Por lo tanto retrocesos a importantes niveles de resistencia con señales probadas en D1-W1, somos todos los mismos se considerará como el punto del agua en el mercado para comprar. Y por supuesto la opción de vender el mismo no excluirá, por lo menos dentro de la corrección a estos niveles.

Ahora vea y encuentre estos niveles de resistencia en el gráfico.

Niveles de resistencia y señales de venta, situados por encima del precio de cierre de la semana:

1) En primer lugar, observamos que el precio subió un nivel bastante serio de resistencia: Grupo de zonas de Fibonacci (161,8% de los diferentes movimientos: Bandera en el D1 para volver a analizar el fondo naranja + corrección de movimiento intermedio de canal & # 8212; /19/2012 maximum and minimum of 4 January 2013 + last corrective movement of the triangle) + 50% level of Fibonacci with a maximum of 4 May 2011 + census maximum February 24, 2012 that began last fall in a black long channel.

+ At this level there is 2 waves Wolf for sale, but in this case to make deals for them, I would recommend not less than the breakdown purple line! That is, in this case, they are only an additional signal and the target, if the price is still going down.

One of them, we have tried to trade last week, but the price is down and is gone, but still returned to the suite-zone, so it’s not very good for its mining. The second is not particularly well-formed, but nevertheless it is …

What can be said about this level 1.3484-1.35: first is the level of the intended stop prices may rebound downward correction (while only talking about it), and not a reversal, as the price to move higher is exactly where.

And so if the price is suitable for this level, I would recommend it to record transactions (perhaps not entirely, if desired), but still hang down quite possible. Whether to trade down from it, while not exactly tell you to wait for reversal signal or a combination of a minimum of at least a reversal candle or the breakdown of important trend line and retest. That is, I sell well on the level not recommend now, as it is clearly against the main trend trading and stop loss should be set at a minimum above the 61.8% Fibonacci blue (which is 350-400 points for the 4-digit broker such Forex4you and 3500-4000 for 5-digit brokers, Alpari type — that is a lot!). Options transactions for sales discussed below, including if there is a retreat from the level of 50%.

So expect the closing unique, and perhaps even closing the week will tell about whether to sell or continue to move on up!

2) If the day to exceed the level and close confident buying candles, the price certainly can go even further — to the top of the blue background channel. Again — this is the level of profit in the first place! If the day is closed and there is a reversal candle a pronounced divergence — can consider options hang down, but it’s better to wait and retest pivot combination of important trend lines, the breakdown of which will talk about the possible downward movement.

If the day closes above the channel background, there is its retest, it is a signal for further upward movement.

3) The level of 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of blue — I think his target at this point in the breakdown of the blue channel of the background and I think it will hang down.

4) The upper limit of the orange links — point in the same profit and anticipated rebound down.

At this point, all the points to move up.

Options resistance levels located below the closing price of the week:

1) The green trend line, Low Thursday-Friday: hang up on it is quite possible, even if the price does not reach the level of 50% cyan Fibonacci. If there is a breakdown and retest it (and better sample after release from the 50% level), you can receive the signal to sell, stop loss — above the maximum profit — retest of last week’s triangle (brown line).

2) The brown line of the triangle top — retest it and sliding door stop candle formation — a signal to buy. Break down + retest, and better and a daily close below it and then retest — a signal for future sales!

3) The purple trend line — a line of low 04.02 Wolfe Waves. End call up quite possible to at least retest brown line punched triangle. Break down + retest — a signal for future sales.

4) The blue line is the trend line of the triangle + brown — approach from the top — it is quite possible at least a temporary rebound, especially at this level will be the level of 38.2% of the last up move up with a minimum of 4 January 2013.

Break brown trend line down, closing the day and retest the bottom-up — a signal for future sales.

5) The lower boundary of the channel background — at least a temporary rebound is possible, but the sample and the closing of the day, and then retest the channel — a clear signal for the sales!

6) The level of 61.8% Fibonacci of the last upward movement this year.

7) Orange Line Canal — a very important resistance level for the price. When approaching from the top — it is support, a retreat from which at least the most likely temporary, the breakdown down, closing the day or even a week + retest — it is a resistance level and going down the fastest continue.

While all levels for this euro-dollar forex forecast. As the situation on the market, try to comment on the site.

I also want to add that next Thursday — a day a month! & # 8212; Possible surprises …

The euro / dollar rose above 1.31. On Wednesday evening, it was trading at 1.3139 on EBS system against 1.3061 at the close of trading on Tuesday. By the end of the single currency has found some support around the moving average over 100 days at 1.3126.

At the auction of 10-year bonds in Italy, the first since the elections in the country, there was a strong demand from buyers. Demand was counted positive, despite the fact that the yield reached its highest level since October.

"The Italian auction was surprisingly good - said Omer Esiner, chief market analyst at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange in Washington. - The ratio of demand to cover. shows still strong demand for Italian debt securities."

Italian bond yields rose sharply Monday after the elections in the country resulted in a political stalemate. Euro falls in recent days, with many short-term traders to sell the single currency after the announcement of the election results. Elections in Italy again plunge the eurozone into a period of uncertainty after the region was observed relative calm in recent weeks after a vote of confidence on the part of the European Central Bank in January.

Crude Oil Price - Feb. 28, 2014

Editor's Choice

The WTI Crude Oil markets fell during the session on Thursday, showing significant weakness during the day but remaining above the $102 level. The resulting daily candle is a shooting star, so we have to wonder whether or not this market is going to start falling. I personally believe that any pullback at this point time should be a nice buying opportunity though and that the $101 level is an area where buyers should step in. In fact, I would be more than willing to buy a supportive candle near that area, or even as low as $100 as I believe that level is a large, round, psychologically significant number as well.

The area above has a significant amount of resistance though, so even if I get a buy signal, I don’t feel that this is going to be the easiest trade to hang onto. It doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t do it, just simply that you have to keep in mind that there will be plenty of choppiness in the meantime, and it should be expected.

Consolidation normally means continuation.

When markets consolidate like this, it’s essentially the buyers taking a little bit of a breather as the market has shot straight up. Because of this, I feel that the momentum is still with the upside, and a break above the $104 level would in fact show that we are ready to go higher. Because of this, I will not hesitate to start buying this contract above the $104 level, or that pullback that I mentioned previously. It really isn’t until we get below the $100 level that I would be concerned about the bullishness, as it appears we are trying to break out of a massive “W pattern”, which of course is a very bullish sign.

Because of this, I feel that the market will target the $110 level given enough time, but that obviously won’t happen overnight. If you do not have the stomach for the volatility, remember that you can always use the options markets to express your opinions as well. In fact, it might be the best route.

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Forex Major Currencies Outlook (February 28, 2013)

The U. S. dollar may have lost some ground against most of its major counterparts during yesterday’s trading but this was mostly a result of a rebound in risk and profit-taking at key levels.

U. S. data came in mixed with durable goods orders showing a 5.2% decline, worse than the estimated 4.8% drop, while the previous month’s figure was revised down from 4.6% to 4.3%. Core durable goods, on the other hand, chalked up a 1.9% increase. This was much better than the estimated 0.3% uptick and the previous month’s 1.0% growth. Pending home sales also came in stronger than consensus as the report printed a 4.5% jump, outpacing the predicted 1.7% increase. For today, economic data could drive dollar pairs as the U. S. has the preliminary GDP reading and weekly jobless claims on tap. The U. S. economy is expecting to see an upward revision from -0.1% to 0.5% in its Q4 2012 GDP reading and, if that happens, demand for the U. S. dollar could rise as this could bring the Fed closer to tapering off its asset purchases.

The Italian bond auction surprisingly turned out better than many expected, although most market participants were actually expecting the worst. Yields didn’t spike as sharply as the 10-year Italian bond yield landed at 4.83% from 4.10%, still below the 5.00% threshold. However, political uncertainty still lingers in Italy as Bersani refuses to form a coalition with Grillio or Berlusconi, upping the odds for another election in the country. Another factor that could weigh on the euro is ECB head Draghi’s comments on the central bank being far from thinking about a withdrawal of monetary policy stimulus.

The pound managed to escape a strong selloff during yesterday’s trading as their GDP figure didn’t undergo any negative revisions from the initially estimated 0.3% contraction. However, the quarterly business investment report revealed that investors aren’t looking to park their money in the U. K. as the figure came in at 1.2%. This was way worse than the estimated 2.2% uptick for the period and the previous quarter’s 0.5% uptick. There are no major reports due from the U. K. today as pound pairs could trade sideways, awaiting further catalysts. Sentiment for this currency remains bearish though as the BOE has committed to loose monetary policy.

Yen traders continue to sit tight awaiting the nomination of the next BOJ head, but it seems that Japanese economic data has been leading to a few moves here and there. The Japanese manufacturing PMI posted a slight improvement from 47.7 to 48.5, still in the contractionary zone. Preliminary industrial production came in weak at 1.0%, lower than the consensus at 1.6% and the previous 2.5% increase. Earlier today, Japan reported a 5.0% annual increase in housing starts, lower than the estimated 8.9% growth and the previous 10.0% reading. However, Japanese officials claim that the economy is bottoming out but that it will be a long road to recovery. Japanese inflation reports are on tap for later today and weaker than expected figures could be bearish for the yen as it would imply the BOJ has to step up its game when it comes to warding off deflation.

There haven’t been any major reports from Switzerland lately, leaving most franc pairs moving sideways. Although the franc emerged as the safer European currency compared to the euro and pound, the SNB’s commitment to keeping the franc’s value down is preventing traders from buying up this currency.

Commodity Currencies (AUD, CAD, NZD): Bearish

Commodity currencies have broken through key inflection points but seem to show signs of retracing at the moment. AUD/USD dipped below the 1.0200 major psychological support and may be on its way to the 1.0150 mark as Australia printed weaker than expected private capital expenditure and private sector credit data earlier today. Meanwhile, the New Zealand dollar was able to benefit from an improvement in ANZ business confidence data, as the reading climbed from 22.7 to 39.4. As for the Canadian dollar, the selloff seems overdone as USD/CAD has retreated from its recent highs, but Canadian current account data could push it back up.

By Kate Curtis from Trader's Way

Market Forecast for 02-28-13

EURUSD: Long-term traders still short the Euro from daily system trade, short and medium-term traders would have exited between 2/3 to the entire positions at 2nd profit target.

ACTION . Expect choppy action over the next 24-48 hours for the EURUSD pair. Use 60 – 240 minute overbought and oversold levels in the direction of the trend on either of those time-frames. Longer-term, it still looks lower based on the current wave structure. See daily chart for the currency pair below with complete analysis.

EURGBP: Euro-Pound is likely in the middle to latter stage of a 2-3 day, B-Wave, corrective bounce. After this is over, this pair will likely have a larger C-Wave correction lower to 8455 to.8350.

ACTION . Look to sell 60 – 240 minute overbought levels once the trend on either of those time-frames is sloping downward. Exit between .8465 and .8365. See daily chart below.

GBPCHF: This cross has an automated counter-trend pattern buy opportunity.

ACTION . Potential BUY. See chart for the RED horizontal BUY breakout line and profit targets. See daily chart for GBPCHF below.

GBPJPY: Still short on the Pound-Yen cross, move stop to 140.52, consider exiting on intra-day weakness. We may have another buy signal form shortly. Daily chart is provided below.

S&P500: The short on the US stock index was "technically" stopped out, as it just missed our automated move to breakeven. It is currently at the resistance provided by a three tap automated down trend-line. The sell-off looked corrective thus far. Breaking the trend-line up would likely mean a 5th and final wave up into March cycle highs. Conversely, breaking below 1482 will likely mean the larger sell off that we have been seeing potentially for March 2013 has begun.

ACTION . Look to trade the 60 – 240 minute overbought/oversold levels in the direction of that trend on either of those time-frames. S&P daily chart below.

UK100: FTSE 100 stock index stopped out of short trade at breakeven.

ACTION . Look to trade the 60 – 240 minute overbought/oversold levels in the direction of that trend on either of those time-frames. Footsie daily chart is provided below.

XAUUSD: GOLD short trade hit all of our initial daily chart targets. Weekly targets are still much lower, however, we do not yet know if the October to February sell-off is a large correction of the beginning of a bear market.

ACTION . While we have another systematic sell signal on yesterday's close, since it was generated on a large range inside bar, we prefer to follow the 240 minute and/or 60 minute trends for now and trade shorter-term overbought and oversold conditions. See daily chart below.

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Forex Trend Indicators EUR/JPY 8-28-2013

The EUR/JPY trend indicators are shown below for the H1 time frame. Traders can set a price alarm at 130.55, shown in yellow. Above that price confirm any buy entries with The Forex Heatmap®. The target resistance area is would be the 132.00 resistance area, shown by the top yellow line. This pair is cycling and oscillating on the smaller time frames, however the pip potential is good on a buy trade.

Forex Trend Indicators EUR/JPY 8-28-2013

The forex trend indicators we use are exponential moving averages. You can set them up on any charting platform, the above image shows them set up on metatrader. Following the trends and oscillating forex pairs is our basic market analysis technique, using multiple time frames. We prefer the higher time frames but occasionally can drop down to the H1 time frame. When the moving averages indicate a trend or potential trend, we use The Forex Heatmap® to confirm any buy or sell entry. Then we can use support and resistance levels to assist with profit taking.

About Mark Mc Donnell

Mark Mc Donnell is the founder of Forexearlywarning, we provide spot forex trading plans and signals across 28 currency pairs.

Trading Setups / Chart in Focus: NZDUSD – Kiwi/dollar pin bar reversal from key resistance

Today, the NZDUSD pushed higher early in the session but reversed aggressively after hitting the key resistance that we mentioned in last Tuesday’s commentary up near 0.8300 – 0.8325 area. We can see that a large pin bar reversal signal formed today showing decisive rejection of that resistance, indicating that this market could continue moving lower in the coming days. Some of our members are already short from up near 0.8300 resistance after selling on an “event area ” entry (one of the entry techniques taught in my courses ). There still may be an opportunity to enter short from this pin bar if price retraces to up near its 50% level, stops would need to be above 0.8324.

The AUDUSD downtrend remains intact, and today a pin bar sell signal formed showing rejection of the dynamic resistance between the 8 / 21 day EMAs. We can look to sell on strength during today’s Asian session, perhaps on a 50% retrace entry…as this market could continue lower in the coming days from today’s pin bar signal .

