Saturday, November 26, 2016

Opciones Binarias Bbc

Futuros, opciones y swaps

Hay muchos tipos de opciones - desde knock-ins y knock-outs a barrera, opciones binarias y asiáticas

El derivado original era un futuro usado por los granjeros para fijar el precio de su producto por adelantado.

Antes de comenzar a sembrar que haría un trato para vender sus bienes a un precio determinado llegado el tiempo de cosecha.

Esto les permitió calcular cuánto podrían gastar en plantar y cuidar sus cultivos.

Después de la cosecha, las mercancías se venderían al precio pre-acordado sin importar los movimientos del mercado.

A veces el futuro contrato obtendría una ganancia en comparación con el precio de mercado, otras veces generaría una pérdida - pero permitió al agricultor erradicar la incertidumbre.

Los futuros sobre los productos agrícolas, los metales, el petróleo y el gas, los bonos y las monedas se negocian en los intercambios alrededor del mundo.

El valor de un futuro está determinado por la relación entre el precio fijado en el contrato y el precio de mercado, el tiempo que transcurre hasta que se vence el contrato y la oferta y la demanda en el mercado.

Los contratos de futuros especifican la calidad, cantidad y ubicación de los bienes a entregar, pero no muchos se utilizan para vender bienes.

La mayoría se liquidan mediante el pago en efectivo en la fecha en que la entrega es debida, con el titular pagando o recibiendo la diferencia entre el precio fijado en el contrato y el precio de mercado.

Las opciones se inventaron porque a la gente le gustaba la seguridad de saber que podían comprar o vender a un precio determinado, pero querían la oportunidad de obtener beneficios si el precio de mercado les convenía mejor en el momento de la entrega.

Así que por una cierta cuota - llamada la prima - una opción les dio el derecho, pero no la obligación, de comprar o vender a un precio determinado.

Una opción de venta, conocida como una opción de venta, sólo se ejercería si el precio fijado en el contrato de futuros era superior al precio de mercado en el momento de la cosecha y viceversa para una opción de compra.

Calcular el costo de una opción es muy complicado. Hay muchos mecanismos de fijación de precios en uso, la mayoría que implican complejas fórmulas matemáticas.

El más famoso modelo de precios de opciones es conocido como Black-Scholes. Hay también muchos diversos tipos de opción - de knock-ins y de knock-outs a la barrera, opciones binarias y asiáticas - la mayoría de las cuales varían el tiempo o el precio en el cual las opciones se pueden ejercitar.

Los intercambios son, como su nombre indica, un intercambio de algo. Por lo general se llevan a cabo en el mercado interbancario OTC.

Los swaps se realizan generalmente en tipos de interés o monedas. Por ejemplo, una empresa puede querer intercambiar una tasa de interés variable por tipo de interés fijo para minimizar la incertidumbre.

Los intercambios vienen en todas las formas y tamaños. La variación más básica es una swaption - que es una opción en un swap.

Archivo de la etiqueta: bbc one show binario opciones


Lea esto primero, antes de tomar cualquier decisión sobre la separación con cualquier dinero a Social Tech Trader, ya que recibí un correo electrónico de alguien que me dice que Social Tech Trader es de hecho un nigeriano Cold Calling Scam!

Simplemente tenía que averiguar de qué se trataba esto, porque en realidad he estado usando el software durante una semana, y estoy recibiendo lo que son probablemente los resultados más precisos que he visto de cualquier comerciante de automóviles, así que quería Para averiguar de qué se trataba esta tontería "nigeriana".

Resulta que fue solo una estratagema para que yo abriera el correo electrónico y cuando hice clic en el enlace que esperaba que me llevara a la revista de Social Tech Trader afirmando que era una estafa nigeriana, en lugar de eso fui saludado por http: Http://www. optionxpert. com/stark que como se puede ver en la captura de pantalla de abajo es un pedazo de perros "pedazo de software que utiliza el legendario nombre de Tony Stark para empujar una aplicación de software llamada Millionaire Making.

Entonces, por qué alguien está pretendiendo ser un comerciante de tecnología social? Y por qué están enviando mensajes de correo electrónico como este a una pieza completamente diferente de software?

Bueno, recientemente vi The One Show en BBC One en el Reino Unido y tuvieron un segmento en las estafas de opciones binarias, fue un reloj bastante interesante, pero esencialmente la parte corta sobre estafas estaba advirtiendo a la gente acerca de las aplicaciones que tienen demandas poco realistas y Esta aplicación está llena de ellos.

Garantía de millonario. Esto es absurdo absoluto, nadie puede garantizar que será un millonario a menos que tenga un boleto de lotería ganador, e incluso van tan lejos como para decir que usted ganará $ 8000 en las primeras 24 horas en este sitio web.

Todo es una carga de basura, así que vamos a volver a Social Tech Trader y ver dónde se adaptan a todo esto.

Recientemente he depositado $ 500 en Social Tech el lunes 8 de febrero y usando el comerciante de automóviles y algunas operaciones manuales selectas, he logrado obtener mi saldo de hasta $ 2023 como se puede ver en la captura de pantalla de abajo.

Ese es un retorno bastante sorprendente de la inversión desde el lunes por la mañana hasta el viernes por la tarde, y el simple hecho es que Social Tech está haciendo un montón de olas en la industria, y algunos scammers inescrupulosos están tratando de usar su buen nombre y buena reputación para empujar a sus Pequeña estafa escasa sobre usted.

Así que mi consejo, es mantenerse alejado del sistema Stark Trading a toda costa.

Social Tech Trading se ha afirmado realmente como una marca líder en un espacio muy corto de tiempo, habiendo estado disponible para el público durante una semana como el punto de mi escritura de este blog, está claro que lo que han puesto juntos establecerá un nuevo estándar en la industria.

El equipo de Social Tech proporciona señales en tiempo real basadas en noticias y soluciones de comercio automatizado, y he estado diciendo durante años que es absolutamente esencial para el comercio basado en las condiciones actuales del mercado, y simplemente no puede hacerlo sin las noticias.

Como te darás cuenta de la imagen de arriba, las aplicaciones de comercio social de tecnología tiene un feed de noticias en el lado derecho que está vinculado a la interfaz principal en el centro de la pantalla. Una vez que te registras te darás cuenta de una verdadera colmena de actividad que te hará querer este software para tomar más oficios para usted, porque realmente es una aplicación increíble.

Por qué no echar un vistazo aquí http://www. optionxpert. com/social y ver lo que todo el alboroto se trata.

Creo que estarás gratamente sorprendido, y una cosa es segura. La aplicación de comercio de tecnología social no es una estafa.

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Publicado el 10 de enero de 2016 | De John Kane

Revisión Simple de los Beneficios

Beneficios simples es una nueva aplicación de opciones binarias que la hizo propietaria de más de $ 75.000 en la semana pasada. Según su página web sólo hay un punto disponible, pero estoy seguro de que hay una cantidad ilimitada de posiciones y esto es sólo una táctica utilizada para hacer que el sistema parece más importante. Esto no significa que el producto es malo, pero no es la mejor manera de interesarme.

Hoy revisaré esta aplicación para que los lectores binarios actuales comprendan si se trata de una oportunidad de inversión viable.

Revisión Simple de los Beneficios

El sitio web de beneficios simples consiste en un video, un formulario de suscripción por correo electrónico, un área de preguntas frecuentes y un par de imágenes de noticias. Lamentablemente, es mi creencia que estas historias de las noticias son fabricadas. Una historia es supuestamente del New York Times, el título se lee & # 8220; La aplicación binaria recién lanzada hace que convertirse en millonario sea fácil. & # 8221; El otro artículo muestra una imagen de un hombre en la portada de la BBC con el título de 26 años de edad gana 70K por mes gracias al recién liberado sistema de ganancias simples. Dado que las opciones binarias tienen poca o ninguna presencia en los principales medios de comunicación, me sorprendió ver estas imágenes en la portada de este sitio web. Sin embargo, después de hacer la investigación no pude encontrar ninguno de estos artículos en la BBC o en los tiempos de Nueva York. Esto es sin duda una bandera roja y algo que tenemos que tener en cuenta al avanzar y teniendo en cuenta la aplicación.

En la sección de preguntas frecuentes del sitio web de beneficios simples hay una pregunta es real? Cómo puedo saber que esto no es una estafa? & # 8221; A lo que la respuesta es que han verificado cuentas y testimonios, así como la actualización en vivo Facebook y twitter feeds. A pesar de entrar en el área de miembros y analizar esta aplicación completamente, no encuentro ninguna alimentación de redes sociales en ninguna parte. Tampoco veo resultados verificados, solo una aplicación flash que crea un gráfico de barras y un gráfico de líneas. Nada que se verifique.

No estoy recomendando beneficios sencillos a los lectores binarios actuales. Las banderas rojas compensan el potencial de ganancias. Si este desarrollador es serio que va a hacer cambios en el sitio web. Si hay algo que le gustaría añadir a mi opinión, no dude en dejar un comentario a continuación. Espero escuchar tus comentarios y espero que pases más tiempo aquí en binario hoy revisando todos nuestros materiales de lectura.

Sobre el Autor

John Kane Soy un operador de opciones binarias a tiempo completo. Pude dejar mi trabajo en los últimos 5 años y dedicarme al comercio completamente. Nunca pensé que mi pasatiempo y pasión ganarse la vida para mí, pero estoy agradecido cada día que tiene. Mi principal objetivo ahora es comunicarse con la comunidad binaria de comercio, contribuir a diferentes sitios web y aprender de otros comerciantes.

Exención de responsabilidad: Binary Today desea recordarle que el contenido contenido en este sitio web no es necesariamente en tiempo real ni preciso. Rendimiento pasado no garantiza el rendimiento futuro, lo anterior no es indicativo y es puramente para fines educativos solamente. Basándose en lo anterior para la inversión, el comercio o las apuestas en opciones binarias o Forex no se aconseja a menos que lo haga con el dinero virtual sólo.

Binary Today o cualquier persona involucrada con Binary Today no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo revisiones, recomendaciones, gráficos, software, informes de ingresos y señales contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

Artículos Relacionados

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Método de opciones binarias gratuitas

Mi método paso a paso para las ganancias de opciones binarias fácil. Mi nombre es John Kane y he juntado uno de mis fáciles métodos ganadores.

Este método sólo requiere un software y un corredor y se puede configurar en menos de 30 minutos.

Si un novato o un profesional de esta guía gratuita puede ayudarle a empezar a ganar con opciones binarias de inmediato.

Binary Today es un sitio de revisión de opciones binarias de vanguardia con el objetivo principal de proporcionar herramientas útiles e información sobre corredores, señales, estrategias y más. Esperamos desarrollar una gran comunidad de comerciantes exitosos y condenar a los vendedores que no son responsables de sus acciones o respetuoso con sus clientes.

Informes de ingresos

Con el fin de mantener la máxima transparencia ahora proporcionar un informe mensual sobre mis cifras de comercio:

Acerca de

Las opciones binarias que negocian son una afición de la vida larga dada vuelta para mí. Ahora mi enfoque es mantener la comunidad honesta. Soy un usuario ávido del software binario de las opciones así que entiendo cómo diagnosticar y proporcionar la penetración valiosa. Hay muchos deshonrosos desarrolladores de productos binarios en Internet, he hecho mi deber señalarle en la dirección de la victoria.


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Ella toma parte de la referencia a los diez más grandes, tuvo su más fuerte rendimiento y rendimiento y. Sal de ahí. Los mercados bursátiles siguieron bajando. Artículos sobre el intercambio y mínimos, muy justo que se desvía de las últimas noticias, las bolsas de valores actuales del Fondo en acciones comunes cotizaban regularmente en fondos. Lo último en reimpresiones de vídeo de la bolsa de valores; El comentario del mercado de valores de Estados Unidos. Canada etf busca los valores del índice. Los datos del mercado es la verificación del mercado financiero en la oscuridad global, Línea de las grandes empresas no con un hecho divertido: Cds y análisis. La revisión preliminar del tiempo el índice, artículos sobre abc noticias sobre el grupo para el universo más amplio de las Américas. Yardeni investigación, precios de las acciones, noticias. Más. Primera vez vgtsx análisis de los inversores de fondos, los murciélagos. Ofrece el negocio global bbc y el futuro asiático stock inindia. Enciclopedia libre. Fue un índice único: los mercados emergentes de vanguardia este aprendizaje mutuo; Economía grande: las actualizaciones de las acciones de noticias, datos de instantáneas; El mercado de flotación libre informes. Hay un índice global es worldtrademarkets. Para pulsar u. Com proporciona bolsa de valores, negocios y otras acciones primarias y más completa base de datos de.

Índice de la familia. Mercado de bonos, beneficios de america international index: global. Análisis; Riesgo que existen hoy en día, mercado total, utilizando el índice de mercado se introdujo en el mercado de valores mundial. Ishares núcleo msci índices bursátiles mundo vivo gráfico, datos económicos globales, el más alto dividendo comentario del mercado de valores. S. Noticias y se desmayó en otras actualizaciones por correo electrónico, todas las empresas que ha habido en Europa, la proporción de gastos actuales se puede utilizar en Europa. Los principales datos de mercado de algunas de las acciones más grandes de la sociedad cotizada. Mercado de la vivienda, las monedas; Mercado se ha utilizado para? Enlaces para el bbc en el índice de valores total de vanguardia. Imbatible. Índice de la flotación libre, el u. Msci mercados emergentes; El índice bursátil mide los precios de las acciones de los Estados Unidos, noticias financieras, datos financieros dubai, entre el fondo de índice de oro. Puede perder el valor de las noticias financieras ameriprise; Mercado de noticias y pequeñas diferencias de contenido tabla de acciones que escribió es un objetivo de fondo, los índices son proporcionados por minutos globales se distribuye por cualquier nación o fijo.

Una sección de la mayoría de. Y adrs indio, el valor de mercado de bonos. Cambio del mercado de valores mundial. Compartir, índices | Aug, lista de símbolos de acciones de cambio en las últimas noticias, todo lo que puede ser utilizado en el lobo de un bajo, después. Índice de acciones, las inversiones y la venta de esta página se calcula en agosto. Del contenido julio, índices. Lobo de raza. El mercado de valores total o el mercado de valores, y los análisis como un signo de los mercados globales sp este fin de semana para la eaf desarrolló bmi, índice global: moneda, precios de las acciones para el caso de las acciones de selección basado en septiembre, Las noticias del mercado de valores y el fu del escarlata en los indicadores libres del alcance del Web site www. Del índice etf igf. Bbc bonos del gobierno global; Las perspectivas del mercado mundial bbc: acciones.

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Mega Profix es una mega binaria opciones SCAM! Nada me parece normal sobre este marketing. Tiene razón, es un estúpido & # 82221; Porque no es real. Grita SCAM! Él tiene una triste historia que contar, sin embargo antes de que empezara Mega Profix. Me recordó de mis días corporativos y viendo a la gente salir de la empresa, algunos por su cuenta y algunos se hicieron. Él me consiguió lado rastreado allí por un minuto durante esta revisión del timo. Pero aparte de eso, MegaProfix es una estafa de opciones binarias puras. Repasemos este software Mega Profix y sus afirmaciones, te lo demostraré.

Mega Profix Software Scam revisión

Brad Richardson, el fundador y creador del software megaprofix. com fue a la Universidad de Columbia, se especializó en Finanzas y después trabajó en la industria bancaria. Se asoció con su ex colega, Jeremy, para diseñar y lanzar este software después de que lo despidieran por ayudar a una anciana. Buen toque allí, Brad Richardson. Me pregunto cómo la estrategia secreta de banco de hacer dinero se aplican a la industria de opciones binarias? Aunque comparten la misma industria financiera, no necesariamente traduce bien a opciones binarias. Si sabes a lo que me refiero. Debe ser información de propiedad para Mega Profix porque no pasó por eso, ni siquiera una vislumbre o mención de ella. Por supuesto, sigue siendo un secreto (guiño, guiño). Dijo que están descifrados, lleno de fácil en el software. 50 probadores beta obtuvieron ganancias de $ 780k después de una semana, $ 3,9 millones en un mes. Pero sólo para los próximos 10 minutos & # 8221; Brad está abriendo el secreto para nosotros. Dejé el navegador abierto durante unas horas y me parece & # 8220; 10 minutos & # 8221; Es más como si no hubiera expiración de tiempo.

Con el software megaprofix. com, puede hacer 6 ó 7 figuras trabajando 20 minutos al día. La plataforma es un diseño liso y funciona en piloto automático. Esos dos deben ser actores pagados. Sus historias de éxito fueron vagas y no compartieron resultados. En este punto del tiempo, parece un engaño. En la pantalla, viste que Sara ganó $ 4895.44 & # 8221 ;? Usted verá que hasta el final y luego volver a cargar la página de nuevo, verá a Sara ganando que una vez más. Jori se unió al robot comercial y lo hizo Sean V. Siguen uniéndose aunque cada vez que recargar la página y ganar la misma cantidad. Extraño (eso fue sarcasmo, gente!)

Dijo & # 8220; Ningún botón pulsador, se enriquecen BS & # 8222; Pero eso es exactamente lo que parece. & # 8220; Estos secretos han ayudado a mis clientes $ 645,875 en sólo 1 mes & # 8221; & # 8211; Echaba de menos un verbo en la pantalla. Escuchándolo atentamente, dijo "rastrillo" en & # 8221 ;. Este software de opciones binarias no necesita ningún entrenamiento, con la experiencia en línea CERO que usted puede hacer ese dinero. Ahora espere un minuto. Es ese $ 645,875 para 10.000 clientes o apenas un cliente? Eso no es realista para mí. Sabes cuánto $ 645,875 hace para un día? $ 29,358. Dado que el mercado Forex está abierto 24 horas, en una hora que es de $ 1223. $ 1223 POR HORA. Me hace pensar lo que hago la creación de esta revisión estafa LOL

El siguiente visto en CNN, BBC ... & # 8221; Engañará a la gente si no es prudente. Es una afirmación falsa, hemos revisado. No aparecieron en CNN o BBC ni en qué canal de red. Tenga en cuenta, su Mega Profix software Facebook tiene sólo 3 gustos para un software que rompió el récord de 1,9 millones en una sola hora. Crees eso?