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————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– March Special Promotion : This month I’ m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime Membership to my Forex Courses, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line & Más. For more information Click Here . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

In the currency markets today, the euro lost ground again to the U. S. dollar on the back of an inconclusive election in Italy as well as debate in the U. S. over automatic spending cuts.

The Japanese yen was little changed against most of the other majors today with the greenback gaining slight ground against it and the euro losing slight ground to it.

Both the AUDUSD and NZDUSD reversed early-session gains against the greenback to end the day lower. Other Markets:

In the U. S. markets today, stocks ended mostly unchanged after paring modest gains into the close. Economic data in the U. S. showed a sluggish improvement.

The Dow lost 20.88 points, or 0.15 percent, the S&P 500 dropped 1.31 points, or 0.09 percent, and the Nasdaq dropped 2.07 points, or 0.07 percent.

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 3/1/2013

4:30am EST: Britain – Manufacturing PMI 8:30am EST: Canada – GDP m/m 10:00am EST: United States – ISM Manufacturing PMI 10:00pm EST: United States – Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks

Forex Market update Dollar rises as Italy weighs on euro; yen eases on BoJ hopes. United States Dollar: The US dollar advanced versus most of its 16 major rivals Wednesday as continuing turmoil in Cyprus and renewed political uncertainty in Italy spurred demand for safer assets. The ICE-dollar index, a gauge of the greenback’s worth […]

Forex Market update Dollar rises as Italy weighs on euro; yen eases on BoJ hopes..

United States Dollar: The US dollar advanced versus most of its 16 major rivals Wednesday as continuing turmoil in Cyprus and renewed political uncertainty in Italy spurred demand for safer assets. The ICE-dollar index, a gauge of the greenback’s worth against a basket of six global rivals, rose to 83.213 from 82.860 late Tuesday. The WSJ dollar index, which tracks the US currency against a slightly wider basket, rose to 73.73 from 73.47 on Tuesday. The Cyprus government plans to implement strict capital control measures to prevent billions of euros from leaving its shores when banks open on Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported. Individuals will be restricted from carrying more than 3000 euros out of the country per trip while card transactions will be capped at 5000 euros a month. Results will be reviewed every week and rules changed accordingly after analyzing deposit flight data, officials in the knowledge said. Meanwhile Italian Democratic Party leader Pier Bersani failed to win support from the Five-Star Movement that would enable him to form a minority government.

EURO: Euro slumped below $1.28 for the first time since November and weakened against all 16 of its major trading rivals as Italy’s political parties remained at an impasse after last month’s elections and a report showed confidence in the euro area fell in March. Cyprus is likely to announce what type of capital control it wishes to implement to arrest cash outflows after its banks open tomorrow. Cypriot banks have been closed since the European Union proposed a controversial bank-levy on private deposits as a condition for a EUR 10 billion bailout nearly two weeks ago. Meanwhile, European finance ministers vowed the levy on bank-accounts won’t set precedence for future rescues in the currency bloc. In Italy, hopes for a new government faded after Pier Luigi Bersani said only an insane person would want to govern the country. No entity has managed to secure a majority in Italy’s Senate though Bersani’s alliance managed a majority in the lower house of parliament. The headline Economic Sentiment Indicator that aggregates executive and consumer sentiments across the currency zone fell to 90.0 from 91.1, marking its first decline since October, the European Commission said in Brussels. The euro dropped 0.7 percent to $1.2770 in afternoon trade, New York time. Europe’s shared currency fell as low as $1.2750, its lowest since Nov. 21 and has shed more than 3 percent this year.

Japanese Yen: The yen firmed up against the euro while the US dollar seesawed against the Japanese unit as investors sought the safety of haven assets amid renewed uncertainty in Italy. The yen climbed 0.6 percent to 94.17 per euro while picking up 0.05 percent against the US dollar to trade at 94.36 yen versus 94.46 yen late Tuesday. The Japanese currency advanced despite speculations the Bank of Japan will start open-ended assets purchases immediately rather than in 2014, as originally agreed.

Pound: Sterling rose to a two-month high against the euro as a banking crisis in Cyprus and political stalemate in Italy spurred demand for safer assets. The pound rose 0.4 percent to 84.50 pence per euro, after rising as high as 84.42 pence, the strongest since Jan. 24. The UK currency fell 0.3 percent to $1.5115, leaving it seven percent lower year-to-date. Sterling pared a quarterly decline against the euro even as the Office for National Statistics reported the UK economy shrank 0.3 percent in the fourth quarter, putting the country on course for another recession.

Canadian Dollar: The Canadian dollar finished Wednesday’s session slightly lower against the US dollar, but advanced versus a majority of its most traded peers after consumer prices jumped at the fastest monthly clip in more than 20 years in Feb, spurring speculations of an interest-rate hike. The loonie, as the Canadian dollar is popularly known, had firmed up to its strongest level since Feb 20 against the greenback, but gave up some of the gains as concern over Cyprus and Italy diminished demand for higher-yielding assets. The Canadian unit finished at C$1.0165 per US dollar, just lower than its Tuesday’s close of C$1.0164. Canada’s annual inflation jumped to 1.2 percent in Feb. from 0.5 percent in Jan. Statistics Canada said in Toronto.

Australian Dollar: The Australian dollar finished lower at $1.0446 compared with $1.0486 yesterday as traders took positions ahead of new developments in Cyprus and Italy. Cyprus is expected to open its banks after almost two weeks as the government readies capital control rules to prevent cash from leaving its shores. The Aussie, as the Australian dollar is popularly known, traded lower against the British pound at 69.05 pence, but gained 0.28 percent to 81.70 euro cents.

Elsewhere, the Czech Koruna rose 0.1 percent to 25.772 to the euro after Bank of America Merrill Lynch said the nation’s central bank is unlikely to intervene as it’s comfortable with current monetary conditions. Indonesia’s rupiah rose 0.1 percent to 9725 to the US dollar amid concern the government’s plan to cut fuel subsidies will accelerate inflation. Brazil’s real advanced 0.3 percent to 2.0110 per US dollar, snapping a six-day losing streak after the nation’s central bank announced the offering of foreign-exchange swaps to halt the currency’s decline.

Forex Signals Trading News

Monday, March 7, 2016 - 03:24

China Feb Forex Reserves Drop $28.6 Bln vs $99.5 Bln in Jan

BEIJING (MNI) - China's foreign exchange reserves fell by a modest $28.572 billion in February, easing concerns about capital outflows and indicating the precipitous drop in the reserves over the past few months may be easing.

Data from the People's Bank of China Monday showed outstanding reserves were $3.202 trillion at the end of February compared with $3.23 trillion at the end of January. The forex reserves fell $99.5 billion in January and $107.92 billion in December, the two biggest drops on record.

Excluding the small gain in October, February's decline is the smallest since the $17.3 billion drop in June 2015.

China's foreign exchange reserves are closely watched by the market for signs of pressure on capital outflows and for an indication of how much the PBOC has intervened in the currency markets to stop the yuan from depreciating.

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RT @MNIEyeOnFX. #BOJ & #ECB watching EUR and JPY rise even after powerful easing measures. Can't be happy campers. See my analysis https://… — 6 hours 31 min ago

#BOJ & #ECB watching EUR and JPY rise even after powerful easing measures. Can't be happy campers. See my analysis https://t. co/4BnqbsiL2u — 15 hours 39 min ago

Berita Fundamental Forex, Kamis 28 Feb 2013

Berita Fundamental ini dikirim instant melalui email, kepada customer yang trading melalui referensi belajarforex. com. Dan disajikan kepada Anda pada website belajarforex. com dengan kondisi delay antara 2 s. d. 3 Jam .

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Dolar Australia menguat, menghapus kerugian sebelumnya, sebagaimana analis menaruh taruhan bahwa bank sentral akan menurunkan suku bunga utamanya setelah data menunjukkan perusahaan akan terus berinvestasi ke tahun depan.

Aussie turun sebelumnya setelah data menunjukkan belanja modal tiba-tiba jatuh pada kuartal terakhir. Permintaan Dolar Selandia Baru didukung setelah saham global menguat dan data lokal menunjukkan kepercayaan bisnis membaik dan persetujuan bangunan menurun kurang dari perkiraan ekonom. Imbal hasil 10-tahun utang Australia naik dari level terendah lima minggu.

"Informasi dalam laporan belanja modal tidak cukup untuk memicu penurunan suku bunga minggu depan," kata Annette Beacher, kepala riset Asia-Pasifik di TD Securities Inc yang berbasis di Singapura "Bagian pertama dari informasi adalah lemah dari yang diharapkan pada kuartal Desember. Bagian kedua dari informasi yang kami perhatikan adalah bahwa 2013-2014 adalah lebih kuat dari yang diharapkan. Aussie tampaknya telah menetap kembali pada tingkat yang sedikit lebih tinggi setelah gerakan kekerasan. "

Dolar Australia naik 0,4 persen menjadi $ 1,0269 pada 12:41 siang di Sydney, setelah sebelumnya jatuh sebanyak 0,4 persen. Ini menyentuh $ 1,0184 kemarin, level terendah sejak 10 Oktober. Aussie melonjak 0,6 persen menjadi 94,93 ¥. Dolar Selandia Baru naik 0,3 persen menjadi 83 sen AS. Kiwi naik 0,5 persen menjadi 76,73.

Mata uang Australia ditetapkan untuk penurunan 1,5 persen versus dolar AS, terbesar sejak Agustus. Dolar Selandia Baru telah siap untuk penurunan 1 persen.

Preview berita fundamental forex hari ini :

Sesaat sebelum rilis berita ini, misal pukul 20.25 - 20.29 WIB, Anda dapat membuka pending order Buy Stop & Sell Stop di EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, Gold, atau Silver interval 10-20 poin dari harga running (nilai close atau harga Bid/Sell pada saat itu), Stop Loss 10-20 poin dan Take Profit 5-50 poin.

Sesaat sebelum rilis berita ini, misal pukul 20.25 - 20.29 WIB, Anda dapat membuka pending order Buy Stop & Sell Stop di EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, Gold, atau Silver interval 10-20 poin dari harga running (nilai close atau harga Bid/Sell pada saat itu), Stop Loss 10-20 poin dan Take Profit 5-50 poin.

Prediksi Pergerakan Harga Berdasarkan Pengamatan Teknikal pada pukul 09.00 WIB

Note: BelajarForex tidak menampilkan berita berskala low impact. Selain tidak berguna, juga hanya membuat kami lelah menulisnya. Tinggalkan saja.

Prelim GDP adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur tingkat perubahan nilai barang dan jasa yang diproduksi dalam satu satuan ekonomi.

Unemployment Claims adalah sebuah indikator yang menghitung jumlah orang yang gagal mendapatkan asuransi pengangguran untuk pertama kali hingga minggu lalu. Jika nilai Unemployment Claims AS turun maka nilai mata uang USD akan mengalami kenaikan

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Day Trading Forex Live – Learn To Trade Pro Forex Strategies

The EUR/USD is quite a bit clearer today with a first push to the upside. Of course we got some help from helicopter Ben defending his QEternity policy stating he was more concerned about deflation and employment than inflation at this time. Something tells me that he most likely wont be concerned about inflation until its much too late. One never knows just how long this can last so we will just ride this wave until it comes crashing down on Bernankes head.

I did follow my plan and took the EUR/USD short from 1.3111 yesterday and eventually got taken out at break even thanks to good old Ben. Thanks buddy.

Today since we have the first push up the bias is long. With the Asian markets pushing up initially this morning I expect this range to be held and the drop down for the manipulation at the break out level of 1.3122 during the London session. If that cant hold I will look for the psych level of 1.3100 or possibly the 1.3080. I’m not going to disregard the possibility of the short but it will need to be very clear to over ride a long bias today.

The GBP/USD seems to be more in a state of confusion stuck in this 145 pip range so I will be keeping an open mind on this pair today. The levels I will be watching are the 1.5188 for the short and 1.5120 for a possible long. Having said that the manipulation at these levels will need to be clear and I would prefer a stop run in this situation mainly because the 1.5188 level has 2 more levels right behind it they may want to test and the 1.5120 is in the middle of yesterdays chop with the next significant level to the downside being yesterdays low that is pretty far away at 1.5079.

To Learn More About The Secrets of The Mega Banks Check out Whats Included in Our Day Trading Course Here…

Forex News Today

Again we dont have much data from Euro land today. There is German Unemployment data along with German and Euro Zone CPI figures but without a big miss on these there wont be much movement. The chance for the disappointment is higher than a miss to the upside and would most likely be used to manipulate more than anything.

The UK has nothing worth noting.

The US has the weekly Unemployment data and GDP figures coming out at the same time so i expect the GDP will run the show baring a large miss in unemployment. GDP is expected to rise above the zero level but not by much and if there is the miss to the downside it will be USD negative as the market will expect Ben to “get to work” on that.

If you have questions about joining Day Trading Forex Live and becoming an active member please feel free to contact Robin Haywood. He is a current member and has volunteered to answer any questions to give you an idea of what the service involves and support we provide.

You can email him at robindtfl@gmail. com to set up a time for a conversation over the phone if you like or call his US phone line at 702-560-8552 or Skype at RobinHaywood

A Note From Robin: Please note, I am currently retired and living in the Philippines, Iloilo, Panay Island; my local time is UTC/GMT: +8 hours, if it’s 9:00 am, New York market time, it’s 10:00 pm my time. When you call, if I can’t answer right away please leave me a message and tell me your location (Country or State in the USA) and the best time to call you, I’m flexible and look forward to speaking with you!

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Live Forex Signal JPY Weakness 8-28-2013

Today in the main forex trading session The Forex Heatmap® had a live signal showing JPY (Japanese Yen) weakness on all 7 pairs we follow in this group. All of the JPY pairs moved higher, creating opportunities for forex traders. There was also some AUD and NZD strength on the market. This pushed the NZD/JPY and AUD/JPY pairs strong to the upside. These two pairs should continue higher on the H4 time frame for at least one more day. The live forex signal shown below for the JPY pairs is from The Forex Heatmap® during trading today.

Live Forex Signal JPY Weakness 8-28-2013

The heatmap provides forex traders with an easy to interpret visual map of the forex market. Any forex trader, even a beginner trader, can see that all of the JPY pairs are rising, then the arrow system points you to the best trading candidate. Then can check to see if there is any nearby support or resistance along with the condition of the trend using the simple trend indicators we provide to our clients. Here is a link to an informative video about how to use The Forex Heatmap ®

About Mark Mc Donnell

Mark Mc Donnell is the founder of Forexearlywarning, we provide spot forex trading plans and signals across 28 currency pairs.