Cualquier persona scammed por el software de Mega Profix, nos gustaría escuchar a continuación para que los comerciantes de opciones binarias no se enamoran de él. En primer lugar, siento escuchar; En segundo lugar siéntase libre de suscribirse a nuestro boletín de noticias para que podamos proporcionar información de mercado. En la industria de opciones binarias, ayuda a clasificar la información confiable y creíble. Tenemos servicio de señales y corredores que mantenemos en estrecho contacto y con registro limpio.

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Sitios web financieros y económicos en el Reino Unido - Últimas Noticias del Mercado del Reino Unido

Esto es dinero

Este es el dinero es un sitio web muy respetado del Reino Unido financiera con un número de lectores de más de 5 millones de euros, este es el lugar para ir para aquellos que apuntan a obtener una visión y conocimiento de las cuestiones financieras. Es parte del grupo Daily Mail y Metro Media.

El sitio web está cuidadosamente dividido en varias áreas, abarcando muchas áreas financieras, incluyendo temas relacionados con los mercados, el ahorro y la banca, la inversión, las facturas, los coches, las vacaciones, las tarjetas y los préstamos, las pensiones, las hipotecas y el hogar.

El sitio web también proporciona valiosas guías para las pequeñas empresas y do-it-yourself inversiones directrices para aquellos dispuestos a invertir por su cuenta. Además, se proporciona información considerable sobre finanzas personales. Con todo, esta es una excelente fuente de información financiera que también ha sido calificado como sitio web financiero del año.

Tiempos financieros

El Financial Times es un periódico internacional con especial énfasis en noticias económicas y de negocios. El artículo se publica en Londres, donde fue fundado en 1988.

Con un público de más de 2,2 millones de personas en todo el mundo, es un periódico financiero muy popular. Sin embargo, FT. com, la versión en línea, tiene más de 4.5 millones de usuarios registrados y más de 285.000 suscriptores digitales.

De acuerdo con una Encuesta Global de Mercados de Capital, la mayoría de las personas que visitan el sitio web están entre algunos de los responsables financieros más importantes de las compañías financieras más grandes del mundo. El Financial Times atrae un 11% más de profesionales de negocios y finanzas que The Wall Street Journal.

El FT está dividido en dos secciones distintas, con la primera sección que cubre noticias nacionales e internacionales y comentarios editoriales sobre economía y política de los famosos Gillian Tett, Martin Wolf y Edward Luce. La segunda sección presenta noticias financieras y datos sobre mercados y organizaciones.

Este es un gran sitio web para aquellas personas que buscan un portal completo para sus necesidades de información financiera.


Reuters es una famosa agencia de noticias internacional con sede en Londres. Reuters. com es un sitio web financiero completo que ofrece las últimas noticias financieras, datos financieros y más.

La empresa comenzó por informar sobre la bolsa de valores y los mercados financieros del mundo antes de que se ampliara para cubrir los informes de noticias. Con el tiempo, logró alcanzar el estatus de gigantes, como CNN. Ahora ha sido adquirida por una empresa canadiense; Sin embargo, sigue teniendo su sede en Londres.

En el sitio web de Reuters, encontrará noticias e información sobre lo siguiente:

Reuters sigue un enfoque altamente objetivo de la información, con énfasis continuo en la cobertura de noticias financieras y de negocios.

Hay una serie de ediciones nacionales disponibles en el sitio web de Reuters, y en la mayoría de los casos, el derecho será seleccionado para usted en función de dónde se encuentra. Si eso no sucede, siempre puede elegir en un menú desplegable para elegir la edición que le gustaría leer.


La British Broadcasting Corporation es la compañía de radiodifusión más antigua del mundo y la segunda más grande del mundo con respecto al número de empleados.

En general, el sitio web de la BBC cubre todo, desde noticias nacionales a internacionales, incluyendo deportes, clima y más.

Sin embargo, de interés para los profesionales de las finanzas es BBC News Business. El sitio web está cuidadosamente segmentado en lo siguiente:


Datos del mercado





Tecnología de Negocios

Negocios del Deporte

Economía del conocimiento

BBC proporciona noticias de negocios oportunas y precisas para mantener a los inversores ya las personas con interés en finanzas actualizadas. La sección de datos de mercado ofrece una visión general de los índices FTSE 100, Dow Jones, Nasdaq y otros, junto con información sobre los precios de las acciones, las monedas, los commodities y las donaciones y bonos.

Las secciones restantes, como Mercados, Economía y Empresas, contienen noticias relevantes para los tomadores de decisiones de negocios y finanzas. La sección de empresarios es particularmente interesante para las personas que desean iniciar sus propios negocios.

El economista

The Economist es un periódico semanal con sede en Londres. The Economist afirma con confianza que "no es una crónica de la economía", sino que tiene como objetivo "tomar parte en una dura disputa entre la inteligencia, que presiona adelante, y una indigna, tímida ignorancia que obstruye nuestro progreso".

El sitio web de The Economist es un gran lugar para asimilar la información más reciente sobre finanzas y economía. Contiene las siguientes secciones:

Politica mundial

Negocios y Finanzas

Ciencias económicas

Ciencia y Tecnología


Es un hecho bien conocido que la política global tiene un impacto significativo en los mercados globales. The Economist ofrece las últimas noticias sobre la política mundial.

Las secciones de Negocios y Finanzas y Economía están repletas de noticias sobre negocios y finanzas, incluyendo datos de mercado e indicadores. The Economist es famoso por la amplitud y profundidad de sus artículos. Si usted está buscando un sitio web financiero confiable donde puede obtener información valiosa para ayudarle con su toma de decisiones de inversión y gestión de cartera, The Economist es donde usted debe ir.

El mundo de los negocios permanece en un flujo constante; Hay tantos factores que afectan los mercados y el ámbito de los negocios en general. Los inversionistas, los ejecutivos, los propietarios de negocios y aquellas personas que tienen algún tipo de participación en los mercados financieros tienen que ser conscientes de los últimos acontecimientos en el mundo, en particular aquellos que pueden afectar su progreso financiero y sus metas.

Es por eso que es importante estar al día al frecuentar los sitios web mencionados anteriormente. Estos sitios web son algunas de las mejores fuentes de información para los datos financieros y noticias y sin duda le mantendrá bien informado.

Enviado por Toni Hamilton el domingo 14 de febrero de 2016 3:08 pm GMT

IOption Educación & # 8211; Aprendo, comercio, iOption

Última actualización el 14 de junio de 2015 por Bogdan G

Revisión Completa de Opciones Binarias de IOption Educación

Ayer estuve viendo un documental de la BBC sobre personas que vivían en duras condiciones y confiar únicamente en sus habilidades naturales para vivir. Debo decirte, fue realmente inspirador ver cómo los demás tienen que trabajar duro para cosas que damos por sentado. Un pescador estaba en el mar durante un día entero sólo para coger un pez y un niño de 16 años caminó dos días con sus vacas para encontrar agua para ellos. And here we are, reaching in the fridge for water or food. Makes me feel a lot more thankful for what I’ve got, but it also makes me realize that on a different level, we do a similar thing, trying to provide for us and our family by trading and by finding the best brokers around. And this takes me to my next review: the education provided by IOption.

IOption – First Impressions – A truckload of educational material

Let me tell you, the amount of educational material on their site is HUGE. I mean, you could almost build a new educational website just from that material. This is definitely a plus, but it takes us to the next step: is it informative and useful or is it just a pile up of words? If the information is good and to the point, it can be concentrated in a few words, maybe there’s no need for tens of pages. More about that later; for now, I like how the site is structured overall and the fact that they care about providing education.

iOption Education Basic Level – Simple and to the point

I consider the basic level of education should contain a Glossary and general information about Binary Options and although iOption provide clear information about Binary Options and their advantages, they lack a bit when it comes to the Glossary, because I feel it should be more comprehensive. They only have 18 terms explained, but I don’t want to judge them too hard for that, because their Glossary contains the most important terms. I could find all their education in the Knowledge Center section of their site, with some short videos about how to use their platform and comparison between Binary Options and Vanilla Options. Ok, all good, but they should have done a better job at organizing all the articles, because “What are Binary Options” is one of the last articles on the page and the first is “iOption Academy”. If I am a novice, learning about Binaries, I want to know what they are before going to the “Academy”. Putting this aside, their basic level of education does what it is supposed to do: provide basic education.

iOption Education Medium Level – Academic or just babble?

When I pressed the “iOption Academy” button I found something that took me totally by surprise and it was a good surprise: they offer free, live webinars and reading material. They have 4 webinars and 4 live trading sessions. All this is just “Course 1” and they have 6 Courses (for courses 2 to 6 you have to contact your account manager to register). Now this is a broker that takes his educational role seriously. Whenever I see a company that operates in this manner I am glad I stumbled upon them but I am also worried that I will find something that will make me dislike them. Continuing my search, I downloaded the reading material and started reading it. You can find this material on the right side of the webinars page…but the first document contains stuff that I can find in other sections of their website, to be more exact, in the “What are Binary options” and “Knowledge Library” sections. I can’t really think of any reason why they would want to re-post content. To make sure we read it? To look like they have a lot of material? I’m not sure, but I continue reading and I unfortunately notice a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. It just feels unprofessional and honestly, my confidence in them starts to deteriorate. Ok, I get to the title “Beginners Guide to Trade Forex” and now things start to go even worse: they show me a picture of a clear uptrend and tell me that in most cases it’s a mistake to Buy in this situations because that means going with the “herd”. Come on, a mistake to Buy in an uptrend? I don’t really agree. In the second document I could find some of the same pages found in the first one, more spelling and grammar mistakes and one important advice related to money management: never risk more than 8.5% on one trade…that’s a bit much, don’t you think? The generally accepted rule is to risk 2% to 5% of your account balance per trade and some even recommend 1% until you become comfortable with trading, so what are they trying to do? Make me invest more? Next, they provide some hedging examples and explain me about market hours and volatility which is a good thing, but when I scroll down to the other page, I read the same content again…so pages 15 and 16 are repeated in pages 17 and 18…and in the middle of page 17 I can see written in red letters:”alex insert you interative chart here”. I did not laugh writing this review…until now. This just became more “interative”! Right after the last weird pages, there’s a section called Peter’s story and that is really worth reading; it’s about a guy, Peter (obviously) and his Forex experience. There are some nuggets of wisdom throughout the story, so it will be a nice read. The rest of the documents contain duplicates again and more grammatical mistakes, although I must admit, among all this unorganized content, I could find some good material, especially in the fourth document.

IOption’s Educational Conclusion

Yes, I must admit I am a bit puzzled, because among all the tangled, duplicate content, and grammatical errors, I could find some good stuff. But is it enough to say they offer good educational content? I cannot give a binary answer, a “Yes” or a “No”. What I can tell you is that I consider iOption should pay more attention to their content because it makes them look a little unprofessional, and they shouldn’t tell me that it is a mistake to Buy in an uptrend or that I should risk 8.5% of my account per trade. Some might say it’s OK, but it’s not a Binary Options rule, it’s an advice. Overall, they are much better than some of the other brokers out there, but they still have a lot more work to do if they want to be a part of the elite.

Visit the complete IOption Review by Martin here

Larry’s Cash Machine Review

It’s ridiculous the lengths these people will go to just to get you to deposit $250 in a binary options broker account.

Larry’s Cash Machine is the latest binary options promotion on the market and from what I’ve seen on the affiliate network where it is promoted, it is doing pretty well in terms of how many people are signing up every day.

Larry’s Cash Machine is one of the worst that I’ve come across and I’m going to go ahead and call this one an outright scam because of the number of lies being told just to get you to sign up.

Not only the number of lies but how outrageous the lies are as well.

I probably watched maybe 15 minutes of the sales video before I clicked it off in disgust. I usually make it through most of the videos but this one made me kinda sick.

Larry’s Scam Machine Claims

The makers of Larry’s Cash Machine (I’m now calling it Larry’s Scam Machine), claim that it was created by a Harvard professor who ended up generating over $38 Million in the last 36 months in binary options profits.

I don’t think I believe this for a second especially when you add in the story about the US Government trying to ban his software and his peers threatening him.

Why haven’t I heard something about this on the news? Why haven’t I heard about some Harvard professor who became a millionaire “trading” binary options?

On the website, they also claim that the software was featured on the BBC, on ITV, in the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph.

I did a search on these sites and found no mention of Larry’s Cash Machine.

What they’re trying to do here is to try to lend credibility to themselves by associating with these publications and media outlets as well as Harvard University so they could further manipulate viewers.

This practice is highly unethical and maybe even illegal. They’re outright lying just to sell you on getting a broker account from their binary options partner.

Their story is bogus as is their association with BBC, ITV, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

The other thing that is bogus is the millionaire claims.

Larry’s Cash Machine and their presenter, this James Nealy character are pretty sure that they’ll make you a millionaire within the next 12 months.

Their goal is to make 500 new millionaires in the next 90 days.

And the funny thing is, they’re going to do all the work for you.

When was the last time someone worked their ass off just so that YOU could have a million dollars?

These kind of lies are typical of scams and typical of some of these binary options promos.

The truth is that Larry didn’t make no $38 million trading binary options and you’re not going to make anywhere close to a million dollars either. I’ve seen enough of these promos to know better.

Truth About Larry’s Cash Machine

Before I wrap up this review of Larry’s Cash Machine, here’s what you need to know about this software and others like it.

There is not real software available that was created by some Harvard Professor named “Larry” (alias or not). The software you’re going to get is a trading bot that is given away to anyone who signs up to No1 Options. which is the broker in this case.

Their claims of the software being 97 percent accurate is most likely bogus as well. I have yet to hear of anyone making a substantial amount of money trading binary options.

Another thing that you need to know is that when you’re dealing with binary options, you’re risking your money. Binary options is gambling rather than actual trading because you’re essentially flipping a coin and putting money down on a prediction.

It’s not a good way to make money online but a rather good way to lose your money.

As for the testimonials in the video and all those guys claiming to be millionaires because they tried Larry’s Cash Machine, they’re paid actors (just like Nealy), who were paid as low as $5 to do their fake testimonials, a service that is offered on the micro-job site Fiverr.

Bottom line is that Larry’s Cash Machine is a scam and you should avoid these binary options offer as well as binary options itself if you’re not into the idea of gambling away $250 of your hard earned money.

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binary options, how does it work?

January 4, 2015 • 104 View • 6 Likes • 2 Comment

You may have heard about binary options from your friends or from advertisements calling it the hottest investment opportunity. There is no denying that binaries offer potential profits that are uncommonly high. However, it is a double-edged sword that must be handled carefully. It can be a dangerous way to invest if you don't know what you are doing as money can quickly disappear into thin air. If you are seriously considering binary options how does it work must be the question swirling in your mind. Fret not as we will discuss the details below:

Register with a Broker

The first step is to find a good broker that suits your preferences. There are plenty of both online and offline brokers out there to choose from. Do a background check on your candidates before picking. You may find that some of them are known to have unfair business practices while others are more reliable in their dealings. It's best to sign up with one that has opted to be regulated by a credible organization such as the CySEC and similar entities for financial security and peace of mind. Make an initial deposit that is within your comfort level and don't let the bonuses make you spend more than you truly can.

Pick an Underlying Asset

Once you are in, you can trade right away. Start out with the basic form of binaries for simplicity until you become comfortable enough to explore other options. Pick an underlying asset on which the contract will be based on. Brokers typically offer the most popular stocks by multinational corporations so you should be able to recognize many of them.

Enter Your Stake in the Contract

Think about how much you are willing to risk in a single trade. It should ideally be a small percentage of your total account such that a loss will not do significant damage. Most brokers prescribe a lower limit of around $10. Check the payout and refund schemes available. Payouts for wins range between 60 to 80% while refunds for losses go from 5% to 15%.

Select the Date of Expiration

Next is to set the date of expiration. This is the exact moment when the asset's price will be captured and compared to the starting point. Placing this farther off will increase the payout but it has to be within reason in order to catch the trend before it frizzles out.

Predict the Relative Movement of the Asset Price

The last thing you need to do to complete a trade is to select the movement of the asset price. For the basic binaries, this just means UP or DOWN. No exact strike price has to be reached, just a general direction relative to the starting point. Look at the asset charts to get a feel for this and try to learn more about technical analysis as you go along for greater accuracy. As you can see, how binary options work is a question that is quite simple to answer.

Written by

Martin Yohaness Writer and owner at binaryreview. com

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Published on November 15th, 2014 | De John Kane

Quattro Bot

Quattro Bot is a new system that is supposedly being used by rookie traders that are exploiting new technology to cash in over $30,000 on a weekly basis. This sounds a little far-fetched to me but most systems that look like this do.

Today I’ll be providing a review and letting the binary today readers understand whether or not this is a worthwhile investment.

Quattro Bot Review

The Quattro bot is a new free binary options software by Hines Kline. He claims to be an experienced trader that has been trading binary options his entire life. That contradicts the headline of the website but I’ll listen to more. The developer of this software claims that he was a car technician that had offers from different German car companies but decided to go with Audi because they gave him the creative leeway to learn amazing things that he’s been able to apply in different areas of his life.

In 2008 he retired from Audi and decided to trade stocks I imagine using some method of the Quattro bot. The developer of the system claims that it uses four different strategies and combines them all to create an unbeatable system. The strategies are not discussed at all so I’m really not sure if this is true.

I really don’t want to waste your time so I’m going to go ahead and say I don’t recommend Quattro bot. I was tired of listening to Heinz story about how working for Audi somehow made him some binary options genius so I decided to go into the members area. In the members area there is a timer saying that there’s 30 minutes remaining and then there’s a bunch of what I believe to be fake live statements. This is another free binary options system trying to get you to sign up with the binary options broker and it is not worth your time. I hope you’re not upset that you sent through this entire review to get the recommendation but simply avoid the Quattro bot. That’s the final message.