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Weekly Price Action Trading Outlook for January 28th to February 1st 2013

EURUSD – Euro/dollar breaks up from recent consolidation, looking for buy signals

In last Wednesday’s commentary, we discussed the need to see a confirmed breakout one way or the other from consolidation in the EURUSD to open the door for a larger directional move. On Friday, that breakout occurred as the market surged up through 1.3400 and closed well above the previous consolidation range between 1.3400 – 1.3260. The uptrend is clearly still healthy and intact in this market and so this week traders can watch for price action buy signals forming after a rotation back to support / value. The closest and most obvious key support / value area is that previous consolidation between 1.3400 – 1.3260, if we do see price rotate lower this week traders should keep a close eye out for price action strategies forming within that zone to trade back in-line with the uptrend.

AUDUSD – Aussie/dollar loses ground and falls into support

The AUDUSD has moved lower since we last discussed it in last week’s weekly outlook. This market is basically in a trading range and has really not been providing many good setups to trade recently as it oscillates between support and resistance. The market did hit support near 1.0400 on Friday and whether or not that support holds early this week will be important in setting this week’s tone. If the market can hold above that support we could see a grind back up towards resistance, but if it breaks lower we would then watch 1.0345 as the next key support level. If the market breaks below that 1.0345 level it would signal some serious weakness and could be an indication of a larger move lower.

USDJPY – Dollar/yen up trend still intact, weakness is seen as a potential buying opportunity

The USDJPY uptrend continued to roll on last week, as did the up trends in the other major yen pairs. Our bias for the USDJPY and other yen pairs has not changed; look to buy on weakness pending price action confirmation. In other words, if price rotates down to dynamic 8 / 21 daily EMA support or horizontal support, we will keep our eyes peeled for 4 hour or daily chart price action buy signals to join the uptrend. We want to trade with the trend until it clearly comes to an end, if you need more help on trend trading, checkout this article on how to trade with the trend .

WTI – Spot Crude Oil coiling inside bars setup

The spot Crude Oil market has remained strong and the uptrend is still intact. The market consolidated into last week’s close and that consolidation has resulted in “coiling” inside bars, as we can see in the chart below. This week, if the market breaks up from these inside bars we could see the uptrend continue and another leg higher. Alternatively, should price break lower it would find support near 94.25 – 93.25 and we would then watch for price action buy signals forming there. One possible scenario if price breaks lower from these inside bars is that a pin bar could form from the support area we just mentioned, resulting in a bullish fakey strategy which could then signal a resumption of the uptrend. Traders should watch for either buy scenario this week.

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————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– ‘New Year’ Special Promotion : This month I’ m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime Membership to my Forex Courses, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line & Más. For more information Click Here . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 1/28/2013

8:30am EST: United States – Core Durable Goods Orders m/m

10:00am EST: United States – Pending Home Sales m/m

Recent Posts in Trade Setups Commentary

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Note: We Use ‘New York Close Charts’ – Get Our Preferred Charts & Trading Platform Here Trade Setups / Chart in Focus: AUDNZD - Aussie/Kiwi pair explodes higher The AUDNZD literally exploded higher today, surpassing resistance at 1.1085 and 1.1200 and netting a serious profit. Continue Reading

Note: We Use ‘New York Close Charts’ – Get Our Preferred Charts & Trading Platform Here Trade Setups / Chart in Focus: AUDUSD - Aussie/dollar bulls retake control We saw a strong breakout above 0.7380 key resistance in the AUDUSD last week. This week, we prefer to stay with the. Continue Reading

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ASX Daily Stock Market Wrap

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28 February 2013 ASX Market Summary

Incredibly strong US markets, off the back of strong economic data, gave the S&P/ASX 200 a real opportunity to push into blue sky territory and our market took that with both hands and closed at fresh four and a half year highs, up 67.5 points or 1.34% at 5104.1 with volume touching $6.7 billion.

Whilst many are talking of end of month window dressing, it must be noted February finished higher by 4.6%, which built on the strong 4.9% gains experienced in January, taking the year to date move to just shy of 10%.

Across the sectors we had the second straight day of all green except for one sector. Today the Telecommunications sector was dragged down 0.61% as Telstra (TLS:ASX) struggled with investors rotating out and looking for better yielding opportunities. Oil & Gas and Consumer Goods were the top performers, rising 2.87% and 2.21% respectively.

Looking over the charts

Yesterday I spoke about the possible head and shoulders pattern on the hourly chart and the bearish nature of that pattern, but the bulls had no interest in that today, pushing the market higher and as a sign of commitment broke through and closed above the critical 5080 level. Nick Radge from TheChartist commented that today’s action was a continuation head & shoulders, which is a very powerful signal.

S&P/ASX 200 Gainers and Losers

Buru Energy (BRU:ASX) well and truly topped the biggest gainers, rising 11.48% and has put on a 2 day gain of over 17% but still has some work to do to get out of the longer term consolidation pattern. Treasury Wines (TWE:ASX) broke out of its range, jumping 7.96% as it approaches the highest level in its short trading history.

Wotif (WTF:ASX) backed up yesterday’s 7.88% fall with another 8.38% fall in value, giving back all the gains it had made since the start of December 2012. OceanaGold (OGC:ASX) lost ground today by 4.9% on higher than average volume, pushing it back down into the medium term down trend.

Your daily ASX market update comes from Ashley Jessen, Director of Capital CFDs

Capital CFDs Disclaimer:

Capital CFDs is the trading name of London Capital Group Pty Limited which is regulated by ASIC and is fully owned by London Capital Group Holdings Plc which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. London Capital Group transacts over 30,000 trades each day and has over 70,000 clients globally. Capital CFDs is regulated by ASIC under AFSL 364264.

While Capital CFDs attempts to ensure that the information herein is accurate at the date the information was produced, however, Capital CFDs does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the information provided herein and under no circumstances are they to be considered an offer, solicitation to invest or be construed as giving investment advice.

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7 CFD Trading Tips

Trading Ideas

GBP/AUD 4H Chart: Channel Down Comment: The outlook on GBP/AUD is bearish. The pair is trading within a well-defined descending channel, and for the next week this implies a sell-off from the upper boundary of the pattern at 1.9055 down to 1.8400/1.8350, where the rate will be expected to meet the lower boundary of the […]

LearnCFDs risk warning . It is important to note that CFDs are geared trading products and can result is losses far greater than your initial investment. As a result CFDs may not be suitable for everyone so you need to seek professional financial advice to determine if this product is for you. This website is owned and operated by LearnCFDs Pty Ltd (ABN: 14 143 177 048). In order to legally and responsibly provide general advice, LearnCFDs Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd (AFSL) 321187. LearnCFDs. com provides general advice only and the information contained on this website has not taken into account your personal financial situation or needs. Before investing in CFDs please read the Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) provided by your CFD provider and/or consult your financial adviser. All examples given on LearnCFDs. com are for illustration purposes only. For further information please view our disclaimer and privacy policy and click here to view our Financial Services Guide (FSG).

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Trading FX and/or CFDs on margin are high risk and not suitable for everyone. Las pérdidas pueden exceder la inversión.

Tiger Live Forex Scalping Room-Jan 28, 2013

1-28-13 NY Session Live Forex Day Trading Scalping Room

January 17, 2013 – Daily Live Forex Scalping Room Session – Today, Tiger Grids live moderator Sam Shakespeare sees Gbp/Jpy dropping and waits for an opportunity to get in on a Long retracement. As soon as the Orange to White Grid Pattern was signaled by the Tiger Time Lanes, Sam jumps in Long and profits +10 pips in just about a minute. Just shortly after exiting the trade, Gbp/Jpy sets up for another Orange to White Trade setup! Sam jumps in again for another bite. and, again within minutes, he is banking another +10 pips, giving him his target of 20 pips for the session!

Total pips earned for session = +20 pips

Account Growth for session = 2%

Totals only for Sam’s session

(Account growth percentage is calculated using The Power of 20 Pips a Day Money Management System. Sam’s pip totals do not include performance of other Tiger Time Lane Trade Room Moderators throughout the day).

Live Trades of the Day

Long Gbp/Jpy

Orange to White (O2W) Trade

(Playback Video in HD 720p, Full Screen, if your connection will allow)

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Trading Setups / Chart in Focus:

GBPUSD – Sterling/dollar tests key support after sell-off

The GBPUSD continued falling lower since we discussed the pin bar sell signal in our August 21st commentary one week ago. Note that the market re-tested key support down near 1.5425 that we also discussed in that commentary, hitting a low of 1.5426 before pushing higher and forming a bullish pin bar. We could see price push higher from today’s pin bar if it can remain buoyant over the next 24 hours. Anyone considering today’s pin bar for a long, should exercise caution and as always, make sure the stop loss placement makes sense and a decent risk reward is logically attainable.

EURUSD – Euro/dollar weakens below key resistance

The EURUSD moved lower today as price continued to have trouble pushing above key resistance up near 1.3415 – 1.3450. The market rotated significantly lower today and at this point it appears as though the recent bullish momentum is stalling out, which could open the door for a deeper retrace lower. Key support is not seen until down near 1.3200 and if this market cannot regain its footing near current levels, we could see a larger move lower into this week’s end. The other potential scenario is that the market simply continues to consolidate and chop sideways between 1.3300 and 1.3400 area.

Latest Trading Lessons

Fundamental Commentary & Upcoming Economic News

In the currency markets today, the U. S. dollar gained ground across the board versus the other major currencies on the back of a flight to safety due to the potential military conflict brewing between the U. S. & Britain and Syria.

The euro lost about 0.4 percent to the U. S. dollar today, closing the day down near 1.3338.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks were mostly higher as energy shares gained ground on the back of higher crude oil prices from talk of a U. S. led military strike against Syria.

The Dow added 48.38 points, or 0.33 percent, the S&P 500 gained 4.48 points, or 0.27 percent, and the Nasdaq added 14.83 points, or 0.41 percent.

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 8/29/2013

8:30am EST: United States – Prelim GDP q/q 8:30am EST: United States – Unemployment Claims

Conviértete en un miembro VIP: Hasta el 31 de marzo, Ahorra 40% en la membresía de por vida - Más información aquí.

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Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

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Principales Noticias Forex

The Great Britain pound sterling (usually called simply “pound” or “sterling”) is the currency used in the United Kingdom and in British territories. Banknotes were introduced following the creation of the Bank of England in 1694, but the history of the currency can be traced long before that, making the pound the oldest world currency that is still in use. The sterling was the most important currency in the world before the World War I. After the World War II had broken out, several countries (for the most part those that belonged to the British Empire) either introduced the pound as their own currency, or pegged their currencies to the sterling. These countries have become know as the sterling area. The importance of the UK currency and the sterling was diminished after the pound was allowed to float freely in 1972. Subsequently, the role of the major world medium of exchange passed to the US dollar. It is still the fourth most traded currency after the dollar, the euro and the yen. The pound is also used as a reserve currency.

Great Britain Pound News Archive

UK pound is mostly higher today against its major counterparts, even after the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) cut its forecasts for productivity. However, many analysts expect that pounds to weaken in upcoming weeks and months as the Bank of England waits to raise rates until after the Brexit issue is resolved.

Once again, the UK pound is struggling in Forex trading. As the economy continues to lose steam, and as concerns mount that an upcoming referendum will end the United Kingdom’s participation in the European Union, the sterling is heading mostly lower today.

Forex Club Forex Club Review

Deposit/Withdraw: Bank wire, Credit card, MoneyBookers. Online check

What we think about Forex Club

The one thing we like the most about Forex Club is the StartFX platform: a proprietary forex trading solution designed to lead novice traders through all the steps to becoming professionals. We have spent quite some time “playing” with StartFX, and we are convinced that if we give a fourth-grader a couple of hours with it, they'll figure out not only the software but forex in general. Or at least the basics. It's divided into levels, comes with handy wizards, and offers a single price on all of the currency pairs traded (e. g. there is no spread but that's compensated through a commission).

Of course, StartFX is also useful for more advanced traders, however for them there is SharkFX – another custom, web-based platform for traders operating with significantly bigger portfolios ($500,000 or more). The platform's features include precise settings for placing orders, super low spreads, direct access to a pool of nine liquidity providers, technical analysis tools, one-click trading, FIX API protocol for high-speed trading; Etc.

If you feel that StartFX and SharkFX are not your cups of tea, you can easily sign up for Metatrader 4.

Forex Club operates out of Cyprus, which means that the broker offers excellent levels of investor protection as per CySEC's regulations.

Traders from USA, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Singapore and South Korea are not allowed to apply for Forex Club accounts.

Traders` reviews for Forex Club Add review

I am among Forex Club's clients and I'm glad that I made this choice. The company really does its best to provide the most favorable conditions for trading and constantly improves its services. I believe that a lot of traders would agree that Forex Club deserves the best reviews.

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Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Daily Forex Markets Analysis (27-28/2/2013)

Markets today have been characterized by some strengthening in EURO the GBP edged slightly lower while the JPY continued to gain some more ground. The US dollar appears to remain steady. These gains that have been observed in the EURO and JPY may be good opportunities to short them.

Staying with the commentary that shorting the JPY may be a good idea I am looking at this setup.

-There is a clear up move that has been observed in the last 2 months

& # 8211; Trend indicators are pointing Up

-Extreme indicators are pointing Oversold

& # 8211; Wave indicators are correctly pointing down, as the pair is finding resistance not only at the 91.00 major psychological level but also at the 23.6% Fibonacci level. If this holds we may see a bounce back to 94.80, which is around 300 pips.

Nota . A similar pattern appears under EURJPY but you may want to be cautious with going long EURO now.

The following is an analysis of the currency markets using the Trend/Wave/Extreme system. You can read about the system here. Please read our Risk Disclosure and Terms of Use prior to making a trade using this information.

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& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

The IRS wants to tax your illegal income

The federal government requires drug dealers and embezzlers to pay taxes on their ill-gotten gains. Surprisingly, some do.

Dealt some drugs? Stole some cash? There's a line on your income tax form to declare it.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the federal government requires that money acquired through illegal means be reported and taxed just like legitimate income. It's right there on the official IRS tax instructions. "Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21, or on Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity."

Not surprisingly, tax experts say few criminals declare their loot.

But some do, often when they've either been caught during that tax year or think they are about to be caught, says Stephen Moskowitz, a San Francisco tax attorney at Moskowitz LLP who has helped several clients document their illegal gains. Their goal is to avoid getting charged twice: once for their initial crime, and again for evading the taxes on their windfall. After all, it was tax charges that ultimately put away Al Capone.