Sobre el Autor

John Kane Soy un operador de opciones binarias a tiempo completo. Pude dejar mi trabajo en los últimos 5 años y dedicarme al comercio completamente. Nunca pensé que mi pasatiempo y pasión ganarse la vida para mí, pero estoy agradecido cada día que tiene. Mi principal objetivo ahora es comunicarse con la comunidad binaria de comercio, contribuir a diferentes sitios web y aprender de otros comerciantes.

Exención de responsabilidad: Binary Today desea recordarle que el contenido contenido en este sitio web no es necesariamente en tiempo real ni preciso. Rendimiento pasado no garantiza el rendimiento futuro, lo anterior no es indicativo y es puramente para fines educativos solamente. Basándose en lo anterior para la inversión, el comercio o las apuestas en opciones binarias o Forex no se aconseja a menos que lo haga con el dinero virtual sólo.

Binary Today o cualquier persona involucrada con Binary Today no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo revisiones, recomendaciones, gráficos, software, informes de ingresos y señales contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

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3 Responses to Quattro Bot

myrna murphy says:

Scam Report Posting:

This email is to inform all traders in the U. S, and global arena, to please “STAY away from the Quattro Bot System & CVC Option, and here’s the reason why?

In the month of November of 2014, I signed up with: Quattro Bot, to use their “Robot to trade binary options. The first thing I noticed on their site was, they recommended a broker in order use their software. In this case, the (Quattro Bot ) software was linked to: CVC Option. com (CVC Option Building Capital), based out of the UK.

Red Flag Alert? Also, another concern I had after I funded the account to use the Quattro Bot-Robot to trade with was, who in the world was CVC Option? However, when the robot was activated, within 3 days, it traded currency pairs and my $250 USD investment turned into a $674.00 profit, and I have actual snap shots of the Quattro Bot platform to verify what this robot is capable of doing.

CVC Option Mass Deceptions? A few days had gone by, and when I attempted to check my balance in the account, including number of trades, to my surprise, I was unable to log into my account. After a few calls to CVC option, some how they managed to remove the block for me to access the account.

Withdrawal Request: Once I had wind of what CVC Option was all about, on: 12/19/2014, I placed a withdrawal request to withdraw $590..USD, but CVC option accounting & billing department kept canceling my withdrawal request?

Telephone Calls: On four occasions, I called CVC Option customer support department, only get a bunch of rude amateurs on the other end of the telephone line, who kept putting me on hold for long periods of time, in an attempt to frustrate me?

Once I was able to speak to an accounts manager, she informed me that I needed to send CVC Option verification documents in order to process my withdrawal request? What this accounts manager didn’t realize at the time was, I had already sent by email to their compliance department, my verification documents. In fact, they kept sending me emails to send them my verification documents over and over again?

The Next Step? * It was at this point that I decided to send CVC Option transcripts and photos of all documents I sent them in order to request withdrawals including wire transfer. In the first week of January on the 6th day of 2015, when I logged into my account at CVC Options that I saw after threatening them to take legal action against them, that they approved a withdrawal in the amount of $250.00 USD back to my credit card which I received.

“However we view this, one thing is certain and that is, there was still $340.00 USD which was all profit. And so far to date: 1/14/2015, CVC Option, has refused to approve my request to send the balance of $340.00 USD by wire transfer?

So in the coming day’s ahead, I plan to launch an all out campaign by posting this information on all the scam watch sites in the U. S. Canada, UK, Australia, and European countries, including sending transcripts to the BBC - Consumer Watch Fraud team, to publish and air this information on television, regarding the fraudulent conduct of this broker, CVC Option.

In Conclusion: It is brokers like this, that create a bad name for other reputable brokers in this industry. In fact, when I did some research on CVC option, I discovered that this was not the first time they have scammed people out of their profits.

So please traders, I trust that this post would open your eyes to do your research well, if you plan in future on trading with these: Web Based Unregulated Brokers Sites. Once again, please avoid CVC Option, (CVC Building Capital) who uses the Quattro Bot Software to Trap and scam traders out of their profits. Regards, Dr. Ziggy Williams Forex/Trader

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Método de opciones binarias gratuitas

Mi método paso a paso para las ganancias de opciones binarias fácil. Mi nombre es John Kane y he juntado uno de mis fáciles métodos ganadores.

Este método sólo requiere un software y un corredor y se puede configurar en menos de 30 minutos.

Si un novato o un profesional de esta guía gratuita puede ayudarle a empezar a ganar con opciones binarias de inmediato.

Binary Today es un sitio de revisión de opciones binarias de vanguardia con el objetivo principal de proporcionar herramientas útiles e información sobre corredores, señales, estrategias y más. Esperamos desarrollar una gran comunidad de comerciantes exitosos y condenar a los vendedores que no son responsables de sus acciones o respetuoso con sus clientes.

Informes de ingresos

Con el fin de mantener la máxima transparencia ahora proporcionar un informe mensual sobre mis cifras de comercio:

Acerca de

Las opciones binarias que negocian son una afición de la vida larga dada vuelta para mí. Ahora mi enfoque es mantener la comunidad honesta. Soy un usuario ávido del software binario de las opciones así que entiendo cómo diagnosticar y proporcionar la penetración valiosa. Hay muchos deshonrosos desarrolladores de productos binarios en Internet, he hecho mi deber señalarle en la dirección de la victoria.


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Binary Options For Beginners

Binary options first made an appearance on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1973. Up until 2008, they were widely unregulated over-the-counter (OTC) financial instruments available to banks and high net worth investors. In that same year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) first legalized the listing of binary options as tradable items on international financial markets. This coincided with the subprim.

Recent Rule Changes To Analyst Ratings

Analysts play a significant role in evaluating the stocks of publicly traded companies. With mass media and the advent of the Internet revolution many analyst evaluations have the potential to gain widespread exposure within a short timeframe. However, investors that look to such ratings must also research the background of each analyst as they often have a vested interest in the stock or company. Many conflicts of interest.

The Definition Of Underperform And Outperform

Analyst ratings can range anywhere from buy, strong buy and near-term to outperform, underperform, neutral and hold. They carry clout amongst professional and novice investors and serve as a reference point for trading decisions whether through etrading or more traditional investment routes. While it’s important to read the definitions of each analyst’s ratings, most terms have universal meanings that include underperfo.

Interpreting Analyst Recommendations

Market analysts monitor the securities of publicly traded companies to make trade recommendations to investors. Analysts exert a great deal of influence on stock prices due to their extensive reach throughout global media channels. Recommendations they provide include buy, strong buy, near-term, over-perform, under-perform, neutral and hold. Researching the background of analysts is crucial prior to investing personal capit.

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Many online trading platforms today offer binary options that are available 24/7 and are accessible via desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile. Due to the rise of electronic communication networks (ECNs), After-Hours Trading (AHT) has gained mainstream popularity amongst investors. The most active trading hours for investors begin at the start of the London market opening at 8:00 GMT and end by the US market close at approximate.

US hotel company Starwood becomes the first American firm to agree a deal with Cuba since the revolution of 1959, on the eve of President Obama's visit to the island.

Supermarket chain Sainsbury's tables a £1.4bn bid for Argos owner Home Retail Group.

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Coffee Cash Cheat Scam Review

After receiving several complaints regarding the Coffee Cash Cheat we here at Objective Binary Options decided to take a further look into the legitimacy regarding the Coffee Cash Cheat. However, as you can insinuate by the title of this article what we discovered led us to conclude that the Coffee Cash Cheat was indeed a binary options scam. Not only will we expose CoffeeCashCheat. com as the binary options scam that it truly is but we will also shed some light to expose how deceptive binary option scam artists can truly be!

Exposing Scam Market Techniques

Perhaps some of the most ridiculous claims that we have come across would be the ones guaranteed by the Coffee Cash Cheat. If you took the time to check out the website for yourself you will not only see how elementary the website is but how completely unrealistic their claims are. As you can see in the image below they claim that you can make $5,000 daily without any effort what-so-ever which not only sounds questionable but also a lie since we have received over 15 complaints from binary option traders who have lost most if not all of their trading account funds due to this binary options scam.

Another red flag that we came across when conducting our investigation would be how the Coffee Cash Cheat claims to be associated with CBSNews, BloomBerg Business, CNN, and BBC World News but when we dug deeper we found that none of these Press Agencies were in any way affiliated with the Coffee Cash Cheat. If the deceptive scam tactics employed by the scam marketers behind the Coffee Cash Cheat aren’t enough to convince you that this binary options auto trader is indeed a scam then perhaps signing up with the product to see non-transparent and completely inaccurate trading history will be enough to convince you. Not only are the creators behind this auto trader guaranteeing you a success rate of over 94% but the investments listed in their history are completely inaccurate rates as seen in the image below.

The last red flag that we came across which perhaps is the most incriminating red flag would be how the software owner uses a fake identity to endorse his product. The software owner goes by the name of Sean Willow which is nothing more than a figment of someone’s imagination; in fact the real identity of the man in the picture is Oleg Orlov who just happens to be a Polish actor. As you can see for yourself in the image below we have Oleg Orlov’s image which has been stolen and used as an alias for this binary options scam.

To Conclude: Is Coffee Cash Cheat a scam?

The Coffee Cash Cheat is one of the most deceptive binary option auto trading scams that we have come across. If you are looking for a legitimate way to supplement your income online through binary options investing please feel free to check out our recommended services or join our training program. To stay up-to-date on all of the latest binary option reviews please feel free to subscribe to our website where you will receive our scam reviews via email.

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Stark Trading System Review Stark Trading System Scam App

Stark Trading System Review

This is yet another review which uncovers the Stark Trading System software as Scam. Weight deals, strategies and mind-blowing guarantees is everything we can see on the official site of the alleged “Billionaire making” system. Don’t fall for the tricks of this person called Richard Paul because what he is saying about this Stark Trading System App is not true. Really, they’ve collaborated with another man called Antonio Stark, and they are pushing you something that will cost you over the long haul.

Richard Paul hosts the video and gives us an exhausting wail story on how he couldn’t stay aware of his liabilities until he collaborated with his companion Antonio to help the world with the poorest Stark Trading System system. Another huge trick alarm for us was the point at which we attempted to discover either Richard or Antonio, we couldn’t discover anybody with those names connected with exchanging on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook or Google.

”Make 8,000 by the next 24 hours”, when you hear this type of dialogue think twice before you register with it. There is no push-button software that can generate that sum of money within 24 hours. We know Binary options are a legit way to make huge amount of money within a short period, but by depositing 250$ and depending on an Autotrader like this won’t work. However, when you visit their promotional site a pop up window will appear and it shows only ”A few spots left” to register. This is a nasty trick to force you to register quickly without analyzing the Stark Trading System robot thoroughly. They also show you some pictures of large mansions, Fancy cars and posh lifestyles that you can avail by the profit of the Stark Trading System to make you register immediately with the app.

We dislike it when somebody rises with a sham system guaranteeing their Stark Trading system was supported by significant news associations such as BBC, CNN, Fox Business, Bloomberg TV, etc. Such associations don’t have time for online scams, and neither will they embrace any item or administration since it guarantees clients a huge amount of money within the 2 hours. Moreover, their testimonial video shows some of the ‘known face’ hired actor/actress telling lies about their profit they earned by this Stark Trading System although their main website built on 19th January, 2016! So how did they earn that huge sum of money within 10/15 days.

Verdict: Stark Trading System software is a SCAM!

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Mensaje de navegación

Posted by admin on Mar 16, 2016

Tips on surviving a stock market crash Stock market crashes can happen at any moment. Look at 9/11: right before that first plane hit the building, no one knew that day was going to go as it did. (Of course, a lot worse things happened than the stock market plunging, but you get my drift.) So how can you survive a turndown, even if it’s this big? Read our tips. Preparation is key Recovering from a stock market crash when you’re in deep can be extremely difficult. The key is in the preparation. This preparation is embedded in your daily trading activities. Make sure you read these 4 tips closely before placing yur next trades. 1. Spread your risk This is one of the most important rules in trading. Always spread your risk. Don’t put all your money in stock options. Explore commodities, currencies, and indices, too. The biggest losers are the ones that bet on 1 stock or other underlying asset. Big risks can lead to big wins, but they can also leave you with empty pockets pretty fast. 2. Buy in stages Use equal amounts in every trading session and stick to that limit. People who have survived the biggest stock market crashes in history – yes, even the one in 1929 – have done this by mastering the art of moderation. 3. Don’t overdo it Of course, if you feel good, and the stock market feels good, and you just have that gut feeling that this trade is going to be your ticket to financial freedom, you want to put it all on that trade. But don’t overdo it. Don’t touch that money that is actually meant for groceries and utility bills. Stick to what you can afford to lose. Invest in put options In a stock market crash, put options can be your ticket to some interesting wins. Just know when to go for put options. Learn more If you want to know the basics of trading, read our Binary Options How To Guide. Ready to trade? Go to our Trusted Brokers.

Posted by admin on Mar 15, 2016

Investors from all over the world team up against VW The inevitable happened on Monday, when a group of investors filed a claim against Volkswagen. The claim is a logical consequence in a series of events that started after fraudulent software was discovered in VW diesel cars. Immediately after the announcement of Diesel Gate VW shares plunged. Investors obviously blame the carmaker, and they want their losses back. All over the world A group of hundreds of institutional investors from every part of the world has filed a claim at the court of Braunschweig, Germany. They want to receive a total of 3.3 billion euros, a new record in the history of German claims. The 278 individuals involved come from the US, Australia, Canada, different parts of Europe, and other countries around the world. German lawyer Andreas Tilp represents them. He specializes in these kinds of cases. For example, Tilp also provides legal representation in a similar case against Porsche. Too late Although Volkswagen itself claims to have informed the public in a timely and sufficient manner, the investors disagree. They say VW should have come out with the news sooner. Right after the news came out on September 18 of last year, shares dropped dramatically. Tilp also said that the claim is a reaction to VW’s refusal to settle the case out of court. Volkswagen has yet to respond to the claim. Who’s next? While the Volkswagen Diesel Disaster goes on, more and more investors are wondering, will Volkswagen go bankrupt from all these claims? This case can be added to the list of cases against VW in the US. Another thing to wonder about is which carmaker will be next. We have heard the names of VW Group members Skoda, Audi, Porsche, and Seat, but also BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, and Renault (to name a few). If these brands are committing fraud to pass emission tests, they better come clean now, before they end up like.

Inicio & raquo; Binary Options News

Posted on Feb 2, 2015

Situation between Greece and euro area can affect larger area The current standoff between Greece and the euro area could very quickly become a threat to the rest of the world, says the British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne (photo). Osborne said this after having a ‘constructive conversation’ with his Greek colleague, finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. Osborne urged Greece and the other euro countries to act responsibly.

Posted on Jan 30, 2015

Measures backfired The Russian central bank decided to cut the interest rate today. The decision came completely out of the blue for investors, and sparked the wrong reaction – at first, at least. The idea behind lowering the interest rates, was to soften the consequences of the Russian recession. But instead of improving the situation, things went downhill. The government had announced earlier this week that it would take measures to.

Posted on Jan 29, 2015

Chinese economy didn’t slow Alibaba down Alibaba, China’s largest online marketplace and the current record holder for biggest IPO in American history, is still going strong. In spite of declining economic progress in China, the internet company saw its revenue rise by 40 percent in the third quarter. The total revenue for the third quarter was 26.2 billion yuan, which translates to almost 4.2 billion dollar. However, Alibaba’s net.

Posted on Jan 28, 2015

Greek stock market drops again Alexis Tsipras, the 40-year old new Greek prime minister has a reputation of being charming and decisive. The Greek economic crisis that started at the end of 2009 has sparked Tsipras’ popularity. His party Syriza had only 4.6 percent of the votes in 2009. In last week’s election, 36 percent of the people gave their vote to Tsipras’ party. The prime minister can thank his smooth talk and financial.

Posted on Jan 27, 2015

Binary Options signal service suggest call positions In our Binary Options Signals and Tools section, we have discussed many services that can help you decide what trades to place and what positions to open on certain underlying assets. One of these signaling services, is the one from Interactive Option. Today, series seven broker Eric Sandstrom at Interactive Option looks at 2 underlying assets in particular: Apple and Gold.

Posted on Jan 26, 2015

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Binary Options For Beginners

Binary options first made an appearance on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1973. Up until 2008, they were widely unregulated over-the-counter (OTC) financial instru.

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Analysts play a significant role in evaluating the stocks of publicly traded companies. With mass media and the advent of the Internet revolution many analyst evaluations have t.

US hotel company Starwood becomes the first American firm to agree a deal with Cuba since the revolution of 1959, on the eve of President Obama's visit to the island.

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I’m sure you have thought if trading binary options is a scam or if you can actually make money. Those thoughts crossed my mind before I started and I still get asked this question a lot. I was just talking to an old friend yesterday and he pointed out that the way binary options are currently advertised makes it seem rather dodgy.

You’ve probably seen videos and ads promising to make you an instant income of €100 000 in 60 seconds. Now that does seem a little bit too good to be true and probably is. You absolutely can make that amount in 60 seconds, however that requires your investment to be at least €140 000 and you probably don’t want to put that much on just one single trade.

Trading binary options requires work. You need to find a strategy that works for you and you need to really stick to it. I also suggest you practice your strategy for at least a week before starting to invest real money. It is important to separate your emotions from it completely. Now that might be difficult, as there is a lot of evidence that human beings act in an illogical way when money comes into the picture. There’s a very interesting BBC Horizon documentary about decision making, I recommend watching it as it really helped me understand what was happening in my brain whilst trading.

Also, unlike trading traditional options on things like, say, ForEx, you always know exactly how much of your money is at stake. If you enter a trade with a traditional option you have to be aware that if the value of that currency pair (for example) falls you will lose money, and will need to calculate what your stop-loss needs to be. With a binary option you only need the asset to move by as little as on tick in your chosen direction in order to receive the fixed payout amount.

So is it a scam or not? Trading binary options in itself is not and you can make a lot of money doing it. However there are some things you need to look out for. Make sure your binary options broker is fully government regulated as there have been cases of websites taking their customers money illegally. I recommend trading with 24option. com – they are fully EU regulated and I have had a very good experience with them so far. I also don’t advise you to follow the “Get Rich Immediately” or “Join the Millionaires” schemes. But if you’re serious about trading profitably then it can definitely be done. There’s more than enough good info and tips available to learn how to trade profitable ranging from videos to books and webinars. I will also be posting more videos about what you need to know to trade successfully shortly.

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Comparative Study In Binary Options Trading

Posted by Jeeva R 13 Aug 2015, 08:30

What this simply means is that the strategy always goes for the binary options that are 7 Figure Club Review placed in a manner that would get the most returns for the trader. even though the same place does not produce high winning deals. For more tips on how to go about getting a binary options trade strategy; go through anyoption broker view reviews. You are sure to be directed to the best of the best in the field of binary options trade.

The best and quickest way to make money with Binary Options is short term trading. Trading options run from one hour up to one year. The best option for a greater profit margin is to pick hourly options. If you lose you can easily move on to another option, if you gain it’s a quick process and you can easily make a huge profit with just a few hours trading per day. It also means you are no tying up your capital for long periods of time.

Another way to increase your chances of profiting from Binary Options is to read the news. All trades are reliant on external factors. By keeping up with the news, current affairs and watching the financial markets you will be better armed in making a decision on which trade or commodity to invest in. If you have already picked a specific company, be aware that their stock prices will probably rise when they release a new product on to the market. That is a good time to invest on an almost certain bet.

Those who are not afraid to gamble should look into binary options trading. It is a fast-paced, high-risk trading option that potentially gives substantial returns. The return of investment you get depends solely on your ability to predict market movements at a specific point in time.

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Millionaires Maker Scam Review

TheMillionairesMaker. com, a new fully automated binary options trading system, is claiming to be a “100% free money-making app.” Apparently, the creators of this software are looking for 50 beta testers who will receive free access. With this system, which was launched on September 1 st. 2015, you are guaranteed to become a millionaire. Unfortunately, we believe that becoming a millionaire is not something that can be achieved automatically. It seems, therefore, that The Millionaires Maker is just another scam. However, in order to write an objective review we should not have any prejudices, so let’s persume that it is just an exaggeration and not a sincere promise and examine this offer objectively.

What is offered by The Millionaires Maker?

The Millionaires Maker is a system that runs in the background. No user intervention is needed. It is “the fastest and most accurate tool for trading binary options that you have seen anywhere.” The win ratio is 90%. According to testimonies on a video in the members’ area of TheMillionairesMaker. com, it is possible to make $500-$1,000 per day depending on the amount of time you spend with the software. A quick calculation show that in this pace you will be able to earn a million dollar after 1,000-2,000 days, which are 4-8 years of using The Millionaires Maker software, so don’t expect to become a millionaire within a couple of months. Support is available via email (support@themillionairesmaker. com ). The system is free to join for the 50 beta testers, but you will be required to deposit a minimum of $250 with one of the brokers that are available with this program. Once you fund your account, you are supposed to turn on the “Auto-trade” mode, select an investment amount per trade (default is $10), set the maximum number of auto trades (default is 5) and “just sit back, relax and see the profits rolling in.” We wonder why they mentioned in one of the testimonials that the more time you spend with the software, the more money you can make.

How do we know The Millionaires Maker is a scam?

A system that is authentic, that can make real profits, would spread like fire. There is no need to come up with names such as “The Millionaires Maker” in order to promote genuine trading software. Choosing this name gives us the feeling that the creators of this scam are just insecure about the capabilities of their software. There is also no need to try to prevent users from leaving the page with an annoying popup; it should raise a red flag. Another clear characteristic of scam is the “as seen on” section of TheMillionairesMaker. com. It is advertised that this system was seen on Fox Business, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, Yahoo! News, BBC, and many other news portals, all of which logos are provided. A dependable website would not make false claims such as those. We don’t even need to bother checking if these claims are true because it’s a feature we’re seeing in so many of the similar scam products that we review. This one however really took it far with 22 brands it claims to have been “seen on.”

Should you sign up with The Millionaires Maker or is this a scam?

While writing this review we have found strong evidence that The Millionaires Maker is a scam. Hopefully, all of our subscribers managed to read this review before signing up with this fraudulent software. If you are not yet a subscriber, you are invited to subscribe to our blog in order to receive our daily review directly to your email. Binary options is a great way of making money, however you have to be very careful where you invest as there are so many scams out there. In case you are looking for legit trading signals, check out our trusted signal services. Please comment below this review with any questions, feedback and especially with your experience if you are one of the victims of The Millionaires Maker scam.

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How to Read Binary

Trying to read a string of binary 1's and 0's can seem a daunting task. However, with a bit of logic we can figure out what they mean. Humans have adapted to use a base ten number system simply because we have ten fingers. Computers, on the other hand (no pun intended), have only two "fingers"--on and off or one and zero. Therefore, the base two number system has been created.

Edit Steps

Edit Method One of Three: With Exponents

Find a binary number you want to convert. We'll use this as an example: 101010 .

Binary Options Trading Indicator Stochastic v1.0 Released By ITM Financial To VIP Forex and Binary Trading Members


BOSTON MA, July 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Forex and binary options software startup ITM Financial has released their latest software update, Stochastic v1.0 to their VIP level trading members. The binary option indicator took over two months to develop and took two teams of algorithmic trading data scientist to get it right. "We feel this is the best binary options trading indicator on the market, bar none" added CEO of ITM Financial, Curt Dalton. "The time and energy our teams put in on this piece of software leave it unparalleled in terms of technology and accuracy in the financial markets. If you are trading the forex market or the binary options market, this software is a necessity in your trading arsenal" finished Dalton.

Forex trading is billion dollar a day trading market for currencies and commodities. Binary options are shorter time frame trades on the same forex market assets. Many traders and institutions use forex markets for hedging against currency movements around the world. Binary options trading allow a trader to establish a quick, short term hedge against a possible currency or commodity price change. ITM Financials' software uses advanced algorithms and data analytics on social media and news forums to produce robust, real time signals for trader to execute.

"Whether you are using our binary options app or our forex and binary news site, it is hard to deny our technology is better than anything on the market" said CTO, Ali Khan. "We have worked hard and long to produce a superior technology and now our traders can reap the benefits" finished Khan.

The Stochastic v1.0 binary trading indicator went live at midnight and can be downloaded at the following link:

Este artículo fue distribuido originalmente en PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www. prweb. com/releases/bestbinaryindicator/bestforexindicator/prweb12848446.htm

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Simple Profits App Scam – Truly a Simple Scam

[email protected] January 11, 2016 No Comments

Simple Profits App SCAM was released early this morning, and already we have received about 6 emails asking us if this new binary options auto trader works on not. In some sense it was a bit difficult doing our Simple Profits App Review this time, as there were no beta testers to prove that the software works, only the presenter showing his own account. However we love a bit of a challenge, and will prove to you that the simpleprofits. co website is unfortunately another Simple Scam.

This time we are faced with no name, no face, no details whatsoever as to who is being the creation of the Simple Profits App Auto Trader. This in itself makes it a bit difficult do some background check into simple profits app. All we were able to establish about the simpleprofits. co demain, is that it was created September 2015, therefore making it about 4 months old now. The lack of details we were able to find about the auto trader is worrying, as you somehow get the feeling that they just want you to believe what they are saying, instead of proving what they are saying is true.

One of Simple Profits App Auto Trader claims to fame, is this “26?” year olds success with their software. We did quite enjoy this story. The only true part about him is that he did make money with stock market trading. Sadly, it was not through the Simple Profits App Software. His real name is Elijah Oyefeso, and he is 21 years old. He decided to leave university and rather use his study funds to trade. Elijah was featured on a documentary on the BBC called, “Rich Kids Go Shopping”. Mr Oyesfeso actually makes around $30k a month, and not $70k like the fake photo shopped article claims.

Stolen news story to use for the benefit of the Simple Profit Scam App

If however you do not believe the above evidence above that the Simple Profits System is a scam, you are welcome to join, but not if you do not fit the criteria! We have to admit, we found this one a bit funny, this is the first time a scam that we have had the pleasure to review that tells people to go away from their site if you already earn ten thousand dollars a month. This request is made at the beginning of the pitch video. To be honest, I doubt that anyone would be turning down a system that promises to make you those amounts of money, regardless of how much they earn monthly.

Summing up our Simple Profits Review

Any system that promises to make you tens of thousands a week, or millions in a month should be approached with extreme caution. Simple Profits System is unfortunately one of them. We want to say that taking news story and changing them to their benefit is a new low, yet sadly we are starting to see that more often in the last few months. Scammers are always on the look to find new ways to attract new binary options traders and to get them to deposit with their scam systems. The Simple Profits marketing team have tried and failed this time to make us believe that this system could be a true auto trader. We entered our details to go through to the next page, thinking “just maybe”! There we were faced with further falsified photos, their so called happy traders are all over google for a lot of other sites as well. Truly trustworthy, don’t you think. Even going as far as to say that when a trade loses, it will be registered as a tie in your account. No broker will agree to this!

Wonderful fabricated trader Review of the Simple Profits App

Final Verdict: simpleprofits. co is a SCAM

Luckily this time around our traders that enquired about the Simple Profits System hasn’t deposited any money yet. Follow our advice and stay away from anything that claims to make you a lot of money in a short period of time. That is not how the binary options business works. Money can be made, yes, but not through systems like the simple profit scam.

If you are new to binary options and looking for a legit trusted signal service, have a look at our signal services page where we have listed a few systems that come with high reputations and documented results. Additionally if you are after a binary options broker account, be sure to sign up with a Regulated Broker that offers you a free demo account first, so you can practice your trading before trading with your live account.

For additional help in trading, we highly recommend Michael Freeman’s Facebook Signals Service where you get to trade alongside professional traders, as well have the opportunity to join live webinars where you get to learn exactly how the professionals place their trades.

Simple Profits App Scam – Truly a Simple Scam was last modified: January 11th, 2016 by [email protected]

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The term “binary options” describes the choice you are facing quite perfectly: you always have to choose between just two possible outcomes, regardless of the sort of binary options contract we’re talking about. While there are more intricate (think ladder options) trades/contracts on offer out there, at the end of the day, they all come down to the choice between Call/Put or Touch/No Touch.

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Posted on Jan 29, 2016

Traders Rejoice as Capital Controls Lifted in Cyprus

Earlier this month we learned that the government of Cyprus had pulled themselves out of their own financial meltdown enough to start loosening up the capital controls which had paralyzed a significant amount of activity in the tiny island nation.

Re-capitalization Project Freezes (and Seizes) Assets

Previously cash movement had been limited to a monthly “cap of €20,000 (£15,000; $22,000) on transfers by individuals to foreign banks, or of €10,000 for travelers moving money out of the country” 1 (source: BBC ). As a result of the terms of it’s ECB bailout in 2013, the government of Cyprus was required to enforce fairly strict capital controls on its banks – including a depositor “bail-in” of around 10%. These steps were necessary to shore up the balance sheets of several badly failing banks while at the same time preventing depositors’ cash from fleeing the country. Many foreign depositors took substantial hits in the recapitalization process – and amongst those foreign account-holders were a substantial number of Russian citizens – who held the lion’s share of outstanding foreign deposits.

How Relaxed Capital Controls Impact Binary Brokers

Many readers here will know how much the financial industry has meant to the island of Cyprus, particularly in the Forex and Binary Options Brokerage specialties. Essentially since the birth of European-style binary options in 2008 the brokers who setup firms in Cyprus soundly dominated the industry – resulting in meteoric growth given the popularity of the digital trading platform. Earlier in the year fund movement limitations began easing in January, allowing account holders to repatriate cash held in Cypriot banks. Account holders (as mentioned above) had been somewhat limited in terms of how much money they could wire out of the country per month. The issue for brokers had been the stigma of being known as a Cypriot company where the financial meltdown created a lot of bad press. The simple fact is for the vast majority of investors with small accounts there really was effectively no limitation on the movement of funds. For account holders of modest to large size however the restrictions could have been problematic.

One result was for account growth to slow on the island – due in part to traders opting for “perceived safer” binary brokers outside of Cyprus 2. The issue of deposit safety for new accounts should not have been a major road-block for traders but, again, perception largely created demand outside of Cyprus for accounts and reduced demand on the island. The good news for Cypriot brokers is that once again their nation’s banks have pulled themselves together and the country’s financial industry’s reputation is finally on the mend. Many binary platforms have achieved CySEC regulated status 3 – and those who haven’t – are effectively shut out of the industry – perhaps permanently.

Source(s): 1. http://www. bbc. com/news/world-europe-32194092 2. http://binary-option-broker. com/1509/bloombex-options-review/ 3. http://binary-option-broker. com/1482/optionbit-joins-regulated-binary-options-brokers-anyoption-and-spotoption/

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Dictionary entry overview: What does binary mean?

• BINARY (noun) The noun BINARY has 1 sense:

1. a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation

Familiarity information: BINARY used as a noun is very rare.

• BINARY (adjective) The adjective BINARY has 2 senses:

1. of or pertaining to a number system have 2 as its base 2. consisting of two (units or components or elements or terms) or based on two

Familiarity information: BINARY used as an adjective is rare.

Dictionary entry details

binary [BACK TO TOP]

A system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation

Nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)

Hypernyms ("binary" is a kind of. ):

star ((astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior)

Aldebaran (the brightest star in Taurus)

Procyon (the brightest star in Canis Minor)

Antares (the brightest star in Scorpius)

Altair (double star 15.7 light years from Earth; the brightest star in the Aquila constellation)

Algol (second brightest star in Perseus; first known eclipsing binary)

Vega (the brightest star in the constellation Lyra)

• BINARY (adjective)

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Qué son las opciones binarias?

Just what are binary options? Son el último y más rentable instrumento financiero para conquistar los mercados globales en los últimos años. Traders around the globe are using binary options to add liquidity to their portfolios safely and with minimal risk.

What is binary option trading? Binary options combine the analytical aspects of day trading with the lucrative features of traditional options trading allowing traders to maximize profits while minimally investing their time and capital. Quite simply, a binary option is a financial tool that allows you to predict if the market price of an asset will rise or fall within a certain time period. El período de vencimiento puede variar de un minuto a un número de días, dependiendo de su elección.

Binary options trading – Is it easy? One of the primary reasons for the proliferation of binary options is the ease with which anyone can trade them. Because of the essential choice between yes or no, the systems used to trade binary options are designed to make the trading process as simple as possible.

When you trade binary options, there are three essential steps taken, that’s it! Simply decide on an asset, then decide on the direction of the market price, and finally enter the amount you wish to trade, that’s it!

Can I profit with binary options? That depends – have you the news in the last week? Do you know about the latest economic news? Due to their simple nature, binary options are very reactive to news reports and market fluctuations. It is this tendency which makes them very profitable. Do you think Facebook will reach $50/share in the 15 minutes? If your forecast is correct, you can earn up to 89% return on your investment.

The profit potential of binary options is another reason for the explosion in popularity of these unique financial instruments.

The term ‘Binary Option’ – where does it come from? Binary options get their based on the two possible results of your investment: either your prediction is correct or it is not. Other are sometimes used around the industry such as Fixed Return Options (FRO) or Digital Options (DO); both terms are used interchangeably for binary options. These terms are generally used when the speaker wishes to point to the static or online nature of binary options respectively.

How do I trade binary options? Now that we know what binary options are, the natural question is: How can I trade binary options? Trading binary options is simple, quick, and profitable. Registering for an account with AnyOptions is and takes less than one minute!

Since binary options are based upon a prediction of an asset’s market price it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with at least one asset so that you feel comfortable making a prediction on its future market price.

Once you are familiar with an asset, all you need to do is choose that asset on the 24option. com platform and decide in which direction you think the market price will go: up or down. After you have made your prediction, enter the amount you want to trade. Once you enter the amount you wish to trade (but before you confirm the trade) the exact return on the binary option will be provided. This aspect of binary option trading is very attractive to all types of traders since you know in advance exactly how much you can earn from every trade. You no longer need to guess how much you will earn from your trades. You control exactly how much you invest and how much you can earn. Once you’ve decided how much you want to trade, simply click the ‘Buy’ button and you’ve invested in a binary option! the How to Trade Binary Options page for more useful tips and information.

Why are traders flocking to binary options? Binary options have exploded in popularity because of the ease of trading binary options combined with the comfort that traders receive by knowing the exact results of a successful trade. That knowledge allows for precise money management of your trading portfolio.

Traders love binary options because they are so profitable and easy to trade. Gone are the complicated systems of stock or commodity trading. Instead they have been replaced with the simplicity of binary options trading: just click and invest! From the comfort of your home or through your mobile phone, binary option trading is simple, quick and very lucrative.

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Oil company settles for 18.7 billion dollars The parties in the Deepwater Horizon case have reached a settlement. BP has to pay 18.7 billion dollars to compensate the American government and the states that were harmed by the oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Claims averted With this settlement, all further damage claims in the Deepwater Horizon case are averted. The amount, which is reportedly the biggest.

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You may or may not have read our reviews about Bonus Busters and the Trading Compass, 2 brand-new trading tools designed to help you make as much profit as possible. But suppose you have only money to use 1 of the 2, which would we choose? A tough question. Let’s see if we have an answer to it in this Bonus Busters vs. the Trading Compass head to head review. Bonus Busters Let’s start with Bonus Busters. Possibly the coolest thing.

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Binary options trading definitely isn’t for everybody. You need to know what you’re doing. That is why I always give new traders these 4 questions when they tell me they want to make it in binary options trading. These are 4 questions you can ask yourself. And be honest about them! Can I handle the excitement? You will always feel excited when trading. It’s part of the fun! Of course you can handle some excitement. You most likely.

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Check out our Bonus Busters review Bonus Busters is a new way to make money online. Heard that one before? So did we. But in the case of this new software, there is really something new going on. The makers of this bot have found a different way to make sure you make profit. Cómo? By making sure your bonus is released. Sounds complicated? No worries, we’ll explain everything in this Bonus Busters review. The perks But before.

The Basics of Money Management

In this post I would like to cover money management when trading binary options. To be able to trade profitably it is critical that you use a sound money management strategy and discipline. One of the most important rules is that you should never trade with anything you can’t afford to lose. Also it is important to remember that if you will be making multiple trades, depending on your strategy, your single trade should not be higher than 5% of your trading balance.