Many of today's criminals who choose to declare their illegal income are facing embezzlement charges. according to Moskowitz.

Like Tom Hughes, a New England accountant who was caught -- multiple times -- stealing money from his clients.

"I knew the money was taxable, there was no doubt about that," says Hughes, who now runs an anti-fraud consultancy called Hire-a-thief. "I had already been caught, and I didn't want to face federal tax charges."

He paid taxes on his illegal gains in 1999 and 2001, and again in 2004, after he stole from another client. After a nine-month prison stint, Hughes swears he's now reformed.

So how many self-confessed crooks does the Internal Revenue Service deal with each year? The agency isn't saying. A spokesman declined to discuss the issue, saying only that declaring illegal income "is what the law requires."

Documenting illegal income is tricky, Moskowitz says.

The IRS doesn't require any details on the return beyond an approximation of how much you made. The hard part comes if you get audited. There's usually no paper trail, so IRS agents will typically ask for the names and contact information for people that may have been part of the illegal transaction, Moskowitz says. The agency will then try to verify your numbers with them.

If you tell the IRS you made $1 million from stealing money or dealing drugs, does the agency tip off the cops?

Legally, it can't, unless a law-enforcement agency gets a court order granting it access to a specific taxpayer's return. The IRS isn't supposed to proactively alert other agencies about misdeeds unless terrorism is involved. In that case, it still needs a court order to disclose anything, but the IRS can initiate the legal process on its own.

The rules are all spelled out in an IRS guide to "section 6103," the law that covers tax-return confidentiality. Like many legal statutes, it's complex and filled with loopholes. For example, the IRS might not be allowed to share the contents of actual tax returns on its own initiative, but it can divulge supplemental information obtained from outside sources -- like witnesses interviewed in an audit investigation -- "to apprise federal criminal law enforcement agencies of possible crimes," according to the agency's guide.

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In practice, Moskowitz says he thinks information about illegal activities gets shared.

"Do they report you to other agencies?" he asks. "Absolutely."

Other experts agree.

"The IRS would most certainly immediately report it to law enforcement," says Joseph Henchman, vice president of legal and state projects at the Tax Foundation. a think tank.

The IRS' spokesman declined to comment on the issue.

Here's one upshot to declaring ill-gotten gains: If taxes are paid on it initially, and restitution is part of any settlement or judgment, that restitution is then tax-deductible, says Moskowitz.

If you decide to disclose your illegal loot, make sure to do it with the assistance of a tax attorney, not any old accountant.

"If there's anything we suspect is criminal, the first thing we do is tell people to get legal advice," says Gil Charney, principal tax researcher at H&R Block's ( HRB ) Tax Institute. "We don't have attorney-client privilege. If The IRS or any law enforcement agency contacts us, we have to provide that information."

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 28, 2013: 9:14 AM ET

Prize Bond Draw Rs 25,000 & Rs 7,500 announced

The 4th draw of Prize Bond denomination Rs. 25,000 and 53rd draw of Prize Bonds denomination of Rs 7,500 is being held today on Friday, Feb 1, 2013.

According to a spokesman of the National Savings, the first prize for Prize Bond of Rs. 25,000 is Rs 50 million while the 2nd prize of Rs 15 million each will go to three lucky winners. Similarly, third prize of Rs 312,000 each will be given to 1696 lucky winners, he added.

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Forex: Ichimoku Clouds. Review of USD/CHF for November 28, 2013 – Forex-Ratings. com

Forex: Ichimoku Clouds. Review of USD/CHF for November 28, 2013

Forex Rating » Forex Forecasts » LiteForex Forecasts » Forex: Ichimoku Clouds. Review of USD/CHF for November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013

On the four-hour chart Tenkan-sen line is below Kijun-sen and they are both horizontal. Chinkou Span line is below the price chart; current cloud is descending. The pair has been corrected above Tenkan-sen line once again, but couldn’t overcome Kijun-sen line and dropped under the red line. The closest resistance level is Tenkan-sen line at 0.9066. The pair will meet a support at the level of 0.8995 (previous low of Chinkou Span line).

Let’s look at the daily chart. Tenkan-sen line is above Kijun-sen, they are both horizontal. Chinkou Span line is above the price chart; current cloud has reversed from descending to ascending. The pair weren’t able to consolidate above the cloud has been following the lower border of the cloud for two weeks. One of the previous minimums of Chinkou Span line (0.8920) is the closest support level. Flat part of the Kijun-sen line is a strong resistance level at 0.9069.

Support levels: 0.8995, 0.8920.

Resistance levels: 0.9069, 0.9066.

On the four-hour chart the price has dropped under the red line, further fall to the level of 0.8995 is possible. According to the daily chart analysis short positions should be opened if the pair breaks through the cloud; it means new candlestick opens and closes below the cloud.

Anastasiya Glushkova Analyst of LiteForex Group of Companies

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28 sty 2013, 08:51

EUROPE: For today, the first data release is expected at 0900GMT, with the release of the EMU December M3 money supply numbers. Also at 0900GMT, the Italian January ISTAT consumer confidence survey will cross the wires. There are few scheduled central bank speakers, but at 0930GMT, Financial Stability Board Chairman Mark Carney is set to give a press briefing, in Zurich.

EUROPEAN PRESS: The Eurozone is not yet in "normal times," European Central Bank Executive Board member Joerg Asmussen said in an interview published Sunday, warning that slowing the reform pace or failing to deal with Cyprus could still undo progress at the moment when some peripheral EMU nations are looking to exit the crisis. Speaking to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, Asmussen flatly rejected raising the ECB's inflation target, which could upset inflation expectations that remain "well-anchored" across the Eurozone at around 2%.

UK PRESS: UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg said Sunday there would be no end to the UK's austerity drive, as it is needed to push down the deficit. However, Clegg said the government should look at any infrastructure projects, provided they don't "break the bank."

UK PRESS: UK companies spent a record stg 4.9 billion on redundancy payments in 2012, the Times reports, as companies attempt to streamline operations.

UK PRESS: The Independent says final salary pension schemes are closing at a record rate, as quantitative easing impacts cash available in pension funds.

UK PRESS: The FT says the Treasury is thinking more of flexible inflation targeting for the BOE, as opposed to targeting real GDP. The comments come from Treasury sources, following reports of a conversation in Davos between incoming BOE Governor Carney and Chancellor George Osborne.

US: The US calendar starts at 1300GMT, with the release of the December Building Permits Revision. At 1330GMT, the December Durable Goods Orders are released. Durable goods orders are expected to rise 2.0% in December after gains in the previous three months. Boeing reported 183 orders in December, up from 124 in November. At 1430GMT, the MNI Capital Goods Index for the January 25 week will be released, followed at 1500GMT by the release of the December NAR Pending Home Sales. At 1530GMT, the MNI Retail Trade Index for the Jan 26 week will cross the wires. The last data release scheduled for Monday is the January Dallas Fed manufacturing survey, also expected at 1530GMT.

DOLLAR: Speculative accounts increased their net euro long position, while they trimmed their net yen short position as of January 22, according to U. S. CFTC data released Friday. The CFTC's COT report -- non-commercial, futures-only section, excluding options -- showed speculators had a net euro long position of +21,381 contracts as of Tuesday, compared to last week's net euro long of +7,315 contracts. This is the largest net euro long since July 5, 2011 (+43,194 contracts). This week's net long contrasts to the record net euro long of +119,538 contracts seen May 15, 2007 and the record net euro short of -214,418 contracts, seen June 5, 2012. Spec accounts had a net yen short of -64,068 contracts as per January 22, versus the prior week's net yen short of -65,727 contracts and the yen short of -94,401 contracts from December 11, which was the largest net yen short position since July 2007. The euro closed near $1.3320 and dollar-yen at Y88.70 January 22, which compared to closing levels Friday at $1.3460 and Y90.85.

EURO-DOLLAR: Closed in NY Friday at $1.3464 after easing off extended NY session highs of $1.3480, with rate buoyed above $1.3450 into the close. Early sales into Asia saw rate squeeze down to pressure some of the weaker spec longs, the dip under $1.3450 to $1.3443 triggering minor stops before fresh demand interest emerged. Rate recovered to $1.3471 before meeting resistance with rate then steeling between $1.3450/70 through to the European open. Offers said to remain in place from above $1.3470, strengthening from $1.3480 through to much reported barrier interest at $1.3500 ($1.3488 2012 high; $1.3490 50% $1.4940-1.2040 May'11-Jul'12). Large stops have been reported in place through $1.3505/10. Minor offers then seen into $1.3520 ahead of stronger interest toward $1.3550. Support $1.3450/40 with stops below. ECB releases M3 data at 0900GMT, with US durable goods data at 1330GMT to provide the data interest on the day. Interest for the week with US FOMC and US Q4 GDP Wednesday, ahead of US employment report Friday. Yen action remains key to direction.

EURO-DOLLAR: Under pressure into early Europe as rate retests overnight lows into $1.3443. Stops seen in place on a break of $1.3440, which if triggered to open a deeper move toward $1.3410/00. Resistance seen between $1.3470/80, a break to expose barrier interest at $1.3500, with large offers noted ahead to protect. Large stops seen placed between $1.3510/15.

CABLE: Closed in NY Friday at $1.5799, off a session recovery high of $1.5827, after rate had been pressed to extended lows of $1.5745 following the release of disappointing Q4 GDP data. Early Asia pressured cable off an early posted high of $1.5795, the early market, especially, thinned by the Australia Day holiday, with sales taking the rate down to $1.5756 before it picked up fresh demand interest that allowed rate to recover to $1.5786. The recovery proved short lived with sales then pressing the rate back to $1.5754 before it settled between $1.5755/70 ahead of the European open. A very light domestic calendar Monday will leave rate to track euro-dollar moves, as it mainly did through Asia, though activity in euro-sterling should pick up again in Europe with end of month Activity likely to put added pressure on sterling. The cross extended Friday's high of stg0.8536 to stg0.8548 overnight, with traders turning sights onto the next reported barrier at stg0.8550. Cable support remains in place between $1.5755/45, with stops placed on a break of $1.5740. Resistance $1.5800/10 ahead of $1.5830.

CABLE: Found some support between $1.5725/20, but the cross breaking above stg0.8550, and now building, seen adding added pressure. Cable extends lows to $1.5717. Next support seen from around $1.5705 through to $1.5690. Stops below. Rate currently trades around $1.5720.

YEN: Dollar-yen achieved a technical target at Y91.20 (Mar'12 high) on Friday, the extended rally meeting willing profit take selling at this level which countered further upside gains. The rate pulled back to Y90.77 but the underlying buoyant tone remained in place into the close at Y90.90. Fresh demand into Asia edged rate back to retest Friday highs, with a push from around Y91.10 able to extend move to Y91.26 before momentum faded. Rate dipped back to Y90.85 before it settled in a range around Y91.00 ahead of the European open. Technical traders note channel resistance coming through around the Y91.25 level, with offers noted from this level, strengthening toward large barrier interest at Y91.50. Stops noted above this level, which if triggered to open a move on toward Y91.70/85 ahead of Y92.00. Support seen back at Y90.85/70 with stops below. Euro-yen extended its recent recovery to Y122.91 in Asia (NY high Y122.78) with rate easing off highs to settled between Y122.20/60 into Europe. Traders remain open to reaction from Japanese officials, ex-EconMin Takenaka reported saying in the WSJ that yen has room to fall further toward Y95.00 (Takenaka a speculated candidate for new BOJ Governor).

JAPAN: Finance Minister Taro Aso told reporters that the upwardly revised 2.5% real GDP forecast for fiscal 2013 by the government (previous forecast +1.7%) reflects lower downside risks to global growth. He repeated that the government's top priority is to revive economic vitality.

JAPAN: Finance Minister Taro Aso also repeated his recent comments that the yen is in a correction phase after posting an excessive rise earlier.

JAPAN STOCKS CLOSE: Japan's benchmark stocks are lower Monday. The Nikkei 225 was lower by 102.34 points, or 0.94%, at 10824.31. Into the close, the broader-based TOPIX was lower by 2.32 points at 914.77. Market breadth indicators saw 71 issue higher, 145 lower and 9 unchanged. Preliminary volume stood at 1.75 bn shares.

AUSSIE: Australia Day holiday made for thin trading through the overnight session, with moves dictated by euro moves. Rate saw an early low of $1.0408, but demand placed into $1.0400 managed to cushion. Recovery from here saw rate edge to $1.0430 where it met decent resistance. A dip to $1.0415/10 ahead of Europe was being corrected into the new session, the rate pushing back up to retest that overnight high. Offers seen from $1.0430 through to $1.0445 with stops reported above. Below $1.0400 and further demand seen into $1.0390 with stops placed on a break below.

GOLD: Spot gold prices are trading marginally higher Monday after posting a two-week low during the previous trading day. Spot gold ended Friday's session $9.25 lower at $1658.70/oz after falling to lows of $1655.39/oz as demand for haven assets continued to decline after Wall Street posted another set of gains Friday for the eighth consecutive day. Some moderate physical demand has helped gold prices edge their way higher during Asian traded hours this morning, albeit in thin trading conditions. Spot gold prices have ticked higher from initial intra-day lows of $1658.05 to highs of around $1662.50/oz a few moments ago. Market participants will be focused on this Friday's US jobs data in addition to this week's two-day FOMC meeting, scheduled to conclude on Wednesday. Spot gold now trades at $1662.10/oz, up $3.40 on the session.

OIL: March NYMEX WTI prices are trading higher Monday after closing the previous session around unchanged levels. March WTI futures ended Friday's session 7 cents lower at $95.88 a barrel, after trading in a $95.43 to $96.56 range. WTI futures have been tied to a narrow trading range so far this morning ahead of this Friday's US jobs data and a two-day FOMC meeting which concludes on Wednesday. March WTI futures have edged their way higher amid thin trading volume to a high of $96.20 a barrel, from intra-day lows of $95.89 and now trade at $96.07 a barrel, up 19 cents on the session.

NATURAL GAS: NYMEX February natural gas prices are trading in negative territory Monday, extending their declines seen from the previous trading day. February natural gas futures, which expire on Tuesday, ended Friday's session down 0.2% at $3.444 per million British thermal units (mln Btu) after trading in a narrow $3.411 to $3.48 range. Some warmer than anticipated weather forecasts for this week have seen natural gas prices gap lower this morning, slipping from intra-day highs of $3.396 per mln Btu to lows of $3.374 and the February contract now trades at $3.377 per mln Btu, down from Friday's close of $3.444 per mln Btu.