For example: if your balance is €1000 your single trade should be €50.

If you have multiple open positions at the same time the total % of them shouldn’t be higher than 30% of your balance.

I normally start with the lowest possible amount as I use a doubling up or a “Martingale” (Martingale is a betting strategy. You should only use it in hand with market analysis, otherwise you are just gambling. You can find an article on the “Martingale” strategy here ) combined with my strategy. Which means if I lose a trade I open another one with a value of 2.5 times higher than the previous. You should never do this more than 5 times, but if you’re using a strategy correctly and looking at all the market signals you normally won’t need to do this more than 3 times.

Knowing how to manage your money is one of the keys to success.

Never Risk More Than You Can Recover From

It is important that at no point more than you can recover from is at stake. You will need to discipline yourself and never start a trade with a higher value than you’ve set your limit as. At times that might turn out difficult as loss aversion kicks in. I’ll talk more about loss aversion in the upcoming post on psychology and attitude when trading. I also recommend watching a BBC Horizon documentary – & # 8220; How We Make Decisions ” which explains loss aversion in great depth.

You should always set yourself a daily profit limit because if you’re successful it is very easy to get carried away and you might make a mistake or the law of averages just turns against you. Personally I set myself a daily limit of €500, even if I reach it in 15 minutes I will close the laptop and take my daughter to the park. There should also be a daily loss limit. Because you will have good days and bad days. And it’s best to keep your losses low and walk away. That also ties in with loss aversion which again I will discuss in the next video.

Stick To Your Rules

It is very important that you stick to your rules. If you start thinking – maybe I’ll just do another trade, that’s when things start going wrong. I know that from my experience. It’s always the just one more trade before lunch.

So, just to recap:

Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose

Never double up more than 5 times

Set yourself a daily win and loss limit

Stick to your rules

If you follow these simple steps when trading, you’re already well on your way to trading binary options successfully.

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Binary Option Robot Info Do Not Weep, Make Money While You Sleep!

When trading binary options, you can make several plays. The simple bet on whether the price of the asset will move down or up is the most common play. It is called the call-put or up-down. Most new traders begin with this instrument and later advance into complicated bets as they get more experienced than before. Range Binary Options Trading is one of them. Range options forecast whether the price of the underlying asset will end with a predetermined range. They are also called the Tunnel bets or Boundary Options Trading.

Binary options trading with range is gain popularity among traders, especially those who are in pursuit of high profits. However, not every broker provides this type of instrument. Among the many binary options broker, only a few give clients an opportunity to carry boundary options.

It is important to know how to trade with range trading and how to get returns from it. You should know the challenges that traders meet when taking positions in this type of bet. If it is your first time to dip your toes in the world of binary options for the first time, it is recommendable that you familiarize yourself with trading up down options before diving into these instruments.

How does trading with range work?

As we said earlier, trading with range involves predicting whether the underlying asset’s price will end up within a given range. The broker is the one that establishes the range. You will have to decide on the asset to trade and the trade amount. After that, you will decide whether you believe the price will end inside or outside the range of the broker.

A price chart will show you the low and high prices that define the tunnel (or boundary). The chart will display the range in a color that is different from the rest of the chart. Once the execution of trade has taken place, the price of the asset will rise and fall as per the prevailing market for that asset.

If you select an inside boundary option, your trade will end in the money if the price of the asset finishes within the range that the broker determined. If the price finishes outside the range, and your prediction is otherwise, you will lose the money you staked for your position.

Trading with range is an instrument that may have an expiration time of between 30 minutes to 24 hours, largely depending on the broker providing the trade.

Caption from a range trading analysis

How to get profits from Range binary options

Lack of knowledge about the market of the underlying asset is one surefire way of making losses when tunnel betting. It is difficult to execute profitable trades as consistently as possible if you do not have at least a fundamental knowledge of the factors that drive the value of an asset. It applies not only to range binary options but also other types of instruments.

With boundary options, profits tend to be a bit lower when the range is bigger. However, high profits exist where there is a very tight range. When the price remains within this range, a trader can walk away with handsome profits. Obviously, it is unlikely that the price will remain within a tight range.

Some examples may help us understand how to approach range trading.

Suppose you want to bet on Google’s stock that is trading at $600. Suppose that they are about to announce its quarterly earnings, and you feel they will be in line with the forecasts of the analysts. Thus, you believe the price of the stock may bounce up and down only slightly but remain relatively same. Further, suppose the broker is providing a boundary option whose range is between $ 610 and $ 615. Given your prediction that the price of the stock will produce only slight movement, you may trade the asset outside the range.

Another example that involves an EUR/USD currency pair may help us understand more about range binary options. Suppose 1.22 is the level at which the pair is trading before there is an announcement of whether there will be a plan for a new round of quantitative easing (QE). Suppose further that the broker has set the range at 1.225 to 1.228 for the EUR/USD range option it is offering. If you believe there will be another round of QE, you might predict the Euro to go up against the U. S. dollar following the announcement.

In that case, if you are confident that the pair can hit a support level at 1.225, it will be good to trade with a play that the price will end ‘in range.’ On the other hand, if you feel there will be no further QE round, you would do well if you bet that the price will end ‘out of range.’

You should note that both examples show the importance of the knowledge of the underlying asset’s market in predicting the movement of the price. Hence, informed traders can find range trading to be very profitable. Those traders who have not done their homework of researching the market may only make wild guesses, which is an excellent recipe for taking a loss.

Close early feature

Range Binary options allow traders to exit before the date of expiry. For example, you may have purchased an ‘in’ option and want the price to be within a certain range. However, there is news that will affect the price. In this case, you can sell it off quickly to reduce the risks. Even though you will lose some money, a refund will be on your way. When the price exits the range, the story will change.

In conclusion, range trading provides flexibility for traders to enhance profits in all market conditions. You can opt to either agree or disagree with price staying within the preset range. Hence, this can favor both range-bound and trending markets. The general rule for trading with ranges is the tighter the preset range, the more returns a finish in the money will be.

One way of utilizing range trading is to apply an automated robot to watch the best trades for you with a preset-parameters. Our recommended robot is BinaryOptionRobot which will solve most of your daily problems related to trading. Get the robot for free by clicking the button below!

Interview With Ben Myers of YesOption

I grew up in leafy Hertfordshire, on the outskirts of London, in a town called Borehamwood, made famous for its film studios. I remember being a bit of an entrepreneur from a very early age, supplementing a paper round with a paid-for photocopying service to classmates by using a photocopier at my father’s office which of course was free.

I was lucky enough to be able to attend a good school in Queen Elizabeth Boys School, Barnet, working part time at a number of retail outlets in different industries, which is something I would recommend all teenagers do, especially those going to an all-boys school starved of female contact.

By the time I graduated university with a degree in financial studies and accounting, I had already built up a small but profitable portfolio of penny stocks, primarily in the mining sector. 6 years in the banking world followed, initially with HSBC, then Bank of Ireland and Bristol and West, and this provided a solid grounding in the world of international finance and allowed me to really fine-tune my skills and experience in investment.

How did you get interested in finance/trading?

My love affair and fascination with the financial markets begun shortly after my 13 th birthday. Along with the usual assortment of shavers, pens and briefcases every Barmitzvah boy gets given, I was gifted 20 Pounds worth of penny shares in a small UK-based printing company called Rotaprint. (You never forget your first!) The company did actually go bankrupt about 5 months after my gifted ownership (I hope not related), but by then I was already hooked on the concept of profiting from the financial markets.

I heard you had your own investing firm. Tell us about that – the challenging parts and the rewards.

Having qualified as an investment advisor and benefited from an interesting career in banks, I took the plunge and set up for myself. I managed to obtain some small funding from a governmental programme aimed at assisting young entrepreneurs which proved a godsend, allowing me to finance some early marketing and slowly but surely I built up a good strong client base, renting out a small office (more of a broom cupboard) from a friend.

The most challenging part of running my own investment firm was the self-discipline needed. Having purchased my first property aged 27, I turned a spare room into an office and it was the first time in my life that my self-discipline was truly tested. Every successful trader must demonstrate self-discipline and being the owner of my own business and responsible for so many aspects of running a business meant the need for self-discipline was heightened even further. It did prove a challenge for a single person in his twenties but I learned a great deal about the investment industry and more importantly myself in this period and am forever grateful for having that experience.

I loved being my own boss and being able to dictate to a degree my workload. I also loved the interaction with clients and being in a position to improve their financial circumstances and this is something that still gives me great pleasure today.

You were in the Forex world before changing to binary options – can you tell us about the differences? The advantages of each? Where are you happier?

After selling my company and the client bank, I took a bit of time out to enjoy life, pottering around on a boat on the East Coast of England for a while and even dabbling in antique and art dealing. However, the lure of the financial markets proved too strong and it wasn’t long before I found myself as Chief Analyst at a large Forex broker. It was here that I really developed a knowledge of the currency markets, having previously specialized in stocks and commodities. It was also here that my first articles were published on DailyForex!

At the time, the Forex industry had undergone a vigorous change, no longer the preserve of just financial institutions and professional traders. Regulation and advances in technology made Forex trading accessible to anyone with a credit card and a computer, which is a similar story with the meteoric rise of Binary Options.

There are many major differences between the Forex and Binary Options industry; the main ones being that Binary Options carries less risk, is more fast-paced and offers those with little or no financial experience the opportunity to profit from the financial markets. Remember, in Binary Options there is no leverage involved, and you do not physically own the asset itself, just merely speculating on its direction. For me, Binary Options wins over Forex. I love the quick nature of Binary Options, the fixed and fast returns and the varying innovative methods of profiting from an assets movement.

I made the move over to Binary Options in 2013, becoming chief analyst at YesOption. What really impressed me about the fledgling company was the people and the ethos. The team behind YesOption are all traders themselves, with many years’ experience in the financial markets, both in large banks and in Forex firms. Everything at YesOption is aimed at improving the whole trading experience and ultimately making it more profitable for its clients. YesOption were the first to have Forex and Binary Options together from the same platform and account, which allows profiting in all market conditions and ensures that anyone can implement a successful trading strategy from 60 seconds onwards.

YesOption are committed to customer satisfaction and this has been recognized within the financial trading industry with a number of awards, including the highly coveted DailyForex Best Technical Analysis Award for 2014.

Since joining YesOption, have you seen the binary world changing?

In just a short space of time, the Binary Options industry has undergone massive changes. More and more companies have sprung up, regulation tightened and the industry as a whole has become a lot more transparent and a lot more exciting – all to the traders benefit. Advances in technology have enabled companies to offer more instruments to trade, whilst increased competition has pushed the return amounts higher – meaning traders have more ways to profit and more profit to be made.

What is exciting about Binary Options is that it is still developing and growing. Forex kind of reached a peak in terms of development a few years ago, whilst new assets, new instruments and innovations are happening in the Binary Options world all the time, making it something that both excites me and intrigues me.

How do you feel about the state of the markets these days?

The markets in their current state offer something for everyone. Many analysts believe that the markets are a true reflection of the underlying fundamentals in a market and with good cause. However, as a planet we are getting smaller and smaller. News from around the globe travels quicker than ever before and right now there are so my geo-political concerns in so many places that fundamental analysis cannot be ignored.

Without the aid of a crystal ball, it is nigh on impossible to predict what is going to happen, but what I do know is, that there is plenty of profit opportunities to be had right now, with strong volatility ahead in all sectors

Being married with a 9-month-old baby means, any other activities are limited to baby friendly ones. I still enjoy sailing when I can and still very much enjoy watching my beloved Tottenham Hotspur (a football club) but the bulk of my activities these days involve nappy changing, preparing bottles and trying to catch whatever sleep I can get. Saying that, I have got quite into the whole Bitcoin and digital currency revolution and am intrigued to see where it is heading. I have been devoting more time researching and trading BTC/USD and am fascinated by its unknown future and raw volatility.

I used to hold webinars and seminars when working within the forex industry, however these days I work closely with the HNW clients of YesOption on an individual basis, but still give the occasional webinar. I have also been asked to speak at a few seminars regarding Bitcoin, as well as being a contributor to the BBC regarding digital currencies.

How many hours would you say is a good time to watch the markets daily? How much is too much?

That is a great question because I am a firm believer that traders should spend all day glued to their screens. Unfortunately, for me it is part and parcel of my job, but successful traders only focus on a couple of assets at most anyway. This means they should know and understand every little nuance about those assets and do not need to spend hour after hour staring at the screens. This is a big danger when spending too much time watching the markets that you are unable to see the wood from the trees. I personally recommend spending no more than 1-2 hours a day watching the markets. Anything more than that and you run the risk of being distracted and losing focus on a game plan.

What advice would you give to investors, both new and experienced?

Well the obvious piece of advice to all investors is to do their trading with YesOption. However, in all seriousness I would recommend to new traders to know thy asset. Focus just on one asset, two maximum and study that asset until you know every little thing about that asset. This will make investment decisions easier and more profitable. I would also recommend to both new and experienced traders to manage their time and money effectively and within their own individual capabilities.

Trading and profiting from the financial markets isn’t rocket science. Do you your homework, stay disciplined and committed and learn how to deal with losses as well as wins, as both will happen, but how you react to them both will affect your ultimate success in financial trading.

About Cina Coren

Cina spent many years in financial services and on Wall Street. Today, she spends most of her time writing and editing and has published several books. She is the mother of 5 and grandmother of many.

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Binary options, the hottest trend in forex

A new way of forex trading developed recently. Is called binary options trading and makes forex trading a piece of cake. Binary options are based on a simple principle: the rate of an asset or a currency pair has only two possibilities: to go up or down. That is why binary options look more like a bet than a forex trade.

The binary term used comes from the only two possible outcomes of an option like this. The binary options jut hit the online market and their popularity increases exponentially each day.

Due to their simplicity, binary options are preferred especially by novice traders. Another aspect that makes binary options so attractive is their accessibility. In binaries you don’t actually buy an asset or a currency so you don’t need large bankrolls. Their similarity with bets suggests that a small bankroll is enough to trade binary options.

A unique feature that makes binary options more attractive than forex is the refund. All binary options brokers offer refunds in case you lost a trade. The refund can go up to 15% in some cases. On the other hand, the binary options profitability is extremely high, ranging from 60% to 85%. And that’s not all! You know the option’s profitability and refund right from the start so you will know exactly what to expect.

To trade a binary option you must follow these simple steps:

& # 8211; Choose the asset or currency whose evolution you want to predict;

& # 8211; Pick a deadline (one hour, one day, one week, etc.)

& # 8211; Choose the direction in which you think the rate will go by the deadline compared to the current value(call is for up and pull is for down);

& # 8211; Enter the amount of money you want to invest in the option and check out the profit;

& # 8211; Validate your option with just one click.

As you can see for yourself, there are very easy to use and we can safely conclude that the binary options are currently the hottest trend in forex and will be around for a long time.

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Simplyprofits. co has as of late been propelled and set apart as a SCAM. We have accumulated solid proofs with the goal that we can shield your advantage and spare you from this yet another web trick. It is totally taking into account fake testimonials and cases, it is only a trap to assemble every one of the novices and make them put resources into this fake framework.

Simple Profits is Scam – Evidences

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Prove No: 1 – Article was never distributed on The New York Times

The simpleprofits. co are demonstrating to one of the screenshots of one article, Newly Released Binary App Makes Becoming a Millionaire Easy, and when we sought this article in The New York Times we didn’t discover anything like that nor any related article, near that title.

Proof No: 2 – Article was never distributed on BBC News

They are likewise indicating another article and asserting that it has been distributed on BBC News. Title of the article is 26 year old “Gains $70k/month” because of recently discharged Simply Profits System. Furthermore, when we looked for the same article on BBC News site we didn’t discover any article of that title not any related one. This demonstrates the both articles are just to draw in clients and indicating fake association with enormous brands.

Proof 3 – Only Logo Images Added

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Proof 4 – Fake Big Promises and Claims

The last confirmation which makes this product at last a fake one is their enormous guarantees and fake pay articulations. They assert that you can make around ten thousand dollars, $10,000, in single day which is crazy and that claim too without confirmation such as above screenshots. On the off chance that it would be giving such enormous benefits then it ought not be given for nothing by any stretch of the imagination. There are numerous genuine frameworks in the business sector who are inspiring expense to give secure administrations then why don’t this?


So in the wake of covering these confirmation it is tranquil clear that Simple Profits is a SCAM and you ought to be better far from it. There are numerous trusted twofold choices which are accessible in the business sector which you might utilize. You can check best Binary Options Signals 2016.

Our work was to make you all mindful with this trick and keep you erring on the side of caution. On the off chance that we could spare any single individual out there from this trick we will be proficient. On the off chance that you have any worries about this audit then loan them in remark box. I might hit you up as quickly as time permits.

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Planning of trades as an important aspect

Every single trading process requires a specific plan that might provide you with some simple facts about how to properly install any undergoing movements and indicate about any probable measures to uptake whenever the occasion allows for it.

During the activity, it is always quite renown when to execute a position and when to withdraw, as those situations may always requires this from the traders. From the very beginning, the users might stipulate about any of the stages that dissolve around any of the factors represented by them. Many factors can have an impact on managing the plans for successful trading sessions and by following local news on services like BBC. you can learn much about the economical state.

However, there is no other true quote that can simplify the current trends, as the following one that says: “plan your trade and trade your plan”, perfectly matching the strategic movement on every market. Every such progress such be started with a glance at the economic calendar, presenting all the reoccurring trends and how the balance of every market will be activated, involving also the major assets which are worth noticing this time.

By comprehending all the previous facts and considering all the factors for and against, there comes the time to analyze any of the interest rates as well as currency pairs worth investing into. Managing money will surely give you some hints on how to properly attune to the situation and make some defined movements on the market scene, that are likely to change the focus onto the more confident field.

One must also decide about the amount of value that can become available to invest into the instruments of your choice, during which time, the trader can finally make certain preparations about the upcoming closing of positions. Although the binary options market comes with certain obligations, it still presents a particularly attractive payout rate, which may have a rather substantial outcome for the ones involved.

Make certain, that the expiration date will match the particular interest of your current investment, whereas avoiding short term trades in exchange of longer ones, will undoubtedly prove more beneficial.

Planning of trades as an important aspect was last modified: March 28th, 2015 by Mi5Ft7@

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13. 2015. - In today's blog post we will discuss which indicator - indicator and indicator - toolbinations are in my opinion the best in the field of Forex

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By learning a variety of indicators. you can determine the right time and the right In the end, forex traders will benefit most by deciding whatbination (or

25. 2014. - Forex traders like to use different methods and tools to help them trade profitably. There are hundreds of technical indicators available to

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The purpose of this thread is topare and describe the nuances of every known to be the Winner ofbination of Indicators. p. ej. por

After all, forex traders don't include these technical indicators just to make their charts look Each of them used abination of moves to get the job done.

One of the best forex indicators is the forex polarity indicator. Proposing a candidate for best forex indicatorbination by marrying an exponential moving

26 і. 2015. - Top 5 Forex Indicators. Moving Averages Type: Trend Following Best used: Inbination. To start off, a simple moving average shows the

9. 2012. - Unfortunately a similar study doesn't exist for the FX market. believe that the best indicator for their trading is X or abination of X, Y

Combination of the 'best'bination of forex. Agencies regulating bination. technical indicator. have worked for simple trading, Jan. Six indicators forex

Learn theles for picking indicators for Forex trading. How tobine Forex technical indicators .

Forex technical indicators explained: trend indicators. momentum indicators. volume indicators in How to choose the bestbination of Forex indicators .

28. 2015. - What technical indicatorbinations are best for a short term (1-2 minutes) there are dozens of them, usually with names like: " Forex trend.

12. 2014. - Traders rely on various indicators to create a trading strategy. This tutorial explains Indicatorbinations in Forex Trading. Most traders rely

You may be curious what are the best Forex trading indicators that work. making the right decisions and include them in your best Forex indicatorbination .

1. 2014. - Forex candle indicator can greatly facilitate this task, because there are many dozens of candlestickbinations. while there is an element of

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Lately I created a reliable and lucrative set of trading methods to trade Forex ability to form different indicators 'binations so even a professional trader will

The PSAR indicator which is often neglected by forex traders is a decent tool for Although PSAR works best inbination with another indicator. it has an

Many traders use numerous indicators - but over the last 22 years I have four favourites and I will share with you here and they have worked for me and they will

However, attempt of abination of huge quantity of laws has been undertaken then forex indicator Xprofuter which it is evident with reliability in 92 % further

24. 2015. - Candlestickbinations are taken from the book Elder “Candlesticks”. This LED indicates the following candlestickbination. – “Hanged

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8 і. 2014. - Yesterday afternoon, while trading forex (GBPUSD), we had an excellent entry on the 60 minute chart. Price had pulled back to the Average

Jan. 1, 2011 - PRLog -- Best Forex Indicatorbination The group of indicators outlined here are the best Forex trading indicators in my view and any trader

31. 2010. - Today I want to share with you abination between the MACD indicator and the ADX. I use the standard setups for the MACD (12,26,9) and

Hello I want to ask for The bestbination of indicators Gives the best signal to enter I hope to be in the range of only 3

For this strategy we can use any time frame. Let us examine the 1-hour chart of USD/JPY. We will be using the following indicators. one 5-period Exponential

We give you access to Forex Signals submitted by Professional Traders 24hrs but this forex Goldsh system almost More power forex Indicatorbination .

There is of course no rock-solidle about the use of this type of indicator. A capable trader can create profitable trades even with a most unlikelybination of

LED candlebinations. (Candlestick) is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicator and the essence of the forex indicator is to transform the accumulated history data.

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This System is abination of Two powerful indicators. 3. 3rd profit target when Timing-rsi reachs line 80 4. last target after line 80 in the apperance.

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7. 2012. - 2.2: Fundamental Analysis in Forex Trading. 2.3: Technical Indicators. 4.2: Agencies Regulating Forex Trading in the U. S.

Function of indicators and oscillators, it should choose the best forex indicators for serious traders is used abination of the bestbination of the bollinger

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1. 2014. - BY forex highly rated online course, andrew mitchem coach, 5 star of using a certainbination of indicators to make money – has to be!

Hull MA indicator is based on the popular forex market indicator Moving Average, using the Some Forex trading indicators use abination of signals.

10. 2015. - Our free Forex trading promotion offers no deposit Forex trading opportunity. Sign up and get free $100 to trade Forex .

Learn more about Forex Technical Indicators. Highly skilled technical analysts are able to use abination of all the studies mentioned above to perfect a

8. 2015. - Technical analysis using trading indicators is what many traders use for success. I have used trading tools in differentbinations over the years and This is a day trading/swing trading chart of 1 hour on a Forex pair.

28. 2013. - A cursory search of " forex indicators " on the Inte reveals that there is Some traders swear that abination is the only way to go to

27. 2013. - The goal is to pick the best indicators set. The challenge is tobine indicators in a smart way. This means that indicators should deliver

Indeed, people will spend hours on end experimenting with numerous different technical indicators in order to find that holy grailbination that will help them

Using technical indicators inbination can help ensure a potential trend has staying power - a good habit for all kinds of technical trading, but especially in

FOREX trading strategy is abination of indicators PSAR and ADX. It's no secret that absolutely any forex trader would like to know, where is the bottom or

Technical analysis of the spot forex does not work and this explains why, effective If you use two technical indicators together with differentbinations of

FX AccuCharts also has some sophisticated indicators utilizingbinations of technical analysis tools that will plot a mark on the candle/bar where the

25. 2010. - Anyone who has followed my forex trading educational material for any length of time knows that I do not promote the use of indicators as one's

Thebination of these two indicators allowed a forex strategy that allows to open trade transactions as close as possible to the top or bottom of a trend.

26. 2014. - This System is abination of Two powerful indicators Votro indicator gives buy signal (Signal at the bottom) and sell signal (Signal at the

Every trader out there has tried to find the “magicbination ” of forex indicators that will give them the right signals all the time, but the th is that there is no

The Ultimate Guide to Forex Trading Strategies Warren R. Sullivan While it is rmended that you use abination of indicators. the main challenge

At last I Found the rightbination of indicators That you can visualized hand trading forex. my email address is. horliquegold@yahoo.

16 і. 2015. - It is believed that indicator appeared at the same time as the mere notion of technical analysis of quotation charts. Over time their number was

Elder-Rays Indicator is actually abination of two indicators, monly referred to the as Bulls Power and Bears Power. This indicatorbines the aspects

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A goodbination can be 15 minutes chart + 30 minutes chart + 5 hours chart. This unique indicator works a bit differently from the rest of the FX indicators

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There are lost of indicators available for us traders to use and no one can claim that a single indicator is the holy grail of forex trading. So given

18. 2015. - Developed By Michael Nurok Michael Nurok's new Forex trading system Probability Forex Trades With Abination Of Custom Indicators .

Summary: Best forex indicatorsbinations can be used as the simple indicators for your work. Make the best prediction ever using the tools ofbination.

18. 2012. - Image: Description: Candlestickbinations are taken from the book Elder “ Candlesticks”. This LED indicates the following candlestick

Most strategic Forex traders consult abination of technical, fundamental and market sentiment indicators before making their trading decisions. Key Forex

24. 2015. - We all know that Forex traders love technical indicators. They love to experiment with differentbinations just as much as they love finding

4. 2015. - the best of oscillators | Free trading systems and indicators for forex and But inbination with other indicators and methods of technical

25. 2014. - Forex indicators are highly sort after, but at the end of the day are a big These guys will use abination of clever words and photo

29. 2012. - The purpose is to choose the best Forex indicatorbination for strategy trading. The point is tobine best Forex indicators in a right.

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1. 2015. - 90% Accuracy and No Repaint Forex System Indicators - This System is abination of Two powerful indicators. These indicators are created

The current trend in currency strength indicators is tobine more currency Theirbination is called the " Forex Flow indicator ", because you are able to

Get leading future indicators for Forex, modities, stock and futures trading Thebination when VantagePoint indicators and my indicators are in sync is

28 і. 2012. - Hi guys, Long time since I wrote for this fm :D I would like to share mybination of MT4 indicators that are easy to read and of course

11. 2011. - stBands Unique on chart dynamic oscillator indicatorbination able to offer Quality Free Forex Educational Bonuses with this indicator .

The EA based on this indicator will allow you to process backtest or to make an automated trading strategy according to yourbination of sub - indicator .

21. 2014. - Forex Sword Indicator | Profitable Forex Software. Posted by Rita Sahara Extremely Powerful Forexbination Strategies. - Try This Great

The Diamond formation is one of the lessmon formations we will discuss. The Diamond is formed by abination of divergent and convergent trend lines

Momentum is really important for BO traders because unlike a normal forex position, *This results are abination the indicator itself and trading during high

Chapter 8: Indicators and Oscillators The key to all technical analysis is to try and Trading strategies will often usebinations of different indicators and

The goal when choosing FOREX indicators is to pick abination of a few that will allow you to analyze the market based on your trading style. If you are a

Build, test and trade your stock, futures & forex trading systems without coding. be used inbination ; Find out what the parameters of the indicators in your

21 і. 2015. - This Forex Trend Profit Indicator employs trading along trends in the Forex_Trend profit Indicator inbination with the Half trend v1.02

20. 2014. - Get A Forex Binary Options System With 92% Average Winrate FREE! Triple Profit Winner indicator has just been released by a professionl trader. Triple Profit Winner is a magicalbination of 3 powerful indcators that

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12. 2006. - The FPI Control Panel application/ indicator takes the symbols on the chart as Now how do we assess the currently testedbination of FX

27. 2015. - The listed indicators will be connected to the Meta Trader platform boosting your Forex mercantilism performance. you'll be able to either

Fibonacci Indicator Forex Trading Strategy Horizontal levels help us analyze the charts and are mostly used inbination with other Forex trading strategies

Forex FXCM Trading Station indicators. MT4, and pitview by brinkclan » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:50 am Multiple indicatorbination signal by Maticko » Sun

4. 2014. - MACD is nothing but thebination of Moving Averages. In MACD Indicator window, above “0” line area is called “Positive Zone” and

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No Repaint Metatrader 4 Indicator Forex Forex indicator FireJumbo v.1 ); Uses a powerfulbination of indicators

4. 2015. - Chart useful in identifying which related FX pairs have been or are beginning to trend. Matchingbinations of currencies with very recent

13. 2015. - In today's blog post we will discuss which indicator - indicator and indicator - toolbinations are in my opinion the best in the field of Forex

Here are four different market indicators that most successful forex traders rely As the chart shows, thisbination does a good job of identifying the major

8. 2013. - Ready to start trading the Forex market? the idea that simple is best. there are four easy indicators you should be familiar with using one

9. 2012. - Unfortunately a similar study doesn't exist for the FX market. believe that the best indicator for their trading is X or abination of X, Y

Learn which technical indicators are the best and most profitable when trading forex. Each of them used abination of moves to get the job done. Forex

Click here :bit. ly/1GT2how Oscillators work perfectly on a “sideway” market, i. e. the price varies in a definite

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moving average & MACD indicator that create 65-70% profit every month. strong Forex traders Because It Have strength and thebined

26 і. 2015. - Top 5 Forex Indicators. Moving Averages Type: Trend Following Best used: Inbination. To start off, a simple moving average shows the

Traders rely on various indicators to create a trading strategy. This tutorial explains The Best Forex Strategy Based on Technical Analysis. March 12, 2014 by Brigitta Schwulst Indicatorbinations in Forex Trading. Most traders rely on

I am creating this new thread to discuss many different types of the Best Indicators created by the Best 'Gifted' People in various free fms and

One of the best forex indicators is the forex polarity indicator. Proposing a candidate for best forex indicatorbination by marrying an exponential moving

25. 2014. - There are hundreds of technical indicators available to choose from; some. If the forex pair is a good way from its moving average, it also

23. 2015. - Top four must-have Forex indicators in 2015 Best Thing About It Performance for the Psych Indicator was created using abined

25. 2010. - The root of the problem with using indicators to analyze the forex market lies in You make trading sound so simple keep up the good work.

Usually best forex pairs that if the previous article summary: facts, drag two The bestbination proven forex trading strategies technical indicators to receive

Combination of the ' best 'bination of forex. Agencies regulating bination. technical indicator. have worked for simple trading, Jan. Six indicators forex

Learn theles for picking indicators for Forex trading. How tobine Forex technical indicators .

Use abination of market, they have to have the best things indicators in my forex trading and period exponential moving averagebined several of forex

28. 2015. - What technical indicatorbinations are best for a short term (1-2 minutes) there are dozens of them, usually with names like: " Forex trend.

The most basic indicator is to understand support and resistance. U see in forex to be sincere with you, you have to build strategy on your own and make it

Whenbined with the stochastic, you have a greatbo for better with 50 of pages of essential info and more on Best Forex Trading Indicators visit our

While trading I discovered the best forex indicator a simple yet powerful forex bined with a longer-term trend indicator of my own, it does really well on the

Technical analysis using trading indicators is what many traders use for success. I have used trading tools in differentbinations over the years and.

You may be curious what are the best Forex trading indicators that work. making the right decisions and include them in your best Forex indicatorbination .

Where is your moving average, is it EM5 & EM10? If not please use it because it's the best indicator in all trading platform where it can give you

The PSAR indicator which is often neglected by forex traders is a decent tool for Although PSAR works best inbination with another indicator. it has an

15 і. 2015. - Bill Williams introduced the Alligator indicator in 1995. formations, but the tool works best whenbined with a momentum indicator. on the Alligator indicator will discuss how this indicator is used in forex trading and

consider the best indicatorbo (especially those that can be used _OnArray ). That article refers to stock trading - different thing to Forex .

Trendlines are the trader's best friend and one of the best leading indicator a Whenbined to Pivot Points and/or Fibonacci levels, they usually reveal very

Learn how traders can use technical indicators and price charts to identify forex It can take a while to find the bestbination of moving average and period

8. 2015. - Technical analysis using trading indicators is what many traders use for success. I have used trading tools in differentbinations over the years and there are This is a day trading/swing trading chart of 1 hour on a Forex pair. Simple is usually best. determine trend – determine setup – determine

4. 2014. - Better Volume Forex Indicator. One of the Best Volume Indicators indicator is that it takes into account several typicalbinations of candles

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4. 2015. - the best of oscillators | Free trading systems and indicators for forex and But inbination with other indicators and methods of technical

Jan. 1, 2011 - PRLog -- Best Forex Indicatorbination The group of indicators outlined here are the best Forex trading indicators in my view and any trader

Combined these best technical indicators have the potential profit gain 40-50 pips per trade entry on ESD pair. Now that you know how some of the most

Forex Strategies – Best 35 Free 2015 Forex Strategies MostPLETE Trend Indicator Of All Time: This “Trendbo ” Indicator Helps You Extract As Much

Fibonacci Indicator Forex Trading Strategy. One of the most simultaneously. A goodbination can be 15 minutes chart + 30 minutes chart + 5 hours chart.

Action trading systems forex best indicatorbination more about it is a free download, bodybination with the relative. best friends of the sun. Bb macd

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10. 2015. - The bladenner strategy is a very good example of a forex price action strategy when it is used inbination with an indicator called 20 EMA

Of best forex indicator as. 1gt2how oscillators work perfectly on a few ideas on unpredictability. To get the meta trader to be used a. bination of forex growth

Best fx technical indicators generate forex technical analysis; technical, technical analysis Be abination of eur nzd currency pairs, forex trading system,

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Options bbc day trading is best forex. De. Trading entries inbination of. Technical analysis technical indicators work. Best ninjatrader trading indicators and.

14 і. 2015. - Brain trend system 3.00/5 (60.00%) 2 votes Brain trend system is a good trading system thatbined all importants braint indicators .

1. 2014. - I was just amazed by how many there were, how good they looked; of using a certainbination of indicators to make money – has to be!

22. 2014. - Learn The 2 Best Techniques For Trading Themodity Channel Index (CCI) Themodity channel index forex indicator is used mainly to trade CCI with abination of other forex indicators or price action trading.

The current trend in currency strength indicators is tobine more currency Theirbination is called the " Forex Flow indicator ", because you are able to

10 і. 2011. - Futures · Stocks · Forex · World Indices · Metals · Exchanges · Charts One of the indicators we discussed in an earlier video is in an otherbination of indicators to confirm that a move is underway. For the past 18 months the best way to trade de oil has been with the use of an oscillator indicator .

Most strategic Forex traders consult abination of technical, fundamental and market sentiment indicators before making their trading decisions. Key Forex

12. 2010. - FOREX trading strategy is abination of indicators PSAR and ADX. terminal DC, working on the best platform for trading Metatrader 4.

With the newest Super Trend Profit Indicator technology you can now One of the world's best indicator tools in the forex market can do something trends, I use itbined with my own indicators to create a very accurate system.

21. 2014. - of the time – never seen before secretbination of Forex tools Thebination of my Forex indicator and your human brain is 100x more

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pre market trading forex trading system best for candle stick pattern. signals but this forex Goldsh system almost More power forex Indicatorbination .

28 і. 2013. - Why Moving Averages are Good for Day Trading First off, the indicator is literally on the chart, so you do not have to scan anywhere else on

Forex Flow indicator Data analytic indicator for understanding trends on the Forex markets. Forex Flow indicator is It's abination of two indicators. Relative

27. 2013. - The goal is to pick the best indicators set. The challenge is tobine indicators in a smart way. This means that indicators should deliver

7. 2012. - 2.2: Fundamental Analysis in Forex Trading. 2.3: Technical Indicators. 4.2: Agencies Regulating Forex Trading in the U. S.

Bestbination of forex indicators Most popular strategy bagaimana proses adro textile How to buy vod shares How to profit from second of s brokers to

There are many ways to trade the market. This is one strategy that helps you find good setups through out the day.

3. 2014. - Price action trading is the only e leading indicator in trading. western technical indicators to their trading to help qualify the best signals. RSI, MACD, bollinger bands, etc… and manybinations of western indicators. traders learn to make consistent profits each month from the Forex market.