OPTIONS: FX: Option expiries for today's 1000ET cut, * Euro-dollar; $1.3325, $1.3350, $1.3390, $1.3400, $1.3450, $1.3490, $1.3500 * Dollar-yen; Y89.50, Y89.85, 90.00, Y91.00, Y91.50 * Cable; $1.5820 * Euro-Swiss; Chf1.2500 * Aussie; $1.0335, $$1.0400, $1.0450, $1.0500, $1.0550 * Euro-Aussie; A$1.2715

EUROZONE T-BILL ISSUANCE: Eurozone Sovereign T-bill issuance for this week are planned from Germany, France, and Italy. Supply is estimated to be around E19.0bln, higher than E15.725bln issued last week. First up on Monday will be Germany who will issue new 12-month Jan 29, 2014 Bubill for up to E3.0bln. In the afternoon France re-open 3-month Apr 25 BTF for E3.6-E4.0bln, issue new 6-month Jul 11 BTF for between E1.6-E2.0bln and re-open a 12-month Jan 9, 2014 BTF for between E1.1-E1.5bln. On Tuesday, Italy will issue new 6-month Jul 31 BOT for E8.5bln. In terms of T-bill redemptions for this week, we have, France E7.787bln, Italy E9.775bln and Netherlands E4.78bln, giving potential positive net cash flow of E3.3bln.

EUROZONE ISSUANCE: Sovereign bond issuance in the Eurozone this week is scheduled from Germany and Italy -- estimated to be E15.25bln vs E13.01bln this week. Italy will kick off supply on Monday with issue of a new 2-year zero coupon Dec 2014 CTZ for between E3.0bln to E4.0bln and issue new 5-year benchmark linker bond 1.70% Sep 2018 BTPei for between E2.0bln to E2.75bln. On Wednesday, German re-opens 40-year Benchmark 2.50% Jul 2044 Bund for up to E2.0bln. Also on Wednesday Italy come back to the market with their end of month medium/long-term BTP auction, tapping 5-year benchmark 3.50% Nov 2017 BTP for between E2.0bln and E3.0bln and tap 10-year benchmark 5.50% Nov 2022 BTP for between E2.5bln and E3.5bln. In terms of reinvestment flows, there is redemptions from Spain for E14.3bln and Italy for E21.0bln while coupon payments amount to E16.845bln from Spain (E7.445bln) and Italy (E9.4bln) - to turn net cash flow positive to the tune of E38.4bln vs - E13.3 last week. For full details of forthcoming issues, please see Eurozone bond auction calendar & MNI Eurozone Net Cash Flow Matrix.

ITALY AUCTION PREVIEW: Italy's Dipartimento Del Tesoro issues a new 2-year zero coupon Dec 2014 CTZ for between E3.0-E4.0bln and issue new 5-year linker 1.70% Sep 2018 BTPei for between E2.0-E2.75bln on Monday. Yield on the old 2-year CTZ has fallen by around 40bps since the start of the year as market sentiment has improved and Italy has enjoyed a good start to its issuance program this year. The grey market is indicating mid-yield of 1.565% for the new 2-year CTZ. The Sep 2014 CTZ was last sold on Dec 27 for E3.25bln at an average yield of 1.884% and covered 1.69 times. As for the new 5-year linker 1.70% Sep 2018 BTPei grey market is indicating a mid-yield of around 1.755%. The last 5-year BTPei auction was back on Sep 25 where E1.004bln was allotted at average yield 2.46% and covered 1.75 times. There will be a large BTP redemption of E21.0bln and coupon payments of E9.4bln which is seen as underpinning demand. Results due to be announced at 1015GMT.

GERMAN T-BILL AUCTION PREVIEW: The Deutsche Finanzagentur is planning to issue up to E3.0bln new 12-month Bubill maturing Jan 29, 2014 on Monday. This will be the first 12-month Bubill auction for 2013 and the first since November, therefore demand from investors is likely to remain strong, despite the improvement in market sentiment. In the grey market, mid-yield on the new 12-month Bubill is seen trading around 0.145%. For comparison at the last 12-month T-bill auction back on Nov 26, the treasury allotted E2.73bln at an average yield of -0.0085%, cover of 1.8 times, and with E270mln or 9% retained for secondary market operations. At last months sale, the 12-month Eonia rate was around 0.049%, therefore giving a spread of -5.75bps, currently 12-month Eonia is seen around 0.245% level. There will be no Bubill redemption next week, leaving net cash flow negative to the tune of E3.0bln. Results due to be announced shortly after 1030GMT.

FRANCE T-BILL AUCTION PREVIEW: France's Agence France Tresor (AFT) will re-open 3-month Apr 25, 2013 BTF for between E3.6-E4.0bln, issue new 6-month Jul 11, 2013 BTF for between E1.6-E2.0bln, and re-open a 12-month Jan 9, 2014 BTF for between E1.1-E1.5bln on Monday. BTF yields have continued to move higher during the course of last week, as the majority of data surprises to the upside. 3-month BTF mid-yield is seen around 0.025%, 6-month mid-yield is around 0.053%, while 12-month BTF is seen around 0.185%. There will be a BTF redemption this week of E7.787bln, leaving net cash flow positive to the tune of E287mln, which is seen as underpinning demand. For comparison on Jan 21, the AFT sold E4.394bln 3-month BTF at an average yield of 0.007% with cover of 2.69 times, E1.593bln 6-month BTF at an average yield of 0.037% with cover of 2.96 times, and E1.594bln 12-month BTF at an average yield of 0.089% with cover of 2.94 times. Results due to be announced around 1355GMT.

EUROZONE: Timeline of key events in the eurozone for next few weeks: - Jan 28 Italy linker/CTZ auctions - Jan 29 Italy T-bill auction - Jan 30 ECB 3-year LTRO 1 year anniversary (E489bln total borrowed) - Jan 30 Italy BTP auction - Jan 31 Spain & Greece ban on short-selling due to expire - Jan 31 Italy T-bill redemption for E9.775bln - Jan 31 Spain bond redemption for E14.286bln - Feb 01 Italy BTP bond redemption for E21.009bln - Feb 07 ECB Governing Council meeting, Draghi press conference - Feb 07/08 European Leaders summit in Brussels - Feb 07 Spain sells Bono bonds - Feb 08 Greek T-bill redemption for E1.975bln - Feb 11 Eurogroup meeting - Feb 12 ECOFIN meeting - Feb 12 Italy T-bill auction

US: Timeline of Key Events for next few days: - TBD Confirmation hearing, committee vote, Senate confirmation of Lew as US Treasury Secretary - Jan 28-Feb 01 US Senate to meet (tent) - Jan 28 Outright Tsy Coupon Purch 02/15/2036-11/15/2042, $1.25-$1.75bn - Jan 28 US Dallas Fed Mfg Survey for Jan 2013 at 10:30 ET - Jan 28 UST announces 4wk at 11:00 ET - Jan 28 UST auctions: $32B 3-month, $28B 6-month bills at 11:30 ET - Jan 28 UST auctions $35B 2-yr at 13:00 ET - Jan 29/30 FOMC policy meeting w/ announcement 14:15ET Jan 30, no press conf, - Jan 29 U. S. Senate expected to vote on House debt ceiling bill (extends debt-limit to at least May 19, may be pushed further given Apr 15 tax receipt surge) - Jan 29 Outright Tsy Coupon Purch 02/15/2020-11/15/2022 $2.75-$3.5bn - Jan 29 UST auctions 4wk at 11:30 ET - Jan 29 UST auctions $35B 5-yr at 13:00 ET

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February 28, 2013

by lalPalaK on February 28, 2013

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drug treatments, an amendment for the Native indian Patents Take action has long been carried out through the Patent (Amendments) Ordinance, 2004 on December 26, 2004. The Ordinance amends the Native indian Patents Respond, 1970 for any 3 rd time with a perspective to introducing product or service patents for drugs, chemicals and food. Other than production of medicines, the product patent regime may help the pharmaceutical business to touch outsourcing of scientific research. With its vast pool of scientific and technical personnel, and well-established expertise in medical health and treatment care, has unlocked vast opportunities in both exports and outsourcing and has the potential to become a global hub in the area of R&D based clinical research, by participating in the international system of IPRprotection and India. The Patent Ordinance offers satisfactory safety measures to shield the attention from the home-based business, as well as the resident from your increase in rates of drugs. patent ideas

Influence of product patent on Indian native Pharma field

With a regulatory process on target only on procedure patents, helped to create the cornerstone of any solid and really aggressive domestic prescription drug industry which during the proper grip of any rigorous price handle framework turned into a society distributor of large medicines and drugs at affordable prices to typical male in India and also the building world. Introduction of product patents will, nevertheless, tag the final of a fantastic era for IPI (Native indian Pharmaceutical Sector). The newest rules will reshape the panorama of IPI pushing important adjustments and separate in the sector.

A look into business of pharmaceutic manufacturers of India (OPPI) directory reveals only 300 units out of ten thousand authorized businesses come in the structured field. While procedure patent aided to grow IPI in a community-group generics market, solution patent regime will filter the best coming from the load up and could be positive to gamers with built in technical and scientific solutions. The effect of your new regulations will never prevent the Native indian pharma majors since they are actually undertaking roaring small business inside the incredibly nations just where these patent legislation are rigorously in pressure.

Export trading markets progressively push IPI: in a very turn over people$5 billion dollars, exports constitute $3.2 billion dollars and the market is poised to cultivate to $25 billion by 2010. The promote of IPI in planet pharmaceutical market is 1.Per cent (positions 13th) in price and 8Per cent (rates fourth) in amount terminology. The global marketplace for common drugs is calculated at $27 billion (2001) and also the expiration of patents on drugs will be really worth $80 billion dollars (2005) provides a massive opportunity to IPI. India right now offers the most significant range of US Food items And Pharmaceutical Supervision (Federal drug administration) permitted substance developing amenities beyond the US. In addition, Drug Become an expert in Data files (DMFs) sent in by Native indian businesses together with the Food and drug administration is 126 greater than Spain, China, Israel and Italy come up with. DMF should be accredited by Federal drug administration for your pharmaceutical to penetrate the usa industry. patent ideas

by lalPalaK on February 28, 2013

Blackjack, like a lot of gamers know, is often a video game as their optimum winning variety totals to 21 poker blackjack royalclub luckypunch. This is the rationale behind why other individuals phone the game 20-a single. But besides recognizing concerning the highest doable amount for the activity, you can find some tips that can help you figure out how to play blackjack.

# one - Understand the basic principles on the recreation

This could contain the fact that the sport can be played applying 1 as much as eight decks of cards. Recall on the other hand, which the outdoor patio of cards is a several of twos, that means, you can only play with two, four, six then 8 decks. In much larger venues, for instance gambling houses, an exclusive shuffling equipment is becoming used ahead of working these cards.

In a single-outdoor patio likewise as two-deck blackjack games, the supplier takes demand of dealing the playing cards on the other gamers. Alternatively, multiple-outdoor patio games use a special tray called a shoe for dealing playing cards. Gambling establishments at the moment are beginning to look for other devices that could consider charge of each shuffling and working the playing cards.

# two - Know the objective of the video game

Blackjacks primary aim is for just a participant to beat the supplier. In circumstances once your playing cards go greater than just what the dealer has poker blackjack royalclub luckypunch. you then basically win the game. If the value of his playing cards exceed 21, Make certain on the other hand that your total is not much more than 21 or else youll get busted and lose to the seller even when

# 3 - It is usually vital to learn about greeting card values.

The blackjack video game does not concentration significantly over the accommodate of your playing cards - be it clovers, spades, hearts or diamonds. It concentrates much more within the confront price of the cardboard. jacks, Kings, tens and queens all have a value of 10. The ace credit card is valued at one particular or eleven although the remainder card quantities are quantified at their individual deal with values.

# four - Its also wise to acquire note of dissimilarities if you play the sport in the home and when you play at casinos play the game in the home and if you play at on line casino # 4 - poker blackjack royalclub luckypunch Its also advisable to get notice of variances s

For those who play blackjack with the close friends, the cards will probably be dealt going through down. From there, you are able to pick up your personal playing cards to have a look at its individual beliefs. This basic principle isnt going to get the job done the identical way any time you are participating in as a result of casinos. Are enjoying by gambling establishments this basic principle does not do the job the identical way when you This is due to the cards are dealt because of the shoes with all the cards face up. Plus, not like within a game for pleasurable, you will not be allowed to contact the cards after you play by means of on line casino venues. play through on line casino venues, Plus, in contrast to in a very match for fun, you wont be allowed to touch the playing cards when you

One more noteworthy distinction between play for play and fun for money is often found while in the use of the blackjack desk. Whenever you play in your own home with your friends, you should utilize a desk and even the ground. play in the home using your friends poker blackjack royalclub luckypunch. you need to use a desk or simply the floor. In gambling houses, a specific blackjack table is utilised. This one particular is formed like a semi-group. Insert to the, every single player is given a group or sq. About the desk.

It truly is simple to discover ways to play blackjack. Once you play this match professionally Remember that issues may very well be various. Just take note that in casinos, you are given your own private betting space wherever you can put the chips just before the play commences. It is possible to use the identical issue within a regular activity based certainly on your arrangement while using the supplier as well as the other gamers.

2013 Calendar

About the 2013 Calendar

The 2013 calendar is automatically generated and can always be visited online. Also month calendars in 2013 including week numbers can be viewed at any time by clicking on one of the above months. Additionally you can view also leap years, daylight saving, current moon phase in 2013, moon calendar 2013, world clocks and more by selecting an item in the menu above.

Crude oil prices were seen falling after rising the day before, while traders digest the weekly stockpiles data.

Prices for the North American West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude fell 0.52 lower to $38.08 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at the time of writing. The European benchmark Brent crude slipped 0.73% lower to $40.77 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. Read More «»

Comentarios Recientes

Chris Capre "Hello Daif, Learning how to lose well in trading is. " – Mar 15, 6:01 PM

Daif "Hi Chris I enjoyed your article while I am holding. " – Mar 15, 4:30 PM

Chris Capre "Hello Kiran, Yeah it was a good movie to highlight. " – Mar 14, 7:47 AM

kiran "Great article Chris! I watched Lucy endless times last year. " – Mar 13, 7:16 AM

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Contest MASTER SCALPER for demo accounts

Broker AccentForex. com starts contest for demo accounts “Master Scalper”.