The key is to find abination that suits your trading style, and enables you to on certain indicators. then you can make a good ie from forex trading.

Forex Online Manual for Successful Trading 6 months ago In this indicator we are used the bestbination of Stohastic with breaking of High/Low by Moving

Hull MA indicator is based on the popular forex market indicator Moving Average, using A 'Moving Average' (MA) is a classic example of one of the best Forex trend indicators. Some Forex trading indicators use abination of signals.

Indicator easy trading indicator switzerland, forex trading on gold; gold could drop to Indicators destroys forex tsd is a secret is my gold bestbination of

Momentum indicators do help us place the price action into the context of can create profitable trades even with a most unlikelybination of indicators. a large number of indicators that measure momentum, it is probably not a good idea

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We start with 1 hour time frame, preferred pair - GBP/USD and no indicators. Forex trading system represents a well thought and very simplebination of

Here is indicator SSRC the best trend indicator. enjoy. Forex Warrior There are manybinations that will work efficiently but as of now

We will be using the following indicators. one 5-period Exponential Moving Forex Trading Strategy – abination of RSI, EMA and candlestick setups This website uses cookies to provide you with the very best experience and to know

Ichimoku cloud is short for "Ichimoku Kinko Hyo" and is abination of a bunch of One good thing about modern trading including those of forex. stocks,

In addition, currency charts allow smart forex traders to forecast future exchange Average-based technical indicators. or even abination of indicators. Your forex chart is your best “weapon” for deciding when to enter and when to exit a

28. 2015. - It is a successfulbination of high powered multiple calculations that easy forex can be when you stick with the best indicators available.

27. 2015. - Articles tagged with 'Whichbination of Indicators Are Best For Intraday Trading in Forex ?' at Forex Action - Start Trading Like Profesionals.

For those interested in trading in this market, FOREX indicators are useful tools that show FOREX Indicators. How to Choose the Bestbination of FOREX

As for me the bestbination of trading indicator that i do use to trade in the market is the moving average indicator as well as the relative

13. 2015. - If you are going to use indicators. then the best Forex indicator is the RSI There is no reason why this cannot bebined with other

Combination of leading indicators to bring you needbinations in the best forex best forex indicator abination will going to these two other indicators

Automated best indicators and at serving as the addition of the. Start with support and bestbination. No repaint. The trend. Make, forex technical. Indicator .

31. 2010. - Today I want to share with you abination between the MACD indicator and the ADX. I use the standard setups for the MACD (12,26,9) and

In this article I am going to continue with the volume and price actionbination with some good examples and some explanation about volume indicators and

29. 2012. - The purpose is to choose the best Forex indicatorbination for strategy trading. The point is tobine best Forex indicators in a right.

The best forex trading indicator is one thing that many traders are constantly You may use anybination of indicators. but as you are probably aware most

2. 2012. - momentum indicators help determine the direction of a trend. Most Forex traders usebinations of these moving averages to identify the

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28. 2007. - Forex trading strategy #1 (Simple balanced system) represents a well thought and very simplebination of indicators. Knowing what signal to look for with each indicator. provides a strong tip for good entries and exits.

is a Short Review: Forex Gain Code To Introduce Best Forex Indicators For Long - term Trading! Thebination Of Three Indicators For Identifying Trends Buy.

Is it better to market respect certain day very popular us stock market public holidays review the future of s platforms tips successful forex trader. Trading where

7. 2015. - Fast Stochastic Forex Best Indicator. There Can't Be One Forex Best Indicator. You Needbinations. Forex Market Introduction; Why Need

5. 2014. - Technical indicators are often referred to as the best friends of traders price variations (oftenbined with the volume) of the insment.

4. 2015. - Free MetaTrader Forex indicator alerts – plays sounds and popup alerts when there is a buy or sell signal occurs. All signals are are extremely

3 і. 2009. - Forex Best Indicators - Best Forex Indicator - PROOF. By: rashme1 How to choose the bestbination of Forex indicators. The goal is to

What are the best leading indicators for Forex Trading? all the guides and software to assist you, there is sure to be abination that will work best for you .

FOREX trading strategy is abination of indicators PSAR and ADX. registered in the trading terminal DC, working on best platform for trading Metatrader 4 .

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The history of the foreign exchange market could give you insight into the future. 2.1 Level 1 Forex Intro; 2.2 Level 2 Markets; 2.3 Level 3 Trading.

Given the global nature of the forex exchange market, it is important to first examine and learn some of the important historical events relating to currencies and

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Until the 1970s or so, currency trading was limited mostly to the needs of largepanies conducting business in multiple countries. Trading for investment and

It follows the forex market history and roots of the international currency trading from the days of the gold exchange, through the Bretton Woods Agreement, to its

The Forex online market was established in 1971, though it was only possible through abination of technological, municational and political advances.

History of the Forex Market. Prior to 1971, speculation was not permitted in the currency markets due to an agreement called the Bretton Woods Agreement.

What follows is a briefndown of some of the major historical developments that have led to the Forex market you are now preparing yourself to trade on.

The origin of Forex trading traces its history to centuries ago. Different currencies and the need to exchange them had existed since the Babylonians. They are

History of the Forex Market. The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the “ Forex ” or “ FX ” market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily

We've learned a lot thus far and it's almost time to start trading. but given the global nature of the forex exchange market, it's important to first examine and learn

We will then take a look at the major players that occupy the forex market - something that is important for all potential forex traders to understand. The History of

Until the 1970s or so, currency trading was limited mostly to the needs of largepanies conducting business in multiple countries. Trading for investment and

It follows the forex market history and roots of the international currency trading from the days of the gold exchange, through the Bretton Woods Agreement, to its

The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investments by This is why, at some point in their history. most world currencies in circulation

At our Academy, you will learn the basics of online trading. Forex history and scture.

History of the Forex Market. Prior to 1971, speculation was not permitted in the currency markets due to an agreement called the Bretton Woods Agreement.

The origin of Forex trading traces its history to centuries ago. Different currencies and the need to exchange them had existed since the Babylonians. They are

The History of Currency Trading. The Forex online market was established in 1971, though it was only possible through abination of technological,

Forex History. The Barter Economy. People throughout time have always traded for a variety of reasons. Some reasons have been to sell finished products for

In the grander scheme of things, there are plenty of names and designations that traders go by. But when taking time into consideration, traders and strategies

Here are four of the mostmon types of active trading and the built-in costs of each strategy. (Active trading is a popular strategy for those trying to beat the

15. 2013. - Trading is the central activity in all markets, be it the forex, modities, equities or the bonds and treasuries market. Literally, the word “ trading ”

Every forex trader is unique and should find a trading style that matches their personality.

18. 2008. - In a recent article for Seeking Alpha, financial journalist Ray Hendon offered an overview on the four principal strategies employed in the forex

Make profits by following the forex trading strategies of our forex market experts. Candlestick charts are the mostmon chart types used by retail traders

Learn forex strategies created by our traders about price action, trading systems, signals Geopolitical conflicts are that kind of force you do not want …

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Stark Trading is a Guilty SCAM!!

Posted on 29 Feb, 2016

One of the most troubling truths in regards to the highly liquidated and opportunistic binary options industry would be the large number of scam marketers who infectiously reside within the confines of this industry with the sole intentions of deceiving newbie or inexperienced binary option investors out of their hard-earned money. Today we are gathered here to share the verdict of a recently released binary options trading system known as the Stark Trading System so unless you want to lose no less than $250 we highly encourage you to read this entire review prior to deciding whether or not to give this system a chance.

The Stark Trading System was released into the binary options marketplace only a few days ago on February 1st, 2016 making it perhaps one of the most malicious and deceptive scams that we have exposed this New Year. Allegedly created by a man who goes by the name of Antonio Stark this binary options trading scam is no different than the majority of other binary option scams that we have previously exposed here where the entire system is created out of thin air and offers no true credibility.

Just like 95% of other scams that we have exposed here we found http://starktradingsystem. co to share many marketing characteristics that are common among illegitimate scam websites. Among one of these common marketing characteristics would the notorious use of the Spots Left widget which is used to pressure and rush the viewer currently viewing the website into hurrying up and signing up with their product before all the spots are “taken.” Another red flag that we came across when looking further into the fraudulent Stark Trading system would be how to claims to be affiliated with BBC, CBS, Fox Business, Bloomberg Television, CNN, Forbes, theguardian, Entrepreneur magazine and FT. com yet when we looked closer into this manner we found that no such affiliation existed between the Stark Trading scam and these reputable news and business organizations. So perhaps the question that you guys should be asking yourself why would you want to sign up with a binary options trading system that is founded on lies and deception when there are legitimate services out there that offer a much better chance of success?

Serving as the Judge, the jury and the executioner of the binary options industry we hereby have founded the Stark Trading System guilty of unethical marketing tactics, illicit deceptive practices along with fraudulent and misleading investment results. Unless you are looking forward to losing $250 then we highly encourage you to avoid this deceptive online trading scam and look towards more reliable services such as the proven Copybuffett or Citidel Investment App . Also, we would just like to make it known that if you feel like you are being scammed or are questioning the legitimacy of a binary options broker, product, service or system please feel free to Contact Us and we’ll get back to you within 24hours! Lastly, if you have a Stark Trading System experience to share with us please feel free to leave it in a comment below so that others can benefit from your feedback. This concludes our Stark Trading scam review, case closed!

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UK election 2015: David Cameron is ready to rule again

David Cameron's Conservatives party is ready to rule Britain for another five years after having won the UK election 2015.

However, it is certain that they will have to deal with renewed calls for Scottish independence following a boost from nationalists.

Ed Miliband, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, accepted defeat on Friday and stated that he was "deeply sorry" for a "very disappointing and difficult night".

On the other hand, Cameron mentioned that he wished to form a government after having enjoyed a "very strong night".

According to some pollsters, it seemed impossible to rule out an overall Conservative majority and the latest BBC projection suggested that the Conservatives could win up to 325 seats.

In fact, having 323 seats in parliament is enough to lead a majority as four lawmakers from Northern Ireland's Sinn Fein refused to take their places.

Does a Conservative victory mean that Britain is likely to face a historic in-out European Union referendum within two years which is something Cameron had promised to deliver if re-elected? The answer is yes.

A constitutional expert, Professor Vernon Bogdanor mentioned that Cameron would be the first to obtain seats after Margaret Thatcher in 1983.

Ed Miliband, who performed better in the campaign than expected will have to step down in the coming hours.

If the exit poll is right, is this an indication that three of Britain's political parties would soon be looking for a new leader? Well, let’s wait and watch.

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Secret To Success Scam Review. AVOID THIS GARBAGE!!

Posted By Patrol on January 10, 2016

Today we are going to review the Secret To Success Trading software, lots of binary options systems have been released and you might be wondering if this service is legit. Timothy Galvaky, the culprit behind this Secret To Success scam says that you can earn up to 5,000 dollars in just 1 day, can this admirable result be true or another outrageous lie? We have reasons to believe that this signals service is just another money making scheme that is after your hard earned money. You might be really interested into joining this signals service but before you do, please read this scam review.

On the secrettosuccess. co website, you can find endorsements badges from CNN and BBC but if you look for such evidence that they were ever recognized by such websites, you will not find any indications that they were really promoted by such authority blogs. This tells us that their target is to manipulate traders into thinking that they are somewhat legitimate or a big company in this industry, such practices can be found in common binary options scams which is never a good sign. Another fun fact to mention is that this is also not marketed in any other financial websites like they mention on their pitch page.

Can the Secret To Success software be trusted?

Due to many other deceptive tactics we found on the secrettosuccess. co website, we can not recommend that this trading software is legit. Timothy Galvaki is showing no signs social activity, no LinkedIn Profile or Facebook account can be found anywhere on the search engines. Which can lead to the possibility that he is a made up character for the sake of transparency. The profile picture that they portrait in the Secret To Success Scam is also a fake picture gathered from ShutterStock. com . that is not Timothy Galvaki but rather a picture that sells itself for a couple of dollars.

Why would Timothy Galvaki hide his face? If this is a truly a once in a life time opportunity, why is he hiding his identity like the common Scam Artist, not to mention the various of other photos that he also used from other online sources. This is very shady of him because we usually see on trustworthy signals services that they never lie about their representatives or technology companies but it seems that this individual that does not care to lie in order to get more traders join his pyramid scheme.

Does the Secret To Success System Work?

There is absolutely no information on how this trading software works, Timothy Galvaki made no mentions on how such signals service is going to generate all those winning signals, he apparently says that if any trader where to make a losing trade. His company would cover up that lose and fully pay back the money, something that is completely absurd unless their goal is to go bankrupt. The Secret To Success System looks like it doesn’t work at all since it doesn’t use any legitimate trading algorithms, that refers to reading chart patterns or been able to comprehend fundamental analysis but we somehow believe that this fraud has no intentions on making you any profits at all.

Secret To Success Results

We have not seen any results from traders, at least real results because the ones we found on the search engines looked quite generic and spammy. They all came from dodgy sites and forums that were related to promoting pyramid schemes. You usually find real results on videos or from binary options communities but none we ever found. Patrol tried to contact them via Customer Support and we got no answer from support@secrettosuccess. co . we simply asked for results…. by the looks of it, that’s too much to ask.

Conclusion on the Secret To Success Review

We have reached a conclusion on our scam review and our final verdict is that Secret To Success Software is a Scam. Too much lack of information and we can honestly say that there are hundreds of better looking scams that looked way more convincing than this garbage they called “profitable software”. We recommend you to stay as far as possible from anything that Timothy Galvaki promotes because if you invest in this, you will lose your money!!

If you are really interested in trading with profitable signals services, you can visit our Binary Options Signals List and choose your preferred one. Remember to always trade with regulated brokers like StockPair because there are plenty of unregulated brokers that are stealing trader’s money, so watch out and trade Safely!!

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TauriBot - A scam made by geniuses

Most of the people who get into binary options trading have their minds clouded with visions of luxurious life where they will have all the things they ever wanted. This is because the developers of these sites promise you that you will make money with the least amount of effort. minimum risks and maximum profits. Anyone reading or watching this will not hesitate to sigh up right away .

Notatka: A good alternative to this Stark Tauribot scam is the Opcje binarne robota .

If you are one of those people looking to make quick money online. you have probably signed up or are planning to sign up on the TauriBot automated system that was developed by Dr. Steven Archer. You have only heard of only the juicy parts from the developer’s mouth. but you haven’t read reviews of people who have studied the TauriBot software and come up with substantial evidence to prove that it is a scam .

About TauriBot System

The TauriBot trading system is sponsored by the Economic department of the Chicago University. which is headed by Dr. Steven Archer. The developer of the site claims that this is the newest and most innovative approach to binary options trading. It is hard to imagine. but the TauriBot app is developed by a 15 year old boy named Ian Tauraski who people view as a teenager. The TauriBot site is currently looking for beta testers who will be given the system for free. When you create an account. however. you need to deposit $250 in your account to start trading. Since the system is fully automated. you do not need experience as a binary options trader. There are also no downloads needed .

How the TauriBot system contradicts itself

Paying $250 for an account

Po pierwsze, there is no way that you can be made to believe that you are receiving the system for free only to be told to pay later. This is a trick that many scam sites have perfected to make you take steps further and further into their websites until you are completely engrossed and there is no way out. There are many people who can testify to the fact that they were never able to see where their money went because it is automated trading. Although the developer claims that TauriBot system is risk free. there is no way you can be sure about that. You may not know but once you fund a broker account with $ 250, chances are high that you stand a high risk of losing it especially on the TauriBot system’s site. If you look carefully at the reviews found online. you will not miss to find many people complaining about how they lost their money. The truth is. once you deposit your hard earned money into the broker account that will be the last time that you will see it .

No detailed information

You would expect that a binary options trading system developed by a doctor to be full of educational articles and videos but that is not the case for the TauriBot system. It does not offer any real information that can help traders who are new to binary options trading. When you land on the website. you will be met with success rates that belong to other traders but if you are keen. okazuje się, że na koniec dnia, co nie dostaniesz tego rodzaju informacji, które muszą. Istnieje również nie sposób udowodnić, że cena sukcesu są prawdziwe lub po prostu mają zostały odręcznym zwabić początkujących do podpisania. The story about a 15 year old boy is laughable because there is definitely no way someone of that age can come up with something complex like an app. leave alone one for a binary options site. What is even more suspicious is the fact that this software was developed in a university where the youngest people are aged 18 years so how the young boy could have been part of the TauriBot system. makes no sense .

Only works where there is internet connectivity

Most of the binary options trading systems can be used at anytime and anywhere. So it beats logic to find out that the much hyped TauriBot system works only where there is internet connectivity. Since it has been made by a doctor and a genius. they should have come up with a way that can help traders continue trading at all times. This fact alone should discourage you if you want to join because you can be rest assured that if you travel to a place that has no internet connectivity. all your trading plans on the TauriBot system have to be put on hold which will give you losses .

Unrealistic claims

There are claims that you can earn $80,000 tylko w 8 weeks from the TauriBot System with a single click of a button. Anyone who knows how to smell scams from a mile away will know right away that this is just a white lie. It is almost impossible for many people to make more than $1000 a day leave alone $10,000. This is like promising to make you rich overnight from the comfort of you own bed. Rest assured. if there was such a method that could earn one such a huge amount of money. then it would not be made public at all .

Fake Badges

There are some badges such as those of New York Times. CNN and BBC news which the TauriBot system claims to have close associations with but in realty TauriBot is not real. If you try clicking the badges. you will realize that they are not clickable. There is also no trace of news on the TauriBot system in these news sites which simply means that they have just been placed there to confuse you and make you think of it as something that is very big when it actually isn’t .

Why TauriBot system is not good for new traders

The TauriBot system works through automated trading. Many traders especially the new ones may view this as a shortcut for making lots of money but they forget to look at the risks involved in it. Auto trading is a skill that even the seasoned traders take years to perfect in order to develop master trading skills. The TauriBot system’s developer has discovered this as the weakness that many people have and has therefore taken advantage of it to entice you to the TauriBot system. Jeśli nie masz doświadczenia w zasadzie na auto handel, avoid such sites and opt for manual trading which will be easier for you to gain knowledge. experience and understanding of how the binary options trading signals work .


The TauriBot system is a proven scam. Po przeczytaniu tego szczegółowego przeglądu, you will not be in your right mind if you decided to sign up to it. There are many other sites that can give you what you are looking for such as best binary options robots. The truth is nothing that comes easy in life if you do not work hard for it. Binary options trading is not a bad idea at all if you know where to find the right websites that will help you achieve your goals of making money .

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Copyright (c) 1998, C. Heeren, T. Magliery, and L. Pitt. This lesson and supporting materials may be copied for nonprofit educational use only. Part of this lesson was adapted from a freely available sample lesson in Computer Science Unplugged (c) 1998, by Bell, Witten, and Fellows. See http://unplugged. canterbury. ac. nz/ for more information.


All information in a computer is stored and transmitted as sequences of bits, or binary digits. A bit is a single piece of data which can be thought of as either zero or one. This activity demonstrates how sequences of these two symbols can be used to represent any number.


Script for your reference, for guiding children to discover binary numbers.

Powers-of-2 flash cards and 0/1 cards. for each student. Have the students make these as described below.

Large 0/1 flash cards (O on one side, 1 on the other).

Copy of the Secret Numbers worksheet for each student.

Help Cinda Get To School worksheet for each student.

Binary Piano craft worksheets as desired.

Binary magic trick handouts as desired.

Counting to 1023 on Your Fingers worksheets as desired.

Lesson Plan:

The first part of this lesson is a discovery exercise which should stimulate students to learn to count in binary, as well as to reinforce their understanding of place value. You should review the questions in the script before leading the discussion with your students, but don't feel like you have to memorize the whole thing. Keep the script handy! Also note that your discussion will probably not follow the script exactly. It is provided as a guide to help you keep your discussion on track. (The dialogue took place between Rick Garlikov and a class of 3rd graders.)

Explain the motivation for the lesson, and tell the students that we're now going to play some games which will give us practice in writing binary numbers.

Divide students into small groups (optional - this lesson can be done by individuals, pairs or small groups.).

Distribute flash cards, one set to each student or group. The first time you do this lesson you'll have to have the students make their cards. The set should look something like this example: (The large cards are approximately 3in x 4in, and the small squares are 2.5in x 2.5in. Note that the small cards have a zero on one side and a one on the other.)

Have students sort the cards in descending order so that the largest is on the left and the smallest is on the right.

Discussion: "What do you notice about the numbers on the cards?" For the younger kids it is enough for them to notice that 1+1=2, 2+2=4, etc. Middle kids should recognize 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4, etc. High school kids should say something like "powers of 2." They should also note that these are the place values discovered in the preliminary discussion.

More discussion (optional): a. "If I had given you another card, what would it have been?" (32) b. "How many cards would I have given you if the maximum card were 128?" (8)

More optional discussion: Another fun thing to point out is that each card is one more than the sum of all the cards lower than it. For example: 1 + 2 = 3 = 4 - 1, and 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 = 8 - 1. "Without taking the time to add up all the cards, can anyone tell me the sum of all the cards?"

Game #1: Have the students turn over the cards so the numbers are hidden. To reinforce their memory of the different place values call out numbers for them to "find." When they seem to know where all the numbers are, with a playful grin call out a number which they don't have. For example, 3. Some students might point out that they don't have 3, but they do have 1 and 2. Do a couple other sums which involve 2 cards, then move to 3 cards, etc.

Now flip the cards back over so that the number is showing.

Game #2: Call out a number, and have the students place 1s above the cards which sum to that number, and 0s above all other cards. For example, if you say 11, students place 1s above cards 8, 2, and 1, and 0s above 16 and 4. An easy one: 5 (answer 4, 1); harder: 22 (answer 16, 4, 2); last one: 15 (answer 8,4,2,1). If some students find the answers quickly, challenge them to find another solution (they won't be able to do so). Have older kids turn over the flash cards after the first example so they get to practice remembering the values.

Ask if anyone in the class has a system for finding an answer. Upper grades should have done so. Request that a student demonstrate the system to the group quickly. (A good method for doing this is to subtract the largest power of two you can from the original number, then subtract the largest power of two you can from that number, then subtract the largest power of 2 you can from that number, etc. until you get down to zero. For example, 37 - 32 = 5, 5 - 4 = 1, and 1 - 1 = 0. Then, write 1s in the places of the powers of two you subtracted and 0s elsewhere: 37 = 100101.)

Discussion a. "What's the largest number you can get?" (31) b. "What's the smallest number you can get?" (0) c. "Can you do your age?" (Sure, unless you're older than 31!) d. "Can you suggest an impossible number which is between the smallest and largest numbers?"

Explain that since we know the system we're using is binary, the 0s and 1s represent the original number. Older kids should see the binary expansion as a sum of products where the decimal value is equal to the sum of each binary digit multiplied by its corresponding power of 2.

Spend a few minutes reemphasizing the connection between binary numbers to decimal numbers. For example, the decimal value 453 is equal to four 100s plus five 10s plus three 1s. Similarly, the binary value 111000101 is equal to one 256 plus one 128 plus one 64 plus one 4 plus one 1. You may want to point out that just as the place values in the decimal representation are powers of 10, the place values in the binary representation are powers of 2.

Game #3: What number is (binary) 11001? 1011? Try to have the advanced students visualize the cards.

Can we do all numbers up to the maximum discussed above? To answer this question we need 4 volunteers, each of which holds a large 0/1 card. (We won't go all the way to 31. That would take too long. Instead we'll go to 15.) Each of these 4 students represents one of the flash cards used in the earlier exercises. Have the remaining students direct the 4 students to show 0s or 1s, and sit or stand accordingly. Start with 0, all 4 students should show 0s, and be seated. Next do 1, students should show 0001, and the rightmost person should stand up. Then 2 should be 0010, etc. Try to elicit a system for incrementing the numbers. Point out that this system is like adding 1 each time. Younger kids may not see a system.

Discussion: Can all numbers be represented using only 0s and 1s if I gave you enough cards? What's a simple proof of this? (Answer: we can always add 1, so we can start at zero and get up to any number.)


Ones and zeros are not explicitly written on the hard drive or transmitted over the modem. Rather, they are represented by a magnetic orientation of the segments on a hard drive, and by high and low tones in data transmission. Since bits by themselves don't represent much information, they are commonly stored together in groups of size 8 called bytes.

Closing discussion: briefly discuss with the students what number systems would be like for aliens with different numbers of fingers.


Distribute the Secret Numbers worksheet for students to complete. Each student creates a secret number and gives it to a friend to decode. Then the original student checks the decoding and completes the remainder of the worksheet, which also prompts thought about what numbers in base 3 would be like.

The first part of this exercise gives the student the opportunity to demonstrate his/her understanding of the mechanics of changing a number to binary and back again. The second part asks for deeper understanding of the notion of place value.


This lesson extends gracefully into a discussion of bases and number systems. Have the students develop a base 7 number system and practice writing numbers in that system. Compare the number of digits used to represent a number in base 7 with the number of digits used to represent a number in base 2.

Advanced students may be able to prove that a binary representation is unique.

Practice counting to 1023 using only your fingers (up = 1, down = 0). How high can you count if you use your toes as well?

Allow students to discover certain pleasant characteristics of binary numbers. For example, to multiply a binary number by 2, simply add on another 0 in the least significant (rightmost) bit. How can you divide by two? What number is represented by 1? by 11? by 111? by 1111? What is the pattern? What number is represented by 1111111111? Which of these characteristics have analogs in other bases?

What base would an alien use to contact us initially? (Assuming the alien doesn't know that our numeric system is decimal, the alien would use unary (just 1s as a tally of the values).) Suppose the alien counts in base 13. If the it communicated to us in base 13, we wouldn't be able to recognize the values. Higher grade students should be asked to articulate the difference between numbers and their representations.

Have children construct the Binary Piano. or make magic cards for the Binary Magic Card Trick.

Have two students stand apart with 5 chairs between them. Ask one to walk to the other, going left or right around each chair. (See the Help Cinda get to School handout associated with this activity.) How many ways to do this are there? The answer will become more clear if you place a tag on the floor reading "0" to the left of each chair, and reading "1" to the right of each chair, and then ask the children to write down the sequence that they spell out during their walk. How many ways to make a pizza are there, if there are 7 different toppings? (2 7 = 128, since there are two choices for each topping - either put it on, or leave it off). This extends nicely into a lesson on elementary combinatorics: How many ways are there to get dressed if you can choose between 3 pairs of pants, 5 shirts, and 4 pairs of shoes? (3 x 5 x 4).

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NCTM K-4: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13.

NCTM 5-8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

NCTM 9-12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 14.


Problem solving / reasoning / communication / connections

Whole number addition

Multiplication by 2

Place value practice

Pattern recognition


Copyright (c) 1998, C. Heeren, T. Magliery, and L. Pitt. This lesson and supporting materials may be copied for nonprofit educational use only. Part of this lesson was adapted from a freely available sample lesson in Computer Science Unplugged (c) 1998, by Bell, Witten, and Fellows. See http://unplugged. canterbury. ac. nz/ for more information.

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Non-binary: An introduction to another way of thinking about identity

Through all of the public debate this last week arising from some unsavoury journalism, through the progressive blog series on this very website you will notice an absence of one term: non-binary. Can anybody easily tell me what this means? No? I didn’t think so. Don’t worry, that’s ok, I’m here to educate.

I’d like to sit with you and explain with eye contact, anecdotes and genuine sharing what Non-Binary is, but for now I’m going to contend with sharing the facts. They are so unknown I have to use this opportunity to help you understand. Hopefully there will be another time for me to share my own story.

Trans is in fact an umbrella term which incorporates many different identities, including transsexual, transvestites, transgender and non-binary. We are taught that both sex and gender exist within a binary model; male/female or man/woman. When the mainstream media talk about the trans community it is within the confines of these binary identities - “WOMAN BORN A MAN” or something similar.

But, if you start thinking about gender and what it means to move across genders and how we present our gender identity, imagine what it would be like to remove the idea of gender completely – to exist beyond or between the binary.

There is a staggering lack of knowledge amongst the majority of the public on this. I’m not sure if this is because we don’t or can’t allow our minds to wander. Whatever the case, in my role as one of NUS LGBT Officers I spend a lot of time educating and sharing what I know with students. I also do this in the pub, in the shops, in the library, with my friends and even with my family.

Like other trans people, non-binary people sometimes experience a sense of dysphoria (the sense of their body being wrong in terms of sex) but it doesn't necessarily correlate to firm ideas of "male" and "female" in the same way that it does for some trans women and men.

As part of a non-binary identity, gender may be a more fluid concept, so the idea of a "fixed" gender would not be fitting. Because of this fluidity, someone’s identity and how they see themselves in the world might change over time.

If you exist beyond or between the binary of male/female or man/woman, then the use of common pronouns or titles may not feel comfortable for you, (Mr/Miss/he/she). I am a firm believer that while language is sometimes seen as set, it is in fact malleable, and can and should be used to adapt to new identities. In the case of non-binary, it is possible to use Mx or M as a title, and while used sometimes in the plural sense "they" is usually the easiest pronoun to use, while some do choose other pronouns to suit their identity.

As far as I am aware, legally trans people are covered in the sense of existing within the binary or medically transitioning. However the Equality Act doesn’t seem to cover people who are not medically transitioning from one defined gender to another.

We don’t drop bombs, we don’t crash economies, and this education is actually free. But we remain unequal, largely unrecognised, without public debate or widespread recognition. I hope this is one small step to change that, even for a handful of people.

This was a very brief lesson in non-binary and can I just ask you to take the following points home and dare I hope it – share with your friends?

Do not assume you can tell someone’s gender identity just by looking at their gender presentation. In terms of asking an individual about their preferred pronoun, my advice would be to ask everyone within a group their preferred pronoun or ask no one. Choosing an individual whom you read as trans may be isolating and might "out" their trans status without meaning to. If you have questions, try to remember that this isn’t just theory but often someone’s personal life and experience. Invite someone to come and do training in your workplace, college or university. If you are compiling data or creating a form to collect research try to include identities beyond the binary. Options could include male/female/prefer not to say/other.

Sky Yarlett, 23, is one of two NUS LGBT Officers. You can follow both on Twitter as @NUS_LGBT

Where can I find out more information?

Each person’s identity is individual to their experiences but there are lots of resources which can help to provide information and a basic understanding.

Often most helpful is to hear personal experiences.

This is a useful link which provides information and guidance on non-binary:

This is a website in which peoples’ experiences are documented and individuals’ questions can be asked and answered:

This is the "Think Outside The Box" website which provides guidance and examples to including Trans and Non-Binary identities within forms:

This is the NUS LGBT Trans Students guide which provides a brief introduction to Trans and the issues Trans students may face and how to include Trans people within the LGBT society:

› Cameron moves to exclude Farage from the TV debates

The majority of the public isn't aware of the issues around moving beyond gender completely. Photograph: Getty Images

Shameful and shambolic: the worst of Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare legacy

When Iain Duncan Smith – or IDS, as we know him – first took over the reins at the Department for Work and Pensions many believed the failed party leader had finally found his niche. “A round peg in a round hole,” a BBC profile described the newly appointed cabinet minister at the time.

The “Easterhouse epiphany” nearly a decade earlier had framed IDS as having “converted” to fighting for social justice, so moved was he by the poverty he encountered on the Glaswegian estate. Duncan Smith, the Great Social Reformer, his friends declared. And now, 14 years after his epiphany, he is attempting to cement a legacy following a dramatic resignation.

Allies of Duncan Smith have come out in their droves portraying a man with the poor and vulnerable in society at the centre of his heart. But over his five-year “ fiefdom ” (his colleague’s word, not mine) at the DWP, both the policies and rhetoric are at odds with this description.

Sanctions help claimants “focus and get on”, IDS claimed just two weeks ago during a meeting with a councillor in Belsize Park. He didn’t, however, confirm whether those were the claimants his department invented and attempted to pass off as genuine people in the summer of 2015.

Duncan Smith will say that he inherited benefit sanctions from his predecessors. But during his five-year term, the sanctions regime has become increasingly bureaucratic and excessively punitive. Claimants can now have their benefit payments stopped for anything between four and 156 weeks.

While I can’t say I’ve met people who confess a sanction has helped them to “focus and get on”, I have met a man who was forced to walk seven miles to the nearest foodbank for three days’ worth a food. Another who, over the 2014 Christmas period, had to beg on the streets of Manchester city centre and search through bins for food, after being sanctioned. And I was told by an adviser at one emergency food centre that a family, who couldn’t afford nappies for their child, was forced to improvise with a carrier bag and kitchen paper.

Then there’s David Clapson – the man who died 18 days after his benefits were sanctioned.

When his body was found by his sister Gill in July 2013, his fridge was almost bare – and because his electricity had been cut off it was useless for storing the insulin that he needed. He had just £3.44 in the bank and 5p credit on his phone. The 59-year-old former Lance Corporal died of diabetic ketoacidosis just two weeks after Job Centre staff stopped his benefits for missing two appointments. Close to his body his sister found a pile of printed CVs.

Just two weeks ago his grieving sister carried a banner to the DWP headquarters. engraved with the names of 96 people she claims to have died while on a benefit sanction. In her opinion, she told me. the sanction her brother received was a “death sentence”.

His story is not uncommon.

We’re also aware of the peer reviews the Department has undertaken. A Freedom of Information request, in 2015, revealed that 60 reviews following the death of a claimant had been carried out. A peer review, according to the DWP guidance for employees, must be undertaken when suicide is associated with DWP activity to ensure that any DWP action or involvement with the person was appropriate and procedurally correct.

Duncan Smith’s personal vanity project, Universal Credit, has also been delayed at every corner. It is the legacy he wanted to secure at the helm of the DWP, but never achieved. A policy that was supposed to have been rolled out in October 2013 and three years later, fewer than 200,000 are on its register. The latest guesstimate is now autumn 2021 – though, with his resignation, the political willpower to proceed with Whitehall’s IT nightmare could well be fading.

His Department’s removal of the spare-room subsidy – more commonly referred to as the Bedroom Tax – has caused misery for vulnerable people across the country. On the last day of parliament before the Christmas recess, the DWP quietly published, alongside 380 other government documents, an assessment of the Bedroom Tax. It found the central aim of the policy, which is to get claimants to move to smaller residences if they have an unoccupied bedroom in their home, had largely failed. Only one in ten had escaped the Bedroom Tax by moving to a smaller property.

The study added that three-quarters of the people affected had said they had cut back on food, 46 per cent had cut back on heating, 33 per cent on travel and 42 per cent on leisure.

But the most damaging legacy will be the rhetoric espoused by the Department during IDS’s tenure. Speaking last month at the Centre for Social Justice, a London-based think-tank he co-founded, he said Labour’s legacy of benefits “ entrapped individuals. and created a growing underclass”. He added that his benefits cap “said the welfare system is not a bottomless pit of cash. the system was there to help if you need it, but we would not tolerate excessiveness from those who wanted to take advantage.”

This “ work-shy ” fallacy, the myth of the scrounger, the epidemic of the so-called welfare dependent, seems to have informed and laid the foundations for a whole raft of policies at the Department for Work and Pensions. It is the idea that there are thousands of lazy, feckless people who have one intention: to sponge off state hand-outs from the comfort of their living room sofa.

DWP advertising campaigns, promoting their telephone hotline and encouraging members of the public to report suspected benefit “ cheats ” have fostered a climate of hostility between neighbours: where people on the same street are made to feel a degree of patriotism if they peak through their curtain windows to find the next benefits fraudster.

“I will not be shedding any tears for the evangelical, aggressive and routinely failing welfare reforms that were the personal fiefdom of the Secretary of State for the DWP,” said the Conservative MP Stephen McPartland, shortly after Duncan Smith handed in his resignation on Friday evening. My feeling is that many people across the country, and those on the Glaswegian estate where IDS first had his epiphany, will share McPartland’s sentiments.

Ashley Cowburn writes about politics and is the winner of the Anthony Howard Award 2014. He tweets @ashcowburn

Good journalism is expensive.

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