Popular Demo Contest: Master Scalper – actual again

AccentForex offers a new demo contest for scalpers and traders who use automated trading strategies (EA Trading) with goal of promoting automated trading. The purpose for the participant is to get the maximum profit using scalping strategies and(or) Expert Advisors (EA) Trading. Anyone who opens a contest account through the link at the end of current page will be able to take a part in contest. Contest is held from September 14, 2015 to April 03, 2016.

Contest “Master Scalper” is divided into 10 stages for two weeks each:

Stage I:…………….14.09.2015 – 27.09.2015;

Stage II:……………05.10.2015 – 18.10.2015;

Stage III:…………..26.10.2015 – 08.11.2015;

Stage IV:…………..16.11.2015 – 29.11.2015;

Stage V:……………07.12.2015 – 20.12.2015;

Stage VI:…………..28.12.2015 – 10.01.2016;

Stage VII:………….18.01.2016 – 31.01.2016;

Stage VIII:…………08.02.2016 – 21.02.2016;

Stage IX:…………..29.02.2016 – 13.03.2016;

Stage X:…..………..21.03.2016 – 03.04.2016.

The winners of each stage will be selected by AccentForex administration according to these rules. Account of the winner will be defined by its maximum profit. In the case when two or more accounts will claim for prize AccentForex will divide Prize cash between winners (proportionally to number of winners).

The winner will get $1000 on Live Trading Account. The participants who will gain the 2nd and the 3rd place in contest will recieve $500 each on their Live Accounts. All the profit from trading on prize funds – is available for withdrawal without restrictions.

1.1. The contest accounts must be registering through the registration form (from September 14, 2015 to April 03, 2016);

1.2. The purpose of the participant to show maximum impact profitability in the contest demo account, keeping these conditions & reglas;

1.3. Contest “Master Scalper” is divided into 10 stages for two weeks each:

Stage I:…………….14.09.2015 – 27.09.2015;

Stage II:……………05.10.2015 – 18.10.2015;

Stage III:…………..26.10.2015 – 08.11.2015;

Stage IV:…………..16.11.2015 – 29.11.2015;

Stage V:……………07.12.2015 – 20.12.2015;

Stage VI:…………..28.12.2015 – 10.01.2016;

Stage VII:………….18.01.2016 – 31.01.2016;

Stage VIII:…………08.02.2016 – 21.02.2016;

Stage IX:…………..29.02.2016 – 13.03.2016;

Stage X:…………….21.03.2016 – 03.04.2016.

1.4. Results of the contest will be announced at the end of each stage within three (3) working days;

1.5. The winner will get $1000 on Live Trading Account. The 2nd and the 3rd place will get per $500 on their Live Accounts.

2. Terms of trading for contest accounts:

2.1. Initial deposit of $ 5000;

2.2. Leverage 1:100;

2.3. For trading available 0.1 lot orders only

2.4. EA Trading – are welcome;

2.5. All participants must close the orders with the profit not more than 20 points.

3. Violation of the contest rules:

3.1. A trader who has violated the conditions described in this Agreement will be disqualified;

3.2. Only one contest account from one user. (Any matches in registration data IP, E-mail, and other factors can be considered as clear evidence of belonging different accounts to one user);

3.3. At the end of the contest, all transactions must be closed;

3.4. All transactions which are not closed at the end of round contest – will be closed automaticly;

4. Receive prize deposit upon results of contest “Master Scalper”:

4.1. The winner will get $1000 on Live Trading Account. The 2nd and the 3rd place will get per $500 on their Live Accounts;

4.2. Prize funds are not available for withdrawal, but all profit earned from trading on prize funds is available for withdrawing without limitation;

4.3. The prize live account completely identical to Live account type “Mini”, which can be replenished or withdrawn according to these rules;

4.4. Account which had been defined as the winner – can not participate in other competitions and promotions and can not get any additional bonuses within six calendar months from the date of accrual of prize funds.

February 2013 Horoscope

By Tarotcom Staff

February is a month of contrasts with cool blues of reason interspersed with deep greens of emotion. We're doing the Aquarius-Pisces dance in the last two signs of the zodiac, which encompass intellect and instinct. Aquarius represents freedom and Pisces represents faith. Both take us past the rules and responsibilities of Capricorn. We're less ambitious personally and more plugged into community and collective consciousness. Aquarius is the contradictory one that believes in groups yet craves independence -- being part of a team but outside its rules. It's the ideal democracy, with equal belief in cooperation and liberty.

The Sun is in Aquarius until February 18, and it is joined in this emotionally cool and intellectually gifted sign by affectionate Venus on February 1, which can chill relationships. The airy detachment of this sign is moistened by emotion, though, when active Mars enters watery Pisces on February 1. The warrior planet's ingress in the last sign of the zodiac softens our actions with compassion and inspires us with imagination. Cerebral Mercury's move into Pisces on February 5 blurs conceptual edges as we learn to see beyond the limits of logic. Communication may be muddled with the messenger planet in the zodiac's diffusive final sign. Facts give way to feelings and language grows poetic. Tender words can help heal wounds but white lies may be used to avoid confrontation.

Pursuing dreams is expected early this month, especially from February 4-8, as hope may grow beyond reason yet encourage us to seek inspiring experiences. Avoid overselling on February 9, though, when verbal Mercury squares excessive Jupiter and we're flooded with words. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 10 marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle. Its occurrence in this unconventional sign encourages experimentation and originality. Breaking old habits is another favorable way to ride this planetary wave. This event is also a reminder that no matter how isolated we might feel, we are all equal members of the human family.

If we spread ourselves too thin or go too far when active Mars squares expansive Jupiter on February 10, we can expect to be reined in when the warrior planet connects to contractive Pluto and Saturn on February 15-16. The Sun's shift into Pisces on February 18 increases awareness of spiritual matters, making this an excellent period to take time out from practical matters to tune into the divine forces in which we live. A solar conjunction with dissolute Neptune on February 20 can carry us off into fantasyland or evoke dreams of a more fulfilling existence.

Another retreat from reason, or put more positively a recognition of the truths that lie beyond logic, comes when Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces on February 23. Greater errors in communication and technical matters are possible during the subsequent three weeks, but this is also a period when intuition grows stronger. Excess is on the agenda again when Jupiter squares the Full Moon in Virgo on February 25. The challenge is to be selective among the many events and ideas arising then to set clear priorities about managing them. Lovely Venus slips into sweet Pisces on February 25 before joining imaginative Neptune on February 28, ending the month on a romantic, if not entirely realistic, note.

More Horoscopes

[goo goo gah gah]

At thinkorswim we view each release like a child being born. First off, things have to be started by more than one person; even with today’s technology it takes at least two to tango. In its infancy there are feedings, late night changes, and even periodic scolding. We once had to put the release in “time out” for more than a year until it played well with others. After some time your release begins to grow and you can allow it to make some decisions, of course under careful QA surveillance. Then release comes to tell you about its alternative build number choice, of which you are not thrilled but you understand and are ever so proud. Once the release is out on its own, showing the world how things really can be done, you sit back, smile, and realize that you although it is all grown up, you will support him in one way or another long after even the next release is out the same door.

“Congratulations, it’s a new thinkorswim release”

On Saturday, February 13, we released thinkorswim version 1882. Features include:

Trade history on Charts

Evaluating your trading should be more detailed than a quick glance at your profit and loss number or noting your net liquidation value. While these two figures are important, seeing what drove your profits so high is even better information. In our ongoing effort to build graphic visualization of portfolio and trade data we have introduced the ability to show your historical trades on your TOS Chart. Once activated you can see when and where your previous trades took place.

To enable this feature within your TOS Chart, click on the Style drop down menu and select Settings. From the Chart Settings window remain on the General tab and check the Show Trades box.

The bubble displays the price at which the trade was executed and points to the bar when the trade executed and will follow your defined chart aggregation. So, to see which minute you placed your trade, select a one minute time interval.

The bubbles will display at the bottom of the candle for a Sell trade and at the top of the candle for a Buy trade.

The setting is chart specific so it will only show the trades for the particular chart and only for the charted product.

Thomson Reuters Video on Demand

When looking for professional insight our media outlets provide a quick source of vision and perspective. We have had archived videos with quotes for the symbols mentioned and now we have expanded the set of videos available to include content from Reuters Video On Demand.

The new Reuters archived videos are available on the Tools tab under Videos.

At the top of the Videos page you can see there is a new drop down selector which includes Reuters along with CNBC and All channels.

The videos are all sorted by the time they are posted.

As always, you can filter by specific symbols or watch lists if you choose.

Home Grown Studies

While the TAS&C studies above keep us in the know with what the cool kids are up to, we were also able to spread the love to our mainstay studies that helped pave the way for the technical analysis of today. We have included two well-known (assuming you hang around in TA clubs) studies that are not new to the industry but have stood the test of time.

Schaff Trend

HL Volatility Study

These both can be found on TOS Charts under Studies and Edit Studies and can be defined by clicking their names.

Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine studies

We collect a wealth of greatness from our friends at Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine. With this release we are introducing nine new Studies.

Modified True Range

Slow RSI Study

Condensed Candles

Slow VSI

Simpler Decycler

Decycler Oscillator

Ehler High pass Filter

Money Flow Oscillator

APTR study

Watchlist Synchronization

For those users who work in both live trading and papermoney®, it can be a chore to try and keep all of one’s work current in both locations, particularly with watch lists. In order to simplify the process of updating and maintaining your personal watch lists across platforms, thinkorswim now has a synchronization function that takes manual duplication out of the picture entirely.

You now have the option to synchronize all of your watch lists between live and paper trading, eliminating the need to manually import watch lists between platforms.

This feature gives you several options to manage the initial synchronization process. By default, it will keep all of your existing watch lists from both live and paper trading and merge watch lists of the same name to a single list. It can also overwrite either your live or paper trading watch lists (when there is a duplicate) or keep both and prompt you to rename any duplicate watch lists. All of these selections are available when the feature is initially turned on.

Once active, watch list synchronization will be immediate and perpetual. If you want to have separate watch lists on the two platforms, synchronization can be deactivated for your login from this same menu.

The option to activate this feature is listed in the Application Settings menu on the System page of the General tab.

The littles

Our Calendar now includes all of the Market Drives, Expos, and Money Shows. So if we are ever in your neighborhood you can come out and say hi.

Open the Technical Notes

Study price inputs now linclude VWAP, Open Interest, Implied Volatility, and Tick Count.

Price type contants (Bid, Ask, Last, Mark) are now found as set parameters in price functions. This allows you to choose the price type using the Inspector in thinkScript editor for functions like close().

The help when editing your thinkScript has been improved. The remformat button is no under the Options and the "Show popup help" has been repalace with the hotkey Crtl+Shift+?

The two functions GetMaxValueOffset() & GetMinValueOffset() now use the length parameter as pure length instead of length +1.

The symbol inputs in edit study properties window now have the same symbol selector in which you are familar throughout the platform.

La volatilidad del mercado, el volumen y la disponibilidad del sistema pueden retrasar el acceso a la cuenta y las ejecuciones comerciales.

El desempeño pasado de una seguridad o estrategia no es garantía de resultados futuros o de éxito en la inversión.

La negociación de acciones, opciones, futuros y divisas implica especulación, y el riesgo de pérdida puede ser sustancial. Los clientes deben considerar todos los factores de riesgo relevantes, incluyendo su propia situación financiera personal, antes de la negociación. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, así como sus propios factores de riesgo.

Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Prior to trading options, you should carefully read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options .

Spreads, Straddles y otras estrategias de opción de múltiples piernas pueden implicar costos de transacción sustanciales, incluyendo múltiples comisiones, lo cual puede impactar cualquier retorno potencial.

El comercio de opciones de futuros y futuros es especulativo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, lea la información sobre riesgos para futuros y opciones antes de negociar productos futuros.

Forex trading involves leverage, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Please read the Forex Risk Disclosure prior to trading forex products.

Los futuros y las cuentas de divisas no están protegidos por la Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

Futures, futures options, and forex trading services provided by TD Ameritrade Futures & Forex LLC. Privilegios comerciales sujetos a revisión y aprobación. No todos los clientes calificarán. Las cuentas Forex no están disponibles para residentes de Ohio o Arizona.

El acceso a datos de mercado en tiempo real está condicionado a la aceptación de los acuerdos de intercambio. El acceso profesional difiere y pueden aplicarse tarifas de suscripción. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestras Tarifas profesionales & amp; Fees .

Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamación, comparación, estadísticas u otros datos técnicos serán suministrados a petición. TD Ameritrade no hace recomendaciones ni determina la idoneidad de ninguna seguridad, estrategia o curso de acción para usted a través del uso de nuestras herramientas de negociación. Cualquier decisión de inversión que usted haga en su cuenta auto-dirigida es únicamente su responsabilidad.

TD Ameritrade es una marca de propiedad conjunta de TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. y The Toronto-Dominion Bank. &dupdo; 2015 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se utiliza con permiso.

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Dennis H. Green, 72

Dennis H. Green, 72, of West Bend joined his wife, Doris G. (nee Pearson) of 51 years, in heaven Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013, at Kathy Hospice. He was born July 16, 1940, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Harold F. and Agnus (nee Wick) Green.

Dennis is survived by his three children: Harold of Salt Lake City, Hilary (Tim) McGuire of West Bend and Justin (Wendy) of Virginia; his daughter-in-law Anna Green of Arvada, Colo.; seven grandchildren: Sherina (Jerry) Gold, Dennis Green, Joshua (Rachel) Green, Hope Green, Faith Green and Joseph Green; and two great-grandchildren: Noah Gold and Olivia Green. He is further survived by two siblings: Gary (Jeanine) Green and Sally (Jim) Cooley, and other relatives and friends.

Dennis started working in the Alberta oil fields at the age of 14, earning the “driller” position by the age of 18. At the age of 17, he said he almost froze to death in the oil fields, drilling in conditions 30 degrees below zero. Perhaps that was the impetus he needed to head south to Golden, Colo. where he landed a job as a pipe fitter and mechanic for the railroad and met his wife, Doris, who he married July 21, 1961. Dennis worked with his father-in-law at the railroad for 10 years and then left to join his friend from Canada who started a mining company called Harrison Western for the next 35 years.

At Harrison Western, Dennis concentrated his efforts on the design and construction of various hydroelectric, industrial and mining projects culminating in 50 miles of underground tunneling. While there, he set North American shaft-sinking records and introduced earth pressure balance technology to the United States tunneling industry.

Dennis later shifted his efforts to address the growing need for mine-water remediation, which culminated in numerous water treatment techniques enabling heavy industrial mining operations to discharge water exceeding drinking water standards. One of the more extraordinary techniques developed uses the ionic qualities of encapsulated peat moss to extract gold, copper, arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals. Another technique used engineered membrane separation to selectively remove various waste stream contaminants. While this work resulted with the award of 21 patents, it was not until the last years of his career when orders for water treatment systems began to materialize.

One of the first breakthroughs occurred after Dennis, in his 60s demonstrated a pilot plant in the high mountains of Peru (13,000 feet) at one of the worlds largest gold mine (Yanacocha Gold Mine.) Returning with an order in hand, his next challenge was constructing the large-scale system in Colorado, transporting it via rail, ship and air to the mountains of Peru, then overseeing the final assembly. With the world’s largest gold mine on the client list, mine-owners around the world began to show interest. However, at this time, due to health concerns Dennis had to retire.

Despite all of Dennis’ great professional accomplishment, he remained a quiet and humble man who loved the Lord and was devoted to the welfare of his wife and family. A memorial service will be held Monday, May 27, 2013, at Pleasant View Cemetery in Logan, Kan.

A special thank you to Dr. Muhammad Mian and the Hartford Hospital for excellent medical care; and Lisa Perkins, Joanna Narwold, Marissa McDonald, and Tim McGuire for the loving care and provisions which allowed Dennis to enjoy his latter years in life.

The Schmidt Funeral Home of West Bend is serving the family. Online guestbook and condolences available at www. schmidtfuneralhome. com .

Winter storm: School closures for Feb. 8, 2013

Web Staff, Published Thursday, February 7, 2013 3:49PM EST Last Updated Friday, February 8, 2013 3:17PM EST

Here is a list of confirmed school closures for Feb. 8, 2013 due to the winter storm.

Brock University

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Centennial College

Crawford Adventist Academy (main and east campus)

Crestwood Preparatory School

Crestwood School

Eglinton Montessori School

Elite Montessori (all campuses)

Everest College - Kitchener (44 Gaukel St.)

Fieldstone School

Georgian College, (Barrie, Midland Campus)

Halton Region District School Board

Havergal College

Humber College

Lakehead University Orillia (classes cancelled, campus open)

Leo Baeck Day School (both north and south campuses)

Lullaboo Child Care Centre

Maria Montessori school

McMaster University

Metamorphosis Greek Orthodox School

Mohawk College

Niagara Region District School Board

North York Family Health Team

N'Sheemaehn Child Centre

OCAD University

Peel region public and catholic schools

Peel Adventist School, Caledon

Peel Montessori

RCC Institute of Technology (Steeles Avenue campus)

Rowntree Montessori schools (all campuses)

Royal Crest Academy in Vaughan

Ryerson University

Scholar Montessori Academy, Langstaff Campus

Seneca College daytime/evening classes (all campuses)

Sheridan College

St. Michael's College (Bathurst/St. Clair)

St. Phillips Community Preschool

The Junior Academy

Tiny Treasure Day Care and School (Mississauga and Etobicoke)

Toronto Prep School

Trinity Montessori School (Markham)

University of Guelph

University of Toronto (Mississauga, Scarborough campus)

Vaughan College

Waterloo Region District School Board

Wilfred Laurier University

Wishing Well Montessori Schools

York University

All GTA Jewish day schools associated with the Centre for Jewish Education

The Catholic and public district school boards in Toronto say all school bus transportation has been cancelled . However, schools will remain open .

Same goes for all schools in York and Durham regions and Trillium Lakelands District School Board (Haliburton/Muskoka/Kawartha).

All school buses in Simcoe County are cancelled today.

University of Western Ontario says all classes are running on schedule today as school remains open.

George Brown College says their campus will remain open throughout the day, but all night classes have been cancelled.

University of Toronto's St. George campus is open. Classes taking place as scheduled.

Arcadia Academy of Music School locations in Bolton, North Brampton, South Brampton, Maple, Richmond Hill and Woodbridge will be closed.

Keep watching this page for the latest information.

Important Info

Information and Table Template Courtesy the International Meteor Organization.

The meteor showers listed above rarely produce an average of more than two shower members per hour. In some cases these showers have been recently discovered by video means, being too weak for visual observers to pick out from the sporadic background. This list is being provided for the experienced observer in order to follow the activity of these weak showers. Good luck with your observations in 2013!

Explanation of the 2012 Meteor Shower Calendar

Shower . named for the constellation or closest star within a constellation where the radiant is located at maximum activity.

Activity Period . the dates when the shower is active and the observer can expect activity from this source.

Maximum . the date on which the maximum activity is expected to occur.

S. L. . the equivalent solar longitude of the date of maximum activity. Solar longitude is measured in degrees (0-359) with 0 occurring at the exact moment of the spring equinox, 90 at the summer solstice, 180 at the autumnal equinox, and 270 at the winter solstice. Scientists use this time measurement as it is independent of the calendar.

Radiant . the area in the sky where shower meteors seem to appear from. This position is given in right ascension (celestial longitude) and declination (celestial latitude). The radiant must be near or above the horizon in order to witness activity from a particular shower.

Velocity . the velocity at which shower meteors strike the Earth’s atmosphere. The velocity depends on the angle meteoroids (meteors in space) intersect the Earth. Meteoroids orbiting in the opposite direction of the Earth and striking the atmosphere head-on are much faster than those orbiting in the same direction as the Earth. This velocity is measured in kilometers per second.

r . The Population Index, An estimate of the ratio of the number of meteors in subsequent magnitude classes. Simply stated: the lower the “r” value, the resulting overall mean magnitude of each shower will be brighter. “r” usually ranges from 2.0 (bright) to 3.5 (faint).

ZHR . Zenith Hourly Rate, the average maximum number of shower meteors visible per hour if the radiant is located exactly overhead and the limiting magnitude equals +6.5 (a very dark sky). Actual counts rarely reach this figure as the zenith angle of the radiant is usually less and the limiting magnitude is usually lower than +6.5. ZHR is a useful tool when comparing the actual observed rates between individual observers as it sets observing conditions for all to the same standards.

Time . this is the time of night when meteors from each shower are best seen. Quite often the radiant will culminate after sunrise therefore the last dark hour before dawn will be listed. Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) is used from March through October. These figures are also highly dependent on the latitude of the observer. The time listed is most precise for mid-northern latitudes.

Moon . the age of the moon in days where 0 is new, 7 is first quarter, 14 is full, and 21 is last quarter. Meteor activity is best seen in the absence of moonlight so showers reaching maximum activity when the moon is less than 10 days old or more than 25 are much more favorably observed than those situated closer to the full moon.

Class . A scale developed by Robert Lunsford to group meteor showers by their intensity:

Class I . the strongest annual showers with ZHR’s normally ten or better.

Class II . reliable minor showers with ZHR’s normally two to ten.

Class III . showers that do not provide annual activity. These showers are rarely active yet have the potential to produce a major display on occasion.

Class IV . weak minor showers with ZHR’s rarely exceeding two. The study of these showers is best left to experienced observers who use plotting and angular velocity estimates to determine shower association. Observers with less experience are urged to limit their shower associations to showers with a rating of I to III. These showers are also good targets for video and photographic work.

A Liturgical Calendar

For the Year 2013

With Links to the Lessons From the Revised Common Lectionary, as approved for use in Episcopal worship

Nota . The weekday celebrations on this calendar follow the most recent edition of Lesser Feasts and Fasts . the last calendar revision to be given final approval.

The General Convention of 2009 gave approval for trial use of Holy Women, Holy Men . intended as a replacement for Lesser Feasts and Fasts . It was expected that the General Convention of 2012 would either give Holy Women, Holy Men final approval or reject it. However, because a consensus opinion about Holy Women, Holy Men had not emerged, the Convention extended the trial period to 2015 and directed the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue revising Holy Women, Holy Men. You can get a pdf of the resolution from the General Convention web site.

Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2006 remains the last calendar of saints to be given final approval.

Return to The Lectionary Page.


The Episcopal Lectionary is based on the Revised Common Lectionary, which is, itself, based on the Roman Catholic Lectionary, a product of Vatican II. So it is that, most often, the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic and other churches are using the same lessons, with slight variations. The lessons presented here follow the Episcopal form of the Revised Common Lectionary. If you are a member of one of the other denominations, these may also be your lessons, but (!) double check before you base a sermon on them.

The Sunday Lectionary is a three year cyclical lectionary. The year which begins with Advent 2012 and ends at Advent 2013 is Year C. The year which began at Advent 2011 and ended at Advent 2012 was Year B. The First Sunday of Advent 2013 begins Year A.

The Bible translation used is The New Revised Standard Version, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, and used by permission.

The collects and the Psalms are from the Book of Common Prayer. The collects use the contemporary wording.

The liturgical color appropriate for the day is indicated, when the color is green, red or purple, by the color of the numeral against a light grey background. When the liturgical color is white, the numeral is black against a white background.

Last updated on May 30, 2012

lionel plain: #unravel well done to the developers for making a game that looks so pretty, yet play so badly!

lionel plain: Donate now to prevent cancer #AGDQ2016. A week of skilled players and great fun! Well done to everyone involved.

lionel plain: RIP Chloe Price #LifeIsStrange

lionel plain: @Tesco if you would that would be great. It was a highly embarrassing and the store itself should be notified as well.

lionel plain: @Tesco whilst shopping in a local Tesco around 9pm this evening I was wrongly accused of shoplifting by a security guard whilst shopping!

lionel plain: @EE your technical support is useless. Customer support is at best appalling. Ofcom were really helpful though.

over a year ago

lionel plain: @EE Why is there no signal in the DY102## area. I've called support and been fobbed off! Next step is to leave after 10 years! DO NOT IGNORE

over a year ago

lionel plain: @SkyHelpTeam thanks amber. Have you seen the Daily Telegraph piece about Sky and cancellations? Any comments?

over a year ago

lionel plain: @SkyHelpTeam yes I have tried to email but get standard replies that ask me to call them.

over a year ago

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Sat, April 13 2013, 2:24 PM

Eleven people were feared dead after they were swept away by the Bengawan Solo River, which has flooded several areas in Central Java and East Java.

Five of the victims were residents of Ngawi, East Java while four other victims came from Bojonegoro, the other two victims were from Tuban and Gresik, all in the province.

Thousands in Demak and Kudus regencies in Central Java have fled after their homes were inundated by floods 1.5 meters deep.

The floods were attributed to problems with the Wulan River Dam and damage to the Sungai Welahan Drain 1 Dam in Kudus.

"We have prepared two locations that could harbor up to 5000 refugees,” Kudus Disaster Mitigation Agency officers Noor Kasiyan said on Thursday.

In Demak, 10,000 residents have taken to higher ground. The flood has cut off the road connecting Demak and Jepara, forcing vehicles to take lengthy detours.

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Based off prompt - there are a few things that nick is definitely not okay with when it comes to sex (maybe being choked or being held down?). he and monroe are having sex, rougher than usual, and monroe holds him down by his shoulders or throat, or puts his hand over his mouth (hard enough that nick can't say anything, or bite him to get his hand off). nick is clearly terrified, but monroe is out of his head; the wolf is completely in power, and the wolf loves that nick isn't a challenge

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WMFR Tackles Well Involved RV March 17, 2016 – Just after 14:00 West Metro Tower 14 and Bureau 7 were dispatched to a vehicle fire at 8654 South Yukon Street. The RP reported a 40′ RV on fire with propane involved. District Chief 3 and Engine.

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Poudre Fire Works 2nd Alarm House Fire March 14 2016

At 05:47 Fort Collins 911 (FC911) was alerted to a structure fire at 3035 E Locust St. A first alarm assignment was dispatched. The first unit arrived on scene at 0552 and reported a working fire. Los.

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Night Sky Observing Guide: February 2013 (Sky Maps)

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Spica North of the Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Fri. Feb. 1, 9 p. m. EST. he moon will be close to the bright star Spica. Observers in southern Africa and eastern Australia will see the moon occult Spica.

Last Quarter Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

On Sun. Feb. 3, 10:56 a. m. EST, The last or third quarter moon rises around 1 a. m. and sets around 11 a. m. It is most easily seen just after sunrise in the southern sky.

Moon and Saturn on Super Bowl Sunday (2013)

This NASA graphic shows the position of the moon and planet Saturn on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 3, during a dawn celestial meetup in the southern sky.

Mercury North of Mars, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Fri. Feb. 8, 4 p. m. EST. The two planets Mercury and Mars will be in a close conjunction. Since both are close to the sun, this will be difficult to observe, as there is only a narrow window between when the sky gets dark enough after sunset and when the two planets are high enough above the horizon to still be visible. Binoculars or a telescope recommended.

Mars and Mercury: Feb. 10, 2013

The location of planets Mars and Mercury in the western sky just after sunset on Feb. 10, 2013, are shown in this NASA graphic.

Moon, Mars and Mercury: Feb. 11, 2013

This NASA graphic shows the location of the crescent moon, Mars and the planet Mercury in the western sky just after sunset on Feb. 11, 2013.

New Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Sun. Feb. 10, 2:20 a. m. EST. The moon is not visible on the date of new moon because it is too close to the sun, but can be seen low in the east as a narrow crescent a morning or two before, just before sunrise. It is visible low in the west an evening or two after new moon.

Asteroid 2012 DA14's Close Approach

Diagram depicting the passage of asteroid 2012 DA14 through the Earth-moon system on Feb. 15, 2013.

Threading the Satellite Needle: Asteroid 2012 DA14

This graphic is an illustration of how the asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly between Earth and the constellation of geosynchronous satellites on Feb. 15, 2013, when the asteroid flies within 17,200 miles of the planet.

Asteroid 2012 DA14 Viewing: Europe and Asia

This NASA map shows the locations in Eastern Europe, Asia and Australia, where the asteroid 2012 DA14 may be visible in telescopes during its close Earth flyby on Feb. 15, 2013.

Asteroid 2012 DA14 Viewing Maps: U. S.

This still from a NASA video depicts the area of North America where asteroid 2012 DA14 may be visible in amateur astronomers' telescopes at 7 p. m. EST and 10 p. m. EST on Feb. 15, 2013. The asteroid will be faint and fast, making it hard to spot for even veteran stargazers.

Mars and Mercury: Feb. 16, 2013

The locations of planets Mercury and. Mars at sunset on Feb. 16, 2013, are shown in this NASA sky map.

Mercury at Greatest Elongation East, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Sat. Feb. 16, evening twilight. This is the best opportunity this year for observers in the Northern Hemisphere to observe Mercury in the evening sky. Sweep the western horizon with binoculars to pick up Mercury’s tiny speck of light.

First Quarter Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

On Sun. Feb. 17, 3:31 p. m. EST, the first quarter moon rises around 11 a. m. and sets around 2 a. m. It dominates the evening sky

Jupiter and Moon Together: Feb. 18, 2013

This NASA graphic depicts the location of the planet Jupiter and the moon as they will appear close together in the eastern night sky at 11 p. m. (your local time) on Feb. 18, 2013.

Jupiter and the Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Lun. Feb. 18, early evening. Another close conjunction between Jupiter and the Moon, flanked by Aldebaran and the Hyades to the left and the Pleiades to the right. The Moon will actually pass in front of Jupiter for viewers in the southern Indian Ocean. Southern Australia and Tasmania. Shown here is the view from Melbourne, Australia.

Vesta and the Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Lun. Feb. 18, early evening. The moon will pass just south of the bright asteroid Vesta, making it easier to locate than usual. The moon will occult Vesta as seen from central South America and much of western and southern Africa.

Jupiter and Moon Together: Feb. 19, 2013

This NASA graphic depicts the location of the planet Jupiter and the moon as they will appear close together in the eastern night sky just after midnight on Feb. 19, 2013.

Full Moon, February 2013

Starry Night Software

Lun. Feb. 25, 3:26 p. m. EST. The full moon of February is called the Snow Moon. Its Cree name is Cepizun, meaning “old moon.” Other names are Hunger Moon, Storm Moon and Candles Moon. In Hindi it is known as Magh Poornima. Its Sinhala (Buddhist) name is Navam. The full moon rises around sunset and sets around sunrise, the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all night long. The rest of the month, the moon spends at least some time in the daytime sky.

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2013 Executive Orders Disposition Tables Barack Obama - 2013

Signed: February 12, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 11739, February 19, 2013

See: EO 13549. August 18, 2010; EO 12866. September 30, 1993; EO 13563. January 18, 2011 EO 13609. May 1, 2012; EO 13610. May 10, 2012;

Signed: March 8, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 16129, March 13, 2013

Revokes: EO 11958. January 18, 1977

Amends: EO 13222. August 17, 2001

Signed: March 15, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 17589, March 21, 2013

Amends: EO 12777. October 18, 1991

Executive Order 13639 Establishment of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration

Signed: March 28, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 19979, April 3, 2013

Amended by: EO 13644. May 21, 2013

Signed: April 5, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 21211, April 10, 2013

Continued by: EO 13652. September 30, 2013

See: EO 13498. February 5, 2009; EO 13569. April 5, 2011

Signed: April 5, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 21503, April 11, 2013

Supersedes: EO 13635. December 27, 2012

Superseded by: EO 13655. December 23, 2013

Executive Order 13642 Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information

Signed: May 9, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 28111, May 14, 2013

Signed: May 15, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 29559, May 21, 2013

See: EO 12473. April 13, 1984

Signed: May 21, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 31813, May 24, 2013

Amends: EO 13639. March 28, 2013

Executive Order 13645 Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions With Respect To Iran

Signed: June 3, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 33945, June 5, 2013

See: EO 12957. March 15, 1995; EO 13599. February 5, 2012

Amends: EO 13622. July 30, 2012

Executive Order 13646 Establishing the Presidential Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans

Signed: June 25, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 39159, June 28, 2013

Executive Order 13647 Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs

Signed: June 26, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 39539, July 1, 2013

See: EO 13175. November 5, 2009

Signed: July 1, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 40621, July 5, 2013

Executive Order 13649 Accelerating Improvements in HIV Prevention and Care in the United States Through the HIV Care Continuum Initiative

Signed: July 15, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 43057, July 18, 2013

Signed: August 1, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 48029, August 7, 2013

Signed: August 6, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 48793, August 9, 2013

See: EO 13047. May 20, 1997; EO 13310. July 28, 2003; EO 13448. October 18, 2007; EO 13464. April 30, 2008; EO 13619. July 11, 2012

Executive Order 13653 Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change

Signed: November 1, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 66819, November 6, 2013 See: EO 13677. September 23, 2014; EO 13683. December 11, 2014

Executive Order 13654 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Long Island Rail Road Company and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Labor Organizations

Signed: November 21, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 70843, November 26, 2013

See: EO 13663. March 20, 2014

Signed: December 23, 2013

Federal Register page and date: 78 FR 80451, December 31, 2013

Supersedes: EO 13641. April 5, 2013; EO 13686. December 19, 2014

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Birthday Horoscope for February 19th

If your Birthday is February 19 and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

Birthday Persona Profile People born specifically on the 19th of February are believed to be kindhearted and intuitive but also aloof and independent. This personality mixture is a result of you being an Aquarian born on the cusp date for the zodiac sign of Pisces, and of the ruling astrological influence for this particular day, the Sun. Despite your added sensitivities you are dynamically driven with a mindful sense of purpose. If you have this birthday you will be bubbly in nature, eager to learn and have a strong streak of creativity. You are full of innovative ideas and own good powers of persuasion but not particularly ambitious and may shy away from the spotlight rather than go out and seek it. Individual's with a February the nineteenth birthday are primarily guided by their emotions making them empathic and warm. Despite your sensitive characteristics you are not a push over and will always stand up for things you passionately believe in.

Work and Finances Work is usually quite a high priority to a person born on the nineteenth of February as you are naturally responsible and reliable. Your purposefulness and inventive mind give you the capability to turn your hand to most tasks and toil equally as well in a team or alone. The artistic side of your personality is often featured in your career choices and your communicative ability helps you talk your way into jobs. Where money is concerned you are ordinarily a lot better at making it than you are at managing it. You love to spend and sometimes get carried away and may need assistance with better budgeting tips.

Personal Relationships For an Aquarian, the person born on the nineteenth day of February is one of the most emotionally vulnerable of this zodiac group. In friendships and personal relationships your constant need for approval and reassurance can be demanding. You try to counteract this with your charm but at times it can make you appear unconfident and fall in love quickly and deeply. Your high degree of intuition helps you be highly tuned into the feelings of others and so an extremely loving, understanding and sympathetic individual. A romantic idealist, you are likely to be incredibly affectionate and like to be pampered happily returning a partner's displays of affection, attention and indulgences. You may feel restless in a relationship until it becomes long term but it could take a while to find a soul mate to live up to your high expectations.

Health Health disturbances experienced by those born on February 19th are sometimes a consequence of your reliance on comforters. In an attempt to disguise your insecurities you may rely on food, alcohol or tobacco as an emotional prop causing you to slip into bad habits that can induce unhealthiness. Aside from these little dependencies you generally look after yourself fairly well and often get your personal balance of dietary requirements and exercise about right. People born on this day should drink plenty of fluids and ensure they get enough rest time especially when under any kind of extra stresses.

Strengths and Weaknesses Your most admirable strengths of character are in your modesty, empathy, receptive imagination and persuasive communication abilities. These attributes and your determined attitude assist you to be a nice to know kind person who will voice their opinions in a tactful and unbiased manner. Personality weaknesses noticeable for those born on February 19th include the tendencies to be sometimes careless, hasty and impulsive if you feel too pressured. Other negative traits can comprise of the proneness to be as hardhearted as you are warmhearted and the potential ownership of a weak willpower.

Dreams and Goals Being born on the 19th of February often makes you not very keen on setting yourself definite goals in life. You are happy to drift along and make decisions as and when you need to, even with your idealistic approach, rather than determine a predecided route. Your dreams however are usually a different matter entirely. You are a frequent dreamer and gain some of your most innovational inspirations from dreaming. Amongst your commonest wishes is the hope of finding a partner who understands you as much as you understand them and the chance to build secure foundations for the future.

Birthday Luck and Significance As you were born on the nineteenth day of the month the one and the nine in your birth date total to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' and is a possible indication of your sincerely zealous outlook. The 19th card in the Major Arcana Tarot deck, symbolizing the Sun is the one most associated with your birthday. It highlights your quest for happiness and contentment and identifies your warmth. A lucky gemstone allocated for February the nineteenth birthdays is the Ruby. It is thought to bestow good health and fortune on it's wearer.

Summation Aquarian personalities are imagined to be mainly astrologically influenced by the planet Uranus. The actual day you were born on, the nineteenth of February is governed by the influences of the Sun. Therefore your unique allocation of thoughts and behaviors is predetermined by this cosmic combination of planetary forces. Uranus's influence gives you heaps of receptiveness while our brightest star gifts you with your large amounts of persistence. Your emotion induced direction and focused persuasion skills help you to gain what you desire in life without having to try too hard. Your self sufficient side emerges when required and you have the willingness to wait for things that you consider worth waiting for. A final applicable thought for people born on February 19th is you just need to improve your weak spots and occasionally let things come to you instead of pursuing them.

Comments for those who were born February 19th

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March 21 to April 20 - Aries sign description and personality. The first zodiacal sign, it is representing the beginning of all things in the world.

April 21 to May 21 - Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, having a fixed earth classification and ruled by the planet Venus.

May 22 to June 21 - Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, having a mutable air classification and ruled by the planet Mercury.

June 22 to July 22 - Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal water classification and ruled by the moon.

July 23 to August 23 - Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, having a fixed fire classification and ruled by the sun.

August 24 to September 22 - Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable earth classification and ruled by the planet Mercury.

September 23 to October 22 - Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal air classification and ruled by the planet Venus.

October 23 to November 21 - Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, having a fixed water classification and ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto.

November 22 to December 21 - Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable fire classification and ruled by the planet Jupiter.

December 22 to January 20 - Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal earth classification and ruled by the planet Saturn.

January 21 to February 19 - Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, having a fixed air classification and ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus.

February 20 to March 20 - Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable water classification and ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune.

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Birthday Horoscope, If your Birthday is February 19th, free Birthday Horoscope Profile for Today February 19

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Since opening December at $682, palladium prices have made a nice run closing last week at $738. Part of this was due to a massive increase in speculative long positions in the futures market on the Fed's announcement of additional stimulus measures last month.

Following the U. S. "fiscal cliff" deal, palladium rebounded strongly at the start of 2013 (along with platinum), rising to $711 on 2nd January, a level last seen in March of 2012. However, it has since consolidated and spiked to over $750 only to pull back to the $730 level on some recent weakness. Much of this weakness was attributed to falling platinum prices (pulled back along with gold), after the Federal Reserve suggested that its quantitative easing program could end sooner than expected.

Palladium's fundamentals can be quite attractive even when its price is on a downward track. Though palladium is a precious metal, it tends to trade differently than its peers, which include gold and silver. Those metals are commonly targeted and monitored for their safe haven appeal and may perform well even in bleak economic conditions. Palladium, which is considered a cyclical commodity, is not generally sought for protection. It tends to perform best when there is a prevalent appetite for risk. During times of economic turmoil or uncertainty, when investors are de-risking, it is common to find palladium prices caught up in the same negative sentiment - thus prices fall and ETF holdings decline.

With regard to the forecast, many (including myself) expect palladium prices to move steadily higher over the next few months and beyond. Given the metal's recent strength, I believe palladium is set to gain some momentum and traction-- mainly due to rising demand and a continued supply deficit. Furthermore, palladium was overlooked for much of 2012 but many believe investors will find the metal more attractive this year and investment demand is therefore expected to be an additional source of support for the market.

Subject to any further developments on the platinum supply side, I would not be surprised to see palladium challenging the $765 level over the next 60 days. Despite the usual profit-taking and the potential of lower platinum prices in March, I still expect palladium prices to maintain an upward trend. Strong support should come from the metal's positive fundamentals due to the expected substantial underlying deficit for the seventh consecutive.

Furthermore, palladium should be able to take advantage of the growth in global auto sales as global car sales exceeded 80 million for the first time ever in 2012 and are expected to surpass that number in 2013. With a robust recovery in the North American auto sector and a continuation of a solid increase in the auto sector in China, prospects for automotive demand for palladium remain favorable. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM),China's auto production was 1,964,500 units in January, an increase of 10.06% compared with December, and up 51.17% compared with the same period of last year.

One company that may benefit from the anticipated increased demand for palladium is U. S.-based Stillwater Mining (SWC). As stated earlier, gold and silver get all the attention in the precious-metals world, yet platinum and palladium are far scarcer, and SWC is the only U. S. source for platinum-group metals. Stillwater Mining claims to be largest palladium producer outside of Russia and South Africa. One of the key factors of Stillwater's success may be tied directly to the strong demand for its metals. That, in turn, relies largely on the health of the global auto industry, which uses platinum and palladium in catalytic converters.

Furthermore, Stillwater Mining should benefit from mine shutdowns in South Africa by Anglo American Platinum (AAUKY) as the company stated in January that it will cut output by 400,000 ounces, and since then platinum and palladium prices have soared so far in 2013.

Currently trading at just below $13, Stillwater offers some great upside potential as the company hit almost $24 just 18 months ago and has been on a steady upward climb from the $8 level last September. A 50% retracement would offer a $16 price from a technical perspective.


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Joy of the Gospel, The: Evangelii Gaudium

The Joy of the Gospel ( Evangelii Gaudium ) is the long-awaited teaching of Pope Francis on the proclamation of the Gospel. Pope Francis is calling upon the Church and the world with encouragement to begin a new chapter in evangelization.

Items of Interest

February 28, 2013

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent Lectionary: 233

Reading 1 Jer 17:5-10

Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a barren bush in the desert that enjoys no change of season, But stands in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth. Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It fears not the heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit. More tortuous than all else is the human heart, beyond remedy; who can understand it? I, the LORD, alone probe the mind and test the heart, To reward everyone according to his ways, according to the merit of his deeds.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6

R. (40:5a) Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked Nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of the insolent, But delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law day and night. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. He is like a tree planted near running water, That yields its fruit in due season, and whose leaves never fade. Whatever he does, prospers. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. Not so, the wicked, not so; they are like chaff which the wind drives away. For the LORD watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked vanishes. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Gospel Lk 16:19-31

Jesus said to the Pharisees: “There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even used to come and lick his sores. When the poor man died, he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, and from the netherworld, where he was in torment, he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.’ Abraham replied, ‘My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented. Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go from our side to yours or from your side to ours.’ He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.’ But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’ He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’“

Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.


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